The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-22, Page 12ii . PAc TWELV. Increase' Grader Operator's W+ges (Kinloss: Council Minutes) Kinloss Council met in regular cession Tuesday, September 7th, with Murray, Conn, Evans, El- . Iiott l-'liottand Haldenby present, • The. following motions "were pas - 'sed and hills authorized paid. , That we give the Bruce., County Plowmen's Association a. grant of That. we pay Jack : Barr '$35.00 for gasused in sprayer; Mr.' Barr to clean sprayer. • That . we raise the grader oper- ator's wages from $1.25 per hour to $1.35 per hour, as of September 1965. That . we have , the reading. • of the John H. ' Ackert Drainage port on, Tuesday, September • 21st at 2;00 pan., and the Carruthers Drainage Report- at 3:00 p.m. . Yd „ SHEBOUGNT THE BEAUTY KGF, HOW OFTEN :SHE HAD , • HEARD: THE NAME-- sur oH'LAD/E,HER;. MA/RWILL NEVER BE THE SAME G L A DYS' BEAUTY SALON 5►MEC —3®71E1 L�CKPOVii aN'T_ TMS; LIJ - That we adjournto meet in reg- ular session Monday,: October 4th,' or at thecall of the reeve.. General Accounts: Bruce Coun- ty Plowmen's Grant, $1500; Vil- lage of Ripley", balance debenture interest on: High School, $3.91; Dr. W G. Bruce, dentals care, $25,00; Lucknow Sentinel, supplies,$16.01; Provincial treasurer, insulin, $1,- 92; Village of Ripley, fire calls, $275.00i, Charles Murray,; fox bou- nty,' $4,00; Garry Siltto�n,' fox ' .iiou nty, $4.00; Allan McFarlan, fox bounty, -$4.00; 'rank- • Schumach- er,. fox bounty, $4.09;' Ont. Hydro; twp. hall, 03.41; Ontario Hydro, Whitechurch .'Community ' Hall,. $6.- ,07; Fraser McKinnon, postage, .$5.00; •G. H. Wall, part . salary a n d -extras, $86.85;Mrs. Mans- field,. caretaking' a n d supplies,: $35.69; Carruthers Nursing Home, Institutional, Care, " $200.25;• . Arm- co Drainage and Metal Products, culvert: on Conley drain, $74.00; Ray Stanley, gravel on .Fairish ext., $4.48 Harold ' Congram, back h o e, Parrish ext., $15.00;. Fred Guest, f o x bounty, . $4.00;. Mrs: Art Clark, gravel, 2nd con:, drain,. $7.84; .Ray. Stanley, trucking gra- vel, 2nd con. drain, $21.60. Highways: Eldon Welsh, labour, $75.00; unemployment ins., dedu tion," $1.20; •. Claude Dore, :grader' operator, ' $282:49; ins:. deduction, $3.76; A. ,Hughes, rd. supt'd., $283.- 74; 283 74; . ins. deduction, $3.76; Wallace Houston, labour, 424.00; Frank MacKenzie,: labour; $3:60;,. Lorne Ivers, labour,• $27.00; John • McIn- nes, . labour, $78.60; Frank ` Mac, Kenzie,, 'chain saw, ` 2 hrs.: @ $3.00, $6.00; ' Wm. . Scott, blasting bridge, lot- 3, con. 4, $16:00 S. J. Farm- er, stampsand envelopes, $1.44; J. W. Henderson,. $7.83; Joe Kerr, 'crushing •;gravel,, $5,621.14; Ray. Stanley,.. hauling : gravel,.: $386.29; Thos. King, :cat . and scraper, $2,- 266:75; 2,266 75Armco, . drainage culverts, $331.25; Valley Blades .Ltd.;; `flash ers, $52.43; Pollard Bros , , calci- um, ".$1,267:03; Mrs. Annie " Mac Intyre, 6,001 yds, gravel @ 7c, CKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO Couple; Married: • At Niggard Falls• BLAKE 7 GERMANN:. Ute Margarete. Katherine 'Ger- ,mann of Niagara Falls exchang- ed marriage/ vows on Saturday,, September Ilth, 2:30 p.m:, with Harold James Blake. of. Toronto; in a 'cere , ony held in' St,. Paul's English Lutheran. Church in . Ni agara Falls. