The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-21, Page 8iE • .1#1GHT THE L UCKNOW SENT$NEL, LUCKNOW ONTA.RPO, For sound counsel: and a fair price on :a monument correctly designed . from quality ;material, rely . on E3ON.MEMOIIALS Pat O'Hagan,..' Prop. Established Over. Sixty Years alke rton Phone 881-0234 Shower.H�Id :For Helen White (Olivet News) A shower was held in Olivet :Ch_Tuesdayevening arch on� or f ' s Helen White a bride of. this Ray Hamilton .was chair - for the program, Mrs. Sandy ccharles • was ' organist for a sty of duets and solos, also "mood music" for a entitled "How They ', ; which ' was narrated by J. MacCharles, . acted by Mrs. J. McGuire and Mrs. Walter Dexter while, a° group of young ladies sang between acts. Janet Hamilton sang "Love and age," Mary «le and Nan cGuire sang, .', aith, Hope IRWIN'S CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTING BULLDOZING -BACK HOE < SAND -GRAVEL. HAULAGE,. 528-3048 LUCKNOW and Charity." Sharon Colling played an organ solo "Roses are Red." Mrs. H. ` Clayton read. "Little Mary's Essay on Hus- bands;" Mrs. S. MacCharles, and Mrs. M. Coiling conducted ' con- tests; Mrs. also read a poem. , The, chairlady brought .the pro- gram to a close with ,a poem, "Advice to the Bride", and invited Helento the front where Mrs. W. .Black read ' an address. Misses Janet . Hamilton and 'Evelyn. and • Ruth White ° assisted inopen- ing the many beautiful gifts and reading the cards. Helen thanked those .who plan- ned and presented the program and all for the ' lovely gifts. A bountiful , lunch was served anda social hour enjoyed. Ivan, Ann and Paul Crittenham of Clinton sang in. Olivet United Church on. Sunday. They were. visiting with Mrs. :John':MacChar les • and . Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and 'Helen visited on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Molton of Kingarf. Mr. ;. and . Mrs. Walter . Dexter spend ° Sunday with Reverend and Mrs. Elmer . Kennedy in. Bluevale. :,Mrs. " Margaret McNairn and son James of Seaforth ` visited on Sunday, with. the White family. Mr. and Mrs , Ray' Hamilton visited with, relatives:in London on Sunday. a , K1NGSBRID LATE 'KINGSERIDGE ;NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kinahan and family. of London are spend- ing their holidays :here. There was frost in the °Kings bridge area on : Monday ' night. • UNIIRON HEARINGAJDS APMDAS:(flNNHEAR1NG:*iD: ''The Key To Wonder. Of Soun� NJa04ROq Unitron Industries Ltd: manufacturers of the UTC -21. Battery Charger for hearing aid batteries now make available for the first time, a quality hearing aid made in Canada'. "This unique hearing aid combines features designed for peak performance. and satisfaction while withstanding the temperature extremes of the Canadian climate. ' Another first from Unitron .;is our "Factory to ' Customer" ' guarantees, ;on products and ''service. All our products are purchased. direct from theplant in Kitch- ener and serwicett by our ,own ,technicians. Complete ; hearing tests ,given in our ..fully. equipped :testing rooms at, the . plant or in the privacy of your home. , Unitron also eliminates battery costs to purchasers by .sup- pyling a Battery Charger and batteries with' every Hearing Aid. '• Charger and batteries .also sold,'.separately to�,those now • using 675' type batteries: If you have a hearing problem you want to help, it would be beneficial to check with Unitron and inquire about this fine Canadian instrument:. LJip coupon . and mail tiler complete de- tails on how you can' saim�e money .with Unitron products, Unitron Industries.. Lt Fulton Ave. Kitchener, Ont. Please send me 'without ,obligation: �. ) .information' on the Unitron• Hearing' Aid b' ( ) Information ori the utc-21 ,Charger and Batteries NAME ADDRESS: ' Oi`1'>1f. , TEL. ToSell aurae :Beach Property (Huron Tw(.;•' Council' Minutes) met• , w resolution Education. to property' we h were $4 f hall, R. Services, spray- er valuator, w Hdwe. dum ace bo Roads: Wayne' Lowry, Superin- tendent, $335.00; Bill Scott, grad. er. operator, :::'$345 $345.63; Doug Mac Donald; labour, ~ $126.50• Village Ripley, . water service in shed, $12.10;' Pollock Electric, culverts,• $94.57; Frank's garage, truck: ' re- pairs, $4.72; Benson Hdwe.,: shed equipment and bolts, $46.60; Im- perial ' Oil ' Ltd. • diesel, .:fuel and gas, : $384'64; Kaufman' . Lumber, supplies, $19.78; Canadian :: Tire Corp : reflectors, ..:$1.96; . Robert steele Ltd. culverts, $99.60; Allied' Chemicals, calcium:chloride,:.. $1, 157.94; Pollard: Bros.,.. calcium chloride, .$2,009.83; Rosco Metal Co:, signns . $49' 15 Skelton, Gibson,. and Associates, sur- veying,;.,. $215.00; De i n i;o n Road Machinery, Co.. grader ,. blades, $76.07; D. G.' MacDonald, Huron -Township Councilt in regular:: session on July _ 5thWith all Members' present.Minutesof last meeting ..were read andcon- firmed. • Council endorsed a. re tion from the Town of Whitby g i , for greater grants'for Ed ion. Council has 'also,' decidedsell the ' Lurgan Beach. prope , now held by thea Township, as• have no further'need for it. The following accounts or- dered paid: , . Burton Collins, fox bounty,.00; Annie , MacKinnon, care $23.50; United Stationery re- ceipt books, $37.96; Dr. 'W. Blackwell, School Dental S ces, $148.75; Morford MacKay, ray.- er repairs, $11.00 Mrs. JoeJud- der,. nursing home care, $116.25; Earl Tout, vacation pay, $42.46; Huron and Kinloss Telephone, hall phone and:tolls, $15.66;G. E. McLennan, live stock v tor, $5.00; Bill Kempton, haulinggar- vel ar vel to,,Twp. hall,: $47.04; and I Hodge, .water truck repairs,$168 .94; Ken MacKenzie, dozer.'at twp. hall, $7.00; Benson we. hall supplies, $11.01; Graham Cook, dozer at. township p, $25.00 Wayne'. Lowry; lice for water truck, $2;0.0; ' Post Office, unemployment : stamps, .00;. Barry Johnston, two .:., fox unt- , ies, $8.00. Puts the things you want wOthln your reach BANK. OF' MONTREAL LOW os'r • LIFE-INSUIlEG LOADS' WEpNESDAX, JULY-2isti.i '1,6S • issued in RmPun tom ,; $100.. c upwards for 0, 4 Or S. years: earn �% §,.1/2% interest, payable halt.: yearly.,. by cheque. 16. authorized investment for all Canadian .Insurance Companies and trust funds.;• 372 Bay :St., Toronto 35: Dunlop; St., 7,3; .Mississaga Barrie Orilla brush spray, $37.70; Joe Kerr Construction, gravel :. contract, $13,887.00 . B. M. Ross Associates;. engineering, Pollock bridge, $1, 300.00; Harry Coiling, hauling gravel, . $332.40; Reg Godfrey, brushing, $75.00; Graham Cook, dozer, $1710.03; Lyman Sutton, gravel,: ' $192.85; Douglas Henry., • gravel, $765.45 Bill Kempton,; hauling. }.gravel, $230.72; Total •- roads, $47,943.55. Council, : adjourned toMeets on Tuesday, August' 3rd. , Earl Tout, .: Clerk:: USE. ' SEN'INEL WANT -ADS' JMIT FEEDING P concept in hog feeding .. cuts eed costs :, improves grades ... in- cieases profits! CUT FEED REQUIREMENTS- by up to •50 'pounds .per hog. with the:• new SHUR-GAIN Lum�t ,Feeding, Program: ' MORE 'GRADE- "A's" MARKETED because the limited energy 'feedingwith. the SHUR-GAIN Limit Program helps• control the developement 'of• excess fat, allows .hogs to %raw more' lean • me'at.. YOU •POCKET': THE EXTRA ,DOLLARS available from' lower. feeding costs 'Per hog, extra returns from. more "A" Grade hogs c. marketed. • LUCleNOi imit� Phone 52843026: