The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-15, Page 13WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1Sth, 1965 10-041,',..;444.#44.-94-.P0-4,4444-44~4,444.44.9:4.1,,, Phair and Acheson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL Au0.1ToRs. THE LUCKNO1N SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,,ON'TARIO • • PAGE THIRTEEN Box 663 ' • Phone• , • Kincardine A,M.HARpE.R0* CHARTERED 'COUNTANT 55 7 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 :JOHOSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Liicknow., Phtme 528-3013' ••.:Day or Night' • Serving All Faiths, According to 'Their .Wishes • . Moderate. Prides Established, 1894 •••#4.,•944.•••••-e-••!••••-•#-.0-1 A. R. DU, VAL D.C., Sp. C. . Chiropractor' Physio. »»and Electro Therapist Wingham Phone 357-3580 • (Office located on Jblin St..West aext. to Toronto Dominion 13ank)- 44444,44044ayro#P-pw•##•^44,44,4444.444.4.4.1..4.orino,s INSURANCE . . • FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY'•: .AUTOMOBILE and LIFE , To ProteCt Your Jack, Insure. With Jack Today • J. MCDONAGH •.- LucknoW, Phone 528-3423 • • W. 'ANDRE* N • • Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon, • Office. in the Joynt, Block Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 CRAWFORD.' and . SHEPHERD J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C.• • N. ,A. SHEPHERD Wingham and Lucknow ,IN LUCKNOW ,WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. to 1 p.M. Located in ICilpatrick Bloek • Phone Wirgharn , ,Office .357;3630 — Res. 357.2330 IMPERIAL 01°L. • PRODUCTS for prompt service, and quality products, • Contact: • GRANT CHISH•OLM phone Collect • , Dungannon 529.1524 "Always 'Look To Imperial '• For The Best" • • INHITECHUkCH‘ ter Mrs. 116.beit Whitechttrch Jumor softball tearn Mr, and Mrs. .Robert Brownof eyed to Mer with manager, Joe Tiffin, .journ. Harriatda were Sunday evening South lin '8unclaYto play . visitors •with Mrs. Doris Williis. South Buxton, which resulted in the. score 5-3 in favour of South Mr. 4n d Mrs. Tom Morrison» ,Buxton 'who will play Whitechurch are spending holidays with Mr. on Saturday evening, September and Mrs, Frank Stockhill a n d 18th, in •Wingham Park. If a 3rd family of Timmins. game, is necessary, to, declare 'a' Mr and Mrs, Bill Craig of Scar- winner, .it will be .played Sunday borough are 'visiting with .her .sis- afternoon, • ' Visitors- with, Mr.- an Mrs. Joe Tiffin on Sunday, were- Mr. and • Mrs. Orville 'Tiffin and Barry Tit. • fin - of ', Waterloo, • • . • t ••Mr. .and 1Vb.§.. Robert Chambers,. • • Doran, Baibara an d» Bruce of Ilarriston were Sunday visitors • With Mr. and 11e..rs. » Carl Weber. ' and famhy. Mr. and Mrs. John Sinnamon L. and family .of. Wroxeter •and Mrs, • Hugh Sinnamon of Wingham were Sunday • visitors With"Mr. and Mrs. • Ernest Beecroft and family. •• • •Mrs Leask McGee of Wingham Ls * visiting •at the home of her 1: R. Hamilton r .;. OPTOMETRIST %IEXT *0 LYCEUM THEATRE V/INGHAM • PHONE .3574361 Ing all tOkNalorkihi GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus.. Ph. 357-1910, Res. Ph. 357-1015 It • 4 A 'Williams OD. Optinnitrist 9 Patrick "Street WINGHAM " r Phone', 351420 .444444,0404.4:.o*444tei 04.0 Hadden's St o Imem■■■■Amiumminemppoisaussionammumeirm■■■0191 ■ • 00044 1: at °*4617115015°4115) • . • IC 3=1965 Pontiac Parisienne; 4400i. hardtop, V-80 fully eq14PPed a 1965 Ford Galaxie 500, automatie, equipped. ,„'• 1964 ',Pontiac. Parisienne'; 4doer hardtop,. V-8;. fully daughter Mrs. Basil Davidson and Mr. Davidson of St. » Catharines. • Mr: and Mrs: Lloyd Whytock, Janet, Donna, Darlene, and Jim Were Sunday visitors w th' Mr.: and, Mr.» Lloyd Canipbell' and family »of 13elgraire. » » »» » • Mr: and Mrs. Bert' Moffat, ,Tee- swater; Mr: