The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-22, Page 8THE. LUCKNOW. SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The Corporation of the Village of Lucknow financial statements and Auditor's Report` FOR THE , 'YEAR: ENDED DECEMBER' :31,. '1944 Auditor's...Repo0.. 'be Reeve, Members of Council and Ratepayers.. Vbe Corporation of the Village. of Lucknow Ontario May 31st, 1965 h and records'of the Village of Lucknow for the I have audited thea accounts year ended December 31, 1964 and; have prepared therefrom, the statements listed is the index of this ~repoat, OPERATIONS • ' • 'The operations for 'the ear: resulted in a deficit of $189.06 after using $4,500.00 4 prior. years' revenue fund surplus to reduce the. •; taxation ; revenue otherwise re Presented herewith is a condensed, comparative statement ' .of Revenue and �diture for the years ended December 31, 1964, 1963, and '1962. REVENUE` $ 78,109.33:''$ ,4;685.78 $..67064.25: 27,709.28 709.65) :1,267.59 8,487.64 30,127.91 2,517.18 . • • 2,012.89 f t' • Year.:. ended` December 31'. 1964:.. .1963, . 1962 • e debt charges recoverable end subsidies rnmdent of Canada• 'rawinoe' of Ontario County of Bruce aid permits and • taxpenaltiesice Lit%ecrevenUe • LIABILITIES. tire Debt Issued , and ' Unmatured • Tosspitals WEDNESDAY, SEPT • Ar 'M. HARPER 115; Other, M1 ,. $ 52,800.00 684.94 • •' 4 $ .53,484.94 Schools . Collegfate and High- Pablic. Utilities and. Other Municipal 'Enterprises. Water Supply Systema Total? Due to Other Funds- Revenue funds Investment . in Capital Assets .$3,621.84 -� $223,621;84 $ 15,982.50 $ 15,982.50 $293,089.28 1,114.53 60,064.97 . THE CORPORATION OF: THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW revenue Fund Balance Sheet December' 31,.1:964. ' • ASSETS Cash on Hand Cash in • Bank .Due:• from Province of Ontario ,707.55 20,351.70 Due from Dominion of Canada • Due from Other` Mimic' . 'ties 752.00 7,846.29, ' 1,803:16 154.38. : 169.00 150.00 391,43 342.66 •339.08:. 11;774.66 a. 12,883:13, •. 7,60915 ' • .. 3;364.72 3;787.34 Smits from prior. • years' used to reduce:, levy • EXPENDITURE General government :...:, Proton to persons and property .... Public works - roads Sanitation and waste , removal Conservation of.health. Relief assistance 235.10 796.05 Education 29,999.89. 33,692.70 • Recreation and . community service 3,460.68 2;954.03. 39,511.42., 36,637.08 28,213.32; Taxes written off by Court of .Revision . 643.68. . 532.77 County• rates 14,467.54 13,140.99 12,847.65 Artificial'.ice costs 11,774.66. 12,88313 .' Provision for deferred income `, 23.66 ; 102.23,,: ital expenditures . out • of current: revenue 4,793.87 2,173.61 520.82 er , 'expenditure 15.86 °' 8,525.36 Deficit from previous years levied, for - 904.84 ' 1,716.29 .4,500.00 2. $126,866.23 $155,69719 8114,554.33 $ 50.00 1,090.85 Due' from, Other Local aids ` and Commissions (specify). Due fromWaterworks Due from 'RUC. BY Due from Other Funds (specify) Capital funds Taxes Receivable„ (Schedule 5) lyes -Allowance for uncollectible taxes (Schedule . 8) $ 10,699:63 $ 10,699.63 Other' Assets; Other. (specify) Deposit on building $ .. '100.00. $354;268.78 1,140.85'.` 5,975.55. 504.00 233.70. 150.67 '546.35 $ . 697.02 ; $ ` 1,114.M $ '1,114.53 • Total •Assets • • LIABILITIES Temporary Loans ' (Schedule 6) 8;848 58` $ ' 6,84$.44 $ 7;932 52 Accounts .Paye le 919.19 Debentures Cou ' ns Due • ., 16,073.15 • 11,337.13 • 8, Coupons 7,293'82 24,39687 6,305.87 1,855.38 1,248.76 1,270.60 ' 29400 412.19 30150.84 . 