The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-14, Page 1$4:00 A• Year In Advance .$1.00 • Extra', • „ti. LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY .•14th, 1965 DUNGANNON' - MINISTER'S SON, KENNETH VELDHUIS •Kenneth Veldhuis, M.D., son of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Veldhuis of Dungannon, graduated ,- f r o. m • Queen's University, Kingston, May. 29 1965, His father Rev.. J. A..Veldhu s anda brother Rev., A Veldhuis;. of ' God's, Lake, Manito- ba, are both graduates of : Queens, 1959 and 1963. • Dr, .Velhuis is now interningat. 'Victoria Hospital, London.' Chas. McQutIlin To Visit Alaska Charlie McQuillin mill " leave Saturday' for about a month's cation which will take s , him to Al aska. ' He plans ' to motor to Prince Rupert, B.C.; leave his car there and take a boat trip . up the :.coast' to St a wavAlaska. Whi e her he' will ake : the ° train over the White Pass. He . will return via the same route. Charlie has va catibifed' in the north before but not in'° the urea he plass' to .visit this year. He will . make 'the ' trip alone, Charlie teaches in Zurich but spends his week -ends . on the farm ' near' St. Helens with his sister Beatrice 'and brother ...Wil-• • BUSES WILL BE LATER The buses, leaving for swimming classes at Tees- water, will, . now leave Luck- now ucknow at 8:25 • a.m on ming. days.' They hadpre- viously left at 8 a.m. m• Fewer pickups and , too'•ear- • ly artival at the Teeswater pool have prompted this change. ' ' RECEIVES PROMOTION Flying in Officer:. George Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rich- ards of town, has been. promoted •to Flight Lieutenant.. After, graduating =from Univer- sity of Toronto, George and fam- ily moved west, where he is a jet 'instructor at RCAF• Station, 'Gim,- li, Manitoba,: George and ; his wife Joan and family, Dawn, Jim and Ruth Ann• are presently holidaying -with his parents. They will' be. flying • back • west at the' end of July. Dunnannon WON SALES TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greer of Lucknow will ' 'take •a ,.two week trip to Denmark;,. Sweden and, Germany , ' This ip has' been- awardedto rold by General Electric mpany ,'forsales volume.. pprove Addition To .Kinloss School Tentative approval has 'been re- ceived from the Department of Education for the construction of a 4 -room addition plus auditor- ium to the Kinloss Central Public School. • The addition will absorb the pu- pils from four oneroom schools in the township that will be •,clos- ed: LIONS' PLAN' CARNIVAL, GARDEN PARTY.' "AND ,• DANCE On Thursday of next week,: .July 22nd, Lucknow and, District Lions Club C u is s nsorin 'garden and po g .,.g en party and carnival in the:Luck- now uck now Arena. - Lions' wives•will be . responsible. ° an for the good food that- will he a vailable . assisted by the men of the club. Or is it the . men -assisted by the wives. We're not sure, Games, bingo, dancing and . a prize draw will round out the ev ening. ' There ' will be plenty of good food • and lots' ••of fun.. Your attendance; is : a boostto the Lions in ' continuing' their work' of.. com- munity betterment, ommunity,'betterment, Se :Dungannon Herd. : Oii .Friday .This Friday, July 16th, ' will ;see a,, climax . to: a ., colourful career 'as, .a�, breeder- of shorthorn cattle for •W;: A. ' Culbert of eDungannon when the first in` a series of two dispersal sales will be ° held for. the . Maple Emblem - herd at .the Lucknow Community Sales Barns. e Mr. Culbert has • been in the purebred shorthorn cattle. busin ess for thirty-five years: During that time; the name Mahle, Em- blem has