The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-08, Page 10• ; 'f'Ati►>ti l*IGKT • THE ,LUCRNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTAMO. WHITECHURCH 'Mr ' andMrs. Carl McClenag- ban visited on Sunday with Mr. and , Mrs. Lorne Howe of Tees - Water. Mr. and' Mrs: Jas. •Mcilrath "re- turned re -turned home from their summer' vacation.' on Sunday. ' k ' Leaver Reunion On Sunday the: Leaver relatives held.. a reunion at' the home of; Mr.: and Mrs. Norman 'Coultes, Where around 50 .gathered to' en- coy games, contests' -a n d' renew Old and make new `friends.: 'Ge orge - Coultes of Whitechurch ' and • and DISTRICT Mrs, ',Coultes of Pinecrest 'Manor,' Lucknow, were able to be' Pres-. ent with guests..: from Goderich,. Sarnia, Lambeth a nthe local centres. *Witch was Served and all departed. Mr. and Mrs.. Len Coyne and famiily who visited last week ith Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ylor', and family, ,left for their home at Windsor.. on . Sunday. ; r 1VIr.: and Mrs. Dave Spencer of`' 'Montreal spent' the week -end with Mr and Mrs. 'Cecil Coultes.: • George Coultes ` w a .s ad mitted. � 7 IN BRUCE 'enders foX know Plowing �nd Sanding: Sealed:, Tenders, Clearly•Marked,Will Be Received' By The Undersigned., Until 11:00 a.m., D.S.T., ursday; September 23, 1965 For snow plowing' the following County `• Roads: during the 1965.6; • season. 1. County Roads 21, 8 and 14.' (Hepworth, 'Sauble, Sou. thamp 2 County Road 9A and Lion's Head to Ferndale:' 3. .County Roads 20 ,and 2. Mildmay to. Belmore to Highway :4: 4. Holyrood •'.toBruce Beach. Froth, 'Hi waY 86to 9 through ' .Ripley. • 5.' Paisley to:. `Highway -21. ,Pert Elgin:. to Invermay. 6 Allenford to Dobbinton. Concession' 124.Elderslie Twp Also .10A, • SANDING TRUCKS -REQUIRED-1AS FOLLOWS 7;.; Truck -and 'chassis, 27,000 G,V.W. One ; each: for Walkertofi, Marton. and Holyrood patrols' All tenders must be on • forms available from' the • under signed, ;and ' also at • County • garages:, E.. G .YUNDT, i BOX 398, WALKERTON, ONTARIO COUNTY ENGINEER, yr 0.44 ct "•'Litt1 She looks up • at Mummy • and Daddy with complete trust,' and. that ' trust is. Well ' placed. 'For not only is she given love and understanding but financial protection as well.; Her family. are Sun Life policyholders and her father makes sure that their life insurance portfolio ' is carefull*Checked at regular intervals to 'take care of changing needs. Fm associated • with Sun • ' Life-' o?. Canada, the Company with the. policy that's right for you and your farnily. Why not call me today? ' .WILLIAM J. KINAHAN R.R. 2 • Lucknow _ Phone Whigham .55 7-1.987 SUN ,LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OP CANADA A MUTUAL COMPANII Friday' to ' Winham and District Hospitai;. His ,.Many friends here wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. • Irene Paterson of Toronto. spent the holiday week -end with. her brother Charles Taylor and. visited; her mother Mrs. W: 'Tay: lor at Brucelea .Haven, Walker- ton. To Take Western. 'Trip ' Mr.. and Mrs.. Paul ' Groskorth' and Shauna of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffata n d Heather,. Wingham,. were,. • Sunday ; • visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth who are.leav- ing ,'Tuesday morning 'on a three weeks vacation to the west' coast.: Mr. and `Mrs James McIhnes left on Thursday to spend a few days. with Mr.:.and Mrs. Russel Dick, of- London. : Sunday . visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wesley Tiffin were Mr, and Mrs. Dave Henderson, Lois and Sherry of Listowel andEd Voysin: Of Arthur.' ' Mr. an d Mrs. Car 1 Weber, Anne, Marlene a n d Clair were. 'hursday, visitors `with' Mr, and Mrs, George Weber,. Kitchener. Mr. and. Mrs... Ronald • Perrott, Rhonda, Mary :Jo and Jane• of `Goderich w e r,e. Sunday, visitors:. with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn. Mrs:. N. Clark. a•n d daughter Shelley of Kitchener were . Sunday. visitors `:with Mr. - and :Mrs. Car-, men 'Whytock. Miss Ruth Taylor • spent t h e week -end :holiday with . her . par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tay- for and family.. Geerge. Conn spent ' ;the week- end .. wents ' r.. n d ::Mrs. Wallaceithhis' ''Coparnn andMfamilya: Visitors on Sunday. with. Mr. and Mrs..'Roy 'Dawson and and fam-` ily.' were•Mrs. R.' Hutchison and.' Mack, Mr. a n d Mrs. Wolfgang ,Boelke of , Mount .Forest Jack . MacKay; : • returned on the week -end to Mrs, Cecil - Falcon-er's ;'after -visiting with his bro- ther Charles ' MacKay. of ` Dunn ville a n d touring the. Maritime Provinces. where they visited' members;. of Charlie's ` family. Mr.'