The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-10-13, Page 3'WEDNESDAY,.OCT. 13th, 1965, • THE :140CKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE i 0 0 IN CASH. PRIZES — EVERYONE WIN.S Easy Cash Card Today in from '$i.00. 'to Get Your Red.sWkite Cuts food, Costs Day., WELL TRIMMED Butt: Pork Cho s 1. BONELESS Beef Stew 63c lb. 59c lb. uorlers of Beef Apply Oii EASY CASH GAME Vegetable Soup AYLMER, SAVE 9c, 10 oz. J�P-O :Powders. FAMILY SIZE, 6 oz, Laundry Rinse FLEECY, SAVE 14c,, '64oz. •Sc C; C Cheez Whiz. ,KRAFT, SAVE'. 10e, 16 oz., Paste Wax JOHNSON'S, % MORE FREE,• SAVE: 10c, lb. 'TINS Sockeye Salmon GOLD SEAL ' FANCY,. SAVE Aflens Drink C , .'/z ASSORTED. FRUIT, SAVE • 9c,` 48: Spick GueSI.Cuke;. 2-8c WESTON, HARVEST, REGULAR',' 49c Supreme :Biscuits' : ;`89c ASSORTED FCY , 2 Ib.. 8. oz,,. SATCHEL PACK Yellow: Onions 49c ONTARIO, NO. 1 SMALL, 10 Ib. BAG For Speedy Shopping. USE OUR MAR -OF -STORE Parking Lot PHONE 528-3001.-- FREE: DELIVERY focal and General Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. W. G. Reed were": Mr. and Mrs:: Dick Reed, ' Jim, Ron. and Kevin of .Detroit, Mr. •. and'. Mrs. Martin- Johnson and ' children,' of' Ypsilanti, Mich:, 'Mrs: Clara John- son of Bay . City who spent the pat .three. months' with ' her bro- ther Bill' 'returned home on Sat- urday. M. r s., Harvey Miller of, Lanes was a .week -end visitor.. Mr. .and Mrs:; Alvin' Ritchie and family 'of Sarnia spent the thanks- ,. giving horday,. with Mr. and Mrs: .Bob Strathdee of Ripley and 'Mr, and Mrs. Leis .Ritchie of luck - Mrs. Neil. Graham • of Toronto spent t h e 'Thanksgiving holiday with ' her; parents Mr. and.. Mrs. A E. ' McKim. Mr. and Mrs. Doug McLeod and' Linda McQuillin of Toronto were, week -end visitors ' with Mr. and • . Mrs. Richard McQuillin . of Con- cession ,6 Kinloss: Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- `uillin and family of Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. George Carey and Paul • of Chatham . spent Thanks- giving holiday with Mr.: and •Mrs. Bill Brown , of town. Mr, and Mrs.. Bill Barrett and family of Toronto spent the , week- end with ,Toronto and Mrs. Rens Mac- Kenzie and family of Asbfielil. Mr. a n d Mrs. Lloyd Hunter spent t `h• a ',holiday week -end', at Midland, Orillia and 'Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currie, Linda and' Edward of 'Oil • Springs,' Mr: and Mrs. Roy Keane of Strat- ford, Mr, and MrS, Jim Keane of Lucknow visited . on Sunday with Mrs. Katherine Chisholm and Aar- of. Goderich. Mrs.' Alex Inglis .returned teller ho'me, R.R, 1 ' Lucknow, on Thurs- day of hurs-day`.of last week, after 'being hos- pitalized ospitalized four . and a half' ' weeks• in Ingham with . pneumonia. Mrs. Frank MacKenzie, the for- mer Margaret • Treleaven, . and, her sons .Scott, Ken and Bruce of Ed inonton, Alberta, are spending a: month with her, mother Mrs, Har- old Treleaven while ,herhusband' is in Sarnia on a . special ' engin- eering .assignment. Scott, . who is a'grade 4 „pupil. and Ken, a grade 1 pupil, • are attending. Lucknow school for the month: 'Mr.'•and Mrs.' George. Joynt and Mr. a n d Mrs. Charlie ,Webster. were.guests guests last Saturday' in 'Till sonburg at the Colver Couse Wedding..