The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-08, Page 6PAGE POUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,,, IUCKNOW, ONTARIO • r t . IuAIPAVI -r 1 d', ski T .„....^...4. 0, "A, 411144 eu "I ,. JY. al (". 7 ..:.:,.,rerl+i'✓ICrri. . c iillciii :rih'rit, •:WEDNESDAY;,: SSE ; TR. Sth 1965 PHONE 52831:34 S • WOODFOR SALE - Hardwood or. softwood ,slabs,, in. _ 10 cord loads. We deliver. Borden Litt, sawmill, phone. 392-6895 Teeswater. FOR. SALE' — 1964 Ford Falcon Tudor, standard" transmission, 14, 000 :miles, Vernon- Hunter, ' Luck - now. Phone 528-5403. FOR , SALE: • pink and ' white. snow -suit, size 24 months. Mrs. David Kirkland, Lucknow, phone 528-3325. VACUUM CLEANER SALES and SERVICE For all makes — Filter Queen Sales; Varna, phone 262-5350... VOW SALE. '- Wingham . Clipper cook -stove, white enamel; in good condition;: Mrs. W. F. McDonald, Lucknow, .phone . 528-2178. FOR SALE --.1952 Fargo Pickup, , $100.00; 1957 Dodge Stationwagon,' $200.00. Stan Kay, Campbell St, Lucknow, phone 528-3531. FOR SALE ' '.•Plymouth Sedan, 1958 ' Deluxe.'Mrs. T:Wm. MacIn 'tyre, % Jessie MacKay on Gough St., or four blocks north of Post Office. FOR SALE seed wheat, Tel:- bot, al:- bo t, Gennesse and Kent varieties,. order now for fall planting. Jim. AitchesonR.R, 2 Lucknow, phone 528-5700. SEPTIC` TANKS CLEANED Septic :: tanks, cess pools, etc,, pumped: and cleaned' with 4modern equipment. All work guaranteed, Louis Blake,' R. 2 Brussels, phone 422-w-6. • , m • FOR SALE — -Holstein ,'- cows and • springing ' heifers, . three year terms with no . money down, satis- faction:' guaranteed. Apply Stan Horsbur `h, phone, Wingham, 357- 2744'. FOR SALE -- Portable:' Smith - Corona. typewriter; 120 bass Ac cordi'an;• a ' quantity 'of garden corn. Garnet `Henderson Luck; now, phone, 528-2605. • , FOR SALE HONDAS IN STOCK -- late late ` delivery.' Insurance avail- able. Ponies from, ; $25.00 'up. CUN- NINGHAM . MOTORS, Rambler Sales and Service, ; 881-0740, Walk terton. HOUSE FOR SALE '3 . bedroom • cottage,,.4 situated 'in Lucknow on •Havelock St. South, ; built-in cup- boards, bath, oil furnace, full basement,.' sunporch, '2 car gar- age, Full, price $9,000 to settle an estate, Contact W. S. Reed,•, Real Estate` Broker, W.ingham` phone :357=2174.. %' CUSTOM. BUTCHERING 'Beef,' and pork sold in any quail-, •city. Custom butchering in Govern ,ment licensed abbattoir, Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from M on d a' y. . through' Thursday. • BUTTONS MEAT MARKET FARMS .. .15 acresat edge of town, 6•room • house,- .furnace, cupboards, gar - ":age, barn has water and . Hydro, ties 13 cattle, '$6,900.00: 160 acres, 6 rooms house; fur- nace, large barn,' 30 acres bush, balance of land in grass, $9,000: • ' 200 acres, 4 bedroom house, barn 40 .x 76, ties • 23 cows, . water bowls, •silo, 140 a cres workable, balance pasture ' and , bush, $12,600.00. . 