The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-10-13, Page 15WEDNESDAY;.' OCT; 13th, 1965., Dungannon 4-H .Grain And C»alf Clubs. �o�d Achievement Days At fall fair THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,PAGE FIFTEEN. Poor weather didn't prevent the 4-H..achievement day ; coming off at the • Dungannon. Fall Fair • ,Fri d'a y although we imagine. the kids would, need a good: warm ' stove: after it • was . all over. Re- sults were as 'follows; Dungannon Grain Club; Bryon . Black.' of 'KR. •1 Port Al. Bert topped the 44-I grain, club; others, in the»order . they placed •. were Paul Black, .lack, Joh Black, Paul » Eedy, ' Cecil : Cranston, John Bennett, Bruce Lamb, Roy Tay- , for, Don 'Beak, James•. Boak; Hen- Lamb, Jill Bennett,•Jack Phil In the ift"sec't collection, Paul Black of: R.R. 1. Port Albert plac- ed first and . the: others 'in order were: Cecil » Cranston, Bryon Black, Bruce Lamb, .Roy Taylor,. John Black, 'John Bennett, Don Boak, James Boak. . Dungannon•. 4-H.: Beef ; Calf Club: Glen Phillips: ' had the best calf in the Junior Heifers division fol- lowed. by :.John Johnston. • In the »Sento;: Heifers" Division; Robert •.Sherwood ' , placed first fol- lowed by Rosemary Eedy, Bruce Ty Kolkman. . _. y - lips, ;Patsy Jewell, John Bennert�, e••••••••••••••••••••••B••••••E•'••••••••••••••N: i •, • • • • •. •• • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••. • i • • • • • •'• o- .i • • •. •• • •is ••. •.• i'• .• 1» i, . • •., • .. i. •. : • • :• •'. • •. • i:, i• • •. •• •i •• • 1. • • • o. .• • • LIONS. CLUB. Does Need YOUR Help • • •. •�• •- • • • •. •. i.' • i` • •. i .• .i' • TO ASSIST US 'IN CON'lINULNG,•OUR' WELL` KNOWN YOUTH a:WELFARE programs HOw», CAN YOU: HELM. • i. • • • • •• • •. i•` • You can help by taking just'a 'few minutes of your •. • time to : look' around your home- for 'Any' Articles for which :,• :'you .do not really have any further •,use OR need, but: which • • would` assist the local LIONS CLUB.put•`on the biggest' FALL'.. • RUMMAGE SALE ever. : n •••• ; . • (This sale helps the club and helps those who patronize, it) :. • • A representative of the Lucknow'arid. District Lions Club 4•`. •' will deem .1t a pleasure to calf at your home during' the week • .of the rummage .sale (October 1.6.21) to .pick up any donation • 1: you may have prepared.. (If you will, not be ,at.home, please • leave your donation) • •• •• • 6 The following is a partial list of. those ARTICLES which • •, help .make a very, successful gale: , : • ALL Articles of clothing, hats, 1 galoshes, household utensils an. d dishes, -furniture, ,tools, pictures; knic-knacks, books and other .odds : ! and ends. Vegetables, fruits (Bak- i I ed goods for Saturday home cook- inq sale) r�H.....Af.N: a • •••••••••••••••••••••••••a••es•• In the. Steer class,, `John Mac- Kenzie was • the first place winner. Other in ' order were Bob' Eedy,• Cecil Cranston, .Paul Eedy; Don_; na MacKenzie, Philip Foeter and Ambrose Redmond: In the showmanship division, top ' place went h Bob Eedy fol- lowed by Cecil Cranston,, Bruce Lamb and Paul Eedy.. . 4-H Dairy • Calf Club: Rodene :: Pentland was top in the Junior Holstein division fol- lowed by. James Redmond and Er-. nie. "Sherwood. . • In: t b e Senior • Holstein ' Class, Henry .Kolkman,' •captured V' top: spot. with: , others, in order being, Don' McNeil, Joanne Kolkman, Bob Mc- Neil, Doug Stoll. . Beverley Culbert ' had the best Jersey and was 'followed by Bryan Stoners,, Arlene Culbert, B 111 Vanstone and'Bob Vanstone. ' In, the , showmanship • division, Bob McNeil . carried . off top. spot and was followed by' Ernie. Sher- wood, Don McNeil, Bryan Stdth- ers, Beverley Culbert. ZION' Miss Anne. Ritchie » was a' guest at » the Clayton and Scott, wedding in Olivet •. church on- Saturday:' Mrs:' F. Ritchie and Anne attend- ed Fhyllis Clayton's . trousseau tea • the previous Saturday. Mr:: and ' Mrs. A. Hackett,: Joan and'Lori visited on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Harold Walker and -.faintly of Wingham • Visitors on • Sunday iith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland were Rob- • ert Stables, his `' son -in law Lloyd Harlock and son Ken Harlock, all of , Islington. Donald Kirkland of Leamington andKen Kirkland of�London spent the ' week -end :with their.: par'ent's. Mr.' and Mrs:.:Bob Helin: visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., Lloyd. •Whittoch:'of Wingham. Master Bill McAlister of Dun- gannon has been with his .sister Mrs. Doug Baynard ,and •Mr. Ray nard for. the past week! while his mother is in hospital. • . Visitors'•with Mr. and. Mits. Wm : G. Hunter: • on the week=end were Harold Gardner of . ' Hannon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keane, Stratford, Mr and Mrs. Art Freeman and Brenda of 'London, - �Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman of Colbourn' Town.