The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-29, Page 81E INI HT, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW',. Tical ,Research: was the Silver Lake W.I. when t. the 'home of Mrs. All - '.f or its September [e ,r s, •'Rgnaid Thacker, ,silent, was. in . charge of nne illeeling. which opened - with lithe Ode and Mary 'Stewart Col Mrs.: Ray Stanley read: the . The roll, , call was an-. -�. With Name: .and ,picture; W War veteran in this :tem • with rank,_ date, service Id discharge? . This proved. quite lidatresting as 'it brogght, forth and pictures ' of men who mooedin both wars. These will Isle entered : in our Tweedsmuir =9 boat• ' , The treasurer's report wase give fi• by .Mrs. Clarence Hedley.' Corres- pondence was r`e•a d. Mrs. Ray Stanley expressed her •thanks for the gift her new baby received from' the. branch. • Mrs, Albert Young reported on the day our branch ' entertained at the Log. House 4, ,Southamp. ton, t' h e ' hostesses were Mrs, Young, Mrs: Ellison Hodgins and Mrs. Norman Nicholson, The Pu= blic Relations: report ` was given by Mrs, .:las... McEwan on t h e bowling . ' party .which t o o k place of the August meeting, There were thirty-six present counting •m a -m b e r s:: and -their. friends, All report •having. 'spent' ,an ' enjoyable . evening. Mrs. Clarence Moulton was Con- venor ., for the meeting. • The topic was "History of Kinloss United. Church with Mrii Albert Young;: • .111.11.1111 ONTARIO Mrs, Ray Stanley and Mrs. Mout- ton all taking part in relating the history since its . organization, to theresent • day, the- names of all the :minister's were given who had servedthe churches .m the . cir- cuit over, the years, as : well. as an account of all additions' and gifts that have been, added to the church during the yeas.. This his- tory was very • interest ig ' a n d brought. back many memories. Mrs: Ray Stanley conducted: , a. musical .game with a ,surprise: ;end- ing, with' Mrs. Ellison Hodgins as: winner . of . the surprise 'package. Mrs:• Albert . Young conducted sev- eral , contests `which were ' much: enjoyed. Mts. Glen Young gave a" reading "Chain'Lettere. Mrs. James : McEwal played 'two old. favourites of yesterday on her ac- cordion and concludedthe pro - 220,000 VISIT DOUGLAS POINT SCHEDULED FOR.FULL OPERATION IN. 1966. Full -.time operation of the Infos- oration •Centre at. Douglas Point. will end for this .year on Septe?n- ber 26th. The centre, during 'the Fall, will be open to the ..public on Sundays only from, September 26th;' until. November 14th from the• hours .1.00 p of .m, to 4:30': • gramwiththe, reading' "The; Far- mers� Plight", •.. . ` de - After, come liscussiO 1it wa&-• ur Co Senior Cour- se tided not to take the•. Co se this fall. .,Vegetables i Flair"' due to. lack of. leaders, Meeting closed with the Institute Grace and the Queen. +Lunch was served by 'Mrs: Ray Stanley 'and Mrs. James, IVIcEwan,' WEDNESDAY, SEPT. ,.20th, 1165. P.m. ,The, centre will titen,be clos- ed for the winter to 'allow ,altera- tions to be 'carried ;out in.. time: .,. for next summer's operation. ,* Toursfor: special interested groups may still be arranged at.. any time by telephoning Vicar- dine. no or by, writing to Mr. John Rowland, Chief Guide, P.Q. Box, 1000, • Port Elgin, .Ontario. • Mor e than 220,000, people ' have visited , the , 'Douglas . Polnt: Infor. motion Centre since it: Was offic i a 11 y opened in ' 1961. Douglas Pont', Canada's. fust full-scale nu- clear' power station' ' will go into full operation ,in 1966.„ The sta.'' tion is • being ,builtby, , Atomic • En- ergy -hof Canada 'Limited with'`the•' , co-operation of Ontario Hydro. Your 'Subscription Renewed?. uiet says ow re .e ger • •. • 1968• • FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WITH 'UNIQUE 2 -WAY MAGIC 'DOORGATE 1966 • FORD GALAXIE. 00 SPORTS/LUXURY .HARDTOP •'' `. aThe 1966` Ford is the quietest . ever..: it may be the quietest car in the world: It has .a new stronger body... new big V8 ' engines,.. economical Big Six power.... new high performance 7-Litre.'m.odels... new Magic Doorgate on, wagons. Take a test drive—listen to the sound of quality. `. • a ive new look -.r • .: :... ..... .�,.: •••••••-•,,.:-.."":"`"".:=w..• :' ...,...-=v.......... 1966 FALCON FUTUR,A SPORTS COUPE WITH GREAT NEW PIZZAZ ,66 •Falcon •has all • the zip, and st le� oda re �ok1n for with p Y y � g' typical Falcon: economy. �'� con ..• :al has 10 newModels..,more strength'in the body: more room in the interior ..more luxury .throughout.. it'sTake atest-drive soon. and, it's thriftier because 1t s stronger. est Drive aTotal 1'erformance Ford at your Fcwd Dea • r TO BUY OR LEASE -SEE YOUR FORD DEALER 'MONTGOMERY MOTORS' Campbell St., Telephone 52&3007/ •