and Mrs. Dave .Stobo •of » Belgrave » were Sunday visitors With Mr. -.and. Mrs....Ira Wall and family. » ».' • Mr., and Mrs. Howard Walker and Joyce and Brenda Coultes, Mr: and Mrs. D. A.I Hackett and Joan of :Zion attended London Fair Saturday..: • • • • Visitors with'Mr. and kfra.,,La-. Wrence Taylor . and ,family were Mr: and Mrs. Bill Ingrig of Ham - PORTRAITS 1 ilton:,..who.were here attending the „,. . . •• ••• STATIONWAGONS 111 • . • • • ; 1964 'Dodge sedan, V4, power steering •' 1964 -Chevrolet Impala, 4 -deer' hardtop, fully'.equiPPect 2-1964 Pontiac Laurentian sedans, 6 cylinder, automatic 1963 Chev Belair V-8 automatic, radio, fully equipped • • a• :a 2-1964 Chevrolet Belair sedans, automatic, power steering, :I fully equipped • •■ 1964196pConlietviaciniLpaaulare'r7lianvesrtedibaine,. fully equipped' , automatic , • . ■ • 1963 Chevrolet Biscayne sedan, standard 1962 Falcon, automatic, sedan 1962 Meteor sedan, standard transmission ' ■ 1962 Chevrolet Belair, 6 cylinder, automatic 1962 Pontiac Stratochief, 4 door, 6 'standard .• 1962ChevV2 ton pick up tnk,- step -side box 1961 Ford, 6 cylinder sedan standard transmission 1961' Pontiac Laurentian, sedan , • 1960 Chevrolet, 4 -door, standard, sedan we 1 • Number of 59 and )8 modlels . • • • , ...• •• •'r •.'!• • • . • • • . 1 • 1 .• • Weddings and Children '.' TT 'Taylor. 'Miss Ruth Taylor of Tor- • • funeral of the late John Charles • . 1964 Pontiac, V4 automatic, fullrequiPPed., 4 -deer • GODERI-CH, ONTARIO I onto spent the week -end at the 1961 Falcon ..StationWagen. , 118 St. David Street » • er inhonor 'of the .bride-tO-be • ' • ' . same home and attended a show-. In. • • • - • • . ■ • Dial 52,4-8787' Sandra Chaniney the home 'of russels 1 ots ' her aunt Mrs. Beatrice Chaney or • Of Wingham. a•cities Service Dealer ■ • • • • . Phone 172, Bnisselo ..'MatKerizie emorlal Chapel . . • •• FUNERAL, SERVICE Services 'conducted ..according ' to your Wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Mem- orial Chapel at no additional charge. • • , •• Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 Day or Night.. K. J. MaiKENZIE,' • Optometrist' NOW'IN AIPLEY, • '. EVERY .WEDNESDAY ' Office. 'Hours 1'0:00 a.m. to '9:00 • p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, • .Ripley; 96-r-24 for appointment,. , 44444~~marrom•L4.4-44.4m,,•44#44~ BELL OPTOMETRIST— GODERICH • . . ' 0'1*. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square • (Phone J.Ackson 44661): TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician • ' • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR •• Specializing In , • .Electric Heating," Electric. Wiring •' and Repairs • * and • Alt Electiliar Appliances Lucknow --- Phone 528-5.182 .!•••••,44.44"."."'"••••••••••••.,4•4.04; ..Mtintosh Lard Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS •Resident Partner, E. 5ennedy„; C,A.4` 'Opposite Post,Office PhOne .841,1471, ---"Walkerton BACK TO STUDIES! • 1: . , ; Successful wishes go to the :Un- ■■lii■Ems■■■■iigiumsana■nisumninnumeininnnio•■••■■• iversity student's. front our Jona • ity: Wayne Farrier, entering Wes- ri Jane and Kerry- of Port Elgm, and T S. MacDonald of Teeswa- who. were on holidays, . .ter. placed second and third With nesday and the other ; tern University,- registers. on Wed- ,Mr. a n d •Mrs. Albert •Coultes 3 %VMS' plus "52. Other. 3 game •-, 3rd year students registering o FridaY. were • Sunday visitors w it h, Mr. winners were L. White of. Balk • a r e. miss, 'Muriel.m,Ribipr;wiEurlwr in ley.• . •• • and R. Sparling of 'God arid Mrs....Lawson ,Majtiry of Pais-, over, M. •Thoinpson 'of: Chesley ' Modre, Wayne art - . Attending the MacDonald—Fry- The three top 2 game winners Coultes and,;George, Conn.,' Miss fume wedding at St. Helens on ' were Sid Bullen of • GoderiC14, C. Janie Beecroft regiateredion•Tties-. day: at 'Lendniy Teachers' college.; Saturday Were Mrs, W. 