The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-07, Page 3WEDNESDAY',; 1JU,L,Y 7th, ' 1.965 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, Iean.*6; Margarines ROSE BRAND, SAVE 10c,' 3 Ib. Fmy: Corn bislit NIBLETS FCY. SAVE 7c, 14 o: Tea Bags KADANA,' SAVE ,6c, :CELLO, 1.00's Tissue' BALLET, WHITE OR COLOURED, SAVE 35c Detergent MIR LIQUID, BUY 1 GET 1 FREE, SAVE 12c, TWIN PACK 24 oz. KERY FEATURE Donuts SUPREME°.BRIMD, Buns WESTON, 'REG: 49c, 12 TO PK,G: !c rinks ALLENS ASSORTED , FLAVOURS, , SAVE 9c; •48 voz.' Tin : >, Salad Dressing SUNSPUN, SAVE 4c, ,24 oz.. Pickles 69s SUPREME :'SWEET, MIXED, 48' oz SAVE 10c TijnaEish• • CLOVER LEAF, WHITE' MEAT, SAVE 19c, 7 oz. Tins. Tomato Juice LIBBY'S. FCY., .SAVE• 13c, 48 OZ. .` MEAT: SPECIAL; BY THE PIECE Peameal B con ROASTING, 5-7 Ib. AVERAGE Chickens 2-79c Tote Bag 1.! LADLES. ALL-PURPOSE ' TOTE BAG COL,- OURFUL STRIPE ' DESIGN REINFORCED ADJUSTABLE STRAP - . DRAW STRING; CLOSURE — WHILE. THEY LAST! $1.99. WITH $5.00 ORDER PHONE 528-3001 FREE DELIVERY Farml.: Reunions In Wien... ham Park. (Whitechurch News) The ' Shiell McBurney : picnic was held • Sunday . afternoon in Riverside Park : Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shiell` and • son Donald of St; Thomas attend- ed and as . a result were .able to visit with the 42 in .attendance. The afternoon Was spent in con venation, 'games and contests. All enjoyedia picnic lunch . before departing• ,for 'home.. . • The family of •.Mr. and Mrs. Gershona Johnston .held their fan ily reunion picnicin Riverside' Park Wingham, with an attend- ance of 56 who 'gathered . in the forenoon. .They, had dinner & sup- • : per at* the' Park. The day was spent visiting, with each other and all enjoyed games and contests. This year's . picnic was under ,the supervision. of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson of Donnybrook. The •1966 reunion will be . under' the management of Mr.,; and Mrs. Stewart Smith of , Kitchener. ASHFIELD.*. Mr. and Mrs. :Herbert , Dren- nan of Newfoundland spent a few days with thee former's mother; Mrs: George Drennan Misses •. Anna : ' and Charlotte MacKenzie of Weston visited with their sister,:. Mrs. E. Howes :last week. Mrs. • Colin :,MacGregor return- ed to. Wingham`'�Hospital' when she took i11 with pneumonia;. . Rae MacKenzie of Toronto' wash home , for the week -end. 'Guests. with Earl Howes .are .Mr: and Mrs: Ron Otte, Jim, Kar- en and Kathy of Oshawa. Mr: and " Mrs.'. Williams and daughter Betty of Sarnia were week=end visitors fwith . Ewan. MacLean. • • New Road Being ,.C:onstructed A road is being constructed from the end, .of the (tenth con- cession •s(ci` ss the, . 'Cpllinson' farms to the beach' below Doug Drennan's farm. • Mabel . MacDonald of Windsor was. home for: the week -end.. Mrs, Kenneth Farrish of God- erich is visiting relatives here. isomemimimmillwatimseavir NONIMMsort HYDRO INTERRUPTION IN LUCKNOWT Thursday, JuIy8 p.m to3:30 pm. • WHILE REPAIRS ARE MADE 'f(1 HOLYROOb SUB STATION Lucknow Hydro System Sur -rise Shower For Newl A group of relatives '. `called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Langside ':Saturday ev- ening :fora surprise; •shower• in honourof their recent marriage. The social', evening was' spent playing cards and games. A dain- ty. lunch was 'served and the , hap- py couple ' were presented with gifts which were carried in by the 'nieces' and nephews present. Relatives were there from' Que- bec, Elliott Lake,... Toronto, Mild- may, Wingham,. Lucknow, Bel more, Gorrie, Belgrave and. Lang - side • GEORGE GIBSON DIES George Wesley Gibson passed away Tuesday, June,. 