The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-01, Page 12THE L,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ' ONTARIO SEE US FOR YOUR Floor Coverin eeds ik it 7E 1a • HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPL /ANCES SUGAR AN ► SPICE by Bill Smiley AGED : HONEYMOONERS Things are rather it sixes and ns'. around, here today. It's Seommd :.Honeymoon time, and. the 1 Battleaxe and I are flying a- round in •a tizzy of preparation. The fact that we'll have an 18 - year -old son along for . part of the honeymoon . trip won't' slow its` down. He can find a :girl • of his r own. ' The ' main' thing is to get out oftown for a while. This . business of running a summerhotel withthe lowest rates on the continent Can . prove trying. The clientele has been of the highest class, but the whole enterprise , s:.k .,its: drawbacks. Not only . do . the guests :: expect you to Stay up all night with r them, but ..their children, who happen ' to ` be your nieces, , nep- hews and other small buddies, e▪ xpect you to be on deck `at 7 a.m. to tell them:. where the cer- eal is; ` how you turn on the lawn sprinkler; "Are. we going swim ming soon, Uncle Bill?.; and why(' Daddy was so grouchy when they tried to wake him. And .:,there- •, are '• other. ''things. NextI'mgoingto buybar- becue charcoal by ; the carload.: • 'I've 'cooked- so : many steaks and hamburgers I can't, look a steer in the 'face: The manager of the local booze .emporium told me the other day he'd ' give me a summer job next year, . because I'm in there every day anyway. I'veslept on 'a chesterfield.' in the living room, a couch in my study, a• mattress on the attic floor, and half-reclininglawn chair, but I haven'tbeen in my own bed ina month. F. Oh well, it's all ..:part ; of the game, and we ; enjoy having them. However, ';• I . do think it's a bit much when they startmaking re- servationS for next year,.and as- suring us: they'll recommend the place to all their friends, because for the low rates, excellent cuis- ine, free.• drinks, and nightly en- tertainment (no .,,cover charge). At any rate, with nobody book- ed for this week, our wedding an- niversary coming up, and daugh- ter safely off to' camp: with enough clothes. to go ;: to Europe, and ..a bag of fruit, candy'. and cookies she could scarcely lift, , we're . get- ting ready for'' The Trip: ,First leg' of The' Trip ,will be up the :;Great Lakes, and • I • quote from the folder, ". long, .Lazy,; brilliant days . cool nights with stars swinging low .. sky-blue waters etc." :. Actually,we'll have only one and a : half of those 7. long, lazy days, but': two . of those star -swinging nights. it'll' rain.. I'II give odds. Eight/ to, one. er ',We're • on: a ' : assertg going, passenger steamer known as Hugh's Boat. It : used' to belong to • a steamer service line, but' since son Hugh obtained a job this . summer . as • Entertainment Steward, it has be- come known far andwide as Hugh's Boat. After .all,, he has a pretty ''important , position. He's listed on • the directory of feature services with the Barber, Handy Shop and .Motion . Pictures. , I've promised to help him -en tertain the passengers by rend- ering my famous version of a drunk singing, "I ` Belong Tae Glasgie", He was reluctant to im- ' ,correctly designed from quality, material, rely. on MONUMENTS Forsound counsel'• and a fair price on, a mdnumerrt. SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years • Walkerton • Phone 881 -0234 - Ontario RIPLEY MEAT :MARKET' Custom Butchering Moiidays Hogs, hilly 4:00 p.m.. 'CATTLE, CALVES ,and LAMBS. EVERY ' EXCEPT : SATURDAY We . do Curing and Smoking , . , Beef, Pork and. Lamb. Sold `• Whole, Half or Quarter . . For Better Servicei,. And:, Lower Prices Call Ripley .100. CHAS. HOOISMA , . Prop. Shower Held .for September Bride (ST'. HELENS NEWS) :_Gladys McDonald,•' bride Gelect, was guest of honour on Saturday evening in St. Helens Hall when the community, friends and rel- ative gathered to shower ' her with giftsand best wishes. Mrs. Angus McDonald was chairlady, for a ~ short program. Mrs: Wm. Rutherford played while * the `, la- dies gathered. ' Readings; were giv- en iven; by , Mrs.. Ellwood Barbour: , and Mrs. Don . Cameron.' The St. Hel- ens trio sang and Marilyn: ' Brooks played •a piano solo. Miss Win- nifred Farrier ,of. Toronto conduc- ted a cake contest.. ' , 'Mrs. James Aitchison address- ed 'the bride: Assisting. ''Gladys were. Mrs. ' Ken Hodgkinson of Wingham; Sherry Jardine of . Luc- know; :Diane Humphrey and.,,,Nan cy Cranston of London.. Gladys thanked the ladies and invited. everyone. to her trousseau' tea on Saturday, September 4th, at her rents' - home. rs. Klaas Barendregt, Brian and John of St. Thomas 'were Week -end ' visitOts with Mrs. Don Pannabecker and family. F1L