` Mr. and Mrs. Wm: 'Wharry of Lucknow spent the holiday week- end in Montreal.. with their son Bill, Mrs: •Wharryand family.: Visitors. With Mrs, Margaret Sproul were, a niece ''Mrs. Jerry' Kettle and .Mr. Kettle of Comber and. a , niece , Mrs• . Frank: Bark Well and' Mr. Barkwell of Scar- borough. Mel Greer returned to his home Saturday after• being in :Victoria Hospital, Lpndon, for: two weeks, Mrs: ' William Reid and her son Bob ,of Strathroy were recent cal leisin town. Mr. arid' Mrs. Ross McDonagh of Toronto ' a n d Mr. and M Mrs., Murray 1VIeDonagh of Angus Vis- ited on the week -end with Jack McDonagh and Roddy in Luck- now ucknow and with their mother Mrs. Jack .• McDonagh who is a .patient in W.ingham and . District Hospital. • • Mrs and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton vis ited zn Ottawa 'over the week -end with their 'son Fraser. Beverley Rathwell of Ste: Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, and Barb- ara Rathwell of Toronto spent the. week -end with ' their .parents Mr. a n: d , Mrs ` Gerald. Rathwell ` in town. ' • Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Darby of Cooksvilie . spent' a quiet week -end with . their, daughter and ; son-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Mel Passmore. and family where they . enjoyed a lovely turkey dinner in remem- brance of their 39th wedding ' an- niversary on .October ' 11th. Youngster Killed . In Waterloo Crash Lorraine;- . Gayle . Johnson, 13 - year -old daughter of . Mr, and. Mrs. Sylvester . • Johnson . , of Waterloo, was killed instantly.. when • struck by : a car in Waterloo last week. Theyoungster was 'returning home f•-nixi, school and was pushing here hike across : a • cross -walk when struck.•hy .a car. driven by Fred Prick $track, 53, hof Waterloo. She was •carried on the hood of the car for more than. 100 feet before being thrown onto •a lawn: The car. continued and struck the front of a brick home which buc- kled from.the impact,' Police said the wreckage of her bicycle could be. put in a bushel . basket,. The child suffered a fractured. skull: and pelvis and other injur- ies and was dead on arrival at hospital: Besides h e r parents she is survived ' by a sister Elaine and a brother Wayne, both,' at home and' maternal• grandnibther.,' Mrs. Alvino Leeson of R.% ' 2 .Holy. rood. Mrs. John Elphick: of Loc- hhalsh is 'an aunt of the young Married n Kitchener x GIBB - 'SNIDER ' Ruth, Anne Snider. and Carl. Gibb were united in marriage at a dou- ble ring . ceremony October 9th, 1965, at <3:0D . p.m. in Grace Lu- theran Church, Kitchener: T h e. 'bride isthe daughter of Mr', and Mrs Rdbert Airdrie of Kitchener and the. groom is the son: of Mr.' and Mrs. David Gibb of . White- church. Rev. R:. E. Moll officiat= ed. •. ,The 'bride chose a floor' length.' gown of white ' dace over crystal taffeta with scalloped neckline, fitted . bodice, lily point ' sleeves a n d soft' pleated -skirt. A. tiara held her. elbow' . length veil and she carried a bouquet of red and. white roses with fern. The maid of honour, Miss Bar- bara Snider of Kitchener, sister of the bride; wore a streetlength gown ,of 'pink: brocade ' ;satin ; and. carried a bouquet of , pink and white roses - with 'fern. Len McDonald of Kitchener was best man. Following the ceremony a re- ception ' was held ,ate , Augusta. Thiem, : Conestoga. Guests were received 'by the ' bride's :mother whowore a two piece sheath. dress . of . teal blue lace over taf- feta and . a 'white: carnation cor- sage. She was assisted by the groom's mother w•ho wore a green and gold matesse , crepe sheath dress and . white carnation cor- sage. For travelling the bride chose a .two piece . blue wool suit with black accessories :and . a white carnation corsage. The couple will live in Kitch- ener. • Newspapers produce more sales per dollar of advertising; cost..