The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-21, Page 10o. 4. 0. . • THE. L.UCKNOW SENT,INISL,, LUCKNOW ONTARIO J.SED CARS ,1964 PONTIAC ..,LAU RENTIAN, 4 Door, V 8 Au aariatic Trans-• amiss;ori `:: 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN,, 6 Cylinder, ,Automatic Trans mission 1964 .CHEV ••BELA'IR :4 Door, Standard Transmission 1963 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF, 4 Door, 6 Cylinder, Automatic:: Transmission 1963 'PLYMOUTH; 2 Door, 6 Cylinder, Standard Transmission. 1963 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF, .4 Door, 6 Cylinder Standard Transmission: 1963 FORD. V-8, 4 Door, Standard Transmission 1963.MERCURY, 4 Door, "V4 Automatic 1963 PONTIAC, 4 Door Wagon 1963 PONTIAC PARISSIENNE, 4 Door Hardtop, V-8 Automatic„ Transmission 1962 .METEOR "CUSTOM, 4 Door, . V-8 Standard Transmission .1962 FALCON DELUXE STATIONWAGON 1961 ENVOY, 4 Door 1961 CH EV, 4 Door, Stationwagon 1960 CHEV, 4 Door, '6.:Cylinder •'Automatic ' Transmission • 1960 't HEV, 2 -Door, 6 Cylinder; Standard Transmission 1960 LARK, 4 Door, Standard Transmission 1958 PONTIAC,4 Door, 6 Cylinder stationwagon E THESE AND OTHERS 'ORR REUNION HELD :AT " BERVIE, SIXTY PRESENT The ; Orr ' .re -union was held on, Sunday,;' July. llth at the .hoose of Mir., and .Mrs. Elson Arnold and _family at Bervie. About sixty. member s . enjoyed ' dinner•. and supper coming . from . Montreal, London, Parkhill, Hensall, Wing ham, Langside, ..'Kinloss, • Pine River, Chesley, .Kitchener, Wiar . ton and Bervie. The convenors were Mrs Elson Arnold, • Miss Winmfred Percy and Miss Joan Percy. ;The 'sports were many and varied as follows: Confetti and bowl contest; Grand- ma .and• Grandpa feeding the baby; pick your husband blind- folded; charades; sit on . a balloon for. little - tots; ' push a peanut on a yard stick with your nose; drink water from a spoon; water filled balloon: contest; stretch •art- icles of wearing apparel along the ground to.. get : the, longest: ;line; backto back ra; ' find out . who yoit represent contest; • clothes pins in a milk - bottle . relay; run- ning race 3 years :sand . under.` ' The 41966.: re -union is ,to 'be held at Seaforth Lions Park: Plywood — �►1� i'�icknesses Tongue $Groove lumber Galvapized',Flat: iron • W�steei, "Security": Ribby Galvanized. Roofing GIVES •A COMPLETELY WEATHERPROOF JOB AVAILABLE ,IN .LENGTHS' 6 FEET" -AND UP • ALSO • 11' x 4" STRAPPING • • • :SPIRAL LEAD. HEAD NAILS'' FRESH CEMENT IN STOCK John11 . Hefldercn Lvmb�r Ltd r PHONE 528.3119 LUC.KNOW • Farmer Resident Died At Toronto (Whitechurch. News) There passed alkay'Ank Toronto on . Saturday, Rev. Henry Martin, who was a son of Mr. and Mrs.. William Martin who lived. 'on the Division Line :in East Wawanosh township.. He: had one brother ,Daniel. He attended" S.S; NO. 14. This community extends' sympathy, anto, d his dauwigthefe,. sronsEs.Rtihcronald,; Crawford, , Mr.. and. Mrs.: Everett. Robin- son and` children of Minneapolis', who had been visiting .in New .York City and . at, the .‘home,'.of' his uncle, ,Dr. Hairold. Robinson of Walkerton, •visited ' with Robin- son relatives in this district .one day ' last week, Mr. 'and Mrs. Russel Chapman and Mrs. Mary . Chapman Sr. vis- ited on Sunday. at Rosemont with Mr.' and Mrs. • Alfred. Wright. Mr. and • Mrs: Ross Smith' and family. -of Toronto ' also visited at the, Wright home"' and' Bradley Smith returned for •a,,weeks !visit with. his .grandparents; ` Mr. 'and' Mrs. Ronald Couites,. Linda„ sand` Darlene visited `.on Sun- day ',with .Mr. and' Mrs: Bill 'Cas- lick and. family. of Culross: Mr.., and Mrs:. Relison' Falcon er, -Brian, • Paul and, Lynn . of` Bright's Grove spent- the '''week- end. with his: mother, Mrs: ' Cecil. Falconer and ,other relatives. Paul; , and Brian ,remained for' a holiday.. Mr: ' and Mrs. Gershom John- 'sten ' visited' ,on Sunday with Mr. and: Mrs: Charles Wood` and .fam- ily of Seaforth ' who are holiday- ing at Kincardine at the trailer camp . there. Mrs. H. D.... MacDonald • and Mrs. Frank Coulter visited -.'with. Mr.H. D. MacDonald' on Sunday at Severn' Bridge. where he is ; em- ployed with: a roadconstruction. crew workiiilg in that 'area: • ;. Mr .' and •Mts. George . Walker, their 'nephew Douglas, Walker and Mr. and Mrs. ' Ed Walker were in. Southampton, on. H: Saturday where -the ladies representing , White church • W.I. ' were, hostesses in. the. Log '. Cabin : at 'Southampton Mus- eum. The ladies* were pleased to, have Mrs. 0 C. . Gateman.. of Southampton visit them ..during ,the afternoon.. • Mrs. Duncan.. MacDonald ' "ac- companied : • Mr. and . Mrs. 