The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-17, Page 3as dna as lER, iEW, MR. OISDAY... NV& - ••a .01004, 4 •,.4.1/4 .•,•z ---'w 4 LUCKNOW LUCKNOW, 00.1**M.0," Pio. Maga .11 4. OF! rs. Lome Cooke R.R.3 Lucknow ono_ OPIPIE _WW,emu. • •111111, Pim* anis. • 111.111.16 0111.6" 4.11' BONELESS. Stewing Beef „• 59c • Chicken Oven Ready FOR FRYING AND ROASTING GRADE A -.TENDER — JUICY 3-31/2 LB. AVERAGE 35c lb. • WholeChicken Quartered "Chicken -in -a -basket" 39c lb. "• 'AUNT SAVE 111e, I ,BAG histant Cf)ffee MASE & SAN BORNE, SAVE 31c, PACK; ir*. JAR Atst. : .DrinlcS ALLEN'S,' 4.111 JIILO Pork :1i a ns OE: •TINS.' . • . Gee. Mhtei . • „ • ...L.,BuRir;. SAVE 41e • *On Win IN • 79c 95c k OFF 79c • CRISP BRIGHT RED McINTOSH, • FANCY 6 QT. BASKET • , , • • Peanut Butter 61c KRAFT, SAVE .12c, 2i c. SMOOTH • lb. 53c e Juice 3-89c SAVE lSc, 41 oz. SCOTJAN. GOLD . • . JeIIy Desserts 3-31c LUSHUS, SAVE le, 3 . . . Liquid .Detergent MIR,' BUY j• GET 1:FREE, SAVE 12c • . PACK, ;24 cra. • • Liq, . Bleach . 44c ..JAVEX, SAVE' Sc., 64 oz. • RED & WHITE EASY CASII GANIE OVER $600,000 IN CASH PRIZES om $i.00 to $1,000.00 - EVERYONE WINS Get your FREE Easy Cash Card Today II's Red and ite opt! Store • , PHONE 528-3001 FEE DELIVERY • • . Local and General .• . GOO. Cardss day , with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd of Grand Prair' ie, Albertaa, ' and Jim Moffat of Holyrod, spent $un-, ,, ..-:„---,,,.,,,,.... •,,, -.......-4,...7...„.. Moffat and family of Lucknow, . ,..,,,,,,,....t•z-r.kr,4.1,-,-_,:.::: ,‘„,,,:, IMr, and Mrs. Nelson ssarI-Juard I wFeergusre inon.Goderich Saturday evening i !visiting Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Harold 1 • Joe Conley returned to his 'home in, Lucknow on Friday, November 5th, after being hospitalized in London -for six weeks. ' Mr. •and Md. Rae ' Watson - or Lcindon, 'formerly' .of LucknOW, i...'.' .turned to . their home about a IL month,. ago „after taking a three7 and-lialf week trip to . England, Scotland; Ireland and 'Wales. • Bill Helm returned to his home at Zion. last Sunday after being hospitalized in Winghans for fif- . . • SBYTINEL n days.,. P. M. Johnston spent a few • ' , ' '' ' • • days last /week , in Torontowith the youngsters. •• his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Snelgrove, and his son ' Mr. and Mrs' William McInnes' Rennie Niro, Donald Jehnstee. , • ... :and mDethaiannese, -, TLeesaehawaZirisanitedd Mrssat: Mr. and Mrs. Frank . MacKen- i urday evening in Kincardine . With zee • and sons .-Scott, • Ken and Mr. and Mrs. Lawence Fry., • ' Bruce have returned to their home . Little Lisa .Collins. is spending a in Edmonton., Mrs.. MacKenzie few weeks with Mr ' And . Mrs. and boys visited in • Lucknow 'Frank Curriewhileher grandpar- ' with ' her mother •Mrs - Harold ents are on a western trip:, Treleaven for • six weeks while ; Mr And Mrs. Leonard Smith of -1 Mr: MacKenzie .was. on an assign-Ecolliniwood .spent .Saturday :with... went at Sarnia- '•' Mr. and. Mrs. Don McCosh , • Mrs. Min MacLennan •of London ' Sympathy is extended ' to the • . was a caller in town one day last family of the late Robert.' Stephen - week :. . ' . .. •• !ion, who passed away on Friday Recent visitors with ' Mrs. Earl in Kincardine • GeneralHospital. Wightman and Harvey . and Mr. 1.- A few , of the ladies , from here ' Wightman who is . a patient in • took part in. a quilting bee •in St. •' . •• • ' . - Winghain Hospital were Mrs. A. Andrews Church Hall m Ripley on McKellar of Freeland; Mielsigan Tuesday. \ 1 and Elvin Wightman of Niagara'? visiting on Saturday ;:ith Mr,. . . . Falls. Elvin, who is a chemical 1 and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mr. • and engineer with Cyanamid -of Can- Mrs. - Gordon Patterson, and Mr. ada, flew on • Sunday . to New Or -11, and Mrs Walter Forster,. • were leans where he will open a new Bar. and :Mrs. -Sydney Westan of. 