'R.. Far- Shaeffer of Si. Marys ,both With Gary Chapman »begins on Tues- tier, Mrs. D:•MacDonaldi Mr: and g: :wins » phi .51.. Lloyd Ilan of .day at Hamilton Institute of 'irech riology. The Community wish him • every » success. .Tom Robinson -is attending the .Trade "School' for 10» weeks in the ..Electrical » Course. .We wish him » every, success. Services .at the United Church here ,Will be withdrawn as it is anniversary » services in • Bluevale United Church. Services will be at 11:00,:a.r.n. and 7:00 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev » Don- ald MacDonald' of Goderich, ' Visitors with Mr, and MrS. Bill Neable and family were »Gordon Neable, Caledon, and Gene' pin - bey ; and 'b�ysof Inglewood • Sunday. viSitnrs with Mr. .and more of, Clinton were the top pair . 'Mrs. • Pen,. MCCienaghan and Mr. and .Mrs. Carl McClenaghan were in the Lucknow Labor Day Bowl- The Best. Week To. Advertise • •Mr. and WS...Harry Moss Platts- , ing Tournament with 3 . wins plus • " Is Every Week! ville 59: .6, MacKay and Malcolm Mac- ' Mr, a n d Mrs.. 'Irwin Mc- .Clenaghan, Na'ndy. and Ronnie oi Kay' of Wingharn, ,.and A. Blair ! Is Your SUbsirintion Renewed? St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Dili Ryan and „Janette. of 'Godeiich, Mr.. and Mrs. F. G. McGowan Of. Toronto' Were - week -end visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jam- ieson and family, • Mr, and Mrs`Donald, Gray, 13o.: nnie, Tommy n d Donald were week -end. visitors with • her par-, ents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoffin; and Sunday 'visitors at the same hoine .were Mr: .and MM. Ronald .jamiescirt, Lori Ann and Gordon:of East Wawanosh. • • Visitors on' Sunday evening with .• andIvIrs. Roy IKylri. were Mr. and Mrs, Harold Finlay, Brenda, and 13evan Belmor,e„— The Young Peonies Society will hold the first meeting for the fall on 'Ttiesday evening, SePtember .21st, in the United Church Sunday School room. ' At •ChahneFi Presbyterian Chur- ch, two bouquets of flowers' were, placed in the church, in rnerriery o f Karen Lynn .Gaunt, Gebrge COnn, soloist,' sang :Praising My Saviour all' the Day Long', , Visitors last week. with 110, and Mrs.AlbertCOulteS were Mr. and 1VIrs. Wilbert Sehvvichteriberg, MrS. Garnet Farrier and Jams.' Lucknow had 2 wins plus so. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin were 1 Other winners in order of stan- • Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I ding were • Bert Hastings and. family of Mor- 1 . 2' Game Winners Dr. Brady, Ab, Archer, A. Red, Mr., and Mrs. Archie Watt o Imond,- Dr. Hood, Bert Garret, R. Toronto were. Sunday visitors with1 Ross, Harold Ritchie of Lucknow Mr. and Mrs. Millan.' Moore and t„J: Porter, G. Binkley, Roy Fin-: , ayson of Lucltnow M. Dieves ', • Ja"Clerislheor Game eLuwcrineroWs:. 4 , " / Cr• Brown, E. Webster, H. :Wil- liams, Clark Finlayson of Luck - family and Mr. and Mrs. George. Thompson and family,- - Full House For • o D• Sackett Jack Henderson Labor ,Day.. Bowling of. Lucknow, M. Mercer, M. Met-' • ncalfwe,- john. Rutherford of . • . . . Bert Gray a n d Percy now, K. Primmer. ' ' • ' • • • FEDERAL RIDiNG OF. HURON . . LIBERAL ICMINATING CONVENTION. to select a Candidate to contest the »»riding •" in the forthcoming Federal Election ThugsThursdiy, September 23 AT 8:30 p‘m. • Central Huron Secondary School » Auditorium * • •CLINTON " • HON LARRY .PENNEL • Solicitor General in the. Pearson GoVernment will address thejneeting * • . HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIJOION '• WM. ELSTON EARL CAMPBELL • HAROLD SHORE• , President Treasurer Sec.retary •