3,157.75 Snrplus 'or (deficit) for year. ,.. $1,56549 ..8155,09786 $115459:17 $ '(189.06) $ 599.33 $ (904:84): The - results of the operations of the other Boards and Commissions were as Mows: • Public Utilities Commission Hydro Water Supply stem Lucknow District High School,' Board Lucknow' Public School Board ..... ,......,.. .:... Lucknow Public Library Board Lucknow District ; Recreation Committee • surplus.. °ss rpus l�'. surplus surplus deficit $• .142.96 $ 3,797 66 $ ' 727.76 . .$ 1.1,923.14 '$ 1.,262.38. $ 110:86• •• . GENERAL The current bank loan« appears to be in excess . f the :maximum'' allow• ed by sermon 32.9. (1). .of . The bscipal 'Art. CERTIFICATE • • Subject' to the foregoing, 'T hereby report that • in ..my: opinon (1) The financial transactions.which. have come under •nny notice have .been' within' the powers of .the municipality. (2) The' audit as beta conducted' in accordance With- the,. instructions: of the Department: of Municipal.Affairs. (3) The financial 'resent fairly the financial potation of the mum icipality as ,at "December 31, ::1964 and the results of its operations for the, year ended on 'that o date. Date of filing -June- 4, 1965 • A. M HARPER' ' .. Licence V'o .":27 THE CORPORATION OF'• TH'E- VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW - Capital and Coati �und B�Car�ce Sheet: December 31, 1964 • ASSETS Geneer`al Fixed (as per Schedule 18) Work in Progress - Bridge Due from Schools "(for .'Debentures Collegiate ' and 'High • Due from Utilities and Other Municipal Entef r s4s. to+ Water Supp]y • Systetn Other (specify) Lucknow Arena Due from Other, Mui icipal ties 't or Debentures Asswned •'lbeficits or Extraordinary' Expenses Capitalized. - Winghari Hospital Grant 4.1.6$3.11 Debentures ' 15.:50 800.® Schetluleo'2 $111:606. 1.571.65 S 41.53.11 .3 16.782 56 181.4.7:1• 684.54 P54468.18 Interest Due to Schools' ' Other Liabilities Deferred' Revenue, (Schedule:8411:92 Surplus (Form. C) :100.00 $ '20,465.28 • $ 11,500,00. 2,844.14' $. °,1,11615 'I 861162;32,35 $ ... 411.92 $':3,730.55 • Total Liabilities and Surplus $ 20,465.28 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW. Revenue Fund Surplus Account December .31, 1964 Debit Balance at January 1, 1964 $ Surplus included in Current : Budget 4,500.00 Adjustments affecting operations of previous years: (specify) Dominion of Canada 1963 subsidy in: excess of accrual x.• 57.00 4. • Balance after above adjustments : 3,9 19.61 Deficit for. the year (Form D): $ 189.06 •. • :Totals of Debit and Credit columns ' 4,6$9.06. $ .:8,419.61' ' Balance of Surplus at December •31,.11964 (Form 2) • $ 3,730.55 Credit' Balance 8,362.61.. $ ; $ 3,862.61 • THE CORPORATION OF. THE VILLAGE OF .LUCKNOW Statement of -Revenue and Expenditure • For' the .•.year ended December REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Schedule i3) ,....:...; 31, 1964 ' • „Actual Budget $ ' 78,109;33 $ . 77,019.58 27,709.28 27;708.00 Long -Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule '12) Contributions,' Grants 'and Subsidies Governments Canada / Ontario - Welfare . Assistance Highway Improvement Payments in lieu of . municipal tax Police and Fire Unconditional' Per Capita Grants Recreation Other (specify i` Winter works Sales tax rebate Other. 'Municipalities County of Bruce ' Licenses and Permits (include dog tax)' Interest, Tax :Penalties. etc. • Other Revenues- • Rents. • Concessions and Franchises Fines • Service . Charges • Recreation and Community Services lli5cellaneotss ( ify ) provision or deferred • revenue - ° 3,876.52' • ..... 361.30- ,55.48 .. • 3,093.00 ' 666.60 GroSS Total. Revenue Surp.0 • frorn, Prior Years used to reduce levy 'Deficit for the Year ▪ Total: Revenue Section' 709.65 103.20` 240.60 $ $,487.64 2,517:18- 154.38 170.00 391.43 350,00 • 988:00' 139.72 ►2,569.50 $ 3,697.22 $; .1,900.00 •:8,088:00,' • 90,12' ' ,, $111,866;23 $11,235.58• 4;500,00 4,500.00' $128,189 $119,735.58- $126,555.29. $119.,734,58