The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-07, Page 12PAGE TWOLVO„ THE ,LUCIK:NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, ,IDLY -7t4, .1965.: FOR COOL' 'AND . CASUAL. .'SUMM.ER,-VISI7` .OU.RR. DRESS- • ' DEPAR:TNIENT . WE HAVE .A •LARGE SELECTION OF SIZES AND MIANbif STYLES. • ANDFABRICS. PROM WHICH' TOk' CHOOSE. Materials; range 'from. Cottons,— Linens -, Terrylenes.' Arriels — Laces.. -- Arne! and 'Cptton Blend - Sateen. Cottons Stripes, plains, checks and printed Sizes ,7.19, 8.20,, 141/ -24%. e Basenien SHIFT DRESSES SIZES S,M,L, $1.98 : 85.98 AN, RIVER GINGHAMS, ARNEL AND. COTTON "'SEERSUCKER. ,STRIPES PRICED; FROM. $6.95 TO $10.95 EASY : CARE COTTON AND. ARNEL' SEERSUCKER -- SIZES 46-52' $10.95. �w PHONE 528-2126: AGENT FOR KINCARDINE . CLEANERS 'res Pick4Jp and Delivery : Vl4na day and Thurs THAT Rev. Wm. Henderson of Woodstock,. 'formerly of, Luck - .now is building a cottage .next ,. to the Henderson family ,cot- tage cot-tage at Bruce. Beach.' THAT an open meeting is being called for Monday;:. July 12 at Kintail. Community Centre to,:. el - eat a ,pew hall committee and discuss the possibility : of :'re= twining the former school as a community centre. The Kintail Women's Insitute has been us- ing and maintaining the liuild- ing . for some .time, but . with their recent disbanding; it is hopedthat a hall committee can be appointed ' and more use .made of the building as a com- munity centre. THAT : marking the closing ° of their..Public School • days, . the grade 8 class at Lucknow. Pub- lic 'School:' were 'each Present- ed 'with a class picture by the School Board. " THAT Eylmer Reavie and ,his son Stuart have..inoved to the 'front upstairs apartment in Gordon • Montgomery's . apartments; Eyl- mer recently sold his _farm to ;F. C. van Eyl of Clifford.. THAT : most Of ; the writing for ,this week's paper has been doneby the two Mrs. Thomp sons. With •.the • .Sentinel..short handed, the' usuaI • scribe Was confused more than •ever to the . 'mechanical ;portion; • of the oper- ation. Ripley-HuronLegon Memorial, -Park, Ripley Friday, July 9th SUPPER FROM'"8;00 to 8:30 p.m. • KINCARDINE. JUNIOR PIPE: :BAND 14 ATTENDAN'c Take•Out girders 4a lade Bingo: c�n� Carnival After Supper . ALL WELCOME 5 , • ByTheSentineI THAT the. new LucknoW Police' car purchased 'by the Village of 'Lucknow; arrived last week and. sa presently In use by , Pol- lee chief, Joe. Vienneau. THAT Peggy ' Button attended . Summer School last week; at a. camp near . Goderich in prep- • 'eration::for the local "Lucknow `Playground": ,•which . opened . to- : day, . Wednesday. • • The , other leader Anne Ritchie had attend- , the school last', year. ' THAT an error in* copy supplied to The Sentinel for the sale for Addie • Martin ,at Kingsbridge had. , the date of the, sale , wrong- ly rongply listed as • July . 3rd. • The sale will be held:, on S'aturday,. July • 10th at Kingsbridge and an ad- vertisement appears in this :week's -paper.. . THAT Rev. ',and' 'Mrs Howard Strapp 'are .Spending their mon- th's vacation at their . summer 'home. at "Chapleau. THAT' Jim„ MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs Peter MacDonald of Lucknow is .an' instructor at the •, Cadet Camp at. Ipperwash THAT . Marianne : MacDonald sof Lucknow,. ; Anne .and Eileen 'For- an of 'St Augustine are. employ ed ' for the`' summer - at ' South" • • Baymouth, Manitoulin THAT W. A ` (Bud). Hamilton of Lucknow .:bas purchased his.. 