The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-03, Page 5WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd, 00 THE . W06 40* O* SENTINEL, ':Lt1CKY .ONTARIO• f PAGE DUVET t NEWS .m.assers Allaat The lefelaengern- on: Thum - day after school at the :ire es y Wh': The roll call was an- swered by naming a man " of the Bble. There were 19 members • and me visitor ppm,. A Hallo - Wen party was Planned for Sat- urday welsh* M Hamilton read the , e MC- G*e, Jane %ise na and Joyce aka , Part is the wor- ship w a . and. seniors separated IJ study with their Vis Ms.." Black ' .and Mrs. McGuire. The meeting . ed with the Miapah benediction followed by games and lunch. H'a'm Party Mrs_ Jack lifcGulie was hostess for the 3+fessengerS Hallowe'en party on Saturday mark& Mrs. Wafter Black and Mrs. Ray Ham- ilton assisted, keeping •eleven youngsters busy with' and Mr. and Mrs. ArnoM Kelly were welcome int Olivet United on Sunday when Mr KeTllywas in. of service in the awe of bend :urge Bali Mr.. ley, a member of the Gideon•,, told something of the work of .tom society. Mr Jack ,McGuire,' soloist, sang, "Just A. Comer Wsdk Tab Thee'. Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Derma attended deffeation services in Bethel;tinited Church on ' Sat - JOHN t Sponsored, by.. the Bruce Progressive Conservative . Association day . Mr- and Mrs. Gary . Hoffman I1 motored `to Hamilteni: oR Monday wffere Gary started Work on a lake freighters ._40%.and. Mrs.' � MlcNairr of eafortht and Mr .and :Mrs Oscar White and fainly. called on Misr and ark Doug `Warn- and `Mich- aeg. on Sanday. ome015111MORKKInoinutoossitoommanissoommiontiottionsouni... Grass Farms, For ..Sale or . • to 5ot la sox Us L act4o f/ , PHONE 528-3511 i ASE it FOR 10115 BOSVELb, REAL.TOR. WE ACRE FARM. ONLY 51,30 2ge. ACRE FARM. NEAR; DUNGANKOM $31,888 • '/A . ACRE FARM NEAR LI"i'CKNOW . `Mao * * * Several H'For 1•i ALL TOUR REAL ESTATE BUYING or SELLING Ate. EFFCCIENT SERVICE --• COACT • '.s :s 'w. 5/' w • •5 s s BOX 353 MEAFORD, PHONE 42E el .. CsnnIUEssmossmnls simmus issmaimm simmu 5R i WHITECHURCH. tfnf ended. for fast week) Promoted Scholarships. Mrs. Robert Ross,, Mr- and . Mrs.. Victor Emerson and: Dan Cassidy were in Pinkerton 'on Thursday, Mrs.. Ross and Mrs. Emerson at- tended Bruce .County Rally. Mrs. Lmeas05 presented 'M r s. , Lloyd MacDOugalI, on behalf of ber'diut- ghter Grace who is at Kempf villa Coll, with .Bruce Comity Scho- larship cheque of $IQEOO address' andcertifrcate of merit, and Miss Jima ' Advert, student nurse in training at Victoria Hospice :with Bruce County Scholarship . cheque of SMUG 'address, and ' certifi- cate ertif -cate of •merit. Ms Einersoe` and: Mr: Cassidy`visited with Mr: Cam sidles brother at Cargill. Chifdrow Of Chalmers • The Children of Chalmers Pres- byterian, Church held , their ser- vice in the church, &h oot Room. during church serum..: The p es- idents Ruth Elliott,'' gave the cam: to :' worship? she C O.C. Worshiti song was sung.. Mary pm. .,Wall read the minutes. The scripture; read"mg on Thanksgiving was read by 11 members. _ Mrs ° Hugh; Sime son. Ped in; prayer and •members answered responsively.' The roll' call Was answered 'by .22 mem- bees and 4 ' visitors:.' The offerin was received _by : Randy Win gfre and the offering :prayer was; given by Mrs: Caslick. The story for the Juniors was given by . Mrs. Karl Caslick and Mrs. Hugh Simpson gave the 'senior story. • A/ hymn . PIJRIIA, NIIRSI1G ci MIXES IN SECONDS: * WON'T ` SETTLE OUT • STARTS CALVES FASTER *. IT'S: MEDICATED Ons 3$ W. bag of Purine Nursing Chow replaces more than 225 lbw, of whole milk. That'* why' K cents lass to start calves the . Purine wayt !au - 011 Johnstone YOUR PURINA DEALER PHONE ' 528-3719 was sung and the meeting closed: by'.repeating the Lords prayer in emison, ' Eaptisni Af.'United Church •Baptismal, services were held: at .the United Church on Sunday when Karen Arlene daughter `of Aft.— and Mrs: E W: Beecroft, was baptized by Rev George Mit- The :United Churcl ' Women held a very successful. Bake Sate in, Wingham Saturday . afternoon, at which the proceeds were $127.00 acidthe...Messengers table w a s around ?UT. SEN. r INCL ADS TO WORK FOR YOU . PHONE 5213134 B'oue .need -GAM4% Reef Sweetened:. • IV feecthig ±a r • :• 0 40% Beef tSI-• fasagpfement Sweetened you can' • • 9 f 0 •• w, ao .444 balanced. ram east for unL econoaaicat Drop fn sood th pour, Ioca1 S1U'R GAIN Feed, • Service Mi'II . ' We'll autiine the -GAIN Beef 3iasupplemeirt Program and how' it can Work on your farm. LUCKNOW • 2S2 -annotart..12 irk: Progressing On .s.-Scou'r Toir, . 'Seine 250 Boy Scouts. 'and their leaders from: this " area will take part in one of : Canada's most interesting Centennial projects in .' the, summer of 1967. "Detailed plans have, been . formulated •for .a bus camping tour which will take the boys' to Ottawa,, the World's .Fair in Montreal and through • the province of -Quebec and the Mari =: times over • a period of • three Weeks.. 'Participating ,, in the ;y. history making trek: will be : Scouts . from thetroops within .the Saugeen dis- trict, of which Lucknow and IGn ' Toss are a part. District Commis, sioner' Archie Gowanlock of Wat- erton is , tows chief' and the' tour - director is Lloyd ' Ackert, • master of the . First. Kinloss Troop; Holy -- rood, who was one of the. Canadian.. Scout Leaders at the World. Jam- 8 boree `in' : Greece two years' ago. •.' .AL -the. annual; Meeting • of.. the Saugeen District Council` :in Hold • rood on Wednesday evening Lloyd outlined`: the itinerary- for the ..trip and showed "colored slides -taken while • he was . 'making final' .ar- rangements as. he travelled' over` the proposed route during the past. summer:.• One of the highlights of the, evening: was the presentation of = a. 520.00 prize ,to Scout Harvey Mc- Fadden of 'Cargill,. who had . sub- mitted the sketch for the crest which hasbecome the official emblem. of; the Centennial Tour.. It depicts a Boy • Scout filling east- ward across , a map of Canada. • 'The crest will be worn on T-shirts and ' neckerchiefs during -the outing. and will be prominently displayed elsewhere . as an .. identifying ,in- signia. insigma.. Preliminary applications` will go' out to all. Scouts and Ieaders in the district: at the first of • the New Year and on the basis of the ' returns ' the arran$ements . for m meals, ca:ng equipment, etc., will bei; based. . Totai cost of ' the trip ` for each participant : will be $125. Some Scouts have been, setting aside money from their earnings for more than a year in anticipation of ' the outing. • 1,.