The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-10-06, Page 16WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6th 1965 • •F "'$IXTE.EN. AT ASHTON! •M LADIES MILLINERY — The Latest hi4 ,Fabric4 And Shades ••• 'Flat tering, Styles in lialvets, e • Velours Felts, Beavers. ACCESSORIES Scarves,,, Gloves and Handbags, NEW SHIPMENT OF DRESSES -- In Wools, Crepes, Dark Terrylenes; Sizes 8-20, 16'/2-241(.. OATS — For Sportswear and Dress Smartly Styled Vis Length In Orlon., Pile Wools With Choice of Plain or Racoon Collars.' -ARRIVING . •TH!S WEEK Min's and:: Students' Winter Coats' and Jackets 3/4, HIP and WAIST LENGTH FOUR.. -:WINTER SHIPMENTS OF;, ;MEiN'S AND BOYS''. UNDERWEAR BY STANFIELDS, PENMANS AND,.MONARCH' JUST' ARRIVED AT 'CATALOGUE. PRICES.: • ' Mals, in Coats wind Jackets; ,,LGIRLS' NYLON ,JACKETS Attached :Parka; Rede or Green; 5.6.7 $10.95 REDUCED 'TO ,$7.95: NYLON WARP SNOW SUITS Royal and Navy With Red: Trim, Size 4 Only REDUCED TO $4:95, NYLON SNOW, SUITS — 'FOR •$4.95 • Sties,' and 3, Red or Ro)►al, $6:95;: Value t ONLY 3 PC. BOYS 'LAMINATED COAT SET, =SIZE :2 r-, 5/2 PRICE ' $11:59 1 ONLY 3 PC. GIRL'S LAMINATED COAT SET, SIZE 3 1/: PRICE :: $11.50 10 ONLY . GIRLS' WINTER JACKETS. .8-10-12-14, Quilted Terrylene Fur Fabric Trim '.Collar, Black and ' Red REGULAR $11.95 — ' BASEMENT SPECIAL $8:95 a' ONLY GIRLS' WOOL LAMINATED. COATS, JACKET LENGTH 10-12-14 Teen:. Sizes,• Royal, Brown, Black REGULAR "$11.95 BASEMENT SPECIAL $7.95:' and . Men's ' Wear Luckaow PHONE 528=2126 AGENT. FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Pick-Upand Delivery, . Monday .' and T6urs i McKINLEY :CHOICE, (Continued from page 1) at ' the Central. Huron District 'High School at Clinton that he bad been ` offered assistance by' the Honorable C. S. MacNaughton a n d incumbent ,member Elston Cardiff who 'has ' held the riding for the past 25 years. He -has -been -active .= n the-.-Zur- ich he Zur- ich area, being : a pastpresident ofthe Lions Club, a director . of the South Huron Agricultural So- ciety, and a fine athlete over the years. He coached the Hensall- Zurich Combines to the all -Ontar- io junior title. in 1963, and was a director of the Western Ontario 'Athletic Association for s"o m e years. At the .Present time, Bob is a director of the Zurich Minor Athletic Association; Mr. McKinley' was nominated by James. '. Donnelly and ;Glen Webb. Guest speaker for the conven- tion was Hon. Michael Starr; for{ mer minister of labor in the Con- servative onservative government. Mr. Starr paid Special ,.tribute to Mr. Car- diff, remarkingthat parliament' will not be the same without him.,, The overflow crowd of between_ 700 and 00 were ' welcomed by Clinton Mayor'Donald Symons, as. w al 1 as Huron • County Warden Glen.Webb.A standing• ovation was : given .retiring member. El- ston Cardiff, as ,he announced his intention , of stepping out of the' political .battle. Other platform guests who spoke briefly at the meeting. "were Eric Winkler, MP for Grey, and.'Mar vi;1 Howe, MP for Wellington -Hurl on. Greetings ,were brought to the meeting from the Hon. " C. S.; Mac - GLENN'S AIUI*IUN.SALEs, (Nash) Now is the time, to have those ' Nash aluminum doors and windows installed for winter comfort. Awnings, canopies, wrought -iron and aluminum railings .... also available Free estimate. LUCKNOW DIAL 5284723 .. THAT an attempt • is being made locally •to organize :Intermed 'late .:hockey ; for • . the coming year. A meeting will be held .in; the. TownHall on Thursday night of this week and all those interested should be present. THAT Ken Nicholson of Lucknow is ' progressing satisfactorily af- ter an emergencyoperation at Victoria Hospital; in London on Monday of last week for a rup- tured ,ulcer. • THAT plans are underway for.. the 'annual Lions Club rummage sale to : be held in the Archie Smith store on October 22 and 23.,' THAT Lucknow Scouts, and Cubs. will have ° . ' a '''busy time next week. On' Thursday, October 14 a paper drive, will be held in Lucknow and Dungannon and /'o n . Saturday, October 16th,. the annual apple day _ will be staged here. THAT ' "Hydro Showtime", a effort of Ontario Hydro, Lucknow ' Public Utilities Com- • mission and the Lucknow Agri- cultural. Society is scheduled. for the Lucknow District High School next. Tuesday, October 12th: Tickets are : available from Agricultural: Society ' members THAT '.Mr. and Mrs. Bab Struth- ers Who have been .residing in the,Gammie Apar'tmen'ts will moe next week