. and Mrs..: 'Miles:' •McMillan of . ,,Teeswater visited. Thursday • with -Mr. '' and '. Mrs Wesley . Tif fin. Mr. and Mrs.: Jack: Gillespie, ,Barry a n d '. Lorraine of Sarnia were .week -end' visitors with , Mr and -Mrs. Garnet Farrier and fa-- mily, Mrs. ` W. .R. Farrier a nd Winnifred. Mr. and. Mrs. Angus Falconer, Kevin a n d ,.Allan of Streetsville' were `week -end guests with h i.s mother Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Attending the 'trousseau tea at.l St.' Helens for 'Miss Gladys' Mac- Donald, bride-to-be,, 'were Mrs George Fisher ' and Sandra, Mrs. Dave Gibb, Mrs. Garnet Farrier and .Janis,;' Mrs. Jack Gillespie, Miss Winnifred Farrier and Mrs. W ' R. .'Farrier" . who poured ..tea in the afternoon. Mrs. Claude Coffin a n d John arrived /home • from Kitchener on Thursday' . evening , after holiday ing: there *fora 'few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bob, Dent ' and ' Monty of •.Dorval spent the holiday week- end with them '. and on .. Monday Mr.. and Mrs. George' Coffin, Sha- ron and 'Cindy, Galt, Mr: and Mrs. 'Allan .Coffin and family, Mr.: and. Mrs: Richard Coffin and' .fam- ily and Alex Coffin, Kitchener, enjoyed . a. family get-together to complete the summerholiday sear' Son. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Caslick.. and family .of Culross , were. .Sunday; visitors with' Mr. and Mrs; ' Ron- ald 'Coultes and. 'family. WEIMESDAY, SEPT. 8th, 1965 FREE SOIL SAMPLING For increased farm, insoma: offers this Fall Fertilizer . Progr_. RECOMMENDATIONS OF FALL ' FERTILIZER DISCOUNT for the most economical use of fertdiieron spring. crops. Your • practices and an analyses based on Department ' of Agriculture results , •.for cash and the..co(Ve.nience of LOCAL SERVICE'`. For your fall fertiltier.needs and for FREE soilsampling contact... See: You�r;;Ca-op For Prices., 4n �a�l Wheat, ,dye and Grass See Phonei2$=212.5 Miss" :Joan Currie visited lastspent the week -end .with her par 'week with- Miss Diane Weitz at ents : ;Mr.' and Mrs. Ken Currie Holidayr ,..visitors- with Mr. and i Mrs. Fred Daw were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clare ' and family. of Toronto. Sunda .visitors . with Mr. and Mrs..: James Currie w:,e a Mrs. .. Don',: Leader and . family of •Gor rie the home :of her parents Mr.' and Mrs.' Earl W. eltz of. Walkerton. Mr.: and Mrs, Victor, Emerson were. Sunday . visitors With .Miss Lila Emerson ' We are pleased to .report Char- les Martin *:w a s released ,from Wingharn and District Hospital on Friday and is nisch: improved in health. . :Mr., a n d Mrs.-' Edward: Hand and Bonnie .of Trenton' were , last week 'guests, and Alex Hand,: Kit che>aer, spent the week -end holi ' day with their parents -Mr.. and Mrs. Hugh' Hand, , Those ,attending the Toronto': Ex- hibition on the bus sponsored by 'Whitechurch. W.I. o n '' Tuesday from.'here ,were Mrs. Lester Fal- coner, Mrs. H. D. MacDonald, Ezra Scholtz and., Jas, Currie. Week -end . visitors' w i t their. parents Mr:, n d Mrst George Fisher were Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Fisher; Lori' a n•d Lennie, Guelph, Mr. • and Mrs. Bill ' .Gib- son, 'Rhonda; Billie and, Gregory of Lucknow. . Miss Helen Currie .of London Mrs. • Clark . Johnston arid Jan- ette ,visited on Tuesday with Mr.. and Mrs, Wesley " Young and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin. Barry Tiffin 'of" Waterloo ,spent ,the holiday with 'his`' parents Mr' and. Mrs.; Dan Tiffin 'and. 'family Diane Coultes .and Janis Farrier and: Garnet. Farrier visited ,at. the home *of • Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier . of Toronto 'at, the first of the week and attended ' the Toron.. to . Exhibition. Dave, MacDonald spent the holi- day' week -end at this home here.. Subs 'cribe to the Family' Herald, $4,00for 5 years; • $x.00 for 3 years and three • •months; $2.00 for 2.yeers; $1.00 for i year. Place your orded..:at• The Lucknow Sen tine': IN TO RONT Ask a:bout'convenient departure. and return times For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office' . ♦ • WAY' • WHITE �q �lr 'CANADIAN NM ONAL.