The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-08, Page 12si ,t PAG! 'TEN' THE. LUCIKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO RPLL QUIPNIENT • SEALED QUOTATIONS WILL se,RECEIVED BY THE UN- DERSIGNED' UNTIL 10:30 A.M,.,, D.S.T.,, ':on . urs tem er: for the following equipment:• .. --� Seama"n Tiller, ' powered by 3 71 GM deisal.• - Steam Jenny, powered by small gasoline. •motor and mount= ed on single -axle trailer. Hopper type Sander, 5 cubic yard, withgasoline motor. - Mower, gas powered, sickle type, hand controlled: The above are located in they Walkerton yard.> Concrete Mixer, 11S Gilson. Paisley yard.. • All are on a "where : s,1' "as is" : basis. Each_ quotation must'. P., be accompanied by a cheque for 25% of the bid HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER NOT T 'NECESSARILY:. ACCEPTED. , . 1 ELDON YUNDT; COUNTY •ENGINEER, BOX 398,+,;WALKERTON; ONTARIO. KINLOSS Mr and • Mrs, R. L..' MacDonald 'who. have spent the. "summer vac- • motion at ; Clan Donald, Lucknow, returned; home to Kapuskasing , on Friday. Their daughter Joan who has been here since marking 'Grade . XIII English papers in Tor 'onto left: Friday for a year in Par-, I5;, France. ' Betty Hamilton-' who ;teaches hi Niagara', Falls,' , spent . the' latter .part of the vacation with her .'par- lents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Gilberts Ilam ilton: Mr': and Mrs. _Ron Chapelle (Ann Townson):' and. Cheryl of Sud- bury : spent the .week -end with Mr. and Mrs. , .Ira Dickie and family at their' cottage at Hope Bay. It's back to : school this Tuesday for the students. It's a slight change for a . former L.D.H.S: • student, .Allan MacDougall who.. begins hii . teaching career at L D.H.S: , this. term.'• ,Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bell, Vir- ginia, Bruce. and Donald • of 'Tor.' ontovisited recently''at the: home of Mr. . and Mrs.' Leonard Mac - Innes. {I IN SIZES 4'x6'••TO 4''10' 'erlrte Hardwall Plaster gauging Plaster � ` � . • I�ason� ,Lime . Finishing L�m�' Spray L ane ALSO JUST RECEIVED. A SHIPMENT OF Micafil(Pour Type) • �.Home ERESH CEMENT IN STOCK on W. e n erson Lumber Ltd PHONE 528-3118 � LUCKNOW* • Climax Fair Plans. e Parade = Big.Event (Contributed) A very enthusiastic group of over 30 directors of Lucknow ' Ag- ricultural Society met on•Wednes-. day evening of last week to fin- alize plans for the Centennial Fair to be held Friday and, Sat •urd4y, September 17 and 18. i't was .the best 'meeting yet. Reports were• heard from all committees and much ' discussion '• resulted., Anyone coming to Lucknow to this Fair :will see;an. entirely new ;Fair and, village decked' out in festive regalia.• A 'village green is being set.' up on tithe Fair grounds • with all act- ivity around this performance ar;- ea. , There will be : several'- tents containing pioneer furnishings,. Department of Lands: and, Forests display, , Conservation display, Ontario Hydro; • booths , and a 5 piece Midway.. Bingo; games of chance, .square .dancing, band drills, baby shows will ,all' be 'held' on the central platform The horses cattle, 4H, swine and poultry shows will 'have a special ' place, to perform. No- cars wil be ' allowed: in the main , ' gates.. the day'' of the Fair. All motor vehicles., . must. either. enter by. . the sales , barn orby.. the gates by Hacketts implement bus- iness. Admission , toy °the Fair• is 75 cents for adults; 25 cents for children not in the parade; and 50 cents . for all cars coming 'into the grounds. 50 :cents will be ,the charge for coming into the arena foreveryone' on `. Friday .evening: A dance :will be . held Saturday evening to wind up the, Fair and. the charge for this is 75: cents per Person. A work bee will be held Mon- day, : September 13 and Thursday, September 16. All are urged to at -.1 tend. All displays. are ' to . be ' set up before' 4 o'clock' on : the ,17th, especiallyin the arena. No park- ing is to. be:. allowed' at the. 'back. of :the arena .except ':those 'who re- ceive. e-ceive• 'a• special sticker for Fair Day and • thenonly those who ex- hibit indoors. The hill will be completely pol- iced, and all precautions . will ' be taken to handle . everything loan- ed' in the best possible manner; A free draw will:: be 'held for; a pony.. Only .children with, their' parents.:- in attendance are .el igible: to enter. The children, suit- ably dressed in .`. costume . will : be presented with a ticket by their teachers at the. parade grounds and will be entitled :to a free pass into the Fair., All - schools . ; in par-, ade ' must bein costume.: To date number of cars, floats, bands, :ant- ique cars, etc, number over '80.. All in., the parade must. remain,. 'on the floats and leave the 'groundsby the : East Sate. 'They may re enter later as no `stopping' and. starting in the Fair.