The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-10-20, Page 1In Advance — $1.00 Extra To U.S.A ' . Kinloss. �ou�l� 50 Years Married LUCKNOW; ONTARIO r Mr. and Mrs; John Ross of the 10th concession of .Kinloss .obser- . ved. their 50th wedding anniver- sary . recently and all eight of their family :.were' home•:to mark the occasion with them. Although no : formalopen house was,' held , the Ross farm on the 10th. was ' buzzing with friends and relatives for the entire Thanksgiv: ' ing ' week -end. The ' couple were the•recipients of''.many gifts and, remembrances,' one of which was a 'chair f r om their neighbours around the 10th where they have lived since their marriage on 0e- tober 5th, 1915.' • Mr. and Mrs. Ross . were mar- ried in Toronto. Mrs. Ross was the - former . Edith Crossman :.of Balcarres, Saskatchewan. Jack, as he isknown by most every- one, . is the son of the late .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rosswho farmed , L . •on, the 10th before him. The cou- ple met in western Canada where Jack was working but since their reside. 'in Kinloss. Sixty-two -tiwo attended a family din- nerYyy at Walkerton over Thgiv- ing iv ing with. bagpiper Sewers of Tees - water adding a Scottish flavour to the 50th ;anniversary meal. Members of . the .Ross family, all home for the occasion,,` were sins Norman and Bill of Wing - ham, Donald of Port Credit and David who farms across 'the road from the • home farm; daughters Mrs. ` Gertrude (Trudy) Brewer of, Toronto, . Mrs. . Alex (Mabel). MacKay of Milton, Mrs. Robert (Eileen) `. ' Million : of ,North Bay, Mrs. John (Edna) Marchuk of.. Fullerton, California. Mr. . a n, d Mrs. Ross have 24 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren, most of whom .were home for the oc- casion. Also visiting at the Ross home to :.mark ' -the anniversary. were Mrs. Ross' sister, Mr: and Mrs. Neil Young' from Nanaimo, 13.C., as well as her brother, Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Crossman of Stou• - marriage they have continued to ghton,Sask..' AlexF RUMMAGE SALE 'HIS. `WEEK : Smith. ®rme GIVE THE LIONS A BOOST This Friday 'and.: Saturday is Lucknowite, Spoke. Rummage Sale time About11rUCe Trai' have • b g f �. know and the .local p Lions Club been ' makin plans, under the chairmanship o Elwin Hall, The October meeting of the fortis pop • h ulat r even• Lucknow •and. 'District Horticult= If you have not • been contacted ural Society was held in the Town for: saleable 'items, give Elwin. a' Hall, Friday night. ring and he and his crew will• 'Miss Ada Webster, vice presi- be• at your door .in a 'jiffy. • dent,' conducted the business mee= A bake , sale is usually held on ting. The meeting approved ,the Saturday in conjunction with this. "Decorated Homes Contest".'to' be event and ' it too again will be . a this If you're 'sponsored 'by the Society,in De-' featuummage sale fan, you're in ce titer= This contest was spoln- jointly with the .Lucknow far y a treat this N¢eek end; : or ' if ceBranch .309 of the Canadian Le- You ti e never been • to one, you're didate in 'Bruce and. member of gion, last year. m '.for even a bigger treat'. Come . The• committee of Mrs: Russell and.' •see for yourself. Its at the parliament' in the 1 a s t :govern - 1' Archie Smith , store . on m a i n „ nt hlips. and Mrs. Chris Cook pre street. pared the program for the even- ing, when Miss Rosaline • Phillips pleased the audience with two ac - Gordian selections. • CAT IN - WHiTECHURCH Alex Smith of Owen Sound and, (Whitechurch News) • WEDNESDAY, OCT, 20th, .194S. REVERT' TO STANDARD TIME ON SUNDAY This week -end provides ,,the opportunity to , pick-up..that extra hour sleep you "lost" last spring. Daylight saving time offic- ially ends at 2:00 a,m. Sunday morning so standard time will. be ` in effect' on . Sunday. , So, don't forget to turn.the ' 'clock back.an hour upon re . ' tiring Saturday night. It will be ,dark at supper time 'there after, ' but it will brighten up the mornings -fora the'early birds. .Two Mill Increase In Wawanosh Council of W e s't Wawanosh Township . met as per ' adjourn- ment on' the afternoon of_ Septem- ber 23rd, the • day . following ,the. audit.: completion. Al•;�1 members• were present; The auditor's, report was pre- sented •to Council by the Treas- urer., On a motion by Councillor. Smyth, seconded . by Councillor. Jefferson ' the auditor's report .for 1964 was accepted.' After considerable examination. of estimated figures for. 1965 and; pending`; further scrutiny a: motion to : tentatively : set the ' mill rate• for 1965 at 14 mills for Farm and Residential Assessments • and . 16 mills f 'o r Commercial Assess- ments ` was . made• '. by Councillors. Jefferson and Smyth. Reeve Lorne Durgin+ informed Council he expected to'be absent during ' the week of. the' regular meeting and would appreciate.f Council. could meet a; week . 'ear- lier. ' Council , adjourned to meet on October 4th : at` 8:30 p.m. • A special meeting . of the.West Wawanosh. Township: Council was held on the.'' afternoon of Septem- ber 24th. Upon further:examination of 1964 actual and estimated• 1965. figures,: Councillor Jefferson: made a motion to rescind his.:motion of ; • the previous day :: to set the mill rates at `14 and 16 .' mills. Councillor Smyth seconded t•h `e motion. • • On a. motion by 'Councillors Er- rington and ' Smyth the 1965 mill rate' for •Township purposes was .set at 12 mills for farm and res- idential assessments 'and 14 mills for; commercial, assessments. Last year's mill rate : was 10 mills for farm a n d • residential and. 12 mills ' for commercial. ALVIN 'HAMILTON TO HOLD• 'KINCARDINE .MEETING • The Hon. Alvin Hamilton, for- mer minister of agriculture , in the Diefenbaker government, will ad dress a meeting in the .Kincardine, Legion Hall on Thursday of /this week at -2:00 p.m. The Hamilton visit is in support off John Loney, Conservative can - Sunday forenoon a fox attack - a former. Lucknow' boy presented the Bruce Trail in pictures which vividly portrayed: t h;e . beautiful, ed and fought with a cat on the 'interesting lawn at • the.home of • Mr and . things s tonbesena Y. by travelling Mrs, Jas.. McInnes, Before men ' the on foot over the: marked trails, could arrive with guns,, the fax much 'of' •whip'. is over private had crossed the. road into a Corn ' proper(S. • ..:,. field • The trail follows the Niagara All are warned to be aware • of Escarpment from ,Niagara . Falls these rabid foxes ' which' are ,'be- th Tobermory:. and '. eventually .it coming v e r y ';numerous in the •ish- surroundiicinities. oped to extend t� to .Manitou- :ng v lin Island. Next . year t h e trail k • ,, • • will be linked up with its' United DUNGANNON BIBLE SOCIETY States counterpart, the Appalach- CANVASS' REALIZED $1S3.90' m Trail and it will then be posy ` -� -- sibie ' to walk f r o m , Tobermory The canvass• for • the Canadian, dawn to Georgia, provided , that Bible .Society has been completed one has the stamina and the time • with a total of •.$153,90 s e n t to for such an adventure.• headquarters.This• was Made pos- The ,purpose; of , the trail has sible by • the individual' canvass of been to get thepublic out -into $10055 four memoriatris of $29.50 the countryowhere they can enjoy • (Continued on Page 3) Receptibr� Service Held At St.` Helens '(St.' Heiens•News) Orf" Friday, evening Rev. J. R. Wheeler of Auburn was chairman for a' reception . service for,,Rev, A.E Willis as: the minister of Calvin. United • Church at St. Hel- ens, el ens. Rev...Gordon Kaiser . of the Ashfield charges delivered, the ad- dress. Greetings from Huron Presby- tery were brought by Rev. A. t Higginbottom of Walton. • Lorne Woods,_recording steward, exten- ded a. welcome on behalf of the St. Helens church. Rev. B. F. Green alsoi extended a welcome to the Willis family . At the con- elusion of .the ,evening, lunch was served by 'the ladies.. Having taken pp residence at thee manse, a warm welcome is the Good Friday service, of -extended to Mr. and Mrs. Willis and from the .