The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-10, Page 13E AY, MOV. _ 1:NIy, Olds' ir and Acheson RTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS ;r none .SS Kincardrn. R: THE LUCKNOW "':SENTINEL, LUCKNAW, . ONTARIO .RD OF THANKS PAill TNLRTI01. D OF THANKS I would like ,to thank everyone I would like to thank au who for their cards, and letters and have sent OW; pla�tts; cards all the .help they have given in •treats while I was in. hospital, at our home while I was in hospital. 'Wingham and twice at Victoria These kindnesses are very much Hospital, London. A special appreciated thanks to those whohave taken Mrs. Frank Pentland ..rea a of'our three small sons, ' . Thanks also to those who have offered help m any way. These actspredateofed,kindness are greatly ap- , - ' Mrs Keith Cranston qui I's !ck s, s; °biles nd Ma i; .J 250;: flay :r• .M. HARPER gHARTERED • ACCOUNTANT a 91 South . Street. , Godcrch.' -Telephone 524-7.562 .JOHNSTONE'$. FUNERAL HOME . .Miler" and• convenient - 'Phone 5344Q13 Day or• Night , ' • $erring. All • Failhs Mpidhg 'to Their: Wishss `IYloderata Pries EstabUShW 1x'14` • D -C.,. 'Sp C- Chiropraelo': . o 'and' :. Electro Therapist ' ' Phone 33743510 located:. on ;John St.:..West, to.'Toronto Dominion Bank) FS 'SETS D• INSURANCE pIRE,"WIND, •CASUALTY: AUTOMOBILE -and LIFE To Protect Your Jack, 'Insure With Jack Today. A. McDONAGH luctnow, ;Phone R.W. ANDREW' Barrister.. and • Solicitorr LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Oiheoin the ' Joynt. `Block Telephone':, Lucknow 528-3116 CRAWFORD as - . SHEPHERD J.:. H. CRAWFORD, .O.C. N. A. SHEPHERD Wingham and Ludaovrr IN LUCKNOW DNESDAY 11 a.m. to 1 p.n.. Located in Kilpatrick Block Phone Wifgharn 3S7�i30 •Ren. 357-2330 IMPERIAL 011 PRODUCTS • for prompt' service, and *MY produc* Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM. Phone Coilect Du+9ar non 529-7S24 Always Look To IImperial. For The Best".. !mums, %Lome q Patrick Street W. 357-1282 R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST VEXT • TO LYCEUM. THEATRE. " wuNG.• HAM . PHONE •357-1111 • We wish to ex ress' our thanks to the .many • people who . sent Rod Mae.K _c•ie of Port Port Albe_t wishes' to exJ. ess . his thanks ' to the Luck ew Fire Department for their prompt action at .the timeof their chimney fire. Special thanks to . Henry Drennan who was pass- ing by and reported the .fire. Wingham Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES OEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and. Save Bus.. Ph. '357.1!1• Res. Ph. 357-101S Haddens Studio PORTRAITS Weddings. and Children ODDER ICH, ONTARIO. 118' St. David . Street Dial' •4-8787. floral tributes and expressions' of empathy in the loss of'. our . be- loved son and brother. We . also wish to thankour many :wonder- ful : friends and. neighbours for their many acts 'of kindness dur- ing this time. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin, and his staff; The Lucknow '':;Sentinel staff and St. Peters Ladies Guild. This kindness will ` always . be remembered. Mr .and Airs. Richard Mc- Quiuin' and family WHITECHURc'H Mr, and Mrs. Norman Coultes TM. Sunday attended the christen- ing . at Si. George Anglican Church of Judith Nadine daughter of. Mr. and ills. Kenneth: •' Coultes of , Toronto Attend Funeral In Toronto Mr .and Mrs. , Dawson Craig ac- Icompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Hall of • Wingham t� ` Toronto .on Thursday where they attended .the • funeral' • of :"their aunt :Mrs. Ar-, ' thur.:Craig the former Jean Mullen who passed away in Western %Hos nital.. , She leaves ' to mourn her loss: a daughter .Pearl (mss. 'Hank, Courtney Toronto),, a. son John's of Oakville; . The late Arthur '. Craig and Jack Craig • were brothers The late. .Mrs. Arthur Craig may- be may be remembered,bysome of the 1 comimunity as they frequently visited •at t'+e Craig home .during. summer holidays . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Russel Alton' and Elmer Alton were Sunday .visitors with Mr.: and 'Mia.: Wesley Tiffin. Day .or .Night . Mr. and` Mrs: Ross Smith, Cathy MacKenzie Memorial Chapel ,FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according; to your • wishes,' at your /Home, your.' Church, or :at our 'Mem- orial Chapel, at no additional. charge: , Lucknow,' Phoire. 528-3132 and Bradley of Toronto we day visitors with her parents Mr. I and ' Mrs..: Russel Chapman.'" Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce, Mrs. Orville: Tiffin, 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex Butler of Gcderich' Mr , ad Mrs: Jim were Sunday ' visitors with Mr., and Mrs.: Tom McInnes of Gor- rie. . We 'are pleased to report that. Charles Martin is convalescing ' at, • KJ J. MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY' WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley,' 96-r-2-1 for appointment. R.W. BELL - OPTOMETRIST' GODERICH F T. Armstrong Consulting • Optometrist The Square • • (Phone JAckson 4-7661) • Over 14,000 covered, Claims Paid - $180,000. IN MEMORIAM MCNALL in loving memory oI` a dear brother Thomas Clifford McNeil, who passed. away one year ago, November 13th, 1964, One long finely year has passed, The ' annual.meeting of Bruce Since a " great sorrow.fell, Co-operative Medical Services was The shock we received that day, held on Friday, October 8th, in Will always with us dwell. ited Church at 800, Everything goes wrong, '. the AssemblyHall of PaisleyUn- we are sad and lonely, m. 175 members and visitors were present. The - president, Mr. Car1We seem to hear him whisper, Cheer up and carry on.. Litt of Walkerton,. was 'chairman ' Each time we see. his photo; He seems to. smile' and say, Don't ,cr`y. -I'm only sleeping,; We'll meet again some day:" Lovingly remembered and sad- lyV mssed by gsiers and ' brothers. and . welcomed . the : members and. 1 visitors., 1 Mr, W. G Nicholson, of Port El: El- i gin,: a Charter Board member; I in giving t h . director's ' „report pointed out that Bruce Co-opera- tive 'Medical Services n o w has 'MALL — in loving memory of over 4000' members, which includ a . dear son, Thomas. Clifford Me - mg dependents . ,cover over 14,000 1 Nan who. passed away one'year persons. He also reported that the r ago, November 13th, 1964; Co-operative paid over 0180,000.00. befo3�e, Y. we wished 1 in claims for .members of the Co- be operative. ' 'He stated that the Co- operative has :' over 079,000:00 in man ' ears 'more reserves..T h e Co-operative also Y y your memory has over $165,000.00 'in invest But :in our hearts ments and of this amount over is kept; meek® is in Co-operative , . in- To love, et cherish and never vestments and. the balance in:Go- forget, : vernment and : Geyer neat Guar Days of sadness ` still,. come o'er „anteed 'Bonds.. In . 'closing he as- e f i t e . members . that the Tears hof silence often: flow, For memory keeps .'you ever near board at � a' 11 times' desired ' to • � us, . make available the best : possible = . health services.'to the members.. Though you died. one year ago � . The 'mager ave the financial' isite ngly remembered, sadly g missed by . m�ther and dad Mr. statement a n d ' auditors reporti and Mrs. Robert McNall which showed.the Co-operative . in a sound financial position • In Ids ' ALTON in loving ing . his report the Manager. Stat " memory . of °ed that a plan' had; been • provided Arnold Alton who passed • away for ;:the wards of the Chuldren's two years ago, November.12th, Aid Society of Bruce County He ' A1lth • Althougti we smile and make no stated that the new; office build- . l ing has file." a pleasure and sat ,fuss; No one misses � him .more. than us. isfaction, :to work ~ in, as well, as. And when , old ;tines we: oft re making' possible•. ti,e : providing of . more convenient a n d efficient n services to .memb'. • �.It s then we miss him most.of'.all. i Ever . remembered and sadly .. i There have been increases'm missed enrolment' in pay roll and i ssed' by "anther, Dad, Franc group: and Loreen. the staffs of pub 1'i c ' and high. school groups: i Day Committee w a s asked ,to - At September 1, 1965,the age' look' into holding this year's meet- has' eethas' been raised from 19 . to 21 . ing ° with Bruce and Perth • Coun- years for unmarried, • unemployed Due to lack of interest it ' was dependents to be in line with the decided to disband' the `choir for lnew regulation of the Ontario Hos- this year with hopes that; .it can pita! . Services Commission be started again m a .year. or A new three .1) air t premium so S i n'c e curling, is becoming structure was. introduced' at June , ,quite popular, a committee . coa- 1, 1965, silting, . 