`: Beverley MacKenzie, Malton; . spent 'the week -end with her sis- ter Mrs. Elmo Sanderson, Mr. Sanderson and, :Bobby in: town.:• .' KINGSBRIDGE Mr. and' Mr.. Bill . La Lande and; family of Sarnia : spent the week -end with Mr. a n d Mrs. Mark Dalton and family. Miss" Mary Ryan and friend and Ann Ryan of ' Toronto 'spent " the week -end with. `Mr. and Mrs Wal- ter Clare: Mr. and Mrs:' Ed King and. family' of London spent Sun- day .with the Claves. It v. Father Michael Dalton, Mr. Dennis ' Dalton, Maurice Dal- ton; Diane Gillis visited.:: their, • re-. latives; .over the week -end Rev. Father Lyold Ryan visit- ed Mr. . and Mrs, Walter Clare and Mrs, Ryan on Tuesday. Fa, ther Ryan bad just returned iron a months vacation in, ' the British Isles and Europe. Mr. and .Mrs.. John. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney, Frank: • Reigling attended the; Scott -- Clayton wedding en Saturday. • Mrs. Jos. Garvey, Mt, and 'Mrs, - Mike Garvey and sons, Mr, Ger- ald Garvey spent the. Thanksg ir ing . week -end here. Others w h o were here over the week -end 'and attended.: the celebrations .. on Stm day were ' Mr, and ' Mra Melvii O'Reilly, Windsor, Mr.. and ' 1 Stan O'Reilly, Toronto, Mrs. Pe- ter Murray, . Miss Antoinette Dal- ton, Mrs, Ethel Canter, Mr. and Mrs. Nick. Perry, Detroit, Mr. and. ' Mrs. 'Delmar Maize, Toronto, Mr. 'Myron O'Reilly and son Miohaei,, Miss. Carrie O'Neill, Goderich, Ka - they Dalton, Toronto,' Kerry ' . Ho- gan Stratford; Douglas Frayne Kitchener, Danny Dalton, Guelph. ' Jinimy Frayne was among the: fifty honor students from thee, G;D.C.I. who were on a three day •p -to Quebec.; City recently. WILLIAM GRIFFIN PASSES. The . funeral of Mr. William GJ if fin, ,who died, :Saturday in Hurd view, was held Monday morning. Rev. • Father Garvey sang the Re- quiem : Mass. Pallbearers • w .e r e Melvin, Stanley and:. Myron O'te lly and. Michael O'Reilly, Mr, Frank Sullivan spent a week in Detroit recently.. Lucknow Presbyterian. Churcl Rev. Roderick .'MacLeod Minister . SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 17th .10:00 a.m Sunday School Dungannon Anniversary ST..' METER'S ANGLICAN ;. CHURCH Eighteenth Sunday. Ales -Trinity Church School 10:15 .a.m. Morning. Prayer • 11.15. a.m. Rev. Stanley E Jay, Rector ••••••i•iE••A•••••l••••.E•••••••AAN•R••••NN•N • • •• • • • ANNIVERSARY SERVIC • • • . r i Lucknow United ' Church' i SUNDAY,OCTOBER l7th• Guest Minister REV. FRANK FIDLER, D,D. 11:00 a.m. "The Miracle of. the; Church" • 7:30 p.m "A 'Christian Look at Marriage and Family Life" • N0••Bi•668960A1116e► ••• 116011B•!•BiNi4f••1111•!N••G . i., Erskine Presbyterian Church; DUN.GANNON ANNIVERSARY1ERVICESX1 Sund6y, October 17th; 1965 MORNING 'SERVICE "AT 11:00 a.m. • EVENING SERVICE' AT 7:30 .p.m. Rev. D Neil' McCombie, B.A., of the: Ripley and Ashfield Pastoral Charge, Will Be The Guest Speaker No Service in� Lucknow and South Kinloss, as all three congregations ,will come together for the Anniversary on October 17th. ALL ARE WELCOME' lFv ai