Keith.. Black of Greenwood, N.S•; visited.. •at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ` McPhersons. ' On ' his ' re- turn, Mrs. Black and family ac. . companied him .to their home ,: at Middleton, N.S. Just a reminder , of the : W.I.' .meeting on Thursday evening. ` The district president, , Mrs. Lamb, will be guest: speaker. Attend '.4-H' Achievement Day The 'Achievement Day for the 4-H. clubs was held 'on Friday in the Wingham and; :District High School. '' Mrs. • Gorddon ' McPherson and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt • were .the local leaders with 14 girls in the Garden Club. ' Six =girls; received 2 year certificates and: County Honours •went to Jackie Cooper and Marie McWhinney. • :Dorothy. Taylor a n d Marie McWhinney;. gave . the demonstration • "Canned .Tomatoes." Isobel Miller entertained. her Sunday ' School Class. at. 'a weiner roast. at `Point, Farm, ' . Goderich, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce of Brantford .and Mrs. Charlie .Hod- gins Of ' Wingham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. .: Mrs. .,Har- vey Webb. Miss Dorothy. Cox of. Kirkland Lake was a guest this week with Miss" W. D..Rutherford. • Douglas Aitchison spent the past g P two weeks in ' Hamilton with rel atives. Sunday .visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Freda . McQuillin . were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster of Paris and Mr. and Mrs; Ivan :McQuillin- of' Kitchener. pose on .: my': good . nature, but , f .brushed ,aside , his repeated pro- tests: His mother . has promised not to. embarrass him by telling, him, in front of the passengers, that•. he needs .ashoeshine,that he's not playing that piece in the right key; that heleft his room in :a mess last time he was ''home,or that it's high time he was in bed. Second leg of The Trip willbe by car,, around ' the top of the Lakes. We've Ieft nothing ' to. chance. I've . borrowed sleeping bags. , from our music teacher, a tent from our' minister, and mon- ey from our bank manager. ;We. have ,a' road map:• it's an .oldish orie, 1954, ' but why worry about that ' . Well, bon voyage, and if you'll excuse me now, I'll get out in the backyard and have another practice go at ..putting up the preacher's tent. It's a pretty , religious - tent,. ' I expect. Every time' T get it up, it sinks to its k nees in an attitude of prayer, IUPL.ICATOR :Supplies,bond paper,, mimeo , paper, typewriter paper in pads •and quantity,, ink and mastersheep, duplicator, fluid, hectograph machines. and supplies, if we don't stock your requirements, we, will be glad to, order for you. The Luckn0 v Sentinel, WEDNESDAY, 'SEPT. 1st, 1965 :a•i...es SED CARS RHONE 523-4; • 1965. FORD, 4 -Door, Automatic T•ransinission:' • , 1965 FORD, 4 Door, Standard Transmission 1964 iPONTIAC,, r4:. Door, V-8, , Standird Transmission` 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN,:.6' Cylinder, •Automatic Trans- mission 1964 CHEV BELAIR,4 Door, Standard Transmission 1963 PONTIAC .STRATOCHIEF;. 4 Door/.6. Cylinder,Automatic Transmission 1963 PLYMOUTH, 2 Door, 6 Cylinder, Standard Transmission d 1963 MERCURY, 4 Door, V*8 Automatic 1962 FALCON DELUXE ' STATIONWAGON 1961 ENVOY,. 4 poor 1961 CHEV, 4 Door, Stationwagon. 1960 CHEV, 4 .,Door, '6 ;Cylinder :Automatic' Transmission. 1959 CHEV: Stationwagon 1958 OLDSMOBILE, :2 Door, Hardtop 1958 PONTIAC, , 2 Door,, 6 Cyclinder, :Standard Transmission 1958 PONTIAC, 4 Door, 6.'Cylinder stationwagon' THESE AND OTHERS • George W. MacGregor, 28 East Jackson Boulevard,. • Suite 1000, Chicago 4,1Yllinois, August 18, = 1965 The Sentinel,` Lucknow, • Dear ` SirS • Just to inquire . ifyou. printed The Sentinel last week, if you did "I °didnot.;. receive .a . copy of it and: I miss it very . much when I don't . receive, it: •t: look for.,_ it like a letter frcm home only'more "so ae it has more news. I' am .away iron there for 60 years still ,I feel Lucknow is my home. Sincerely yours,: George W. MacGregor, D.O.,M.D.: 28 East Jackson,. Chicago, Illinois::. Editors Note: We were on vac ation Dr.„ ' MacGregor. Glad to know you miss the . paper.• St. Joan ' of Arc' Home,.'. S. Hubert,.. Saskatchewan The Sentinel Lucknow, ' Ontario. Dear Sirs Enclosed find $4 00 • subscript - ion to the Sentinel. ,This is sixty years I . am ' sure. I : will. he ' 90 yea -ft— old `yin -January.- I•t-• would be .hard to. get along without the Sentinel. • Yours' truly Wm:, D. Good. RANTEED RUST CERTIFICATES • issued in.. amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years.. i earn 51/2% . interest, payable half - .yearly by cheque: , . • authorized investment for -all Canadian Insurance ,Companies and trust funds. THE G ';TRU,S- CORPORATION 372 gay St., Toronto' 35 Dunlop Sty, 7.3 M sslssaga. Barrie, •Ot'illict