• community. �. Tering of • $15.85. • • $200 Fine In Five -Death Crash W, Girvin Westlake, 20, of Wil- lowdale, -the ' driver of a• car in- volved in the accident which took, the ' lives of five members of the Jack MaeDonald family of Luck- now, August 22nd, was fined $200 and costs or 30 days ' in jail on a charge of careless driving in the matter.. • A charge of ` danger- ous ' driving was dropped. West- lake was given two weeks to pay the - fine. The accident, whic h occurred at Zetland .bridge on Highway :86, took the lives of John MacDonald, son Thomas, daughters Margaret and Jean MacDonald of Lucknow and son-in-law Robert Smith of Sault Ste. Marie who was the driver ` of the . second car. The only survivor in the Smith car w a s ..Mrs. Robert. Smith (Etta Belle MacDonald) Of Sault Ste. Marie w h o isstill hospitalized from' injuries received. cTwo passengers in. the Westlake ar from Willowdale were 'also, in- jured. HON. PAUL MARTIN'. AT KINCARDINE; :•GODERICH The Hon. Paul . Martin,minister of external affairs, will: speak : at a noon 'luncheon this Fridayat the Bruce Inn: in Kincardine in support of Kent Lamont, Liberal' `candidate in Bruce riding. Mr: Martin will arrive at .God- erich airport, proceed. to ' Kincar- dine, 'then, back into Huron riding where he will catch' his plane for an Owen • Sound meetingthat eV - ening. .. Before leaving Huron Mr. Mar-, tin will attend a coffee partyat the . Harbourlite' Inn, Goderich, at 2:30 .p.m.,In support of Mait 'Ed- gar , • Liberal candidate in • Huron: Single Copy 19c, 16 Pages OLIVER McCHARLES SUFFERS.' BADLEY'. GASHED HAND Oliver McCharles, returned home from • 'Kincardine hospital Saturn day where he had been•a "'Pa- tient With a .badly cut, hand, hav- ing ; been caught in the hay baler • The gashed hand required about •.- 'forty stitches to close andis now in a cast. SCOUT APPL' E DAY A SUCCESS GOOD PAPER COLLECTION. The Lucknow Boy Scouts real- ized about $75.00 • this. year from their Apple Day! John l/lacKen- zie, John' Johnstone and Donald MacKinnon were top salesmen. Jamie Elliott, Jim •Henderson and James MacDonald won prizes for the best decorated baskets. , Last Thursday 'the ' Scouts held a° paper • collection in Lucknow and;. Dungannon. The paper has been trucked away; but• the am- ount received -for .it is not known as :yet., ' Three Sisters After 53 Years. Mrs. ' Wm. . Jackson , of Kincar- dine, incar-dine, formerly of Holyrood and Kinlough and Mrs. Thomas Hoc:: kley of Preston, formerly of Kin-' loss Township,' were reunited last week with their sister 'Mrs. Mar- guerite Gammick; . of: Aberdeen, Scotland. 'Mrs. Gammick arrived» at Mel- ton by jet on Tuesday, October 12th. It is.fifty-three years since the three sisters , have been to- gether. Their home was origin- ally in Englandand they parted. when young girls. •The three :la- dies are all now.. in their, seven- ties. 'Mrs: Gammick is greatly impressedn. with Canada, and thinks is "just it .; is beautiful." Tom Pritchard of Lucknow' is a grandson of : Mrs. Hockley. • Janet Carruthers Receives Goad Cord At... Church Service,.: Highest Guiding Award. (Iniended for Iasi: 'Week) Friday evening, marked a very special occasion in' t h e life of Janet Carruthers when she recei- ved her Gold Cord at a 'presen tatiori held in the Lucknow Pres- byterian Church. Janet is the. sixteen -year-old daughter of Mr. a n d Mrs. Virden Mowbray ' of town. Guides, Brownies, relatives and• friends of J a n et, ;special guests and other interested Per- sons attended the ceremony. ' The processional of Girl • Guides, leaders and guests entered the church with the Guides, taking their places in the choir loft. Mrs. Jack McKim, who conducted the . service, welcomed everyone pre- sent. The congregation sang, , O Worship the King". Mrs. 'McKim led in prayer 'using the Founder's Prayer. The scripture was read by Rev. Rod McLeod, Janet's min- ister in the . Lucknow Presbyter- ian Church.: He chose' the story of Ruth as his text. Mrs. Bert Dijon '(the former Winnifred Aitchison) of Harriston, (Continued on page 14)