'of' ,Donald +McKercher, The following directors were ' el- Murray Hoover and Bill . "Camp- acted: for a three year term: Don- bel : was set up to , investigate aid : McKinnon, Paisley;',A J l a n 'tke, possibilities of.holding a' cur-. Howe, Wiarton;, Clarence' Nixon, ling. bonspiel ' Lion's Head. Wellington Camp- Don McKercher . reported : that_ bell, Cincardine. ' :plans were almost complete for An open discussion by the .mein- I the holding of a New Year's Eve and Ic a McInnes• the home. of . his daughter Mrs. Cameron Simmons.: and Mr; Sim- mons after his ` ' discharge from Victoria Hospital London. On 'Sun- day he ; accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Simmons and visited with . Mr. sad Sire. Elroy Laidlaw and tam ily and . Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Sc!iol- 3ttz , and returned • to London again.: 1 Russel .Moore of Preston is vis- itin with his -father Arthur Moore g ••••••••••••-••••••••••-- and Joining the others from Pres - TED COLLYER ton in the, hunt.' Regis! : Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Speclal�g Electric .Heating, Electric- Wiring and Repairs All Electrical Appliances. Lucknow Phone 52$$182' GavilIerMcIn10shMcIntosh 1 and Ward,_ Read.. For. Sale . Of y Christmas •TB Seals The regular meeting of the Hur �n County Tuberculosis ncia- tion was held in the Town Hall. .Seaforth, 'Tuesday evening of .hast week.. in charge of president G. s.A. Watt. i . Miss Louis Robertson; Educa- 1 tion chairman, 'reported that the Isecretary had 'attended 16 Faire with educational materials. From is had been this venture . educational received f o r other ' materials .from a. numbertea- , m chers a n d nursing for Huron and Perth Rem . speakers on ttiber�culosis have' al- so been recei eti, The H u re n; ' County Chapter of the Registered Nurseaoi Ontario will have Dr. „T. 13. Robinson, Medical Director of Beck Memorral Sanitorium, at CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, • J. E. Kennedy; C.A. opposite post, .Office phone ' 1.371 .' 1iValkerton bets w.a's followed :by a'. social hour. 1 Jtt, FARMERS SELL Y3$ SLOW;i u Dance ' and . hoped : to . have :: the place decided upon by the ';next meeting. The , next meeting will be held on Wednesday,.: • October MOVIN' VEHICLE. SIGNS • ; woos N 00000No •' The. Huron .Coon!. Junior Far= : mers held . their regular ;meeting in the Department of : Agricultur- al Board Rooms,. Clinton, on Wed- nesday,' September '29th, with the vice-president Bob: .Fotheringliam [acting as chairman and twenty" members answeringthe. roll. call ' Don. Pullen gave the treasurer's ; report 'and .also reported that• 138 ISlow Moves' ' Vehicle Signs had been' sold so far.. Donald Young, chairman of the. Public Speaking and ':debating committee, asked that Warnes be sUbinit ed : to him immediately ,for anyone wishing to enter on • the County ' debating team, Maurice Love reoorted on the exchange visit the County en- 1'iyed by spending a week -end 'in Essex County . with Junior. Farm- er members, He also reported that an Effective Speaking Course. would be held again this year ° from December. Iith-21st near To- Tonto and hoped the County would leave • a delegate.The Leadership their •we'Tuberculosis"aker on 'Tuberculosis" I at, an October dinner, meeting. T h e rehabilitation chairman, William Elston.; said financial as- sistance had been given to an ex: patient of the Sanatorium: E. i E. Walker ,gave the ` Case ' Find-. ing report,stating that all'. em p%S yof the new Maitland Man- , or Nursing 'Home, Goderir.h, had been. X-r ayed.. ' Tb"m i gs are in readiness for the ' Christma9 Seal Sale, which be- gins in 'November,. with Madame Vanier as Honorary Patton, ac- cording W• C. e chairman •; of the Seal ' Sale: com- 'mitten rding to Mrs.D " C Co FOR SALE Bargain • priced ' 6 room con(- pletely up to date home with all. modern conveniences sit- uated ,on a landscaped lot' close to 'schools,: churches, etc. Fun price $9,990. A modest down -4 payment. and the balance to be + repaid interest only. • .i Lu on, a double lot.' Full asking price only'*000, .with a_,:dower payment of ` $ 2.500' and easy* terms. 7► Investment ?o " A large p *strip at' land measuring ap- proximately 760' x 525'' suitable for' developing into .antiage sites_ .This property* is located at ' Lake 'Huron . Asking' .price Nis „Sri.t'00 , but. owner has in,, . stnlcted' us to submit all offers. 4 s Sacrifice 100. acne highway farm ood set of farm Initial... - 1 t.ings.,e� ated' dose to stun ping facdnties.: The full .=twig • price is a mere :• 110,900. ' DON HOLST• .� Realtor GERALD WALTER Lucknow !:orae, up to date with: "iodate ` . conveniences located • Representalhre yyy�yy, WINGHAM, PHONE 35?" iii •