The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-21, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JULY 210, 1965 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, •LUCKNOW, ONTARIO s• • •PAGE ,NINE. Ph�ir' and Acheson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS': MUNICIPAL AUDITORS' Box: 663: Phone 50. Kincardine 1ARPER CHARTE. RED 'ACCOUN'T'ANT 58 -57 South Street, , Goderich Telephone 5247562 JOH NSTONE'S • FUNERAL HOME Modern and '.Convenient Lucknow, Phone 5283013. Day or Night Serving ' All Faiths., According to Their. ' Wishes Moderate Prices Established 1894 R. DU. VAL D.C.Q. Sp. C Chiropractor Physio and Electro Therapist Wingham. `Phone 357.3580' (Office located on :John St. West next 'to 'Toronto • Dominion .Bank) INSURANCE FIRE,. WIND, 'CASUALTY ' .AUTOMOBILE ;and ,LIF.E. •, • TQ Protect Your Jack,. Insure With :Jack 'Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 -• R. W. ANDREW Barrister :and Solicitor' •LISTOW;EL,, ONTARIO •' `1N LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and : Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt .Block-'. • Telephone: '• • .Lucknow. 528-3116 CRAWFORO- ani': SHEPHERD . ADOPT- CHILD .•. •(continued front • page 11' isting, in shacks "on goof; tops, • or along,the streets :or on the: sides of Hong Kong's' mountains, be- sides being undernourished, • stunt; ed and largely tubercular, • are' un able to 'attend.' school. . help them meet their situation, various Christian Churchgroups ,have es- tablished schools .and :welfare cent- ers on the roofs of the Goventhent OPTOMETRIST 'E)T TO LYCEUM 'THEATRE .. WINGHAM. PHONE: .3574361 41111111111111/11.11111111 Wngham " Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES °. CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE: PRICE • S. Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. ,351.1910 Res.: Ph.:, 357-1015.: Hadden's S:#udia PORTRAITS Weddings and Children GODERICH, ONTARIO. 118 , St. David Street Dial 524-8787 J. H. '.C.RAWFORD, , O.C. N. A. SHEPHERD Wingham' and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW WEDNESDAY 10,;,a.m. to 1 p.m. Located in Kilpatrick Block Phone . Wingham Office 357.3630.- Res. 357.2330. MacKenzie LemoriolCha �.el p FUNERAL'` SERVICE: Services.. conducted ' according: to your wishes at your Home, your.. Church, .or ' at our .Mem- orial, Chapel :at Memorial,'Chapel:at no additional charge. _ Lucknow, Phone: 528.3432 Day or Night .. J. MacKENZIE, 'O D. Optometrist NOW. IN 'RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office 'Hours 1000 a.m. to ' 9:00. p.m. Phone R,oy MacKenzie, • Ripley,' 96-r-24 for appointment . ; R. W., BELL OPTOMETRIST'"— GODERICH • IMPERIAL OIL,. 'PRODUCTS for protnpt service, and quality products, Contact: • GRANT CHiSHOLM Phone Collect • Dungannon 529.7524 "Always Look To Imperial, • For The Best•", • ++0•444•44,44•w, 0•D_ Optometrist Patrick Street W WINGHAM Phone 3574282, •F T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square (Phone' JAckson 44661) TED COLLYER. Registered Master Electrician • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR " . Specializing'' In Electric .Heating, Electric Wiring and Repaif% and .All Electrical Appliances.. Lucknow -- . 'Phone 528-5182 Gavilier, McIntosh and :Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' Resident. partner, .. J. E. Kennedy, .C.A Opposite Post Office Phone 8814471 — Walkerton • flats. CCF is: assisting in this most urgently needed : aid to, the °child,- ren,• and your "adoptee" IS thus beingcared for in the Chih Kwong Primary Roof Top School in Kow- loon'. • Once they" are 'enrolled, an al- most immediate and marked' im- provement is seen in the child- ren's appearance. Some,'' at least, of. the essentials'' , are ' provided them such. • as ' clothing ' of 'service- able cotton drill in: place of patch- ed 'and' sewed together odds , and ends' of clothing •offering little protection during • the cold, • rainy season.