6th at Huron- view, Clinton, in his 70th, year. Funeral service will .be 'held' at 2 p.m, Friday from MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow. -Bur, ial will be in Greenhill Cemetery. PEE. WEE BALL Lucknow Pee a Wees played in Teeswater on Monday, July .'5th, • Lueknow defeated Teeswater 13-5. FAMILY 'GATHERING . A family . gathering was held last week -.end. When .Mr: and Mrs. Alex MacNay ' of Lucknow ' had their' family all home. Those present .were Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald MacNay and .Gordon MacNay. ofToronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacNay,: Sharon and Steven of Amberely, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth MacNayof Inuvik, North West Territories. It is a year since 'Dr. and Mrs:. MacNay went to Inu- V vik from Vancouver: He is on six weeks vacation, and will then return for another year in the north. Dr, MacNay is a medical doctor and. Mrs. MacNay does Tart tithe teaching in the school and has a full: Blass of music pu- ONTARIO ATTENDS', SUMMER ,CAMP • Attending the 2lst Field Reg- iment Militia Summer Camp in, Petawa '�th'is. week .'are Major. H. D. Thompson and; •Bdr, David Thompson of, Lucknow. For ' the. following, six weeks David . !has been. enaged as one of . -the in- structors on the Student Militia Course,; being ' held this:, year . at Listowel., Local and general. Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles. ' Hender- son of : Toronto' were visitorslast' week -end : with her mother Mrs. Charles. Steward and with Mr. and: Mrs. Alex Purdon. Mr. and. Mrs. Henderson and son Brian had just returned, from a motor trip to .:New York State. • Bill Farrish of Ashfield return- ed to his home. last week after ten ` days .: in Victoria Hospital London where he underwent sur- - gerY Mrs. ,Wm. Reid and son Bob of Strathroy . were • .callers in town one day last week. Bob is employ- ed in Strathroy as purchasing a- gent at Wright . Utilities. Bob was planning to. combine . a holiday and a Kewanis .convention in New York this past : v'eek: Mary.. Ellen " and Roddy, Hav- ens are spending. ' a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and family and Mrs R. D. Mac Donald at Sarnia. Mr ' and Mrs. Taylor; moved recently to their, newhome at'' 1848 Lakeshore Rd. Judith Ann Taylor is .:employed as a ,,tennis' instructor by the Sar- nia. Recreation Committee. for the sumer. . • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Agnew, Judy, Pam. and Joanne' of Detroit -spent. last week -end .with Mr. and Mrs. Howard' •Agnew. The three girls stayed for a holiday •in Lucknow. •; • ' Visitors '.on Sunday at the home of. Mr. arid Mrs W. J. Maepher son were Mrs. Wm. Eadie of Holy - rood, Mrs ' Jackson. of Wroxeter, Mrs. J H. Reid' and Mr. J. "At- kin of Milverton, Mr. and, :Mrs. • Victor Emersonand Mrs. Haggit of: Whitechurch, Mr..and: Mrs. John Robb of Holyrood and Wm. Bell of Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. HarveyMole, John Thomson, Jim . Lavis and Doug Ross: are employed ' by : Joe Kerr who is handling the crush ed . gravel, .. contracts for various 'townships. Mrs. Mole is cooking for the men. They are ..presently .working in McKillop township.:. Friends of J. C. Carruthers, former Manager of : West .Lorne branch 'of the Bank of Montreal, held a • • stag party for him ' at Wardsville• 'Golf Club. on .Friday evening:: ' ° Mr. . Carruthers, ' now manager :of University Ave, branch, •in Windsor, was given a gift of money. He is the son of .Mrs. John . Carruthers of . Rip- ley Mrs.' Caswell Hackett .and' 'her son 'Bob Hunter returned Mow day : after two weeks in.Hartney, Manitoba./ `Mrs. Hackett went West followingthe death of her mother; Mrs. Maria Somers whose burial took place . in • Deloraine, 'Fran Huber of Lucknow is em- ployed at the. Godericl Manufac- turing ,Co. Mrs; Charles Webster, ' Mrs. Robt. 'McIntosh, Mrs. , Milt Ray- ner and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton of townvisited one . daylast week. with Mrs..' Mac (Min) MacLennan who is a patient in SL Joseph's. Hosital p' , London, she. . where un- derwent . surgery. . Nlr.. and Mrs. John : oss of Cayuga are spending u . e sum- mer at 11yl ary Carter's cottage bet-' Ween Amberley and Point Clarke.', Mr. and • Mrs. Bill, Mathers and Michele and Mr and 'Mrs. Bob Russell, all of Toronto visited over the week -end with Kr. and Mrs. James ,Mathers. and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacDonald; Beverley, Donnie, Brenda . ,and Et tabelle are holidaying this week. in Kincardine at ' the home of Mrs, MacDonald's.• father Jack Campbell. • Mrs. Ted Avis and Michele of Stratford visited over the , week- end ' with her parents` Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schoffer, Gary and . Dale of, London visited on' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacPherson. Mrs. Schoffer. and boys 'remained for the 'week. Mr. Scoffer is at Port Elgin at a conference, , PAGE THREE. Local and. General Mr. and Mrs. R. L.. MacDonald of Kapuskasing arrived in Luck - now on Sunday to;: spend' July. and, August 'at the . family home, Clan:. donald." • Mrs. Herman Phillips returned;• to' her . home in Lucknow last . Sat :urday, after being hospitalized alized in. Wingham for two weeks follow ing a heart `,attack.' Mr. and Mrs.. John Crocker, s' Wendy. and David of St. Thomas visited with Mr. and Mrs, Sam Gibson; last." Friday. Mrs. Philip MacMillan is a patient in Victoria . Hospital Lon- don. Witt Anne' Arnold' .of London spent a couple of •days • last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Arnold. Mr. ' and Mrs. George, Defender of Deloraine, •Manitoba,were vis- itors last week with their niece Mrs.' Walter Arnold and Mr. Arn- old. Mr. and Mrs. Donald; Ferguson and Judy of Rexdale spent the week -end with Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson.. Corporal . and . Mrs.D. D. Mc- Kinney, .David,, Debra, 'Glen: and Wanda have .returned to 'the R' C.. A.F. ' Station at. Valdor Quebec : af- ter spending the past week with her ;parents Mr. and' Mrs. E. Car- ter, ..South Kinloss. Lynda", Carter accompanied them back to spend the summer holidays at Burlam ague Quebec, : ,their summer home. ' Mr. and' Mrs Wm. •' H. Carter of London spent the ' week -end with his parents Mr and' Mrs. E. Carter, South Kinloss. Mr.. and Mrs.. Stuart Jamieson, and ' family spent Sunday with Mr, and ,Mrs.. J., G. Splan . and family at Woodstock Mr. 'and ''Mrs. ' A. C. Harris of Chicago' and Mr. and .Mrs. 'Bill Wallace and. family of, .Ayr'. were r,ecent, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elwin;Hall. Mr. and: Mrs . Don Mole, Dawn and Kim of Ajax and Mrs. Mar- ion ar-ion Salo 'visited . recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey •Mole and at- tended ttended the Mole Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Ritchie, Muriel and Lyle, 'of London spent the/ week -end with his mother Mrs. Gordon' Ritchie and visited other members of the family al- so. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie and , Annabel of Huron twp.•, ' and 'Mr. and 'Mrs.. Leoiiard Ritchie and family of .Lucknow also;; vis= ited with Mrs. Gordon Ritchie on Sunday. . Dr. J. .C. and •Mrs, .' McKim, , Lori and Kathryn, are attending a Family Camp at Port Elgin this :. week: Luckno W Presbyterian Church Rev, Roderick: MacLeod Minister SUNDAY,' JULY llth 10:00 a.m.; Sunday School 11:00 axn. Morning ' Worship LUCKNOW U ITED N CHURCH Union Services During July in• St. Peter's Anglican, Church Each • Sunday at 11:00 a.m. ST.. PETER'S ro ANGLAN CHURCH; F.oyrth Sunday After Trinity "Church School, 1:1:15 a:in: Morning Prayer 11:00 a.m.. Joint' services ;With • Lucknow United Church, with Rev. S Jay, Preaching Rev, Stanley ., Jay, B.A.,. R.ID Reetor • y