became prominent in. shorthorn circles. ' and the Cul-' •berts have: had the.. privilege of seeing some top ' 'quality ' and price cattle come :out. of the herd: Mr. Colbert, who will be'81 81 years . of age in September has been unable to do any of the farm work for some time and' this part of the business , has been carried. on by sons Bill and , Howard. Mr. Culbert: has ;continued to • keep in close contact with the. business, through 'the administrative end of the; farming: venture. ' He , person- ally, prepared t e': catalogue. of 142' lots. d' in his. associations • with .the Sentinel:. throughout the years, he has 'always amazed us in his knowledge ' of his, herd. Al- though not' in .as close . contact with • the herd' as before, this knowledge still'exists: 'The decision'to k sell • the entire herd• has not been an eas one for the'Culbert '' family after a life- time of building this business ..to •the prominence of today Because of the size of the herd,.' the sale will 'be . divided into two days, July '.;16 • and October 1b;. both at the'° Lucknow sales. barn.. If you are:interested in top. short- horn cattle, a catalogue may: be ' f be o at Winedro M. ,,.,Cul, rt., r . ;:a Sir .,. ,M .. fir. x< tin .. Newly �App�int� Bank Manager: Mr: C. it Bird' ficeountant:'�at the Walkerton branch of the Can- adian Imperial . Bank of Com- merce, will succeed Lloyd ' Hum- phrey as manager of the Auburn branch. of the:Bank..Mr. Bird has been in Walkerton seven ,• and:. a half years. His new ; duties will be assumed- around the .. first of September; Mr.. Bird will ' be in:the Auburn Bank three days • a week. The 'oth- er , two days;; Tuesday and Thurs- day, . he' will be in ,the . Dungannon Branch as is the present arrange- ment. Mr., Humphrey and his as- sistant' James Louks come to Dungannon on these two days. Mr.. Humphrey has _ been : ap- pointed` manager at Dublin.' HONOURED BY FRIENDS ON 89th BIRTHDAY ' • ' W. W. Hill was ' uest ,of honour g at a party, held• on, Tuesday, . July 6th,' at his home in Lucknow, on it hda ' 89th birthday.. 6 f hie the occasionY Guests present included, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rogers. of Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Blue of Detroit, •Mrs.. 'Oscar. Casemore' :of Wing - ham, .:Huntl'y Gordon of Amberley Beach and immediate neighbours. FINE 'CROWD, .WEATHER FOR GLORIOUS.' TWELFTH n of . $t: 'Heleps;: Ross Erringto past county master, was.chair-,, man' for the afternoon at the 112th• .of Jtiiy celebration. rin. W.ingham UnggnnQn Man last' Saturday at which .38 lodges pated. wd estimated': ` at' 8,000;'sFa d:* hand to view. thelargesttali Injured � :on H M 54 Dun parade ed' gang .s r George Cameron of. W gham 1 killed' h h ya in the towns history. „George .00ze, . of -in on, -was i e when i, ca n. thea traditional went out 'of control and rolled. ov• the•y • parade . n er o s white horse.. n Hichway 4, three mile es in :the walk froU this .,south of Clinton Saturday' night ' Lodges est num- th g area were Amberley, which . won* the award Mr. Moore, an employee of Goderich Manufacturing Co.' Ltd., was alone in the car. Police believe the car went out of Control after running onto'' the shoulder of the highway. "att -- a was ' the oldest person Service +Was held Tuesday at Lodge He. was 82 years, 9 mon- or e ber of members on parade,- Beth- el; Dungannon-, Zion, • Kinloss and Kinlough. of Bethel William. Eminerton home P.m. at the Stiles funeral Goderich. �Rurial. *ea Dungannon Cemetery. • r:. Moore resided alone at his home in Dungannon 'and dal drove to and from work in Gorier- ich. parade. ths. Two other parade.cesarbers were 82 and it was ne Y determine the Winnerby mon- ths,, ono ths;ideal Weather conditions were for the celebration. Exchange Students Visit. This Ares Karen Kolodinsky of ; Le Pas, Manitoba visited, this past.. week with Corinne' -MacDonald, conces- sion eight,: Huron' : and . Leonard MacKayy of :Norway -House, 'Mani- toba visited with- John . Bradley of Amberley.