The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-14, Page 7WEDNESDAY,- JULY 14th, 1965 THE L41C0,04OW.'SENTINEL, •LUCKNOW, ONTAR,1O PAGE _SEVEN; "LISTEN � FRIENDS... /EASE., END AN EAR, FOR WIVE TERIP/f/C' SPEND/N& NEWS FOR YOU TO HEAR y., Floor Covering eeds .i�uwtasce R1U HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPLIANCES' PpIeGrove.l Plan Reuniart A `'large crowds ,of .interested members and their friends gath- ered at Purple Grove Community Centre for the " July :• •-meeting of the Women's Institute..• .Mrs. George Harkness and Mrs. Don Gillies were in 'charge of the meeting with Mrs. Morford Mac- kay as pianist. The scripture . les - lion was •'read by Mrs. Victoria Smith. Membersanswered the' roll call by;. giving ideas for an easy Sunday,, dinner. Soup, hot, 'dogs, pie or. 'Je110 and sandwiches, which ' everyone makes for : him- self, seemed the Most popular i- deas. The next, .4-H : Club :will.. be "The Club Girl Entertains". Leaders are needed. The secretary had received • lit-: erature on Safety ,*and Centennial, projects. All are invited •to ,the Tea at. lite; Bruce Museum-. on July 2i. Purple Grove ` will be hostesses at the Log' Cabin on July 25. Anyone wishing. to ' go contact Mrs..•.W. J. Arnold.: Mrs. Frank Currie led : in 'a discussion. regarding plans'' for ;the- Fall Fair display..Acommittee has been ap- pointed to ;begin planning for :a 'Reunion ofS :S: No..4. Huron tea- Is Your Subscription :,Rane wed?. chers ,pupils and residents: It is hoped it' can .beheld late in Aug ust. Mrs. Wm. Arnold read items from a 1916 'Kincardine Review and said. Mrs•. Wm. Hough was replacing Miss Florence P. Eadie on a Arip, visiting the 20 Institutes;, in the Far North. The next reg- ular meeting will be held In the Community, Centre . on the evening. ?of . • August ' 4.. Mrs. Allan :Coiling was Conven- er for the 'program, which, opened with a , sing -song. Miss Eva Cul- bert :read a humorous poem. Sus- an Bradley and ' Susan ' Colling' sang,. two duets ,accompanied by. Mrs. , ` Ambrose ' Gamble. These .were much enjoyed. Mrs. Don McCosh had an excellent record, of an address': given by 'Doh Lonie to, .a group of teen-agers. It was full of humour but also stressed the 3 R's for teen-agers and which could also apply to all' age groups.. They' .. were . Responsi- bility, : Respect and Religion. Ed- ucation is ;important but- we° are worshipping. .education to—day,, A : cmnrnunity meeting was planned' for the next evening.. Lun- ch was : served by Mrs.. Frank Currie, ' Mrs. Claude Dore • and Mrs. Gordon Patterson and a socia: ,timeenjoyed by all. /■■EE■E■■111/11Es1111111la11 adal■iY■arri1■■111111 ■ ■ G CAR • 2-1965 ' Pontiac Laurentians, 14, . 1 6, automatic :.' ' ' ■ ■ : 1965 Pontiac Parisienne 4•door'; hardtop, V-8 fully equipped ■ NI. Chev Belaire, 6' automatic,fully ,equip} ed • ■ 1965 .Ford Galaxie 509, V-8 automatic, fully. equipped. 'B 1964 Pontiac Parisienne; .`4 -door'. hardtop, V4; fully equipped ■ '1964 Dod e sedan, V-8, power steering • ■ ■ 9 ■ • E 2-7-1964' Chevrolet •.Impalas, 4 -door" hardtop,: fully equipped:. ■■ 2-. � c aur 'tian sedans, •6 cylinder, 1964 Pon#ia . L en automatic ■ ■ ▪ 2-1964 Chevrolet Belair, sedans, automatic, power steering, • Y full equipped .• 1 r■i f■, . • 1964 Meteor custom sedan, automatic e 1 1963. Pontiac Laurentian sedan,' V-8, fully equipped', automatic. a 1963 Chev Belair V4 automatic, radio, fully equipped 1963 Chevrolet Biscayne sedans, 1 automatic, 1 •standard N 1962 'Chevrolet Belair,• 6 cylinder, automatic rs 1962' Pontiac •Stratochief, 4 door, 6 'standard • • e▪ ' e 1961 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic ■ ■ 1960 Envoy 'sedan: A ,t e. ■ 1960 Chevrolet,'4-door, standard, sedan ' m ■ • • • '1 Number. of .59 and 58 models ■ r NI N I i • • STATIONWAGONS ■ °2--1964 Ponfacs, V-8 •automatic, ful,ly:. equipped w 1 ■ 1 1962 Oldsmobile, fully equipped • , �,,I 11961 Falcon Stationwagon si - is � • . ... � •` TRUCK ,� � ' ■ .. ' • TRUCK • = ia■ NI • 1961 Choy, Chevy 1/2 ton m e: II • M t Brussel$' otors ::m. e• Phone lwCities Service. 