The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-15, Page 6PGE SIX;. 'FI • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO. F1NEST . • ee Johnstone. ai urniture WE HAVE A ''LARGE STOCK OF. FALL. FURNITURE .:STYLES TO -PLEASE. ALL TASTES. DROP IN AND , LOOK.. 'OVER OUR'SELEC .ION: WHEN HARD EARNED, PAY`, CIlEQUES MUST STRETCH y OUT DEAL T ERE FOR PRICES TRYST KICKED Our • ;A, • BEST PRICE' LI'AIK Jhtfrice used S's//t. 528.3 13 HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFArAPPL IANCES KINLOU..HG Holyrood W.A. The W.A./ met en.'Thursday' of ternoon at 'the home of • theP res idents Mrs. R dy Schneller • A • quilt was quilted . during the af- ternoon. Miss Edna .Boyle read,. the 121st psalm, 'followed ,by. .pra- yers.,' pra-yers.,;;The• meditation "The • Pot- ters ' Clay" was; . given by . Mrs. Howard : Thompson. TIie word for the roll call was "Harvest". A letter. was :read from the Deanery president,. " Mrs. ,Washington,:. re- ara N W at USED CARS PHONE 523-.4342 1.965 FORD, 4 Door, Automatic 'Transmission 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 6 Cylinder,, -Automatic Trans, mission . - ' • 1964 ,CHEV BELAIR, 4 Door, Standard ,Transmission: 1963 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF, 4 Door,: 6 • Cylinder., Automatic Transmission .\ • 1963 PLYMOUTH, 2 Door, 6 Cylinder, Standard 'Transmission , 1963 MERCURY, 4 Door, V 'utomatic 1962'. FALCON,' DELUXE S TIONWAGON ., 1961 FO TDaSTA I NWAGON, 4 Door, V-8 :Automatic 1961. CHEV, 4;Door, Stationwagon Automatic Transmission 1959, CHEV, Stationwagon '• 1958 PONTIAC, 2 Doer,' 6 Cyclnder, Standard Transmission 1958. PONTIAC, 4'Doo0, 6 Cylinder stationwagon , SEE THESE AND �H$S. • Showers Honour, .Shirley Newbold. Shirley , Newbold, whose mar- riage took place last Saturday,. wasguest of' honour on Saturday, September 4th in the evening, at the home of Mrs. Philip Stewart,. where . a family gathering, was. held to shower her with gifts and best wishes:, ,• . • ' Mrs. Stewartwelcomed Shirley pests and ' other ' • .to her home and ' Miss Winnie ; Stewart showed. slides of her recent, vacation. trip ;to Jamaica, • Readings ,were'., given . by; Mrs. • Harold Campbell and - Mrs:; Har- ry Lavis; vT i s s Maudie a Fisher, gave.,a reading in connection with. the ; gifts. Elizabeth Newbold as- sisted her sister in opening the gifts and . reading „the •' cards. Shirley thanked the ladies for. her gifts •a n d those responsible .for her shower. Lunch .was served.. and a pleas- ant leasant evening spent. * A..shower was held at the home'. of Mrs. Jack E. MacDonald, in Lucknow in •the afternoon of''Mon- day, September- 6th in honour of Shirley Newbold,. daughter of Mr: :a n d.Mrs: , George.; Newbold a of town. Friends and •neighbours .at tended. . •The bride was ushered to her Seat of ,honour . by 'June , Ackert. of Holyroed and. Karen Carruth ers of Ripley,. to the strains of, "Here Comes the Bride" played on the 'plane by Mrs. C. Shad dick. 'Readings . we r e given, by Mrs. Wm. •Maclntyre a n d Mrs Jessie -•;Allin , A' duet was sung by June: Ackert and 'Karen Carru- thers. Contests were "conducted by' Mrs- Mel Greer and Mrs. Roy' Havens.. Mrs. Mel. Greer w a s chairlady for the' 'programme. June and Karen assisted Shir- ley in opening her gifts. Shir- ley's 'sister' Elizabeth Newbold 'de- signed esigned a •. hat, Made.. f;r o•m• . the bows , on • the gifts,. for thebride- ,to:be to wear:: Shirley` thanked everyone press. • ent. Everyone sang "For She's A. 'Jolly 'Good Fellow." Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. • WEDNESDAY, SEPT. ' 15th, 196S Join today's swingers. Travel in style' with. Sunbeam Whippet Casuals. Choose s-m-o•o-t-h hand -rubbed steerhide or genuine brushed pigskin (Scotch-gard . protected). Either way the comfort's the same. Air=soft cushion arch supportsand extra strong steel shanks make Sunbeam Whippets the lightest and softest casuals that ever floated your way Available in men's and women's styles. • garding , the . fall ''Deanery' 'meet ing .to be held .in .Kinlough• on October , 22nd. The Confirmation. for: :the parish' will ,.also be held in Kinlough 'thiit year on Sunday, October , 3rd. Prayer closed the. meeting: Mrs. Tom 'Hodgins gave the courtesy., remarks a:n d. • re- freshments were served by the. hostess. Mrs.. Midford Wall will be hostess. for /the October meeting: 'Congratulations to Mr. ' and ;Mrs. Bob Smith ' (nee. Shiela : Haldenby), onthe birth: of a daughter in God- erich ` hospital' on September 7th.: .4-H.. Club •..Meeting , • The • first meeting of the 4-H homemaking club,. • "Club Girl En= tertains", was held -on, September. 