The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-25, Page 14PAGE F.OURTEEN.,. •a d THE ,:4UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO r. /. WEDNESDAY,. AUG, 25th, 1965 aril Gaih�ring• Walter Brwds: (Amberley News) The spacious: lawn. at the home of :Mr. and. Mrs. Walter : Brown of Amberley . was thescene of a iappy faintly . reunion and, other friends who . called during the day, ,Present from adistance were. Mrs.Pheme McCutcheon, Mildred and. Dalton;Beton and family, of Pasadena, California Mrs. Dun- eda . Husetis " of "Winnip+eg; • whose father `~Richard Brown taught school for . fifteen 'years • . at Zion; Douglas' Thomason, ' .Pasadena, California; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown and family, Mr., sand Mrs. Gordon Brown and familyall of Paisley; .Mr. and , Mrs. Eldon Bradley and John; Dr. and Mrs. •Murray ' McLennan. ' and. Norman of Wingham;, :Mrs. Ellis, , Brown; Mr. and Mrs. ' Adrian Hardenburg of Flint;- 'Michigan; Mrs.. Wesley Robb; Mrs. • Laura .McNain Mrs. D. J. 'MeMurchy; Mr`,s. Dan „Me - Lean; M - Lean;' Mrs, Roderick Martyn; Mr.. ., ,n . and. Mrs. Roy McBride of Zur- ich; Mr; , and ° Mrs. Clark Johns ton, . Janette and Betty; Mr. rand• Mrs Charles Tiffin; . ' Mr. and M,rs.:'. Bill Brown;. Mr, and Mrs. J. IL Johnstone of Goderieh; Mr and ,Mrs. Clarence„, Greer and Bob; 'Mr and 'Mrs.':Donald' Fen: guson and .• Judy . of Toronto; Mrs; 'Elizabeth : Ferguson; Me. and Mrs:" William Harris and Paul; Thomas Harris; ,Mr.,.': •and Mips: Norval:: Nesbitt; ' Mr.; and : Mrs.' Henry McKie and ' Mr. and Mrs. George Young.. Int was a day of:. reminescing for the . relatives :. , some of whom, ,had never ;Met be- fore After a'"bountiful dinner ev- eryone felt they had spent an, en- joyable time and came away with happy memmories : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown have opened their home, for man family, gatherings JYe Y which..have" . `n. en o d • b their be many friends .and ;relatives: Honoured On 80th' ';B.lrthday A number' of friends gather- ed at the :summer .home .of Rev. and Mrs. Pogson and. Miss Ruth Pogson on Thursday evening . at Amberley. Beach the occasion be- ing eightieth birthday of Mrs: Pog- son. .'. M any : beards'; .of congratulations and gifts from. • family and intim- ate' friends were received. A plea- sant evening was spent . with friends , of Mrs. Pogsons. ,.A 'pre vinous celebration' was held: at a Guild meeting at the ' home . of Mrs. John Emmerton, second concession of Huron: " '' Mr. and Mrs. William .Robert- son of Toronto spent last ,week- end with Mr. and ' Mrs. , Donald Courtney and. family. Mr... and Mrs. Eldon. Bradley accompanied by', Mr, .and Mrs. 'Walter Brown spent . Wednesday in Bracebridge. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan , Thorburn visited on` Thursday• with Miss Annie Gillies who is a. patient' in St. Joseph's' . Hospital.' London. Misses : Myrtle and Betty Blair of London spent :• the week -end with Amberley: relatives. SENTINEL ADS: GET F -A -S -T RESULTS PLANNING ON �oter;V n Siding at Your reference SueCanIpp y �it SIDING ADDS BEAUTY AND COMFORT TO YOUR HOME AND;'G'R.EATL•Y INCREASES ITS VALUE, FOR'.A VERY REASONABLE. COST ' FOR EXAMPLE To cover an average one storey home 24' x 30' with number, one Johns -Manville Colorbestos Siding, waterproofed with clear plastic 'surface, in seven attractive colours, Costs Only $370.00 Campieteiy applied with all the necessary strapping, etc. AS LOW AS $16.00 PER .MONTH ' TO. COVER' THE SAME HOME With Number. Ong Heavy. Aluminum Siding COMPLETELY APPLIED 1NITH ALL THE NECESSARY ACCESSORIES COSTS ONLY $700.00 Aluminum Siding.. Is Available In Seven .Bakedtiri Colours' •As low as $16.00 per month ALSO AVAILABLE BRICK and WOOb BEVEL SIDING WE WILLGLADLY GIVE: .YOU A FREE ESTIMATE FOR. YOUR HQME WITH NO ;OBLIGATION . FRESH CEMENT IN STOCK ohn W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. PHONE ,5281110,5281110 LUCKNOW • Former Zion Resident Pisses • GEORGE HUNTER George Hunter, formerly of. Zion and recently of Lucknow, died at- his home on Tuesday, August 3rd at the age of 80.; He suffered a 'heart attack: Mr;. Hunter was born on August 24th, -.1884 in Ashfield Township; the son. of // Isobel Helm and . Wil- liam Hunter. In 1909 he married Eliza Jane Hackett. in Ashfield Township: They farmed . at.