'Doyle*1 UM**ori ressrlilNr■ Sallies■■ya■#s■as■NA ■s■■a"■ . . Belgium Native Died In Lucknow ' MRS. ' `ALFONS SOMERS Mrs. Alfons Somers •..formerly Maria Theresa Wouters, died at the home of her daughter & - her son-in-law, Mr. & ' Mrs. Caswell. Hackett- of Lucknow, on Thurs day, -June 17, 1965. She was 76. Mrs., Somers was, ° born in St. Leonards, Belgium; ' on February 15, 1889. She came, from the west- almost ,two.years ago; and made her ,home with : her daughter. She was in Wingham Hospital from August last -Year until April. ,this Year. Mrs. Somers had been bedfast for some. time now. She is survived by " one daugh- ter' Mrs. Caswell• (Mary) Hackett,' Lucknow; three sons, Constant of Windsor, •Joseph of Rosser, .Man- itoba and . Frank . of Portage. La Prairie,' Manitoba, one brother in D eloraine Manitoba and one. brother in Belgium; ' 17 grrand' children, 5 great grandchildren. Mrs. Somers' husband prede- cased . e herin 1956, . sonJohn in 1961 and one .son one on . Charles in 1963. • The body rested at MacKenzie. Memorial Chapel on. Thursday evening, June 17th, thence to Del- oraine, Manitobaitoba for funeral' .ser- vice ser- vice" .:.which was held on June 22nd.. Otto Hiller, Souris, Mani- toba, ' was . cleryman. Burial' was in..Deloraine:' Cemetery. `: . KINLOLJGHI Mrs, Audrey B r hwick of St. Sone Receives ►ou 6�tlreat �rit h flies? Have You tried I�uri�ia�.Dair' Seri Concentrate? IT IS AN•' ECONOMICAL WAY TO PROTECT YOUR •DAIRY CATTLE, BEEF' CATTLE, HORSES,'AGAINST HOUSE FLIES, •,'HORSE FLIES, STABLE FLIES, :HORN, FLIES, •MOSQUIT•: .OES, AND LICE; `LUCKNOW: SEE GORDON JOHN1ONE Your Purina Dealer PHONE 528-3719 • Jack ' Ackert. The judges were Mrs. Lyman Sutton and Mrs: Per- ry Hodgins. Miss Jackie Johnston favoured with two' piano numbers. rs. Mrs.. William Eadie had the . Boy Scout pictures. Contests were en-. joyed. The . meeting closed ' with God Save the Queen. Refresh- ments were . served and a social tithe ' enjoyed. Directors , were Mrs. Morgan Johnston, and; Mrs. Jack Ackert. The August hostess- es will be Mrs. Ed Thompson and Mrs. Jack " Hewitt. On 'July 19th' this . Institute , will be hostess at. the Log ., Cabin. at Southampton. Catharines visited with her par.- ents Mr..'and Mrs. .James Hod- gins Mr:.. and Mrs. Dan Nicholson of Lucknow.. spent 'Sundayafternoon. with .Mr. and Mrs. Don Gilles- pie, Ronnie and' :Cathy . • Mr.. and Mrs.• Dan. McInnes and family visited on Friday• evening with Mr. and Mrs: Jim McEwan and family.: ;at..Kinloss. William Bell who ' has, been' vis- ., iting with relatives here left on Friday -on his return.. trip ;to the West. . Mrs. 'Jim Hodgins and : girls spent a few days. with her par-/ ents at Windsor.' • • Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton and family of Gorrie visited' on Sun- day with • Mr. •and Mrs. Dan Mc=:. Innes and family, •Holyrood W.I. The' • H.W.I.•met on Tuesday evening at the . home of Mrs. Mor- gan :.Johnston with Mrs. Orville. Elliott co -hostess. Mrs. Alex Per- cy presided and 'the . meeting op- ened by singing : the • Ode and 're- peating the Mary Stewart Collect. The secretary, . Mrs: Lyman Sut- ton, read the • minutes' , and gave the . financial . report. ..Notes of thanks were read., The 'following. committee •was • appointed to look after antiques for the Luekno'W'. Fall Fair, Mrs Tom'<Hodgins, Miss Edna • Boyle,' Mrs. Morgan. .Johnston and :Mrs. Jack Hewitt.