'plant for the company., He Will [ Willowdale.: .. •,, ' - • • spend a . few months there, • I • Miss Margaret ..Mr.• .and . Mrs. Eng__e Freeman__ !Laeknow'spentobe afew wdays n this • of Chatham, Mr And. Mrs. Wilbur week with Mr. and Mrs: Don Rob- Moran and family, Mr And Mrs. ertson. .. • . Alvin Moran and Miss Pat Allin 1 Back to their farm on ,the 'tenth .. . all • of London, visited -Mr- 'and 1. for Ake., day Wednesday. were Mr. • ' Mrs- Frank Moran and attended r and Mrs.. Peter •Leeson of Arva. the funeral .. of their aunt . Mrs: i - Mrs.- William Arnold, • Mr. and I. Quigley. Eldon 'McNamara of • De- Imrs. Don mecoah• and Dick were 1 troit also attended the funeral of b Visitors 'with Mr. •and Mrs: Tom • , • his sister , Mrs. Austin • Qwgley ofi Walsh of Kincardine Thursday. Goderichrection epwas''held last'Sat-.I Ma4r. eat°ndt,1•1eMPrsa..ssinDgonof Robertson urday A• urday •night in the Luclmow •Leg- !. spent Sunday in Guelph. . .. km Hall for Mr. and -Mrs.. Frank ; Mrs.. . Gordon McDonald and •:-,- Stott. MrsScott was -fotnierly girls visited on ' Thursday with . . t.. myths' - Clayton' 'of Olivet. . Mr. and • Mrs. Fred GiIhrisi- Mrs. James MacDonald, of Luck- ' ....,„„,,,,......,„....: now Visited on Sunday with . her ; 1 ••• •• , daughter Mrs. •Robert. Scott and '' g. . . Lucknow Mr. Scott' at Ashfield. 't, 1... .. . • , __, •, _ •niinCNRor. LnIsanadi.oe.1111.t'hoSimpdite.,arl.weonat. ..irus.1111ther, surgery '11,1 flic :. sts.e:-* sr: Roderick rigaella7d A %Presbyterian Church Garnet, Henderson, Luclmisw '.v 1 • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21st DIED II4 THE wEsi „... , f I . .. : • ,, .• ' • ' ' '' 7-1 e • 1000 a.m. Sunday School • John MacLeod of Spears,•Saskat- Worship . • • chewan passed away at•North Bat- '1. '1• 4°I) • am; M°rIsing . w ' 1 • ' tleford hospital on November 3rd ' I ' 4.,. , . , • in, his 82nd year He leayes to't mourn .his . passing, . his. wife, • .......0.,...........0.0.~.~.................,•,... At THE- LUCKNOW Florence E. MacLeod; three sons,. Leonard; Allan and Eldon; two, brothers, .Fred. of. Detroit;' Alex of Lucknow and one ',sister, Clara, Mrs. Harry Nixon of. Lucknow. Mr. MacLeod .wasborn 10S..5 but haS made his ,home' in the west for the '.past sixty-five years. ' PURPLE GROVE •• Mr. and Mrs.. Alf Herbert,' Wen- dy and Karen Jones of Weston r were visitors with Mr ,;and Mri. • Frank 'Currie and gir' ls. PAS will be pleased to heat- tSat Margie Collins is feeling bet- ter and • returned • to school this week. • Mrs. Don Dore, and Franjue, visited Mr ,and Mrs. Claude Dore • of Bervie On Wednesday. . Observed Eighth Birthday. Wray Thompson' celebrated his • eighth birthday on Remembrance' Day. His pests for the day were Dianne Dore, Teetwate.r4 Kenny and Carol Rule, Bervie,; Margie • Cans, Cathie and Vickie Dore: * Fun :and games were enjoyed by . LucKNow UNITED CHURCH Rev. Howard W. Straws, Minister ' SUNDAY, ,NOVEMBER 10:00 a.in. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.- Morning Worship' "Dreams”. t The Junior Choir. ' ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN • CHURCH • • . . • . • • •' • . , • • - •• • A . • tAli. 4.14 .611 4110111110111etV4111.116.14:401141PM, 11 1 I lig*: gir Twenty-ihird Sunday After Trinity , Church SOool 10:15 a.m.. Morn ing Prayer 11:15 aan., Rev. Stanley E. Jay, B.A., B.D. • Rete .• . ) ' • • . • • •' ,•• .21 7 •• • ,. • • ..-44,11.1 • , • . • •