- Shoes, stockings • and, be- cause they ecausethey do ;not' have heated rooms, even 'overcoats are a` source • :of great comfort. In . ad- dition to its daytime • use, a ' child possessing 'an overcoat sleeps in it .. as •well!. •In the winter, the air in . Hong Kong can. be so damply cold ' as to chill the body ,of even a well-fed 'person. For :an .:under- nourished : child the : germs of tuberbulosis find little resistance: CCF assistance is a great 'help in a more complete service to the children, besides increasing `the numbers assisted.; • If you were to• visit one of these schools, perhaps .you would be un- able' to believe 'that the home life was. one of such . great ' limitations and .'hardships. The children would look a great deal cleaner and healthier. than you wo p And 'you , would find ' them `very well . behaved: You would be.sur- prised to ` see: their, earnestness in. their .studies. To '.them, 'attend- ing school:is a . great : privilgee. 'They are fearful it may not: last. Chinese. children value : an educa- tion very highly and are. avid for. knowledge. About the only gift they could give :you to welcome you would be to sir; to; you, and', you would recognize some of, the. songs:: Perhaps there, thousands; of . miles away- from home, on'. a roof . top in Hong: Konl, your lips would move : in English to the Chinese words of "Jesus Loves :Me, this I know,". and your little "adopted" child would ;.stand by your side, looking;' up proudly in- to your face. I'm sure you. would like to 'have the following interesting inform- ation about your. child: • A; Name: Cheng . Kam Cheung Born July 28, :1955 Gracie: .Second '(Education delay. ed) 'Fay. Subject: Reading Voc: Tr.: Too young yet' flew urns: Erected epairs And Alterations FOR .FREE •ESTIMATE CONTACT:• •Better :a�ong Maintenance BOX®B 'P/o� 'THE. LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WORKING. ORKING. IN LUCKNOW AND AREA MATERIALS AND -SUPPLIES .PURCHASED • FROM. LOCAL MERCHANTS'' Meaning of nate; "A' beautiful. badge "Health: good Progress: good Chores; dusting Fav:, Play: '1:Ball' games Personal Characteristics: An ac- tive; `helpful, friendly little 'boy.. Previous. history: This child's. family has. always; lived in pover- ty but their. Situation. daily won, sened as Hong Kong became the mecca for. hordes of refugees: from Coininunist• China, making work scarce -and labor; cheap. As ,'a ,re- sult, . even though the father has ul . expect. a job -- he works` in a police stet - kin he earns such a pittance that he can't feed his children ad- equately, much less clothe and'ed- ucate : them. We :had to help . by.. admitting . Kam Cheung for aid and schooling: . Please accept our appreciation Dead ' Animal Removal I or, DEAD or DISABLED iANIMALS Cali COLLECT Darting, and Company of Canada Ltd. Clinton HU -2-7269 Dead • Animal' License • No. 350-C-65 1•••••••••••••••••••••••• • DONS 'TV 0. •‘ ' 0, ,• • .SERVICE"Er 'i •. O Experienced • All Work ,Guaranteed • •A. • • • P.rompt. Service 0 • reasonable Rates.. • • , PHONE 184, RiPLEY ilei•••A••••••o•seheem••••'•t Dead Stock Removal • :Service We .are licensed to remove your ' dead or, .'crippled farm animals , for 'sanitary disposal. GORDON YOUNG, Elmira Phone Collect to MRS. 'GORDON TAYLOR 528-5950 Lucknow 24Y flour Service Licence Nos, 213C63 And 22R63 for what you are doing to help this child find a place in life.And don't hesitateto write us • if there • is anything. we can do to make . . personal.' - : and. this ;'adoption" more warm • ,Sincerely. yours,• , Verbon E. Kemp, Executive ' .Director-' ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank ' Knoll of R.R. 4 Clifford` wish to announce the engagement of their • daughter. Sally Ann of Kitchener, to Mr.. ; John Van Osch of Dundas, son of ' Mr. And Mrs. Jack Van Osch .of. • R.R. 3,, Goderich: The -marriage will -take place Saturday, August 14, at 40:30 4a m.: in•,Sacred Heart `Church,' Mildmay. SIDS 'rolongs•the� Iife,pwoves he 1ook of your ;buil'dings: The superior quality . of CO -QP*. Roofing and Tiding.. .'material adds years' of mahifenance free life,to roofs and walls. Deeps buildings attractive longer. too. Weather - resistant `.Galvanized Steel, Aluminum and Fiberglas beat the heat, the cold, the rain and the snow. Tested to: withstand • winds up to 100 m.p.h.,, CO-OP Roofing and Siding •off'e'rs' greater 'rigidity•formaxrtnum snow -load strength, outstanding nailing characteristics plus improved overlap.. It is •easily and quickly applied: on buildings old and new. • ' • CO-OP Roofing and. Siding is available Gin . 32" width and lengths from 6' to 30' at prices/to suit your budget. MADE TO RIGID CO-OP SPECIFICATIONS FOR YOUR SATISFACTION 1 ' • W o'erfghi'overiap eGoivaniad Steen •Registered Trade' Matk 8. • Easily hphdlad OAd api Holli: • Aluminum • •. Flboralas . ucknow District • get