'brother :an -Hamilton's farm, • situated on Highway 86 west of Lucknow. :Jim bought the farm from : Neil • Murdock / THAT. • Mr. and , Mrs ,Malcolm MacLennan of Barrie '•formerly. of Lucknow, and their, daugb- . ter -Jean of Toronto, sailfrom Montreal, • July 9th -on ;-th `tCar mania" for 'a six weeks Our of thei "British Isles and. Europe. THAT Brenda. Haldenby, • daugh- ter of Mr:; and Mrs. -Norman UUaldenby' of Kinloss, and Brian Gammie,,,son of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Gammie of West Miamian- , osh, are, employed, at The ,Luck •now Fruit Market. THAT Jim:Snelg rove of Toronto has successfully completed his first : year in , law at Osgoode Hall : •:: Mrs. , Snelgrove is .the former Ruth 'Johnstone, of Luck - now.' THAT...on ',. top .of being a •man - short at The 'Sentinel because- ofd' illness,` we see where there will be a hydro shut-off in the vil- lage this Thursday ' afternoon • for two hours ' T is . causes our Linotype pot to go cold and by, • the. time it: reheats again, an- other afternoon' 'is pretty well shot.' This is. all we needed! ;THAT Andrea Adams. of Lang - side . is employed at U•mbach's,. ' : Pharmacy, Lucknow., • a.. • THAT .••Ross Errington was to 'commence work this week ;at Treleaven's Mill 'for the 'sum mer months. Because of a knee injured by a piece of wood 'while •Ross was. ,cutting wood with the:. chain • saw ' last Saturday. Morning, it will be : a few days . before Ross ' Will' start work: Mid-Nite Snack INDAY DINNER EAT. IN COOL ' COMFORT AT THE Mayfair Restaurant HOME : OF FINE FOOD Chtkeo In ` A Basket Fish and Chips Take Out Orders PHONE;. 5283932 YOTJR 4 LoWEST SUPREME Mixed Cookies Sale SUPREME 16oz. :Mixed Pickles Sale ALLENS TALL. 48 oz.. Citrus Drinks Sale MORNING.. GLORY Fresh Coffee Sale Q�. CASHMERE Toilet Tissue Si SAVE 16c: Is. S9C ;Avg !7c Jars 49c 'E> 17c REALLY SAVE. LOW, LOW ,PRICE' 8 tuns ;69c WITH ;5.00 'CASH PURCHASE SAVE 74F . et Na1f4a1lon Ice Cream Only ��c We Sell. For Less Pbone,,Lucknow• 528-3420 Values Effective JULY 8, 9, 11 'THAT > _WS. Victor Emerson's Whitechurch news of last week, posted, •'at Whitechurch on June 28: .has disappeared • into thin : air. The weekly news report usually • makes ,.,the 5 - mile trip without any, problems, but this is the second time in •. recent .months that it, has 'gone., astray.. Thefirst time,°„it turn- ed” up 3 .or 4 days later, but at writing . time, a full. week '*had: 'passed without a sign (of • the news ',envelope We regret the in- coniience:•to `those' readers , who weekly ; look for:. `the : White- church, +column. THAT the •printing • of the Luck- now 'Agricultural Society's Cent- ' ennial Fall* Fair prize list' was 'Completed last. -Saturday -and copies will: be available,; no earl- ier' :than Friday' afternoon; 'for those. 'who .wish` to 'obtain one. Copies may be obtained from the Secretary; Mrs. Fred Mc - With or at The Sentinel. • THAT Anne . Ritchie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Frank .• Ritchie, Zion, successfully completed " the first year of-° the two year. course • at Stratford Teachers College Wanda Henry, who will teach at -SS, No 9 .Ashfield this w fall has successfully.' ;completed the one-year course at ;Strat-. ford. THAT after eleven. years in rad :io in various capacities .Don- ald- Hutton,. son of . the late Rev. and Mrs: -John Hutton . of • Pine River, has entered` the ministry is a layman: He Will shortly be . inducted into a . Nia- gara 'Rural Charge. Mr. Hut- ton will :spend the next six : • ;sui'nmers in completing . his "education. THAT' a fire call on Sunda even- ing ven- in , a ,11 :: took the • g beat p.m. Lucknow Fire Department ' to the home of Harry. Wall, north. of Lticknow, • where an old ,car was afire. TEEN • TI FEATURING Wednesday Nile, July 14t LUCKNOW ARENA DANCING 1-12 p.m, ON`. NEWLY INSTALLED FLOOR ADMISSION si.s0 PER COUPLE or $ly SINGLE ADMISSION' SPONSORED i3'Y LUCKNOW C ^ f5Tl IC7` I IO( S, CLUB