The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-17, Page 16ti II r r • WOOmiespAYe NOV T �. Robb of Wm Elaine Rolk -daughter of Mrs. Harvey underwent surgery in Wingham.; and. District Hospital on Novem- ber 5 Elaine ,s attending: Teach- er's College in, Stratford, THAT a ground hog was seen by an Ashfield township farmer out eating grass on .the farm of Russell Irvin on Friday, Novem- ber 5th,. Some would have us be- lieve that this was the sign .of an.. open Fan, andwe .hope that this proves correct. THAT Fred Riley of Luclmow `has been awarded the booth maces- entinel f -Mr Ctrs, tome Cook Of Ash'' Odd wand*. winner of $1.O0 last:.. Week in the '.easy cash ",game, a; tannation. of MR's. Red and : THAT Constable. James Hackett and Mrs,' eett .have mowed to B. Newfoundland, about 30a: tSL /where they,' have been ring; Jim is o'' ;neither of the .Royal: (radian. Mounted Police, He irs the* at Mr: 'and . Mrs,. ' ett et t• skin at the LiCknow arena for the winter season Mr, arid' Mrs, Riley also mated the comes- ' sion last year; THAT someone left a pair of new men'swork gloveswrapped in a parcel' when they were at The Sentinel office last ;week. The parcel is here and may be picked up by the owner; • THAT Peter G. Moffat„ 26 -year-old resident of Halyrood underwent surgery • Friday at Wingham. Hospital. He is prong quite satisfactorily. • MT. since last week's article about the selling of the log house oai, the Allan MacIntYle farm. at Rapid City, We have learned that Yr. .and Mrs Charlie Thom- �. resided about ' Thom- son there • from. 1926 to 1945 THAT ' a very thoughtful gesture was perfoo'med by ;ss Mina Graham .of CL7licothe, . Ohio, a, few months -ago, The old, sheet iron tombstone; in South Kinloss Cemetery at the grave of the Rev.. Alex. MacKenzie had be- come • rusted with age. Miss Graham, replaced the old: tomb: stone with a new .grave, marker and by thiscact the record of this pioneer minister will net be lost to the listoric' SouthKuhns. THAT Yr: and Yrs, A IL Wraight ' left for Florida • ias't week where they spend the winter.. THAT Mr:• and Mrs. "WM. Port- eous left on Wednesday of last week for Sarnia where they visited with their • daughter. ' Mrs. Robert Hal! and Mr. Hall and on Thurs day :left, for Day= tuna Beach,• Florida, where they will spend the winter. .t you're ciii` in lids . underwear, better South .figtrs Thm=piz.: . , ets E ctsz�`"" = 62,50 3;7," your S_ -- .,:. cr 7. 1 .. iw.�. • ;+� ••}. n.4.. 7►.Y�'rs"f'S'�1��"'y! NFIELO'S amel Nieses '",eau --- tmakabir P'HONE 525-23.2$ AANDItr ice :(=O 194 FOOD VAIUES HUTS.11 on. •CatSINP IT'S QUICK Kraft _ AA• TO Pc 37c SAVE TO 17c. des 49c 3AXE To Ise 79c REPEAT WINNER PilsbiffY Calve TENDERFL.AICE' Pure Lan SAW ,' TO ,.lc 49c AYLMER BEANS' WITH POR. K 2.'This'V0r4vc';uei. BRING THIS AD WITH YOU AND SAVE MONEY-. M•i••••o•a•n•••waa••ss•••l••a••••a•a• � !.. 24c;*WITH' ';3�N 'CASH PURCHASE • SAVE �I•• For • • • edill 0at.4,i:11111i1.•:ri= .0i111i11111ai::•110i 111n.111aM Na...SELL. FOR 'LESS VALUES EFFECTIVE PNONE:' 3s NOVEMBER M w v •a THAT, Mug Jo/ = and `Donald 'F' of Disc are playing Junior:Bhockey with' Goderirh this . Tear - THAT members' •of the `, Lucknow lila `s, : Irmritonte hare into- diced a novel money -making FroJect that is clotke Seasonal-- They are selling a diogs and if, you are in the mmicet fir homemade Pudding, contact the l an THAT .a Cribbed State w 4th &daft. take keg to reams aa:' Ila''we The boon ww•r$ fr'ot. F - . gen, tin November''72th and landed on the fariEll of "Russ Rte, on the 2ad of Irmioss lay. nom the ..mme day, November• THAT ,meria manager Fklyd Wile has started to ramie ice in Idiot,. while. mostpeoee were esie tl!•'• TWl gtieCaoadaioe- Fg beams c eeat 'a to ,n e that ,. , yang . . • who presented";the • rit nal,- with their. • awasds ' war. Law-rere •Bower; ofMrs. G:A_ Bina of KLake :and• w m c; i t to' many in • this conTrrcoma as' a .5 r-: :a {frequent wf ..girmaporest.si- - a George Bower who wed w% street.' a ,are neighboritS across ' the 'and although ace were, 'of Lmmte=s 'whereabox • "noir that as a rglac.an .a .actor, Y . wig te,an .somas m ' ereete. p local'aceint and it . is ham to Ahave to %ce•arallable as quickly pemble_ The Corlhig :Club is advertising their- first warkoits fora week f it:let. ifoE yr • 25th and ate ancesOus that make' ' take the brace.' fi& Inniactiort for rsw be given at7"p and all , would be new isalers a e:Zi_ The mrd " i E be free to•, near STRAWBERRIES PICKED • FROM LUCKNOw PATCH .• "'km' Wherry erne atthe i ti nf and Mirs, Ted MoClien of , rte., Mts. MrCliveramp ' ed half a .drain from their*. h ' . ' ries fay Th., the seated time week tile, berries wee Mccemagbas par= Imbrue to are optimistiread- ers e� w ENGAGEMENTS t• MacDawa!id ' Detort Yr.. Mrs:. R R.R. 7 Lilo. a y t MT tilde damighCEr ' • .Kathieemir to Mr.. Js: • '! E,:�► :booed ; sant01 Mr •-ere: t• Perms' MacDonald' 0 L-_ The marriage nal tak._:! Saturday, at St, olgook noon.. iliarphet Ram• aMs..31r y, aid 3% Morrlyn car, Lloyd .e: tStehlo- Nas er.s®of Mr.. igng w 'take 1 Norman jokwatine, r,t1 Mr - .d .tom,_ - .. . ";a w d �e� R: o, Morph*, Ptrie moat.0 attettig1, Dcana r Arai* J t '1 "Tb" imardige wit take age Decesibre