°Zion until about three` years, ago when;' they moved . to Lucknow where they bought a home on Stauffer 'Street•'formerly . owned . by. Wib Hodgkinson. Mr. :. Hunter / is, a. member • of the Lucknow United Church.. Besides his. wife, Mr. Hunter:1s survived by a son' William George of Ashfield; a;. daughter 4 VIrs. K. (Elleda Isobel) • Laidlaw of Lon- don; five grandchildren; onesis= ter Mrs. Alex , (Janet) Hackett Sr, Lucknoirr one brother Wm 0. Hunter, Lucknow. • He was predeceased by 'a -daugh- ter Winnifred in '1925, . two broth- ^thers Robert and Jack ;and. one Sister., , Elizabeth: The f uneral service was : held on. August 5th at ;2 p.m. at Mac- Kenzie. Memorial . Chapel,. Luck - now. -Rev. H. W. Strapp , of .Luck - now: and Rev; G. W. Kaiser : of Ashfield:, officiated. Interment was in., Greenhill Cemetery. Pallbearers • were Gordon.Kirk- land, ' John Ritchie, Bob Helm, Alex McLeod, :David Scott _ and Lloyd Hunter.; yr KINESBRIDGE Mr • and . Mrs Art Riber, Cal- ifornia alif ornia are visiting Mr. Frank Sullivan. • •: Dr: and Mrs J. A . Kasper . are spending .their: vacation here. dngratulations' r to ' Mr. and, Mts. Bill Berry on the birth ,: of a' son in •• Goderich hospital' and to Mr. and 'Mrs. ' Pete Van Osch oft Alie arrival of a baby • girl in' Wingham \Hospital. Frank Owens, Mr.. and Mrs. Ralph Moon, ..Saginaw spent the. week -end with Mr and Mrs. Joe Courtney. • ' Mrs. John Austin, 'Joe, Ralph and Eugene and Fay Hogan re- turned •home Sunday after visiting Mr.and Mrs. Thos. Bryan and Vivian in. Toronto: Mrs: Ddrothy Moore, Mary Martha,,; Karen, Joyce, Janet and Mrs. Henry . Brace and .children from Aigonac Mich. Visited Mrs. O'Neill and other. relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLen- nan, newly weds,, were honour- ed by their relatives and.. friends at •a party Saturday night at the .ihome ,of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Aus- tin.• Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bowler: Toronto spent the week -end here. Mr. and , Mrs. Leo Courtney` and family. spent Sunday at the Mar- tyrs' Shrine Midland; Helen. Court ney who had' been visiting Mr. and Mrs, Fred Courtney at Eagle Lake .returned home with them. Mr• and Mrs. •John O'Neill . are visiting .here, • Mr. ' and Mrs, Larry. Brown and family, • Toronto, Miss Carrie • O'- Neill, Goderich visited here over, the • week -end: ' ' Mrs., Michael Martin and child- ren are spending this • week at the. home of "Andrew, Martin. Mr. and. Mrs. • Jack •Murray, and daughters are • spending 'this week with Mr. and Mrs. P. E, Murray. Mrs. Ursula : Hebert, ' Mr. and • les..Gene Hebert, Detroit return- ed home this • week. CHURCH ,HOUNOURS AUDREY FIEDERLEIN AT NEW DUNDEE • A large crowd attended a com- missioning service at the United Brethren Church in New Dundee for Audrey •Fiederlein before her departure for Sierra Leone in Af- rica where she willhe Mattru Centennial secondary schoolfor• three years. Miss Fiederlein was . presented: with a gift of money from, the congregation, • . She has taught ter the past three years at Waterloo -Oxford District High' School. Prierto that Miss Fiederlein• taught at, Lucknow District High 'School, LCHALSH Mrs, Daisy McCharles spent a few days visiting, Mrs. Tom Mac- Donald during the past week, Visiting Mr. and. Mrs. Eldon, Bradley during the past • week were. Mr .and Mrs, Adrean Hard- enburg : of Grand 'Blanc, Mich. The .W.M.S. of Ashfield Pres- byterian Church Held their , reg- ular, monthly meeting .