The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 13WEDN.,ESDAY,, ;JUNE 30tH, 1965 • • THE. •LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. L ;KNOW; ONTARIQ PAGE THIRTE N Phair , and : Acheson NARTERED.. ACCOUNTANTS. MUN ICI PAL AUDITORS; Box 663. ; Phone 55 Iincardine • • • � A.l HARPER. •s. 'CH'ARTERED ACCOUNTANT' .A .. ' 55. - 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone 524.=7562 • :JO NSTONE'S. FUNERAL HOME Modern ' and 'Convenient . • . °Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 Day or Night Serving All Faiths According , to Their. Wishes Moderate. Prices Established 1824 A R. DU. VAL D Chiropractor Physio and Electro Therapist '. Wingham — ,Phone 357-3580.'. (Office located on. John St. West, next ' to Toronto; Dominion Bank).: �wj,�,N.�NJ•IN'NM.MMN•I,.O.�I:N .'. INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, •CASUl4LTY. AUTOMOBILE and LIFE 'To 'Protect:' •Your Jack,. Insure.,: With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, .Phone 528-3423 R.W. DREW. - -Barrister ` and ,Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO: .'IN LUCKNOW Every.., Wednesday and Saturday. Afternoon • • Office in '. the Joynt. Block' Telephone: Lucknow . 528-3116. CRAWFORD and, SHEPHERD ' J H CRAWFORD, Q.C. 4. A. SHEPHERD Wingham ,and Lucknow IN 'LUCKNOW , WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. to ated in Kilpatrick Block • Phone Wingham .: 'Office 357.3630' . . Res., 357 2330 IMPERIAL;O1L PRODUCTS for 'p'rompt service, 'and .quality products,.. Contact: 'GRANT CHISHOLM Phone. Collect Dungannon 529-7524 "Always Look To' Imperial • ' ' For The Best". A.WiIIi.ams, 0 optometrist 9 . Patrick Street W. WINGH-.AM. Phone � 357-1282 D. ARD OF THAN I would like to. thank . everyone Who yvisited me, sent, flowers and cards,'•while ;I was in Wingham and "London • Victoria. , Hospitals. Thanks also to all, the nurses,. doctors and' ,Rev. H. W. •.Strapp. Joe. Conley =R Hamilton '.OPTQMETRIST _. 4EXT TO LYCEUM. THEATRE. WINGHAM PHONE. 357.1361, Winghqrn. Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY: LETTERING. REASONABLE . PRICES' Buy. Direct. and Save/ Bus, Ph, 357.1910 Res., Ph.' .357.1015 Hadden's. Studio PORTRAITS Weddings ..and. Children. GODERICH,.. ONTARIO 118 St: David Street Dial 524=8787 :; •. MacKenzie:. Memorial Chapel FUNERAL SERVICE ' Services conducted ''according •to your swishes at your. Home, your Church, or at our . Mem •orial : Chapel at no additional Charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432°. Day or:Night • K. j. MacKEN.ZIEOD Optometrist NOW IN ,RI'PLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY: Ripley, ',Office closed Wednes- days, July 7th and 14th, for an= nual • vacation. Re -opening ' July 21st. ' %I�MIJ.IJ•IIIN.I W B E.L .OPTOMETRIST GODERICH` .OP .. F T. Armstrong • Consulting ;.Optometrist .• The 'Square (Phone JAckson '4-7661) :TED COLLYER red Master Electrician, Registered, , ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing' In Electric Heating, Electric, Wiring' and Repairs and All Electrical Appliances' Lucknow.— Phone .528:5182 ' caviller, McI.ntosh' and Ward •CH*ARTEREti ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, J. E, Kennedy, .A:. Opposite. Post Office Phone 881-3471 — Walkerton D OF THANK ;YOU•, Mrs. Jack k 1Vf cDonagh wishes. to express,' her -sincere thanks to all, who so kindly remembered her. in various ways, ' while she was hospitalized. 'The family of the. late' ,Ernest Blakewish to express .their sin- cere thanks for the '•,cards .and many acts of kindness while: Mr. Blakewashospitalized and at the 'time of his death. I wish . to express my` sincere thanks to all friendswho sent cards and treats and visited me; during my stay in. 'hospital. • Linda O'Donnell The family of the late George D. • Thompson . Of Purple Grove wish to . express their .sincere thanks, for the 'sympathy and kindness of relatives, friends and neighbours.. who expressed., • their sympathy in many acts of kind- ness, cards and floral offerings in. their 'recent bereavernnt. Harvie . &Wilda Thompson . & family. We'• would like to. ':thank -the Hur- on County Federation of Agricul- ture for -sponsoring us at ,the Re- gional' e-gional•. Folk School at the United. Church Camp. near Goderich..