- ship, own- ship, 1VIrs. George Hunter, Luck - now, and Larry Hunter, •of Mea ford: Mr: and Mrs:.. Rots ':„McDonagh. of ' T'oronto, Jack. • McDonagh : and Roddy, and Fred. Anderson of Luc-: know visited „on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mr. 'and,Mrs.. Elsworth Ken- nedy, Ron and Karen of Port Per- ry visited Mr. and Mrs Jim Hun ter over „the week -end. Mrs. 'Ken- nedy favoured with a. very pleas ing .solo. at Zion Thanksgiving ser- vice on Sunday a in. Mr. and''Mrs. Gordon Lyons, Murray and Linda . and Mr. and Mrs:-'' D A. Hackett .and girls vis- ited. isited. ` Mr. and . Mrs. Henry Gard- ner last : week. A picture • Of .. Keith ,Kaiser of . London appeared in the London Free Press last week. He was attending a Young Peoples' 'Rally in »London. Mr. and •Mrs: Gordon Harrison, Robert, David , •a: n d Kenneth • of Plattsville and . Keith-. Kaiser •of• London visited . on the, week -end with • Rev:' and'' 'Mrs. Gordon Kai= ser.. points; LUCKNOW MEN'S BOWLING Tuesday, October 5th . (9 , p.m. Group'). • . • The fall» season. of bowling, com- menced on. Tuesday, October 5th,. for the Lucknow' Men's Bowling' League Jack Fisher captured both high single' . and ' high triple honou"s with, a, Single game of 317 and tripled of 780 flat. • Freck Button's Oldsmobiles 3; points., till Button.'s• Fords.1 `point; Donald• MacKinnon's Pontiacs 3 points, Ross Irwin's Buicks 1 point Jack Fisher's Mustangs' 4» points, Bill Huhter's. ' Dodges 0 Point Standings: Mustangs 4 points; Oldsmobiles 3 points; Pony'. tiacs 3 points; Bineks 1, point;, Fords 1 point; Dodges 0 points. Games of 250 and over: Jack Fis- her 317, 254;• Jack Caesar 278; Stu- art Jamieson 261; Freck Batton •257,; Bill Bolt • 285. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM I�R4PER7T TO BE: HELD ,AT 11:00 41.M., Saturday,November 6, On . the premisesherein advertised The undersigned' will by virtue of the Power of Sale con- tained on tained in a certain mortage which willbe produced at time of sale, • offer for • sale by Public Auction, a farm , consisting of approximately 102 acres with about 92 acres tilable, described. as Parts of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Concessions 1, S.D:R., Township of Kincardine, . County' of .Bruce. Upon the said premises there is said to be erecteda good, frame house, good dairy barn, silo andother buildings.. The property will be offered for sale ,subject to a reserve bid. TERMS Twenty-five per cent of the purchase money. to `'be , paid in. cash (ten per cent at time of sale and fifteen per cent within, thirty days thereof), the balance to be secured • under a Sale.. Agreement not exceeding: 'twenty years, with interest/at five. per cent (5%) per annum. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to FARM CREDIT CORPORATION, 10 EGLINTON AVENUE EAST, TORONTO 12, ONTARIO. IOCHALSH; Miss . Linda Wyids of . London spent the week-endwith her . par- "ents; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylda . ':Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farrell spent Thanksgiving Day with . Mr: and, Mrs. Robert Farrell and family., T o L. ” Farrell: • is speiYding some time with Mr: a n.d Mrs.' Robert 'Farrell since getting out of :hospital. t• ,Spending the • week -end .in De- troit » were Mr. and Mrs -Duncan Farrish and' family: Mr. and Mrs; Sydney 'Coulter 0 London • a d : Lieut: Coulter of Kingston spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs..Alvin 'Robb. Holi- daying at the Robb • home this week. are Mrs : W. Knapman and family of London.: Found Lost Ring .» Mrs. Bayne': MacLennan .w a•s Surprised : to find, as she dug po- tatoes' for : supper, one ' wearing 'a gold ring. The ring was firmly around a nub on a large' potato. It is believed ; this ring • w lost many years ago by . Baynes mo- ther. Visiting Mr ` and: Mrs. : Henry MacKenzie for the week -end were Mr. Ray MacKenzie of ,' Toronto . . and Mr. and Mrs: ,Allan ' MacKen- • zie of Dunnville: ; Mr. 'and 'Mrs- Paul Emberlm:-of. T ,ionto 'spent' the :: week=end with Mr. •and' Mrs. • Gordon Finlayson. Mrs. Annie MacMurchy is spen- ding a •few 'days with ner daugh- ter at Elmira.: A dog, owned by Mr. and Mrs, Bill, `Farrish, was bitten' • by a fox which disappeared .into . the bush. Mr. and . Mrs. Bruce Millar ' and :. family - and Mr: and Mrs. Ian Mor- ton of Palmerston spent the week- end with: Mr. and Mrs. •Emile•. MacLennan: SINCERE • HONEST CONSCIENTIOUS • '' ERSONAL SERVICE ON.YOiIR BEHALF IE, JN BRUCE Sponsored by the Bruce Progressive Conservative Association