The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-07, Page 2PAGE TWO THE L.':UCKNOVIF SENTINEL, .LUCKNOW,,..ONTARIO reW Y '1 '1 ac ntyre A. ,farewell .party was held ' at Norma McDonaghs: for Mary MacIntyre.. Mary was presented witha sweater from Mrs. Mc= Donagh, Mrs. George Joynt, Mrs. Allan Hackett, Mr&:Bob Finlay, Mrs: Harold Greer, Mrs. Ken MowbrayMrs. Cliff Crawford, Mrs.. Gordon,.:. Brooks and, Mrs.. Jim` Boyle. ' - M ci „clip a t�h re: Ga.he ring J1 very ` pleasant `afternoon was spent on Sunday, July 4th,,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Col-• 9.er where Mary. Anna - Maclntyre Wes honoured prior to her depart- ure on her overseas vacation. The setting was . very picturesque on the ' hills of :Kinloss. Following a bountiful 'buffet dinner on , . the dawn, Uncle Bill (W. L. MacKen- zie) • delivered some compliment- ary ; remarks to his niece which was followed with a presentation • of money': by her cousin Margaret Collyer. Mary replied ': in, a few well : chosen , words for the much appreciated gift thanking all for their kindness and good: wishes. rsent for `; a occasion Those present fh were: W. L. MacKenzie, Mrs. Jes- sie Allan and Russell, Mrs. An- nie-Maclntyre ; •and Janet ' Car- ruthers,- all of ; Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. John Maelntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Grant ' Maclntyre, °:Marilyn - and Bruce of Wingham, Mr. , and Mrs. Ted Collyer; Mr. and Mrs. Graham , .Pinkney, and Glyn " of A- jax; Mr. and Mrs. Allan'„ MacIn- tyre and Paul; Mr and. Mrs. Don- ald MacIntyre, Margaret, `' Norma and Marilynn' : and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence MacLeod all of '.Kinloss. and'' Mrs, Gordon Wall and• y visited on • Sunday with and Mrs. Keith Arthur and. Mrs. John Arthur at Lambeth and. Mr. ,and. Mrs.- Bab -Danis . and family at Union,'.They also Visit- ed with '-Mr. James Richardson in Victoria Hospital who we are sorry to report • suffered: another stroke on Monday of this- week. Mrs. Richardson visited•zvvkith him on Mondayi remaining inLondon. Sorry to report also Harvey Welsh, son of ' Mr. and : Mrs . Eldon Welsh suffered an accident with, their tractor . receiving a disloca ted hip and . broken collar bone. He ;is a patient in Wingham ,Hos- pital Mrs. ,.Edith.. Brown, and Barbara of London visited during the week- end with her, parents Mr. and, Mrs. Wm, Evans. The W.M.S. meeting is to . be held this Thursday . afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gordon: Wall. Week -end . visitors with Mrs. Frank Miller and,their father. at Wingham Hospital, . were Mr. ' and Mrs. Arthur .Hinschberber, Dale and Lisa, Kitchener, Allan Miller; Toronto, Harvey . Miller of Kitch- ener;- itch-ener,"' Mrs. Hinschberger "and' childrenremainea for a few days and visited with other friends al- so. Anniversary. ' Services 'Held._ Anniversary services were held on : June 27th at Langside with., ,a' good attendance at both . services. We ' were glad. to welcome so many from ' the. Whitechurch ;con- gregation also South Kinloss`. and Calvin Church. Rev. Currie gave very inspiring •'sermonsand spec- ial music was enjoyed. David Wall is assisting Mr. George Lockhart with his haying. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SUNSitDRIVE4NiHEAIRE. • • GODERICH — HIGHWAY ,81 11Z4 MILES AST OF TOWN • , • BOX OFFICE OPENS : AT 8 ';O'CLOCK; • , • NOW: .THURS., FRI., SAT:, JULY 8-9-10 -- Color 'Twin 'Bill • James D rren«;and Cindy Carol 48• Gidget Goes. `To Rome"• • 0. •' PLUS-Edmundg • • Purdon't • in "Fury.: of. the- Pagans" , ' �•. � � •. • • MON, .TUES., WED., JULY , ;12-13-14 Adult Entertainment : • • • l• • John'Wayne and Dorothy .Provine �• . • .,• Preenta truly robust and ,exciting adventure" •�" • • "NORTH .TO ALASKA" 0 NO �. Color 1• WITH "ASSIGNMENT SOUTH PACIFIC" and • ; • •'. • • • •. • • , • • . T1•IURS., 'FRI. ;SAT►_ . JULY 15.1:6-17, .JERRY 'LEWIS. IN "IT'S ONLY MONEY"' , Gordon ,Scott` and Belta St. John "TARZATI" THE' MAGNIFICENT" • • • • O , . a" cartoon • • • • •. • • •. • • . • SOON; Etvis' Presley