- Karen ' and, Leonard are 'both. exchange ; students under inter - Provincial, students exchange. • Next month Corinne_. MacDonald daughter of Mr. and.. Mrs. John C. MacDonald and John Bradley, son of Mr. and'Mrs., Eldon Brad-' ley, ..will go to 'Melville, " Seek atchewan under a similar pro - :gram, . .'Group activi , which included p tS' all the students. ".in the area from Sarnia to Port Elgin, their. hosts' and chaperones, included a 'ban- quet at the Windsor hotel; at Stratford last: Thursday; , Follow- ing the dinner they attended the play Henry ,IV .at the '•Shake- Shake- spearean Theatre. • s Last Saturday'' Corinne,, John.' and their two guests, were.' taken on a tour of C.K.N.X.' and on Sun day they . toured the Douglas Point Power station, north of 'Kin- cardine. To Sell Ripley. Coal Business` J. B. (Bert) Breckenridge of Ripley is selling. his coal busin ess 'which. he has operated for twenty years iii that village. Be- -Sides the business, Mr. Brecken- ridge will sell buildings and other items as advertised in this issue of The Sentinel. - Mr. and Mrs. • Breckenridge farmed .on. the 4th of Huron until 20 years ago when ,they went to Ripley to live 'where he ebegan a coal and 'feed business. Mr., and Mrs. Breckenridge observed their 45th wedding anniversary in -Dec- ember, Mrs. Breckenridge is the former Mabel Stephenson of the 10th of Huron. • GRADUATES 'IN' LAW JAMES BLAKE H. James Blake, L.L.B. grad- uated from om Cls de Hall g Law. School,r 0 onto . June un 1965: He i: r is the sono f M . and k:Mrs Cecil Blake, Dungannon, ' Ontario. Pres- ently he •es employed : with the law' firm' of Fraser, Beatty, Tuck- er, McIntosh and Stewart , in Tor- onto. JUDGE LUCKNOW 'JUNIOR HORTICULTURAL • GARDENS.. • 'The `'r a dens of •the Junior :Ho ` - icultural Society members • were judged last . Saturday. _ Mrs. 'Art Breckles' and Miss Margaret Malcolm weree h, judgesh. ' . t wit the following results.:. Group.. A: 1st Greg ' Hunter; • 2nd Donna and Greer. ., o Bob G e Groep B: 1st Elizabeth ,p ,� � and 'Nancy., Rlt-chie, Paul Goyette. Honourable • Men- tion: Margaret Montgomery, ': Dale Hunter. • Special donated by Mrs. Clark embers 'Finlayson for the member •show I' ing most improvement re plan . and care 'of : garden for this. year, :: PinRofer' re Chiu. chBarbara and' Billy.. •: 'V�ilkins: , • m• berley News The Sacrament of .communion. was observed on Sunday at Pine River United Church. Members of communicants class` were: Deb- bie Wilson, :Shirley Reid, Wayne Courtney,' . Pam 'Farrell, ' Ronald Ferguson,, Brenda . Henry, Bren- da Humphrey, Corrine . Lowry, Peggy Fry, Ricky Elliott,. Brian Snobelen, Lynn „ Courtney, Carol Elliott, David 'Huston, :Paul`. Wal- den, Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy:Marshall,. Mr. Robert Marshall, Mr: Fred Craigie and Mr: Edward' Creech. Members transferring', from` oth- er churches were Mrs. Melvin Henry, Mr. and .Mrs. 'Robert Mc- Nay, Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Rut ledge, Mrs. Secord Huston, . Mrs. ''Robert 'McNain and Mrs..' Mut- ray Hunter. Ingle • Copy' 10c!' •12 ;Pages (Nelson Rciynards:' Move To: Lucknow Mr. .and Mrs Nelson Raynard of Ashfield haver.purchased, the Hodge house from .Mrs: Jack Al- ton, ' and are in : the process of moving'now. The house is on <Lud-, • gard'. Street across from the Sil- verwood Dairies Plant. The house has recentlybeen occupied • by Cecil Garniss and .family, Mr. and: Mrs. Raynard have farmed . 