The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-10, Page 5wEpUESDAX, TI, VIEINS. Wimani Whrt lbr hi9I. Tao Weeks` ago, we dealt with: the. yet ratings, as compiled by a survey company The lis. Nielson survey came across Nr desk the other day and it is to see the difference. .1•il r'A, it Simpossilileto com- the two, because the DS. Olson - survey does. not include Nadmon- - - k �A Canadian . Nielson will The top ten slim m the, United di. tato- are as ••follows: Bonanza, Ra e sy judySpecial, Gamer' `Pyle, +F. F 7 R i.'cy Shaw; tied DA Griffith, Get Smart, eWlt- l .' Van Dyke and Man called asdoah-'• ail the Beverley Hillbillies shod. fid, ap •n+ 11th snot, followed; by Gun- Gar- snakes Green Acres, '• Hogan's: 9. Resole., Man From • Uncle, Ed livan, Virginian,; Daniel Boone, unzsday Night Movie and .aw- ▪ raw WeIIr. ' . sed er >'nuinbers 2to*they stood up ' as follows: Monsters, F. Temp, My rum Sons, fillpper,r I Diream of..Jeannie,. Cil igar's Is Ink FBI, My Favourite Martian sa&Combat. The 'Fugitive, Hazel, Petticoat ,3an and lead Wad . West use tied fot the ,umber 30 pos- s. roc kkile rn ,ttl_ Tt's ire+ mg .tO note that CBS las i o ttbe top 10, with NBC and A. having two each, ' Of title. by W shows, • has 10, NBC 3 and � 3. Smalls of. a rating poll in Mil- dew that, Bonanza is fast of all Duty. Saturday -night TVreeramming t rtg el ailn DT Etter C ut RIr RST 667 ,Pat rBinBH • �tne411 tto :frill.1 last ursir re m9 tr� ere ;eliteeal oto THE .1_UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK!�A11ii, ONTARIO Letters To Edit�r •Lived In Lucknow .. , R -R- A Ontario 11 `. :. _ • > Sentinel,The � 50�• e 1� ears Ago Lucknow. Ontario Dear Editor: . ••WILLI . Alio DAVID $COBIE - my during a class in re- . William. David Scobie, 73, off lam a pupil mentioned that she 239 Geneva St., St, , Catharines,. didn't think 'the short .form ' died • lass( week in St_ Catharines Xmas" should be. used, I decal- General • Hospital Ad, to have each ' pupil' write a Born in Scotland, to thoughtsend one, .along lived in the S:, Catharines area as it would please the pupils, for 27 years. W have was an a ccomitant • in .-the Bahl: of •Scotian, and the Bank of Montreal in • London, Eng and also the Bank of Montreal, in Quebec; In . St Catharines . he " worked_He t hrall 10 _Silverwood Dairies. He was a former Luclmow, , resident and served ' as accountant with Siver. woods here . as well. as at 'Dim -1 gannon and. Cargill. • He .' served ' with • the BladeWatch : World WRaer inert in the ..list If aidreceived' his commission as a heavy aiery lieutenant with n • He is survived by his wife„ g letter such as the one enclosed: _ canoe d 1 . I would Canada Li 'years agq' _ and had. We been receiving the paper and enjoy .it. Tbanldng . you in anticipation_. Yours truly, Mrs-. Sadie G.. King, (Teacher; St. Augustine) Lit. 3 Auburn, Ontario The Ladmo"Editor'w t Dear Sir_ I would litre: to write . a letter a- bout the spelling of . Xmas and Christmas_ . Some people . write Xmas instead of Christmas. I tliink thisspelling should, be ` lis- Thank Yours- truly` John Ifickey Reed -Nosed Reindeer, : a Christmas Fantasy narrated by Burl, :Ives,, will be seen on the •CB' Sunday November' at 7 per: - • CB's Tele filmcrew fol- lowed Bing Crosby arou d when be was in Toronto recently to watcha hh{orsse'�race .,�at'' Woodbine. Fletcher Markle, the host of the•.. program, interviewed Cosby and. this pule ' will be seen later in the. season - - The . 3fiss Canada pageant: will beseen on 'CT's Sim YOU 13ElJE1/E IM CQRIll SILAGE Elizabeth .Mary, a son, William I a drug ,ger, Mks_ James• g (Elizabeth' Mary) MaeI llan, both Oa r Catharines; a brother., Robert, ,London. 'The . late ..Rev. James Scobie, formerly of White-' church,: was a...bother_- ' 'The Libera was '''sang in•. ' 'St_ catherin ,.cf Al is . Cathedral at 9.45 ate, . Monday. of last week_ Burial was in . Victoria Lawn Pallbearers were 'Harold Young, Joseph L. Magian, : Joseph Writ(, Pauli Scobie,j Lilac- Radolb' :.