in "FUN IN. ACAPULCO" • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e••••••••06•i.; • '. IE•■•sr.Wa■ear,n■nans■•sBaa:•rxa,na�r,■■ea•s�nBaE•ni�i1 I AT THE 'S .UAREm • R�K� I. THE :- ' . P . GoaexiOb■ ■ . '_ ■ ■ ■ . NOW PLAYING - THURS., FR1:,. SAT., JULY 8.9-10 is ■ ray . Walt Disney's delightful tale of an 'enchanted ..cat ■ ■ • ■ ▪ "The. Three Loves of Thomasuna' , . ■ ' 'Color ■. S with Patrick McGoohan and Suzan. Hampshire ou ■ MON., .:TUBS,, WED, .JULY12.1314 ■ ■ : ,,- Adult Entertainment - • ■ `Ann Margaret, Carol Lynley and Tony • Franciosa ' . . ` ■ •• Touring its mpst magnificent sights, three' damsels' live and R'. love ' in Spain ■ .■ eit ■ ■ ■ . • • ■ • ■ la ` in THURS., „PRI., SAT., JULY 15-16-17. Janes Stewart, Glynis Johns and Fabian , it • An eccentric ■ professor, his eight-year-old son and. a. French •', . ■ movie star combine for a fun -show • ;' :is . Dear Brigitte" I ■,' color` /, ■ .. The ,Pleasure Seekers,, • Color Baptismal At Pentland .Farm° Mr. and Mrs. L: B. PPentland of Detroit were.',hosts , to; about forty- five relatives'' and friends at their country home, ' Concession Six, Ashfield, on Sunday, July 4. The occassion, was the baptismal of their grandchildren Judith Ann and Scott Andrew, twin babies. of Mr. and• Mrs. Leonardf Biloy also of Detroit, Mrs. Biloy's grand- father Rev. W. J. Taylor., B.D. of Dor Nester, baptised this' great- grandchildren in the large liv- ing room which was decorated, with Baby Peace Roses The bap- tismal bowl was .a family heir - loan, . once the, property. of. Mrs. Biloy.'s great -great -great grand- mother, Mrs. Taylor, a pioneer of West Wawanosh. Mr. Biloy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Biloy of Kenosha, : Wis. Mrs. Biloy is the daughter of Mr, & Mrs. Pent- land & the great -great- granddau- ghter of ,Mr. Alexander Pentland, one of Abe earliest settlers 'in the Dungannon area. A smorgasbord dinner on, ,the lawn was enjoyed by ' the ' guests following the cer- emony., THANKSMELI Mel Stanley dropped into the of- fice Sunday :''morning' when ' we were doing a bit of work that ` we didn't get finished Saturday night. Mel - and Allan Gardner':: of town are employed by Warren Paving. Co. and are presently working at Sudbury. Mel :' says, ' "I really appreciate The Sentinel and when I get it each 'week, I` sit down first thing and read it, every line, from front to back." Thanks Mel, . we hope you're not alone. DRIVE -I O:VE THEATRE TUES ; WED., THURS- July 6.7.8 CAPTAIN NEWMAN M.D. and LOOKING FOR LOVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, July 9.10 A Shot in the Dark Peter•; Sellers; Eik Sommers Technicolor• ' It's that :Pink ` Panther.. back again • Laugh a : ''Minute Lassie's Great Adventure` Technicolor = Cinemascope J. Provost CARTOON SUNDAY, MONDAY, JULY 11-12 Sunday In. New York Jane •Fonda • , Technicolor • Adult Ent, The. Battle of the Sexes Castle Of Blood: Adult . Entertainment , S. Steel • 'CARTOON. The Living g and Dead change places:. TUES WED. THUR. July 13=14=15 Giant Triple Laugh -A -Rama • ■ ■ .The Patsy Jerry "Lewis• The Kettles Go To Town. •Ma & •Pa' Kettle Tarn. & Jerry I ' CARTOON' FESTIVAL iWafch For . soon ■ Grandparents :Free Tues., Wed;, „ maica... lniiiiiBBE■i .n• $hssl w... N■•rriri■.r■r, ' _ and' Thurs. 4 High and fit Ja .■■■..rir�l••r•■••s ' ��•Hi►io4•e��e��eeoeeee WEDNESDAY, JUW.:Y . 7th, 1965 ' - e ire Goin Picnic And They Bought Their Picnic And . Bathing Supplies at the SEPOY STORE THE'S.EPOY STOREA HAS, _ PAPER PLATES — TABLE CLOTHS - SERVIETTES PAPER CUPS — PLASTIC FORKS" AND SPOONS BEACH BALLS — SWIM. SUITS -• BATHING HATS ''THONGS • PHONE • 528-2129 LUCKNOW KINGSBRIDGE and DISTRICT Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O'Keefe and daughter of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Cole Lazzara,' and fam- ily ' of Port Credit .,spent the week- end with .Mr. and; . Mrs.'' Joe O' Keefe and; , family. Y,. Mr and Mrs. Art O'Connor, Morgan O'Connor and Helen Rose all of Toronto and' Marguerite " 0'- Connor of ' Washington D.C. ' spent the: week -end. with.: Mr, and. Mrs. Ray Dalton Dr, and Mrs. J. A. Kasper and' Mrs. Ursula Hebert . spent the week -end here.