6th, at the. home. Of Mrs.' Lyman 'Sutton. Notes were given on cut- ting. utting• flowers and arranging them. in correct' :vases which was done. by Janette Eckenswiller, Joan Percy;' and Heather Hewitt. Notes were given on . entertaining •at. home. The following officers were• elected: president, Margaret Bu- shell; vice president, Marjorie Burt; secretary, Jean Sutton; treasurer, Mrs. D ort ;Bushell; press, reporter, Betty Schneller. The secondmeeting was held ori' September 11th at 10:00 a.m.; at the home of Mrs. Lyman Sut- ton. There art 12 members and the leaders: 'are Mrs.' Lyman Sut- ton and Mrs. 'Don . Bushell, ,The meeting ,• opened with the 4-11 pledge and the roll . call Notes were given qn Being ' a Guest, How to . pack a Week -end Bag, and How ' to send a Thank -you Note. A week -end bag was pack- ed: Club . names were discussed but—not decided on as yet. The next • meeting will be held on Thursday, September 16th, at 4:30 p.m., at the •home of. Mrs.: Don Bushell. Each member is• to have a reference file . such as a ' three ring loose leaf , binder, The' meet ing closed. with the 4-13 Creed. Miss Mabel Dixon of Weston, Mr.. and Mrs. Lynn Trainor and family. of ' Don Mills visited: with Mr. and: Mrs. Dan McTnnes and' family,' • Mr. and ' Mrs. Rudy Sieloff and: Calvin •of Detroit visited w i t h Mrs, William Cox and other rel - RAThWRL,; SNOE STORE .,.11101rie rX ucknow 528-3117 datives 'here: Mr. and Mrs Dari McInnes and family. and • Miss ;'Mabel Dixon vis ited on Sunday. with Mr. 'and, Mrs. John McInnes. and family .at' Blue.- vale. . Mrs. H a r o l d Haldenby was guest . soloist at ; Kinloss United Anniversary service on Sunday'` morning. :.. Some from here attended. . the Western Fair at. London. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh. left on Tuesday for Melfort,,Sask., where she will visit' •with' Mr:. and . Mrs. Jack Walsh.' and 'family _and " other relatives' there • • Mrs. P. Pearce 'of Toronto vis- ited :over tile week -end'. with :Mr. and ,.:-Mrs. Chris. Shelton. Elmer Umbach of `.Lucknovp was a din- ner guest on, Thursday evening at' the same - he me. 1tJLROSS CCRNERS Congratulations .to •Mr.'' and .Mrs. Jas: Wilson ,,on the birth of, a son on September' 9th, in' Wing-- ham Hospital. Jean :Doupe'. and Beverley Wall, Exeter, were recent visitors with Mr, and •Mrs Morley Wall and family. Bruce -.Parker left Friday. mor ning for Marquette, Mich., where he will attend University. Mrs: T o 'm `. Hackett; Ashfield, spent a few days with Mr.: and Mrs. Midford Wall.. '` Mr., a n d Mrs. Tom Collinson and Mrs, M. Weiler, ,Preston; vis- ited Thursday at''th'e home of Mrs. ' Catherine O'Neil. ; Mrs; Frank Brown spent Tues- day with Mrs- May Jackson, Gor- rie. . . Mr ` and 'MrsOrval. Wilson and family; • attended London Fair on'; Saturday. Miss Minnie, Barber, Wingham, and Mr. Tom Hackett, • 'Ashfield, were . Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Midford ` Wall. • .Mrs. Ivan Pollock, Ripley, the former Alice Wall of this com-' ' munity, is a patient 'in Kincar- dine .Hospital. • FOR PLAYING CARDS `• :double and : single:', decks, see the selec- tion a' the Sentinel, Office, .phone', 52&3134., PAID. GUARANTEED 'UST CERTIFICATES • .issued. In' amounts from $1.00 .upwards for 3, .4 or 5 years. • earn51/2% interest payable half-, yearly by cheque. • authorized investinent .for all .Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. TH.E • RLIN1 _ CORPORATION 372 Bay St:,, Toronto 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga Barrie Orillici