• Nancy MacLennan • • Dianne , Vassellaf • Many'' thanks to all the kind: friends who :Were so thoughtful during my recent ::illness. I did appreciate all the cards .and treats and. visits while I , :was'., a patient. in St. Joseph's. Hospital and since' returning home. Hilda Ackert EXAM 'RESULTS: (Continued from page . '11 .•GRAI E^ 9B 1st. Class Honours .A.. BeYersbergen, • Jon Lizmore,, Don ' MacKinnon, Murray . Morri- son, •Donna. Elaine ,Ritchie, • 'A,, Van Diepenbeek. . ' 2nd Class ,Honours ' Beverly MacDonald, 'Louise Mc- Donald, R. McDonagh, J. Mac- Kinnon, ac-Kinnon M. Reid, S, .Rintoul, Don- na . Jean :Ritchie, N. Saunders, B; Webster. 3rd Class Honours` ,• Heffernan', • A.:McIntyre, C. MacKenzie, B.': Mowbray, T O'- Donnell, R. Pritchard. P: Standing . ' M. M.aclnneasss, L. Marriott, T. Nicholson,. S. Palmer, D. Pent land, B. Whitby. GRADE. 10A lit Class= Honours Janet Carruthers, '?Susan •Cleland, ,Laurin Morrison, Sharyn Mow- bray, _ owbray,. -Betty Ann Simpson, ' • 2nd Class Honours. Patricia Anderson,' Donald Ban- 'nerman, Lynda Cameron, Donna. Corrin, Wilda . Dawson, Douglas. Eadie, Fay Hogan, Marie: Me - Whinney, ' Sharen Moffat, Joan Percy, Marion Wall. 3rd Class Honours Stephen Andrew, i•Susan .Arnold, Herbert. Barger, Douglas' Camp- bell, Janice Fowler, Joanne Hay-. es,. Nancy Irwin, Peggy MacDon ald, • Catherine MacLeod, 'Patricia. Wildgen. ; Pass: Standing ' Karen 'Gaunt, Rosalene ,Phillips, Gertrude . Van Beers; • GRADE '10B . 2nd Class Honours: ' Bernard Campbell, Pam .Cooper, Eleanor Hodgins, . Emerson How ald, Marybelle Hunter, Harold Menary. 3rd Class Honours Carolyn Adams, Ddnald • Alton, Douglas Alton, Bryan:: Gammie, Donald. Johnstone, ,Douglas Mac'- Kenzie, Joan 'MacKenzie; Harold Nicholson, Calvin Ritchie, Dorothy IN MEMORIAM RITCHIE. in: ; loving ,memory of AgnesRitchie, (nee, . Hawkwood) who; : passed away July' ' 3rd, 1961. Ever :'remembered by ' mother,, brothers, and sisters: WRAITH —. n loving :memory of James A. In who passed away •one • year ago, June 25th, 1964.. A memory that will • never fade A love that cannot die , Is with . thee inthy rest . In that . home beyond the sky.: , Sadly missed and always. re- membered by wife 'Frances,dau- ghter and son-in-law': Gertie and Murray Henderson, Linda ,. and Larry. RITCHIE —' in loving Memory of Mrs. John Ritchie, , who passed 'a- way July •3rd,, 1961. May the winds : of heaven blow • . gently On the." quiet •'.and 'peaceful 'spot, Where the . one • we loved lies sleeping And .will never ..be forgot. Ever remembered by herhug- band arid 'family. 4••••••••••••••••••••••• • • .. • DON'S Til • VICE .. _• -SER ,Experienced • e• All . Work Guaranteed Prompt . Service.' .6. • Reasonable Rates •' PHONE 184, '.RIPLEY'. •111 •1 ► 0•••AI•*$e ioeset •••'••••f Dead Stock Removal Service We. . are licensed 10 remove your dead ' or crippled•`farm animals for Sanitary' disposal. GORDON YOUNG, Elmira Phone . Collect to; MRS. GORDoN. TAYLOR 528-5956- Lucknow '24 hour Service Licence Nos. , ' 215C63 and 22R63 -,• - Pass Standing • ,Russell Allin, .Brian Johnstone. GRADE .11A\ '1st Class Honours f ' John Bradley. 2nd Class Honours Barbara. Cameron, Ann. ;'Heffer.: pan, Sandy .McQuillan, Linda 0' - Donnell, ''Jean Suttono Elliot Whit- by 3rd Class Honours Jane Joynt, " Beverly . Phillips, Marlene • Porter, Sharon Stanley,. Donald : Andrew,. Wayne Jamie son, :John, Zettler. . Pass Standing .Eileen Burt, 'Sharon Courtney, Alan' Cornish, Grant. Helm, Wen- dy MacKenzie, Terry •Rathwell, Karla . Rieging. • GRADE 1.18 •2nd Class Honours Janice.. Brooks, Brenda.. Halden- by, • 3rd Class Honours Andrea' Adams, Douglas' Allen, Donna . Button, : Patricia' . Lippert, Linda Little, -Barbara MacKenzie Pass Standing • Donna. Burt,; Eldon Eckenswil- ler, Islay : Howald, ' Barbara Hurn= phrey, Wayne . Todd. • GRADE 12 1st Class Honours Sheila McQuillan, `Barbara Pur- don, Marjorie Thompson. 