to the back apartment of the Murdie house on Willougby Street recently va- cated by Mr. and:. Mrs. Wm. '. THAT Bill : Buckton, son. of Mr.: and Mrs. ' Herb Buckton of R.R. '6 Lucknow, is entering his. sec- ond year . medicine.. at the Un- iversity of Toronto.. THATElaine MacNay, ` daugh- ter of'Mr. & Mrs. Kelso Mac - Nay of Ashfield, and her friend Elaine Baker are on a three weeks _ vacation '• trip to the ,. west. coast. They made : •the . trip by train. ' The " girls are both : re- gistered nurses and : employed at Civic Hospital,/ Peterborough., THAT Mrs. Wm. Cruikshank , of Wingtam . has been engaged for a month, . as an English teach- er at the Lucknow District High School, wvh i 1 e Miss Eleanor Plunsteelis absent through il lness. Mrs.' Cruikshank is a sister-in-law of Mrs. ` Brock Cleland of town. THAT Mrs. Vandenburg: of • Clin- ton was the winner of $117 at the `Legion, bingo . jackpot here last :.week: • THAT . Tom 'Morris of Tiverton, NDP candidate in Bruce riding, has something ,in common with the Jim :McNaughton• family of Lucknow. Toin came to • Cana da 'in 1929 from the home area ___Of...the--McNaughton; Markinch; • County of Fife, Scotland. Mr. Morris worked with. : Mrs. •Mc- Naughton's father, in thecoal Mines in,: Scotland. •THAT. the swimming awards for those who passed their swimm- ing tests • at Teeswater, •may be picked up` at . Bob • Finlay's store in Lucknow. THAT:Mrs."Jack MacDonald, Mrs. Harold . Greer, • Mrs. George Whitby and Betty Mathers, all ,of 'town,attended the Fall Train- ing for Brownies and Girl Guid- es. uid-es• held in Hanover 'last Satur- day. The meetings were held in the Legion Hall` ' with dinner served at the •Curling Club, THAT at a meeting of the Lady Foresters on Monday evening, plans were made for a canvass for the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind to be held next Tuesday, , October 12th. Naughton, by his son, John, a uno. iversity student at London. The highways minister was on office ial government business in. Sask- atchewan. .MAPLE LEAF tl Sale 2 Mincemeut d MORNING GLORY. . Fresh ,Coffee Sale REDPATH n. fated Sugar Salebra u. JAVEX 64 oz. Liquid , Bleach Sale MAXWELL 6 oz. Instant Coffee Sale CHRISTIES SALTED OR PLAIN Soda Cracker. Sale.: - REALLY 'SAVE: , i tin' 45c GOOD BUY pound 79c SAVE TO 10c 5Ihs.39c SAVE .6c bottle .43e SAVE . 24e jar$1.09 SAVE 19c 2 abs.. 59c op' Hire And, Save Money Daily Everybody Else Does No Stamps! ' ala Gimmicsl, Only Low prices We Sell. For Less Pbone Lucknow' 528=3420 Values Effective.- .00TOBER.. 7, 8, ; 9. THAT a Gold Cord Ceremony. will .. be held this Saturday evening in the Presbyterian .Church when Janet Carruthers of .'town will • receive . her Gold Cord, the highest award in Girl Guiding. For particulars see the ad else- where in this issue. THAT the Bruce County Plowing Match will •be held on ,' October. 23rd at ,the farm of Maus and Connelly, west of Armow. •THAT , the ' 1965 ' Teachers' Conven- tion for Inspectorates of Bruce Nos. '.1 and 3 was held last Fri- day in Elderslie Central 'School, near Chesley. Public ' School tea- chers : fromthis area were .in attendance. THAT Kenneth 'Young, son ofyfr.° and Mrs. Clifford Young of the Langside area, has been trans- ferred to the ' Tbamesville branch of the Bank of ,Montreal from Elliott :Dake.' Ken . was formerly : with.. the Lucknow ... Branch.. THAT Tony Johnstone ' of ' Luck .now. had charge of . the Sunday morning Church service at. St. Helens • United Church last .. week: THAT Mrs. Charles. Steward en- tertained .at dinner f o r Miss Gladys . MacDonald prior to her marriage . last Saturday.' Gifts. were presented,: to the bride= elect. uaiaaasi■assasu ■■nasaannammanspiuivarrusai■i ■ ■. .■ • ... , FARMSFORSALE .. . '■. 100 Acre • Grass Farm ::-- 85850 ■ ■ i• ■ ■ 95 Acre Grass Farm's $2203 _ ----=■: ■ 100 :'Acre Farm onHighway; $12,500 ■ 100 Acre Farm .on Highway.” --.$13,000 ■ ■•■• ■,. ' 100 Acre Fara} on,' Highway ►-' $13,500 / ■ ■ 100, Acre 'Farm; . Good' ■Buildings — ° $11,000 ■. re ■ ■ 150 Acre Farm — $12,500 ■. ■ ■ i HOUSES FOR SALE ' .. r• AT ALL PRICES ' ■ a.. APARTMENTS" FOR SALE 'AND FOR'RENT • ■ GROCERY STORE y-' GENERAL STORE FOR SALE, ■ ,*,*,*,.•0 ■° x ■ FOR • ALL ' YOUR � REAL •ESTATE: .BUYING or SELLING Is • A ■.. nd. EFFICIENT SERVICE. -- ,CONTACT ' i ■/• ..s BOK 93 LUCKNOW •PRONE' 5 8.3618 - ▪ AGENT FO JOHN` BS / OELD, REALTOR :..,,..420;11 ■ , • • ,BOX 353 MEAFORD, PHONE 42$ , ■ . BrrBBM•.rbBErriiiBIlEl1EM11008gr■s0M 00.B■a /M■WrrMB1000