The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-10-20, Page 3• WEDNESDAY, OCT, :20th, 1965.. THE LUCKNOW . SENTINEL LUCKNOW : ONTARIO • PAGE TIMM • RED&rWHITEEASYCAS. GAME OVER $600,000 IN CASH PRIZES �n from $1.OQ to $1,000.00 -EVERYONE WINS ,, • our FREE Easy Cash Cgrd Tpday . RED &WHITE SETS TJJEPJ?JCE! Pork Hocks- eal Patties HOME SLICED Breakfast Bacon 4 b.. for $1 Ih..5.9c Ib.�89c QUALITY MEATS oarters �f. Beef Appy ASH GAME , • . v Tomato Juice LIBBY'S FANCY, SAVE 23c, 48 oz. Libby's Pineapple 3-83c CRUSHED, SLICED, CHUNKS, SAVE 16c, SPECIAL $1.00' CASH OFFER, 15 oz. AP I Purpose Flour; ROBIN`, • HOOD, SAVE .10c, 7 lbs. Golden Syrup BEE HIVE, SAVE 6c, 2 Ib. Salada Tea Bags. 0.12., SAVE 6c, 60's 69c Honeycomb: Cereal 39c POST, CRISP CORN, SAVE 8c, 9 oz Instant Coffee $1 MOTHER PARKERS, 30c OFF PACK, SAVE SOc, 10 oz. JAR Liquid Detergent 29c GRAND, 5c OFF PACK, 18 oz.,' SAVE 16c Cheese :Slices' KRAFT CANADIAN,. SAVE 90; 8 oz. FREE! Ib. Granulated: Sugar WITH . THE PURCHASE QF. 4 GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMP. BULBS AT REG. PRICE:: Bayer Aspirin REGULAR 99c, 100's' Childrens Aspirinr BAYER, REGULAR 39c, .36's M1Ik:OfMagnesi�. PHILIPS, REGULAR 79c, oz: PKG.. California Oranges doz.: TREE RIPENED Good Priu an Malnfos6 Apples by the Boshe11 te O. PHONE •528-3001.7— FREE • DELIVERY. Cecil Culberts ire 25 Years Wed (Dunganon -News) Friends and relatives from Lon- don, Wingham,. Carlow and • Dun- gannon, ,held. a surprise .gathering on Saturday, evening to honor; Mr. and . Mrs.:Cecil A. Culbert on the 'occasion 'of their Kthwedding an niversary. An enjoyable evening, of euchre was enjoyed, after ' which a mid- night idnight buffet - supper was . served under t h e supervision of . their daughter Mrs. D. ,L.• Williamson,` ANNIVERSARY SERVICES • 51. Church -t SUNDAY, OCTOBER: GUEST MINISTERS'. od 11:00 a.m. ` Rev, A. E. Willis 30 p.m.Rev.. W: J Taylor of Dorchester EVERYONE WELCOME rt ST. PETER'S: ANGLICAN CHURCH Nineteenth Sunday :After Trinity Church' . School .10;15 a.m. Morning Prayer 11:1,5 a.m. Rev. Stanley E. Jay, B.A., B D Rector Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnston of Milverton, Miss. Jessie Mac- Kay and Mrs: ;Wm. MacIntyre" of Lucknow visited with Mrs. ' . Mar- garet MacPherson of. Holyrood on Friday last, ALE:.• SMITH • . (Continued' from Page.. 1) nature , in its own environment. Unfortunately, the, public does not always appreciate . the privileges accorded ' them underthis plan and ;vandals prove to be as much a problem as.. the rattle snakes, of the Peninsula Mr: Smith is responsible for the upkeep. of . ten miles 'of the 'trail north of the •city of Owen Sound.' Always an ardent student of na- tural history` he is a keen backer of ..the • `idea of "the.' ' Bruce Trail and his pictures. and talk were most informative ' and it May well be . that he has ' aroused .: the in- terest Of some. of ' his: audience Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th 10 00 a.m. Sunday School 11 00 a.m. Morning'. Worship LUCKNOW- thIITED CHURCH Rev. `Howard W. Strapp Minister. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th 10.00 a m Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning. Worship "A Full who will ii► the future be ,seeking out sections of the trails, for their ow exploration. The program committee deserve the thanks of those present for this enjoyable .evening. Our next meeting in November will take:. the form of the annual 'banquet. and arrangements are well under way for this event under the cap- able convenorship of Mrs. A. .E. McKim. yen You Select furniture By KROEHLER' • niece Mrs. ' K. E. ' Wood . and sister of Mr.. Culbert, Mrs. Sherwood: • The surprised couple were pre sented with many, beautiful, gifts. , A son Toni of : 'roronto was un- able to. 'attend: ' Is Your Subscription Rnewed? • Mait Edgar Liberal Candidale� or Huron CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO MEET THE •4-10'�yjl�ir r COME' .IN AND `SEE ,OUR . SELECTION OF BEDROOM 'SUITES MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS FOR CANADA ro. ATA ALSO Chesterfields AND • • ee Party J THE HARBOURLITEINN, GODERICH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 AT 2:30 p:m. Kenzie furniture t:UCKNOW PHONE 5284432,