'Peter MacDonald :on Sunday to visit . at the home of . Mr. and Mrs:: Hilliard Jefferson •of St. Augustine.. On' Sunday., Mr:: .and Mrs. Char- les Tiffin took Mr and Mrs. Wm. 'Brown' `'of 'Lucknow to visit" with Mr.. and. Mrs. George Young of Langside. 'Mrs. Young :is Mr. and Mrs.. Brown's. granddaughter.. Messenger's' Hold Meeting • The U'C: Messengers 'held 'their July , . meeting in, the Sunday. •School room' during Church- ser ':vice. Mrs..Clarence Ritchie,: lead- er' gave the call:, to worship.. All. joined in singing .What a' friend, we have in JeSusPsalm 726' was-. read' . .responsively with John Gibb : deader. {• Cathy Solomon' led. in prayer: • The ',offering was. re- ceived' by' Donald ;Ritchie and ded- icated by: Janet Sleightholm.. The Roll Call . was answered by 13 meimbers..The August meeting' is 'to be :a; Weiner roast. at , the • home of .the leader Mrs.'Clarence :Ritchie.. All then ' Went—to _their, class. The seniors with Mrs. Rit- chie studied Mystery in Brazil and' the Jrs with Mrs.. Sleightholm studied their 'book. A. contest --• Matching English words with Bra zilan was held' . Little Miss Rose Mary 'Collyer spent a few days this week with her grandparents: Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett; of•Goderich and was able to rethrn' home when her sister Sharon ,,was able to return. home from Victoria Hospital on. Thurs- day:'. : Mrs. Earl Jamieson returned home Tuesday after a: two weeks. 'tour'•to the western provinces in-. eluding the Calgary • stampede., • Mr, and,. Mrs, Hugh Hand, Don - ha,' Heather ' and Ricky attended the Wingham Legion Picnic held Sunday ',afternoon in Bluevale Vic- inity: Mr, and Mrs.- Eldon Emerson who have : nbved from Penetan:- guishene to St. Catherines and her' brother Mr. Victor Gignic of Sudbury Spent the week -end with Miss Dila Emerson. WEDNES A1St, 1965 *Off IVOWNSMA:f.V: SPECIAL 0h1 ieuxe, cubic foo size estinghouse Deluxe, cubic foot size 4 �estinghouse Deluxe; cubic foot size LUCKNOW `PHONE 528-3008 Pine:River anid Ex lorers Met (Amberley News) A joint meeting of Units 1 and :2' and ,the Explorer. Group' met, in: the Sunday School .,room of Pine River United church on Tuesday, y, July .13:. ' Mrs. George Messenger who is leader for the "Explorers Group opened the meeting with: the hymn "Jesus Bids Us Shine'' which was followed with' a read- ing and prayer.:A prayer ;was en by : Marey Pace and an inter- esting story was read by ,Mrs. Robert Campbell. Margaret Ann Courtney gave a reading and after the Explorers hymn, "This is my . Fathers Wor- ld,!' a quartette was heard, con- sisting of Mary Pace, Margaret Ann Courtnex, Kathy Irwin and Gertrude Lee • Walden: Prayer was given 'by Mrs, Leonard Reid. At the close 'of the Explorers ;meeting Mrs. George . Messenger; Mrs. Al- lan Irwin 'and Mrs: Robert Camp bell' conducted the.. sports for the' children in the park.. Mrs. Eldon Bradley: presided for" Units' 1 and. 2 and Mrs. ' Gor'don Fry acted as secretary. A hymn was sung. After the minutes of the last meeting were read and items of business discussed, Mrs, Eldon Bradley gave an interesting ac- count, of a visit • with Leonard Mc- Kay who vvas an exchange stu- dent from Norway -,House, Man itoba, and was a. guest of John Bradley for' a Week,,. Mrs. Sam Gibson 'gave a *read- ing read-ing on an "Indian Gir1', and: ;Mrs. Jack, 'Cook explained the -courses which .,ate available 'for; leader- 'ship -training at Five Oaks. Mrs. Morris. Reid gave .a report of the. Manse ' Committee. After the dos- ing hymn;' lunch was served. and a: social time' Was' spent... • Congregational Dinner ' 0 A. congregational dinner was held on .Sunday at St.' Lukes Ang- lican • 'Parish . Hall, Pine River. Many former members were Pre- sent' for.:. the occasion. : "Rev. S. R. Lupton ,gave, an • =interesting :ae• count of the vacation which h'e and Mrs.. Lupton and family! en, joyed ,near Barrie and Lake Sim-. coe :and other . points. • . Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald- Courtney and family were Mr. and 'Mrs. John C. MacDon- ald, Courtney and Corinne and> :Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Courtney. Sharon . McNay of ' Anzberley ate tended. canlp last week .near Gods erich.. Mr. and Mrs. - Elmer Culbert, Andrea and ..Brenda, of Southfield, Michigan, entertained 'a number of ' guests, at their summer home a Amberley over the . week.end, Mrs. Jessie Cassidy of London .is visiting with Mr. • and Mrs, 'John Ernmerton of the • second' concession of Huron, .1VIrs. Cas' sidy is the former�tJssiee'Oliver who taught at Nee 0 school: some: years ago. e mmeron io,• David RoThdney and JimtEmmertot has at Pine River. UnitedTr'Church on Sunday.E. .