(ie day, Nvembe .,14th ;at 10 .Milan and' MrRee_ • ave to ratu water on wash ath nights? ascade, electric water heater can change all that. elements: a 1000- t. Cascada 40 has twoI+owerelerxerrt far•.', rtorial Use, and a 3000:watt tape element surges into.acction t'tlnat: That's why Cascade:40 can stip- at times of extra heavy use__. ' family ns ,:vier likely' to u�: �Y inure hot water than the average -� G 40 is nameless, safe :a • • clean It requires too flue so it 'The ten year guarantee on the:tank can be installed an�- 's,'trelaala your ;assurance of C - • With a Cascade 40, the cost of abundant hot timate r is oma- Forrore information . w , :. ask your hydro a You need SLUR=GA' 4O•' D>airY Siler.- supplement...8wVeetened • By feeding SHUR 'GAA •4O7'"0 Dai,ryy, Sila suppleinent.: .Sweetened you ' get the be st o at o .-our •' corn silage • and. the most' out of milk tow's. Trop in soon to your local 'e el Se:rvl ce . A'lill. 1Nre"11: 'outl : t e SHUR-GAIN paiort Si1asu'pp1ett er * P,- -. gram land',how ' it jean , `ono .on • °-taxi farm: rOdtcts Couple To Live !DWai�rIoo ' Andersen Rev_ Gordon Raiser officated at a 'ceremony in Ashfield United Church Parsonage on. Saturday,. Noweinbea 6 when wiling vows were ex , by A fie Ander- sen and Barry Menary: The bride is a daughter of Mr_ . and Ms: Soren Andersen en of WTI( . n.l and. the groom's parents are Mr. and Dom_ Clifford Meauary of . RJL 7 Lackuow_ • • I brim given iso mania;_ a by her father was ate. 'by ` her after Mrs_ David McLeod of Lon- don Baroid Merfintry brother of the _JI «I m, was best man_ Following the ceremony a Re- ception was held at •thee ;name .uhf the bins parents_ Mr: ('IliMr& Mowry will line in Waterloo_ Sea. the neve seanoi✓ . of •- • place• mats awl ijiLcters at',. .thelancliarow n. Mrs_ Walter .Dexter Was hostess to the Urtlited Gbn reh Women of Olivet on .Friday. evening. Mr _and Mrs_ Duncan Farre held 'a: Stannsle - Steel dinner party on Saturday evening and enter- tained friends 1I}'I nen„ 41 i1 musts_ :.! Master 'Stott . McCharies of Bp°autfo spent the ' past Wim. with hiss' -antdp nts, Mr.. and, Mrs. Oliver . ficCharles_ Guest Speaker�•.A+�,t Pinkerton Mrs_, Dai id •EIIp»f iek was guest speaker on TThursdayar er- ton,, where. she Int:- Ii:II mated . ffllov� masa_ 1 Viisntiinng Mr. Mrs_ DUMMIED ' Farris6n f ° week -end were Go u Jack Johinstoa of' De- �Ilt^ •.Mrs_ "Frank ltomhas been Visiting in Bier.dSp • Eters:. M��w,"�. �,' &,,,� .4(44.2Qacla nzie enter'- ltailedil fr<n1 (Ii e':::I0 4“1 ' i11 tit- a Stainiess Steel dinner 'party , om0 Tbelday eFennri gn. 1 iI1(" 111(11 t 'I II (11 Presentation Made To Roy.MacKays . (Lodsalsh' Hes) stud neighbours gather- ed on Wew at ' Nord Ashfield Schell to pre - at ..1 /WV Mrs_ R®v . MacKay on theme departure to thei r new 11111 !1111: •LNORMOWG_ • aAfterau evening off, card n➢ag- r . • drat., Denali Show'. ;son read the ads' and Jam iMackeurJe mod B, iiIJJI Farris' p ie {L.••:1� chrtn a tale •' 1 2111 chairso ' on behalf ' eff the neighbours fes' school trustees. eees. A ice*('time was held and Mr.> and Mme_ MacKay mmalttb their neve Rrnu# LUILknovar_ We ars harpy ten re^uthit that 31IIc .: +Termor Farted, wiles able :t© 5(Edit, :the w ', at ler hunk ' him:.' • Presentation Made• IRDS_ MacLean) T1 ' CC Lt et>f Asteterid Prt em' ffieliel- a M❑111f w;1 Present- Mien party. ite 1tmesalay at the chataz at %lit& .(mune *fey j tt aOver •vaite, Maw lid beena G.y.t • Beadier fair a nuosher of years and be missed as leader - 1 111 IIIc: If FRIDAY: Fourrneir S. , Dlurr kitten 6:30 pin.' Liii yr 7:00 • p.en err ettkkherrs, • rra s 7:30 p.m. P •. bake $ 00 p.m.:, G -G h ' 8:30. p.ii. 'Ottani, .fere' Y nn Your ' 11.Ir4 10;00 • d