• on Thurs- day' n . afternoon• , at the home .of Mrs. .Gordon Finlayson. Mrs. Jack ' MacCreight had charge of the meeting, . , .Jnii 'MacInt re • NIr, and • Mrs. .. � y .. of `Goderich ' spent a day with Mr. and Mrs:' Dan Wylds recently. Miss Linda. Wylds of London visited over the .week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds; Recent visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs John MacRae and family of Batavia,, N.Y,; were Mr. -and Mrs. Bill Farrish, • . • Visiting Mr. and Mrs, • Henry MacKenzie for ' the week=end were Ray • MacKenzie of Toronto and Miss Eliza Cook of Owen Sound. •,Mr .and Mrs. Emile MacLen nan spent .Sunday. in • Palmerston with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller and family. Mr. and., Mrs: Eldon.; Bradley spent Wednesday at Bracebridge. with Miss:. Phyllis Bradley. Mrs. Beck Agnew renewed old acquaintances': in • the :community during the past.: week: Master Alex MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs., David. MacDonald spent the -past week at Camp' at Kintail. • Visiting Tom and George . Mac- Donald is their :cousin 'Walter Mur- ray 'of Detroit. r -Mr. and • Mrs. Donald McCharles and Scott of • Brantfordspent: a•, few'. days With Mr. and Mrs. 01 iver McCharles and John. • • 'Doug Martin of Toronto is spend- ing a ,few days with Mr: and. Mrs. Ewan MacLean • before leaving . 'on atrip West. ZION . ' Mr, and Mrs, Frank Ritchie and Anne were Mrs. Evelyn Gibson' and family of Amberley an Visitors " during ,the week Kathywith Dalton. of Kingsbridge. Mr' ;and Mrs. Leaver of Wing. ham visited': over the •week -end with Mr. and .Mrs. D. A. Hackett. and girls,. • Kenneth- Straughan of Luck now is 'holidaying with Kim Cowan, • while Kenneth's parents Were on' a motor, trip • to Chester, r Nova Scotia. Visitors with Mr .and Mrs; Wm°; G. Hunter. :on, Sund ay were Dianne Laidlaw and Janice Carter of • Lon L• don;ucknow an41 Mrs. 'George Hunter of Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter spent a. day at . Meaford where Herb Bunter' is employed at construct ; • ter Marelle . nhs ren ployedionybat .Grand Bendwspent . a weekend at; hoHume: recentlyo., Mr, : and Mrs. .Gordan Kirkland and Naney spent the week=end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alf . Andrew of Orillia ..and with Mr.// ,and Mrs,• 'Ken Lucas at their sunimer home in Selbright. Mrs. 'Lucas was'form- erly .Andrew. Mr and MrWinnifreds: Lorne Hackett visited .with her ' father` on, Sunday: in Victoria ,Hospital,. London. Lorene Errington of St. Helens is visiting this week with her auiit Mrs. Lorne Hackett and Mr. Hac- kett. Mrs. Mary. • Whitney,; Tampa, Florida spent last'. week with' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon; Kirkland and • Nancy.' • .:Mrs. Whitney • also . visit- ed with Mr. and :Mrs W. G. ' Hunt- er. The Hunter 'home presents 'many. memories of her child -hood days when 'she visited ` `her 'sous ins, the Andr0 family. ` Mr. ; and Mrs. Charles Wilkins . visited on Sunday with her par- •. ar= ents Mr .and Mrs, :Wm.. Irwin of. Yc.ar Subscription Renewed? Kinloss.• F. PARADE 'rom ses Lo be ane hibIijt ucknovv ....Has: Ever Seen YOU ARE URGED .TO ;SUBMIT. AN ENTRY. IN THEPARADE AND THE 'COMMITTEE WOULD APPRECIATE BEING .,AD.VIS.ED OF YOUR : 'INTENTIONS ONCE PLEASE. ' LEAVE . WORD WITH: Bob Macintosh enderson lumber Crest Hardware * * 300 to Prize Money For Parade Winners • SPACE CONTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY BY rest LUCKNOW 'PHONE 528.3008