100 ages e on Highway hwa near g , y ear town ' barn 66 'z"'68;- water bowls, large 4 bedroom house, furnace, bath, 90 :acres workable, 5 acres bush, $16,000.00. • STAN KAY' Phone ' 528-3531 AGENT FOR Wilfred Mcintee & Company Ltd., Walkerton; Ontario •FOR SALE "Hot• water. heater;; suite ble' for milk house • or cot- tage fly sprayerp for' barn. Ver- non. Hunter, Lucknow, ' phone 528- 5403. BARN AVAILABLE =- on Willou- ghby •St just •west ofnew bridge, can. be had free if party removes from, present site>: contact -I Van Der Veen, Lochalsh, phone 12 17 Ripley. ' GOOD QUALITY EXTERIOR • .'PAINT y in. gray $2.99'. gallon . Brown and Red available later. Wm. Murdie and Son, Lucknow, phone ,528-2906. • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning': and : pumping of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow; phone 528-2346, manu- facturer . of cement •septic tanks and well tile ' AUCTION SALE • •. FEEDER • CATTLE.-' AUCTION" Rainy.: River District . Feeder Cattle sale . at Stratton, Ontario• 1500; '.headof feeder cattle sold by auction on'Thursday; October 7th, at • 1:,00 p.m R; A. Fisher, , Sec.-Treas., •Emo,. Ontario Allan . MacIntyre, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE AN AUCTION SALE ' of .live- stock, implements & some 'house- hold effects will be held for Law- rence : Nesbit, ' lot: 30,. concession, East` Wawfanosli 'To'Wtishi' p, (1%` mile north and 1% miles -east of Auburn or 1 . block north : 'and ' 5 miles west of Blyth) . on Saturday, September 11th,: ` at 1:30 .p.m. 'See bills for list. Terms. Cash. Law- rence Nesbit, proprietor; Allan' Macintyre, auctioneer; AUCTION ` SALE'. A .Clearing Auction Sale of live- stock; iimplements. ' and ,s o m e household effects will be -held at they farm of Bert, Irwin,; lot 27, Con. 4, Huron Township on Thurs- day, September 16th at 1:30. See bills for listing. No reserve farm -sold; terms cash. Bert Irwin, pro- prietor; Emile MacLennan, auc- tioneer. AUCTION SALE AUCTION' SALE. of Real Estate a n d Household Effects will be heldfor the estateof the late John A. ' MacDonald, Havelock St., in the village of Lucknow, on Tuesday, September 28th . at 1:30. The real estate ' includes , the frame residence, building lots ' and: the sawmill.building and lot. John E.' MacDonald, administrator; Al lan Maclntyre, auctioneer. ' NOTICES • NOTICE SAVE GLASS & PLASTIC The Kinloss Boy Scouts would appreciate the people of Lucknow, Kinloss and surrounding areas, .to. save their vinegar jugs. All sizes of glass and plastic jugs with :handles are 'required. These can •be left at Silverwood. Dairies Plant. FALL FAIR WORK BEE Members of the Lucknow ,Agri- cultural Society . and any ' other ..in- terested parties, 'are requested to be at the Arena. and Fair Grounds next Monday,September p tember lith, at 1:00 p.m., to help' prepare the grounds for Fair Day. • NOTICE EXHIBITORS • As a convenience •to LucRnow Fall Fair- exhibitors . Mrs. Fred. McQuillin, fair secretary, will be at the Lucknow • Arena. -Wednes- day and Thursday, September 15 and 16th from' 1:30 to 5:00 :p n. NG EVENTS NEW CASH ,BINGO • ' Legion.Hall, . Luciniow • every Thursday . evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games — $10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth games .w i t h jackpot included • . in each game. Jackpot this week $90.00 on 58 Calls. GODERICH LIONS BINGO. The Goderich Lions willhold. a bingo. on Wednesday, September 15th, 8:30 p.m. ' ,at' the Harbour lite Inn, seventeen regular games at $10, . one share -the -wealth, one. $50 jackpot and the new acceler- ating jackpot up. to $250. and 2 door prizes. Admission $1.00. • BACK TO THE•BIBLE. Listen to '"Back. :to the, Bible Broadcast" from Monday . Friday inclusive, , at• 7:90: p.m., :Saturday at ..9:30 a.m.. from St. Thomas, 680 on your 'radio Vita. CHICKEN and' PIG TAILS, BARBECUE At Elliotts Beach Bar •Amberley,'Beach EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 6:00 p.m. to..;????' . Chicken $1.50•- - Pig Tails. $1.25, children's portion .:' 3,. . ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Anniversary • Services will' be held in Dungannon United Church, on' Sunday, September ;19, at 11' a.m.. and 7:30 pm. A former minister, Rev. John . A. -Walker of Kingsville, will ' be .the guest speaker, Special ' choir music will be .supplied. RECEPTION • A reception will be held: in the Ripley, Township • Hall::• on Satur- day, September 11th, in honour of • Mr. • and Mrs. Ronald • Nichol- son ' (Lynn. Cowan): Music . by Boyd's orchestra. • ,Lunch ' will be served. Everyone .welcome. N1 • WANTED, • -, lady or girito assist: with: housework. Mrs.' Duncan. Simpson, KintaiI, phone 529-7548.. NOW BUYING TIMOTHY,' prim. • ary cleaned or in the : rough. Con- tact on tact Lucknow Co-op, 'phone' 528;- .2125. 28-.2125. WORK WANTED housework or baby sitting, full time. Apply Mrs. Gladys:Reed; Lucknow, apartment. above the Lucknow' Fruit Market., RECEPTION Reception for Mr. and Mrs. John Van Osch (nee Sally Knoll), on Friday, September 17, 1965 at. Kingsbridge Hall. Boyds Orches-' tra.` ,Everyone; welcome.:: RIPLEY-HURON FALL FAIR FRIDAY and SATURDAY , ti SEPTEMBER 24 and 25 • A parade on Saturday afternoon will be led by Owen. Sound City Band and the Owen Sound Twirl- ettes. Prizes will.. be given for floats' etc. Midway from ' Hamilton with ferris ' wheel and other rides. • FENDERS ' VVANTEEarl. and: Grant Hew fro • " SALESMAN WANTED — 'for Farm r 'and' Home Service in town ships of Ashfield, Huron and Kin- loss. For personal interview write to Owen C. Baker, .:68 Union .St. Waterloo, Ontario. LADIES CASH IN ON the big. ' Fall and Christmas Selling.Season.: Represent Avon in your neighbourhood. INTERESTED PROSPECTS write District Manager,'‘ Mrs. ' Shirley Craig, 875 -15th ' St. East,' Owen. Sound. Openings in .Huron and Culross Townships. WANTED Full time ' Secretary - Manager for The ,.Regional Tour- ist Councilof t h e Grey a n d Bruce... Dutiescomprise thesolic- itation of . memberships, , • prepar- ation of ;advertising .material; al- so liaison work with tourist, or- ganizations a n d Chambers of Commerce situated in Grey and: Bruce Counties. Basic salary, 'plus commissions and mileage . allow- ance. .Reply in writing to P.O. Box, 81,`:.Owen Sound, Ont.' Ap- plicat ions will be received up to five oclock p.m., September'. 18th, HERE'S 'YOUR KEY TO ,A . BIG. INCOME `;- MAIL TODAY The,'W, T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd. Dept. I-271-HY ichelieu St, Montreal, P.Q. Gentl: en: I 'am, interested in the world-famous RawleighLine-on a ( )part-tirye• basic ( )full-time • basis• ( ) Please ,send • me FREE • Coo'k' Book and ;catalogue with full de tails. • Name Address City •Prov. •C.K.N.X. Public School Parade Junior Square 'Dancing' Good Livestock. Prizes 4 -HI Club Show Excellent Hall Exhibits • Pony Rides • Dance on Saturday Evening _– ' Glens Boyd's Orchestra HONDAS $50.00 DOWN AND •$5.00 PER WEEK OR_.IF NOT .16 PONIES SELL OR RENT COLTS ,$25.00' Up Cunningham. Motors ,v... RAMBLER SALES .