2nd . Class Honours , Sharron Jefferson,, Ken ' Kirk- land, Keith •Roulston .3rd Class: Honours' Anita : Cline, Kathleen :Leddy, Marianna. MacDonald, Barbara Nelson, . David • Gibson James MacDonald. Pass Standing Cheryl Anderson, , Donna Ho- gall', Betty Mathers, Thomas An- drew, Peter Carter, Donald Fish- er, Ross Forster, Larry Hunter. • Dead Animal Rern�val For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Call COLLECT Darling; and Company of Canada Ltd: Clinton I -HU -2-7269 ' Dead Animal License'" No. 350-C-65 AlBER{EY Paul Courtney, son of Mr, and Mrs.` Lloyd Courtney : of London; entertained :a number: : of class: mates. . at'. the.. Courtney ':cottage,: Lurgan Beach,.' at the week -end. N Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wal . ' ter Brown of Amberley are - Di- anne and Patty Saban of Toron--' s. Ross'. Munro. f' r s.'u . +o XPPe Mrs.. spent, a few .days: • with Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Blue last week. . Mr. and Mrs, Archie Courtney. are 'spending some time . at their cottage at Point Clark. At Family Reunion Mrs. Winnie. Watson and Mrs.' Elizabeth Stewart ' attended,: a fam- ily am ily reunion on. Sunday at ' Lans- downe Park, 'Kincardine. Among the honouredguests were Mr. and Mrs. Allister. McMurchy/:of Vancouver,' B.C, and Mrs. Lillian, Connly' of, Saskatchewan who: was a former . resident of the fourth concession of Huron. ' Guests: on Sunday 'at 'the • home of Mr. and Ml's. William, Pace were Mr: and Mrs.: Robert Court ney . and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey and family, Mr. and Mrs. William R. , Pace and daughter Sheila of Kincardine. Missy' Phyllis :Bradley is' spend, ing the 'summer months at ; Brace bridge where she is employed. • Sunday ;guests of : Mr. and Mrs. Archie , Courtney ,at Point .,Clark' were Mr. ; • and Mrs. Carman Mc- Leod, . Eric, Gary .and : Randy of Kincardine and ;Mr., and Mrs. W. Courtney. ' Mrs. J. A. Campbell of Amber- ley is visiting with 'Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Shiells of .Ripley. , . Mr. '•and. Mrs. Norman: Ewing of : • Guelph were Sunday callers' '. with Mr.` and Mrs: ;Donald, Court- ney. ourtney. Bethel Church : Opens A large : crowd attended the op.'. ; ening of Bethel . United •Church on Sunday. Dedication . service was conducted by Rev. ' H. G. Pullen and guest ministers. ':Rev. ' Donald J. MacDonald of Kincardine ' Un- ited Church gave •an inspiring:', message. , Mr. Bert ;Irwin .brought:.. greetings from Pine River, • Uzi_ . . ited Church 'a n d Mr. '.Thomas Phair from Kincardine Baptist congregation.• Special .music was given by Bethel choir, . and a trio consisting of Rodney; Jim and • David Emmerton was 'accompan- : ied by . • the organist' 1Virs: Harold ,Courtney. Many friends returned' 'home for the happy occasion and a social .time was enjoyed '; at . . many homes in the congregation afterwards: Among the guest Min- isters at the' 'opening were: Rev. Lawson, Rev, Howard Strapp : of Lucknow, Alfred Fry of Cargill, • Rev, Oliver ' Strapp, Rev. Eric Nelson and Rev.' Stephenson' . of Chesley. . ' •••••••♦♦♦♦••♦••♦•♦•♦♦•••: • i •♦ • ♦• i' ONTARIO'•' i' 1♦ • ♦ • *WE SELL. RURAL :HERE is the ` opportunity you: *have :been . waiting for. With 4a mere . $1,000. down this. • ilk*♦ *storey home can be all yotirs.• Home ha•s conveniences • such* •as built in cupboards, ' . 4 pc.• bath, H.D.' wiring, water un-• *der pressure; etc. Full Price* :only $4,900. with very easy: ♦ repayment. terms This -home* :is, 'situated in the ' village of *Whitechurch. `• • *FULL • PRICE' only .$26,500, , ford; ' • '♦150 acreso ' highly productive,* • col ipletelys ' workable, level to: *slightly rolling land. The eye. :catching home is • completely: ♦modern with all up to date con-* Zviences. The • main bank barn* •♦measures 40" x 60', has steel :siding,. :23 ' cattle ties, hydro ♦and water. The second barn Z36' x 56'' is all in,,,,l1oose housing` '♦and has an -aluminum roof.* 'There is a' hen house 24' s 16'4 plus a ` drive shed.• Z S. STiRR1, IPAUL i' ♦& COMPANY LTD. REALTORS`: • • WINGHAM, PHONE. 357.3840 • •••e•••••••••••• ••• •44 .- .