•: grounds will be allowed. • • Note :should', be taken that' after 12t45 Saturday'': the 18th . no '.ears will be allowed` to; enter the East - gate' until after 'the parade. has left' the grounds. If yoti are. com- ing into .the ' grounds' to . see 'the 'parade 'please • plan to be on hand' by 12:30. , This promises to be' one of the most outstandings fairs in ,the' district and with good weather ,a very large attendance islooked: for:' . ' . Remethber 'then Be early on Saturday 18th. ' Admission :. 75c, for adults; 25c for children not in 'parade; 50c for car's. Friday ev ing arena only 50 Cents, for: eyery- one; free draw. for pony "for child- ren; free.. guess on cattle beast prizes $25i donated 'by Robt Macintosh; prizes in parade over $250 —. $50.00 of which was don- ated by Brooks transpo3 t;.. prizes for livestock parade•.— lucky,draw a 20 lb. :°turkey donated by .Don, Carter, and 50 lbs.. mineral . don- ated by Frank MacLennan: • Everyone is asked, to please come in costume if at all possible: . Canada. Bread 'has donated 25 loaves of bread which will ,be .us- ed used to make Minch• for the'Sarnia • Band. Mr. McCharles, Pres. urges all directors to a' work' bee . on Monday, September 18: This is' yoi r' Fair Come one come . all' •-- • Live;. ', Laugh „ and Learn at the Centennial Fair . fn Lucknow, September 17 and 18. LETS BE •,. HAPPY LEIS , BE GAY, LETS SHOP'' WHERE WE6ET MORE FOR OI/RHARDEARNED PAY. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. ,8#h, 1965 FOR YOUR Fl�orcov�ring: Needs :Ask' to see. our .Linoleum, Congoleusn, Tile and Ceramic Wall 'Tile.' LAYING, and, `INSTALLING%' SERVICE ':ARRANGED ; 9&frice cued S'a�t e- 13 HOME PL LANCES KINGSBRIDGE Overseas visitors at St; Joseph's Rectory were ,Rt. Rev. Dean Em- manuel. Nella:. `D P., Ph • D. from Malta, Rev. Patrick °-Cathie O.P. and Can Paul Camilleri of Malta, Rev: .Sebastian Camilleri' O.F.M.' of Australia and Toronto:. Dr.and Mrs: J. A.:Kasper have: returned home after spending their. vacation here. Mi .and 'Mrs.: Mark Dalton. re- turned home last week: after vis,. iting Washington and : Virgin- ia. •• ... Mrs. 'Joe . Garvey; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Garvey, .Tim, Mike and: Joe spent : the week -end, at their :home Mr :and Mrs, Gene Dalton and• family of : atoyal oak • spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton. . Week -end `visitors with Mr . and Mrs., Jim' , Martinwere '. Mr .and' Mrs.' Bill ' 'Mulaney, Patty *.and,; Maureen; Royal:'Oak and Mr. and Mrs.. Bill' 'McDonald,.: London Mr.and Mrs; ' John: Treirweller and family • of Seattle returned home.. last week,. after ' spending ..a few days here.. Mrs. Nora Shmett, Shannan Sinnett, ' Mr and'. Mrs.. Danny Gil- lespie and family .of -Detroit, Mr. -� and . 'Mrs: Delmer : Maize:, Mrs. Thos: 'Bryan and Vivian, Toronto. .visited relatives here' last week:'. Paul' Dalton spent . 'a ::few' days in Royal•Oak, Mich. last, week. Sundayvisitors with Mr..: and Mrs, Ray Dalton and family were Mr .and Mrs, .Clare. 'Semme and family, . Sarnia and Mr. • and Mrs. Chuck Moore, - Detroit. • ' • Mr. and Mrs. Harbel, 'Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Court- ney and family`. last week. ,. Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Halloran and family, . of Buffalo, Mr :and' Mrs. Wray Pierson and .family.,of Ham- ilton . visited Mrs: .Gilmore.: and Jim : last week. ' ' PASS • SWIMMING TESTS Jeanette Blake, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Keith • Blake. and Wilma Hackett,. daughter • of : Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hackett passed' their Junior Red Cross swimming test. ' The two girls are from Ash- field sh field and have : beentaking theirs, swimming ' instruction at Goder-. ich: • JUIN TI ATURDA' :'KNow PIEMBER 18 OR THE A mile long parade of floats and Public' School Children. in costume willbe led : by the Sarnia Sertomanaires, Teeswa°ter, Pipe Band ,-and • Lucknow ' High School Band.,' Proceedings will start promptly, at 1:00 p.m. Bingo,• midway,. pioneer village, in• door 'and out- ' door .displays and exhibits will create interest. Featur.- ,ed again .thisyear will be the Baby Show in the Iarge, . ,. tent at free drawwithgood prizes• 3,00 p.m A� � • `will be 'made 'for persons. showing ;horses. and cattle ,in the .Livestock parade. A free draw 'for a pony is open 'to"Public School Children. • Gay Ninety costumes will be a feature of the day. AIL'` this and much more 'is offered for the'nadult admis= Sion of 7Sc and the public school of 25c. • DancingSaturdaynight to Boyds orchestra wiIl bring , g the .biggest Lucknow Fair ever, to a close. • THE. ARENA `WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 8:00 p.m.; ADMISSION' MISSION '50c . EACH. CHILDREN MUST . BE ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTS. SPACE CONTRIBUTED' IN THE INTEREST OF THE CENTENNIAL'' FAIR, BY , LUCKNOW :PHONE 53$300i:.