• The' roll call was. "One .reason' why, I buy Canadian made• arti- cies , when possible." Mrs. Mor- -gan Johnston gave the topic, The, Tourist ,Industry in our :Province. Mrs. Jack Ackert gave 'the 'Motto "Industry is a country's • stepping, stone to success.". The• contest. on'. Uncooked • cookies•' was won. by. •Mrs. Orville 'Elliott and Mrs. . Ute PRICES ARE .i ALWAYS FAIR -' AND JUST! WE ARE OUT TO WIN VOUR CONFIDENCE AND TRUST ! h rrrOjP� v-evie rap Reo aerst f �ther's, Death (Kingsbrid9e' News) Week -end visitors' With ': Mrs. Clifton Austin. were Mr. and : Mrs. Raymond Austin ' : ' and Marlene, Toronto Mrs. Ambrose Hartman, Kitchener;- Mr. and ' Mrs. Len Woodley.. Donna and . Mary Woodi- leyhave spentthe past weekwith their grandmother. Mr. • Rz Miltenburg received' the news``of the death of his Mother` in Holland. during_ -the past week We wish to a�rss ourr sy mP th to. Mr. Miltenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vogt of; De- troit ; and grandchildren: Susan and Urscela Vogt have been • vacation- ing with her brother Frank Sul - 'Wan. Vivian Bryan of Toronto .is. vis- icing with *Fay Hogan. ' • ` Mike ' Martin, ° Stoney Creek. spent the week -end here. Stella • ean, ''Toronto is 'spend:. Plan Conference - An' Sumrner School. : The executive of Huron Presby- terial t U.C.W.Whope all U.C.W. members and laymen will . plan to attend/ the . Goderich Summer School ' on Saturday, September 11 when the Rev.' August. Meech-` `am,, well': known. fore his unique presentation of Bible study will lead' a day of'' Dynamic Christian Fellowship: .Registration is' still open to those wishing t o attend . the Regional;, :Conference' at:; McMaster UniVer-. sity.. in Hamilton,,. August: 27-29 in • elusive. , Each local officer. is.. asked` to contact , and report • to' , her cor- responding presbyterial ' officer., A workshop in' the -forenoon and. Mrs. Fern : Scrruto" '•former ` this- ., sionary' in. Japan guest.' speaker in' the afternoon'is planned . for' the Fall''Rallies to ,,be held as follows: October 19: ` for ' North, Section at' Fordwich;:October' 20 for Center Section at. Winthrop;October 21 for, South _� Section at Crediton; October. , 22 for. ':West Section at Holinesville. • • The president, Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft closed the Meeting held in Ontario Street: United x . Church Clinton, June.:23rd.' 1---umusow Viiimam --, with 1• 1 S 11 D 1 1 ing the summer months with:'Mrs:. �. . Martha O'Neill.• Mr: and MrsJoe Austin,'.Fiori SPRAY FINISHES 1 da visited among relatives on 1 INTERIOR- EXTERIOR Sunday. Mrs. Audrey Carver has. her 1 ':Mrs. Wood Hamilton vis • 1.' :. mother ,. Enamels, . -- Ring her. 1 Clears Belated news Mr. •and : Mrs, ' ' Martin : and ,son Tim° moved into; their new . home .a few' weeks ago Congratulations Patti O'Connor is visiting in De- troit this week::- y ySpending the Betty ' De Bruyn is summer with Mr,. and Mrs. Peter Van Osch and family: ' Mr..' and Mrs. .John Dietrich and family spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Mark Dalton and family: • Mr, and Mrs: Clarence , Doherty and family, Ted Martin of Hamil- ton are visiting with their par- ents,. ar-ents, . 'UNITED CHURCH .UNIT 1 VISITS PINECREST' MANOR . Several members of Unit 1 of U.C.W. met at Pinecrest :Manor, on Thursday, July 8 and Present- ed ' a .program for the Senior Cit izens•. Mrs.,' Drennan opened the meet- ing ' with a ..'hymn and .. Mrs. Tay-' for read the scripture lesson' fol- lowed by, the meditation,. the top- ic being "Hope of the World". Sharon and Linda Campbell sang a duet 'and Linda and Nancy. Wal- den, Carol and Sharon Campbell., favoured witha quartette. Read ings were given by Mrs. George Stuart, Mrs. Reid and,. Mrs. Hal- lam, The meeting closed by sing- ing a ,hymn followed by courtesy remarks by Mrs. McDiarmid.. Mrs. Drennen ' then invited the group to „heir home where after- no'on tea ,was served and . a social time '.:enjoyed, : ` • • 1. 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1Professional results at, 1 the touch'of'a finger 1 A must for painting 1 hard -to -reach areas 1 1 Safe for use on toys and 1 children's furniture 1; %', • 1 For new or previously I finished wood, • metal or 1 ' Other surfaces r Benjamin ok)rc paints: E' . MUrdIe 1 1 William' 1' 1 1 4 • and Son.:: 'Hardware Leckie* Phone "528-290 • A •