& SERVICE WALKERTON PHONE 881.0740 BE SURE TO SEE THE • BAR, GAINS IN HSCHOOL. SUPPLIES; AT' TH'E LUCKNOIIV 'SENTINEL.,: TENDERS` WANTED: Tenders wanted for supplying fuel. oil for S.S.:1; S.S. 2 and S.S. 10 Kinloss Township School Area Beard Will- he accepted by Allis- ter Hughes, sec-treas., R.R. 3 Holyrood,• Ontario. • 64;, Nol,ke Ta Cre;dif�rs NOTICE TO CREDITORS , In The Estate Of • ORDA GLENWOOD CAMPBELL `Late of the Township of Ashfield, In the County{ of Huron, Farmer All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward f u 11 particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 4th. day 6f October, 1965, afterwhich date the assets will be distributed; DONNELLY '& 'MURPHY Barristers,. 1$ The Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 10% OFF ALL BALL POINT PENS AT THE SENTINEL •Dee's • :BEAUTY SALON • In the Johnstone Block on Main. Street, 'Lucknow • (Deana Farrish,''proprietor-) PHONE 528-3438 or 5297305 ' FOR RENT` GRASS FOR • RENT — for. forty head of fall feeders, , plenty of water, second cut ' Trefoil a n d Timothy.. Jerry Brophy, Wingham'. phone 357-1234.. or. 357-3712.. ' CARD ;Cf THANKS We wish ' to express our. thanks to ` the many people w h o sent floral, tributes. and 'expressions of Sympathy and who remembered us ; in so many,various ways at the time of our recent loss.: These acts of f kindness : will always be remembered by us. The MacDonald and Smith Fa- milies ' We wish: to express our • heart- felt thanks to neighbours andoth- er friends, who , 'were ,so kind and thoughtful, at the time. of our .be • reavement; Mrs. Glenwood Campbell and family THANK YOU Mrs. Roy Gardner. (Nancy Cur ran) wishes to sincerely thank.: the' ,St. Helens Community for the lovely shower that .was given in h•er ;honour' prior to her.. marriage.' •.• I' wish to thank . all those won- derful people in and around Luck - now' who have . been so kin , . in sending me gifts, . flowers.and cards. 'Mere words cannot-. exress my deep;:' appreciation: 'Etta. Belle Smith ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 • • •'WE SELL RURAL :ONTARIO'•. ; 2$3,500. full price with terms for: • a 100 ,a c r e grass . farm, 11: storey house, ' spring' fed' stream ••. •runsthe full.length . of the' pro-• perty. ♦ $9,900: full; price for a 100 acre, farm,• with good 'house ''. & barn., •Included' in, this price are im-Z. •plements such as .tractor, man-• Lure . spreader a n d. wagon on •rubber, etc. • • *$40,000. full -, price tor. a 300 :acre dairy farm, . beautiful com-• •pletely .:modern brick home, t. •main barn is equipped. with' 32 *steel' stanchions and 23 'chain; ties . plus an' attached .m i 1' 'lc. *house, 2 other large barns, * p 1 u s an implement storage o •shed; and 2• silos complete the._ good set of farm . buildings, :the • ♦Teeswater river plus 3 we1Is.,• :assures ample water.,. • ;$4,900, full price with. $1,000. • ;down payment for 'a sturdy Zcom etely modern ` h o nri a in •' •Whi echurch. •$8,000. .11 price with a low .down' ' yment f o r an extra ♦ *nice. modern 'home situated on: a double, we11 landscaped lot. •m Lucknow: ♦ 1 t PAUL S.'STARR .T& COMPANY LTD. REALTORS: • WINGHAM, PHONE 351-3840':, i•••••••••••••••••••••••