'on the 12th concession of'. Ashfield now for 19 : years,` They purchased the farm from the late Syd Gardner.: Prier, to that they lived ' at Paramount. Their son Doug, and his wife (the former Mary Lou McAllister) willcontin- ue to live on the .farm. Mrs. Baynard is a 'daughter of . . Mr.' and Mrs. 'William .Ritchie of town, • :109Register •.•• For, Swirnming 109 children have registred for,: :. swimming instruction : this ' sum- mer which : is held at the Teeswat- er eeswat er. :Swimming Pool. The : children go to Teeswater . by bus every Tuesday.:: and ' Friday mornings. The 'swimming is sponsored, by the Lucknow and District Lions The other three '• mornings pf the week, . Menday, . Wednesday, and ThursdaY?Lucknow the cknow . Rec- .;.. reational Committee are sponsor- ing a:,.Playground for the month:: of July.. About 69, children attend the ` : playground ; from 5 to 12 • years of age.,;,They are tinder the f 'Anne ne 'Ritchie and !supervision , o n i':Peggy:.Button ' who teach a senior '. '(9-12,,..yPrs) .and; a junior (5.8 e8r assespectively 120 Stitches ]`o Close Leg Gash (Wh,techurch News) Roy Huffman of the Larigside area _ had : `the misfortune last Tuesday to injure his leg while .en gaged in construction work at the Veneer plant at Durham. He was. working with a • skill saw •'which Slipped, cutting' a nasty.. gash ' in, his leg. The gash ' required '•120 stitches to close it• at the Dur- ham, ur-ham, Hospital. • • Since entering the Hospital, Mr: Huffman, has . ' developed ' pne- umonia: • This community, wish `him' •a speedy recovery. Retain,Scho�tAs Purp Ie Grove District Elect Cormitteo. . community Centre, (Contr. ibuted,) ' A large group of interested members met' in the former • Pur- ple Grove School to discuss fut- ure plans. Mrs. Writ J. Arnold; ehairman. of the Interim commit- tee. was, in charge with Mrs:. Don Gillies' as secretary.' It 'vas decided to retain the woodshed for storage purposes,: but some desks could' be sold. Any organization using ' . the premises' should be exoected to make a donation in order that funds would be available for general upkeep, Mrs. George Emerson bought the bell :and donated it to the community with the understand- ing, it must remain' on the build- ing as long as: it is, used' as a com- munity centre:' She also. :: bought arid donated :the piano; The school is now to be' known as. Purple Grove Community Cen- tre. • • . • 'Mrs. Cecil.Sutton was appointed as custodian of .,books and 'prop- erty. I. 1't was decided to •: have a corn= %mitted .of 6 'members and an an- nual : meeting' be held - year. .The year is to begin September, lst. The term . will be 3 years .for. committee members. rn order to. get,' a rotation, 2 were elected for a three' year term, 2 for' two year term and 2 for one year...Ballott- ing resulted in Mrs: Wm. J. Arn- old and Bob Emerson being elect ed for 3 years, Mrs. Francis Boy- le and'; Cecil Sutton for '2 .years, Morley Scott and Don Robertson for 1 year. , From this group, Don Robertsonwas chosen as chair- man, Mrs. Francis Boyle as' sec- retary and Bob Emerson as treas. urer, 'Donations are being' receivs ed each day and are ' gratefully accepted.' It is hoped others Will continue to send in donations as the committee need a fund to pet themon a firm operating bases. Mrs..' Don McCosh thanked' the interim • committee for their of forts in retaining the schoel 'for the use of the community. , • • • 7'