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Murray, Lisa and Diane, Miss Mickey Kacenda of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murray of. Kalamazoo,. Mich spent—the—week-en Mr. and Mrs. Peter.. Murray and - Donald. ' ' Fred Courtney and daughters Theresa . and Maureen Traynor ' of Toronto spent the week -end ' with Mr, and Mrs. Johnn..�Austin. 'Mr. ' and Mrs.' Wilfred Hogan, Toronto, are visiting Mr.. and Mrs. Dennis"`Hogan : and family. Mr. . and ` Mrs. :Dennis Sinnett and family of Detroit are spend- ing their . vacation camping here. Mr. and • Mrs.. Leo Clare and family . of Montreal visited Wm. Clare and . Mr. and Mrs. Walter •Clare during the week. Miss Mary ,Ryan and . freind. of Toronto spent the . week -end : with the Clare family and her grand- mother Mrs. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dalton and- family of Royal Oak are hol- idaying at Port Albert beach. Francis Griffin and Miss ' Winnie Beauchamp of Flint;' Mich:, spent the week -end with Thos. Wallace.. Miss Sharon Courtney has gone to Detroit to spend the month of July ' with ' pr. and • Mrs. McGill and 'family. Passu M ac Exams Congratulations to the • follow- ing pupils who were successful in their music exams. 'Brian Dalton passed with honors, grade 'VIII piano •'Maria Dalton, passed'. grade '. VIIpiano with honours; both are pupils of Mrs. • Lillian ' Simpson, Sharon Courtney passed grade VIII piano with honours, Jimmy Frayne passed grade . VI piano and . grade one ':theory with hon- ours. Denise Dalton : passed her.', grade : VMI .. piano and ' passed grade ,:II theory with .honours. They `' .are pupils .: of Sister 'St. ,.. Charles of St:" Joseph's- school *of music, Goderich. Wm.. Lannal, London is spend- ing' a few weeks. here. • Other Sunday visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Victor Martin, Hamilton; Miss • Toni Dalton, De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold :Mar- sman. and 'Maria ; Mr. and ' Mrs. Edwin Myer, Bernadette and : Col- • een, . Mrs. Lyle. Lannon, of Lon- don, Mr. and: Mrs. Clare Lannon, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. ' Bass and family of °Toronto; - Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown 'and, family of Toronto; Mr. and .`Mrs. Maurice Edwards ' and . family .' of . London; Misses • Rita. and Pat Forbes of , Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cast ella and : family'' of ;London;• ` Mr. and Mrs. Hugh •Benninger of Dube lin. Mr. and Mrs. Nick 'Perry. and. Mrs. Bernadine Kenny of Detroit, • Mrs. Ila. Garvey. of London spent - the the week -end here., Mr, and Mrs. Dennis` Leddy and family of Kitchener are spending their vacation at Kintail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald and family of• Stratford are spend- ing their vacation •at their home here Miss ' Marion -Dalton from De- troit" and, Mrs. Ethel. Gantor and Mrs. Ed Redfern of Windsor ,were, Sunday visitors here. PLANNING. 'A PARTY? For serviettes,lacem a s co as-- ters, paper tablecovers and ' paper ;dates for . all occasions see : the Jelection .at the Lucknow Sentin • a, phone 528-3134. ••E•••••••••P•••••••••••o••••••••••••••••••••••it • iighaln. • •• • •• • • . • WEDNESDAY THURSDAY,'' FRIDAY 6 :,'Beach BIflI�IBIflgo• • • JULY 7.8.9 • •• ' i•' Colour- Panavision . •. • Starring:''' Frankie Avalon, 'Annette Funicella, . Deborah Walley a The. Beach Party gang goes sky . diving hi this one. Make • •' s sure you see them' fly high, wide and 'handsome, • • • SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY' JULY '101213."• • • • "Tate' . The , Hinter" ' • .CinemaScope • i Starringr Glen' Ford, Nancy Kwart Rod Taylor,'.' 1; • Susanne Pleshette ' • • A p an. • e crashes is it fate or something else? .:Make • sure you see this dralna of suspense:: • s WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAYJULY 14.1,5x16 s. i1.• 0 • 1•••••••••••••s•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i "Dear 'Briget#e '•