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Wand Mrs. George ; Germano of, Nim agara Falls, ,and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Blake of Dungannon. Rev, M. C..,' Weiss -back; officiated. T h e bride chose an 'Empire waisted floor -length gown of Ital- ian white Duchess • satin comple- mented by a French lace ,.hooded coat. She carried an arm, bouquet' of Sweetheart roses. and fern. The maid of honor, Miss Gisele Germane, sister . of the: 'bride, was. attired " in an Empire waisted floor -length gown . of turquoise bro- cade, completed by a matching stole. She carried an arm bouquet of pink carnations. and .fern. Barbara. Blake, as flower girl, wore a gown similar to the maid of honor, and carried. a .basket of roses and ' carnations. Bill ; Blake of Dungannon was bestman for his brother. a Followingthe ceremony .the re- ception was held at The. , Cairn - Croft, : Motor . Hotel. Guests were $420.07; Lyman ''Sutton gravel, 2,300 yds. @ 7c,.$182.00; Borden. Litt, '320 yds. @ 7c, $22.40; .Mrs. Mansfield, .grs_ in mower, $6.42; Anderson : Flax, 40 gal: br.ishkill 128 LV '@ '$8 25, $330.00; -Spence McFarlan, .4 hrs. @ $3.00, "clear- ing trees, ,$12.00;, Webster &-` Mc- Kinnon; chain and supplies, $18.- 26; 18:26; Harold Congram, 16•.'hrs..; with backhoe, ,$12000;. unemployment' ins cheque, $1744. G. • H. Wall, N1erk.• WEDNESDAY,. SEPT. 32nd, 1965 • CnJi%'Il rji si GUARANTEED" TRUST INVESTMENT ,. CERTIFICATES •"AND O`. 4Y AR 5t TERM Applications .Received By P. S. STEWART Phone: 528-2445 Box 31, Lucknow received . by the bride's mother who wore a two-piece green bro- cade ro-'' cade .ensemble with matching; ac- cessories and yellow ' roses -cor- sage... She • was assisted by ` the groom's mother who wore a teal blue matiseecrepe sheath dress and pink roses corsage.. For travelling the bride 'chose a green wool ensemble with mat- ching accessories: The couple will live in Toronto :wherethe bride, will finish her fourth. year in Un- iversity; the groom is a .graduate: of , Osgoode ; Hall Law School. Spoke About 'MBeIIci BeDaTo Kairshea Mrs. Lois Davey was guest speaker at the regular meeting' of. t h e Women's . Institute. S h e showed slides and gave a very interesting talk on the years. she taught 'school at the ' Indian vil- lage Bella Bella, B.C. She ',.:also displayed ' various articles. of In- dian : craft Mrs.; Bob Gilchrist .in- troduced Mrs. Davey a n d ' Mrs.. Jim /Burt thanked her and pre- sented her with a gift. Citizenship was the theme . of ,the meeting, and Mrs: Cliff Roul- ston was hostess at the Kairshea Institute Hall. In 'the absence of the president, 1st ' 'vice-president Mrs: Lloyd MacDougall presided for the. business: , Mrs. Jim ; Burt read the, scripture and the roll , call was, answered by . "An .out standing citizen and :what he. or she > is . doing: for our country." Reports, . were heard from com- mittees appointed ''or displays at the Lucknow : Fall F a i r. Ladies were appointed to sell ,tickets: on the " Tulip .Quilt at the Fair, The draw is to be made at the dance in the evening Mrs.. Evan •Keith reported onthe day at the Log Cabin at . the Bruce County'. Mus- 'cum Mrs. Bill Scott was ;present. and played the piano in the ., absence of Mrs. Mowbray; ,Mrs. Gib Ham- ilton took the ' chair - for the :pro gramme and /,gave. the courtesy remarks . The ,next .meeting will be the . grandmothersmeeting with, Mrs. I: r a 'Dickie hostess. Mrs.. Wm. ' Cottrill of Tiverton will de- monstrate ' liquid: embroidery. Fol- lowing the . singing cf God Save the Queen and the Institute Grace, Mrs.. Roulston ' • assisted by Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs:, Burt served a dainty .lunch.; He gets cash efore delivery Every day local branches ,of the chartered banks extend credit so that businesses. can fill orders, take on contracts weeks or months before payments startcoming in. Companies come to them also . for market and credit s reports, .assistance in handling .payments,' payrolls, collections, foreign exchange, letters • of credit whatever banking help they: may need to keep men at work, goods flowing to market. in.. 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