The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-10, Page 8PAG* mow THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, t.UCKNOT /0 ONTARIO 1 FORD, 4 Door Automatic. Transmission. CHEV, Sdan, Automatic 1 PONTIAC • ,I.AURENTIAN,;.6 Cylinder, tnisslon L9 MERCURY, 2 Door Hardtop 1,64 COMET, 2- Door Hardtop, *Si •Automatic Transmission. 1961.FORD, Custom 2 -Doer 1963 FORD, 6 Cylinder �.. ,, ,d ' 113• PONTransmission ��RTOCHIEF, 4 Door,.6 Cylinder; Automatic • a f1, Trans- 1962 FORD, Galaxies 4•Door . ' 1961 FORD STATIONWAGON, 4 . Dom, • V- Automatic. Trinsinission .; 1961 ' CHEV, . 4 Doo; Stations/awn 1961, CHEV, 2 -Door 1964 CHEV, 4 ' Door,,, 6 Cylinder Auto natio.' Tran,missioe 1!69 CHEV, 4 -Doer, Standard Transmission 1939 PONTIAC LAURENTIANi' 4 -Door 1951 PONTIAC, 4 D00 r, if .Cyl nde'e stationwagon. 193$ CHEV, ..4 -Door 115 - PONTIAC, 4 -Door Hardtop ` .. 1911. :CHEV, 1 Ton 1. 1C y ESE Presbyterian W.M.S. The November meeting of the W;MsS: was held :on Nov_ 3rd in the Sunday School R00111 of the heli. Mrs* Jas. Little was ' in the chair land ` opened; with invo- cation nvocation and prayer: Scripture. Reading ' by 'Mrs_ ' Ken Chester; was followed by the Blble Medi- tation by Mrs. C. Cook, • which was taken from 23 chapter of Job: Prayers were .given ; by Mrs P. Stewart; Mrs_ H. Nixon and Mas_ W. " Simpson. Two ` Letters . Fere read, • by the Secretary: It was de- cided to :hold the winter 'meetings. at 2:30 o'clock Therewas no other business. We were •honored; by having our returned mission ones -Travelogue Given By Mrs. Houston Unit 3 of the Lucknow U.C,W. W, DNESPAY, :NQV*: 111I0)r. 1l$S met in the church for the Novem ber meeting This was a pat luck supper • followed by the regular: meeting. The leader opened the Meeting with reading a pP�B entitled `E an unusual travelogue" in keeping with the pictures that followed. Prayer was offered • by the leader. Mrs. Richards read ..the Scripture lesson: Psalm 91. Mrs. N. J' McKenzie reported for stewardship, The roll' call was an. swered by the first church I at- tended. ttended.. . Mrs H.. Houston gave a travel- ogue . and `showed pictures of her j trip : abroad which, all enjoyed very much, lira. Irwin favoured, with violin selections. The meeting;. closed with the ' mizpah benedic- tion. enediction: St. Paters ' W.A. The -November 'meeting:of St. j, Peter's W.A. was held. Tuesday, evening; . November, 2nd in the Parish Hall., The meeting opened. with the W.A. Hymn "The Love of' Christ • Constrain' ell)," the W.A.. prayer and the Lords. Prayer in unison. , Mrs. Durgin • gave . the prayer.. partners : `prayer::. The scripture was . read $ by • Mrs. Fred. McQnill n from 'Mar Res- ponse to -God" book takga from Hebrews .11 1-10Mrs. Jay gave the Meditation from. the Living `' Message and ` also, conducted • a I W.A. Quiz. The roil. callwas a verse con- taming ;the word• 'praise.. The meeting .closed with a hymnand prayer by Mrs. Roberts A,:daiaty lunch wasserved by the hostess Mrs.. P. McQuilhn. ' ary, Dass';, Dorothy . Douglas with us. Mia: M_ Henderson ingited the Society to hear home for the Dec- ember neetufg_ :;Mrs., .PEnro-n and Mrs. Chester, .were. appointed , to choose• an Euecutive for 1966.. It. was 'decided to meet .on the 2fid. 1esday in January.' The Mission Band showed, a :perfect attendance in 1965. All secretaries were` asked:. to have -,their .'reports heady . for the, December '>neetmg. Mrs. , J.. Emerson then gave a prayer. The Brissioa Study lakes. by Bars_. IL . Ag ew,_' "Oa Our .Door Step'" :was ably'.given. 