The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-10-06, Page 14ion im • ' PAGL•FOURTEEN. THE .LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, .(tiCKNOW,• ONTARIO • IflfrOdUcifli MAIT LIBERAL FARM BACKGROUND, Malt Edgar was . bornand raised, in Morris Twp. 36 years ago'' on 'a farm now operated by ' his brother. . He is, a•; regular visitor to' the farm, where he assists in all :'farm ; activities,' and thus is: in : close . touch with Orin 'Problems. * . FAMILY MAN. Marriedto the • former Mary Bowman, of Brussels, he lives in Clinton with his .vrrife and five Children. * :TEACHER;, • Mait'Edgar els a 'teacher; first • teaching: in Goderich. Township. Subsequently • taught in.. Milton and ' at the Department of : National : De- fence Public School at Station :Clinton; .where he was . vice- principal. He has his Bachelor of Arts degree, and Since 1962 `'has been 'on 'the Staff , of the Central Huron Secondary School at Clinton. * THE COMMUNITY He serves his community and his church. Malt Edgar is / a member of : 'Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton; a for seer Sundaay. School superin- tendent, uperintendent,, and now an elder. :* . ATHLETE: Mai"t Edgar is a keen ath •' lete, ' as:.a, . competitor; coach and referee ;in 'hockey and baseball, . He has made a.sub- stantial contribution to juven-` le ' Volts programs 'through- out Huron. *.:..SERVICE MaltEdgar is interesstedin people. His broad training has been directed, -towards service to individuals and ' the ,commun- ity., 1Vlait Edgar will work full time; for' the :people'. of Huron. Initiation Held. At High School (by Elaine, Murray) The early part of the week at Lucknow High was relatively qui- et, but towards the. " end of the week there was a lot . of'. action.. On Thursday morning; Initiation' ;for t h e Grade Niners officially got underway with. an Assembly in which all: the: Grade nine stu- dents *ere paraded to the stage in their weird outfits to favour: us with some swigs and nursery rhymes: The 'new teachers at . our'. school. were also urinated and Of- ficially welcomed. All• day Thur- -sday these people went .through many trials a n d: on. Friday at lunchtime they w e,r a paraded. through downtown Lucknow, much to the delight and amusement of all those who saw them. Friday night Initiation was brought to a. close with a. dance. It was the . first . dance of the school:' year: and we are •pleased to say that it; was very well 'at- tended.. We . think everyone had. a good Eine. . The ' student council . would like to thank Mr and Mrs. Hall, and lVir. and Mrs. Gibson for acting as chaperines.. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6th, 1965. LOCAL . AND:. OENER Mrs Neil J . MacKenzieq,L spent the past 'Two Weeks, in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs, GeOrge . Stock'ham. Joe Conley has' -been a patient in Vietoria. Hospital, London, for about ten' days naw. Mr, and 'Mrs. Jim Dalton, of Aylmer, . Ontario, were week -end visitors of Mr. a n d Mrs John Carter. Mrs.• Dalton and,Mrs. Car- ter . were room mates at Victoria Hospital, London. • • . Visitors w ;i t h Mrs. Margaret Macpherson. over :the week -end were: Mr. and Mrs.. ,Archie Bon.. nett; 'Mt. and Mrs. Ernie Hanna; Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Schaffer, 'Gary', and Dale of, London, MtR and; Mrs. Morley Bell'. of Gorrie:. Mr. and Mrs: Clarence. Bell of Lucknow took a trip recently to Detroit, Bellevue,' Ohio and:. then on. to Cleveland, While they "were away, Mrs. Bell's mother Mrs. Charles Lorenz was a guest of. Mr. ` and Mrs. • Ab Campbell of town. Before• , their trip .:the Bells had'visitors from Detroit and Sault Ste. • Marie.. On. •. Thursday, September . 30th ° the volleyball teams. journeyed. to Port Elgin. High School to com- pete with the teams from . Sau- .geen High. 'A'lt'hough the : senior girls were defeated , t e . junior girls , a n ct the boys won their games. Congratulations! ELECTRIC.BLANKET tE Zi! • • Compare The QOf The' Candidates Before `You :Vote GIVE HURON A VOICE IN A MAJORITY. LIBERAL GOVERNMENT �r. fk hr Published by the Huron.Liberal Association LIBERAL • THOSE BROKEN WINDOWS :NOW IS THE TIME TO REPLACE'CRACKED AND BROKEN WINDOWS We Carry A omplete Stock Of ALL GLAS531ZE5 And Will Do 'The Whole Job F'or.. You At A. Small Cost • BARN SASK 9 LT. 10", x 12": GLAZED 8 LT. 10"x 12" GLAZED • 6 , •LT,' 10" x 12" GLAZED 4 LT. .• 10"x12" GLAZED 4, LT, 10"x 14" GLAZED • FRESH CEMENT IN STOCK., lohe W, Henders�n.. lumber [td. PHONE 528 3118 LUCKNOW DUNGANNON FAIR '(Continued from page 1}, • don Kerr, Ni ''e; Ricky Anderson, J._sat. of Mr. • -and Mrs. Reg Ander son, Goderich: Six Months to . One. Year Paul Martin; son of Mr. and Mrs, Codon Martin, R R: 1 Port • Al - be°' ; David Hawkins son of Mr. and ..Mrs. Jim : Hawkins, R.R. 1 Port Albert Brent Andrevst son of Mr. and Mrs Sandy Andrews, Auburn.' The busiest spot on' t 'h a fair grounds was the "Agricultural Hall, used for indoor exhibits, and used by the :'Fair crowd . to . keep warm. Greer's public.:, address system was used. on 'the.• grounds, In horse classes Leonard Bak of Wingham, had five firsts. Eugene McLean, `of R.R. 2, Rip-• ley; had the bestVtandem . team. and best three :township horses. Elmer. Johnston o f Atwood, swept the hackney poky classes. Joanne Rolkman of. •R:R " 3 God erich, had the best broken. saddle horse and also. thebest groomed' .saddle horse. . Janet Ahin of. RA, 4, Goderich, `had the top •brood pony. Douglas Henry of R.R.. 1 Port Albert,, won the potato race on horseback. • Winner : of the T. Eaton Comp- any livestock special for 'most points in the cattle • classes was Heber Eedy and . Sons of Dungan- non, Mr. • Eedy also topped the Hereford classes. Hugh Bennett of Port Albert, was tops in the Shorthorn. class- es , and Bruce Lamb of, R.IL 4 Goderich, was winner ih 'the An- gus classes, Mrs. Oliver MacCharles of . Luc-,: know, had 20 firsts in ladies work' as a land Mrs. Russell Brind- ley R. 3 Auburn, 17 firsts in the flower section. WITH THE PURCHASE .OF A WESTINGHOUSE OR ZENITH:' ecIric(Ioth�s Dryer. :p?::9j..'?r:K'a'::;.Y:iy,r:;�:f?•>i�:::::<,i:{:%t4:4.'tr:•v'v:� • 7a40 0905098 • NOW'S THE :TIME ; TO BUY THAT DRYER. 'AND BE READY FOR THE CHILLY DAYS_ AHEAD` rest LUCKNOW mmemakimmimoraws • PHONE 52843008