'with the assistance of several ladies of the Society. Prayer by. Mrs__ '.1'Adamsclosed f with , a musical number .'on the. the meeting., i record.: player, 'Peace in, the'. Val:- ley.:.Mrs. ,Arnold gave a splendid reading on Trinidad frog the Ob server, •A hymn. was followed .by prayer by =Mrs. Arnold.'. and the mizpahbenediction was repeated in turbots. ' Mrs. IL Robertson conducted a Baikal contest. Lun- ch was served and.' a• social time. enjoYed- Makes `u,C•W ' The November meeting . `.of :Makes U.C.W.', was' held Tuesday afternoon, November 2nd • at the Some Of 'Mrs.. Jack ;Irwin. Mrs: :Livingston • Menary ;was' in charge. of • the program' and . opened the meeting .with the call to worship 'and a hymn. Mrs, Nal. Irvin gave ,the scripture lesson followed by the meditation on Advent and its Jack 'Irvin+ gave -a= read- ing o0: Africa . and Mr. Kaiser took the 3rd and 4th chapter of "Jesus• Inst. and the €hristtaa Life". The study book ' on Brazil was by Mrs. Chris {Cake. The . roll .cal oras aawarered by a remembrance verse,.. nine adults. and ' two' children present. Our society . iS to look after the de- votional' part of the;program, ' and one, alter for' the: in - final •meeting in Jaunary • Mrs. Orris Cooke and 'Mrs. Cliff Kill - Pcke named to bringin a list of new officers for the com- ing year.' The meat 'is to be hod Tuesday *afternoon Dec- ember •7th at the home of Mrs. Jerry Cranston With ,Mrs.: Jack. Irwin in charge, .and the roll call to be . atesweretl a by an exchange, of ' gifts.' The meeting cloned with hymn and prayer. Lunch was served by the' hostess assisted by Mrs. Chris Cache: Unit '1 . Lucicnow, U.C.W. ' IL . Unit . • 1 sof U.C.W. ' .met at the home of Mrs. C. Webster. on r November 2nd :with 17 members answering the. 'roll :call with a favourite Blle verse. Prayer was given by the president. Mrs C. Webster. gave the trea= curers report. Mrs. °°`Arnold.: gave a :report on the' meeting Bethel and ASrs.: Drennen, for community friendship. Mrs: Arnold footthe. chair for the' following program. '. A poem; on Remembrance . was read . by Mrs. Arnold:; ' Mrs. T. Hackett read 'the scripture from Psalm 100 followed by prayer.. A reading, Poppies for; Remembran ce was given by Mrs: Taylor, also a . poem. Mrs.' McKim took -the 4th.. chapter in the. Study Book (God's World) , Mrs Webster favoured G. OF LUC INTEREST For Further Particulars Contort MUNICIPAI. OFFIOE E. H. Agnew, reasurer: • • WHY YOU SHOULD CONVERT YOUR PRESENT EQUIPMENT TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL OIL HEAT p . , It's easy 'to convert to o We have a comp* line: of tap.:quality, Esso,He ng .7Lqu1Pment 1D choose fronts Esso burner -$1.85 * month. s Complete Esso o8 furnace.: unit—u.9r $ month• And now withAssoheating equipment •we can arrange for you to get Esso: Tome Service, at no cost. Your best guaranteefog,. continued' home heating comfort:. *urtaAed Nyder adaigg twat illi: ROY HAVENS Plu nbing:and, Heating -. Phone 528-3012 Lucknow ESSO OIL BURNER Sys, and SERVICE. ., HOME HEAT • .SERVICE, hoose Phoio Cards At. lUCKNOW. 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