The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-23, Page 12OMR. TWELVN THO' MJCKNOWSENTII)IE; 4, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r•••••••••••••••••••••••••t♦••♦•4••!.♦4►•♦••••:♦w. • 'r. WEDNESDAY, '40.1.1 23rd, 1965 WHITECHURCH (Intended far last week) , Mr, ':and 'Mrs. Eldon Emerson "of Penetanguishene is visiting this week • •with Miss, Lila Emerson. .Mr. .. ,and .Mrs.' Howard Savage of Molesworth spent Friday and Saturday with her sister Mrs Jas, -=Richardsonassisting in farmwork, due to Mr :: Richard-, son being ,:confined •to Victoria' Hospital in . London. . W;EEb 'KILLER HANDBOOK' ,,You will find this handy, pocket -sized booklet invaluable in Its brief, -concise instructions on -the. use. of coo :Weed fKilkrs: Includes rates of application, tiow;'when:and where to apply, and charts for correct mixing. • ET )WR 'FREECOPYNO Co-op' '24D Ester Co-op 24D' ' Amine Co-op 24D `Low Volatile Ester ., Co-op MCP ' Amine 64' ». Co-op• MCP A ne. 4 Coop .Brush Kilfer'=64. Atrazine 65W Afro Oil"' For.. Atrazine Application - • •. •. • Mr. and Mrs: Bill Neable' spent • • • Sunday . with her. mother : 1VIrs.. ,• arine. r ucn r GET YOUR SUPPLY OF PURINA SHOWS, SANITATISN PRODUCTS FROM GOrd�:;i.,.-J.O.hflstOfle..- IN LUCKNOW. AT THE " JOHNSTONE "SED CLEANING PLANT. Matilda Graham of Teeswater • •p.HON E :528 3719 �. Coffin left• on Sunday' ev John , *- ening : to . visit with .his brother _ _ • George Coffin and Mrs.,- Ooffin of • .. • Galt' and to seeksummer employ- ment in the city. Mr.' Victor .Emerson is assisting Mr.' Robert McMillan of ' Sea- forth fora few weeks with Car-ur penter work. . Robt. Young , of Northern Que 1 th Sunday, visitors bet was due 'to' arrive in. Toronto Saturday evening and : to spend, this week. with his • parents Mr. and : Mrs. • : Wesley ,Young. Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Tiffin took Mrs. Jas,,', Richardson, Jack and Bob Richardson to London on Sunday ,to. visit • with . Jim who is a patient in .Victoria, Hospital Fred Fel1 sand: George • Morton of • Toronto :were. on .a hunting ex- pedition last . Thursday . and ` visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rit- chie: Mr. and Mr chi ' `s. Leroy fintoul. � Y ,were Sunday.evening -visitors. with Mr.:. and Mrs.Jim Curran . of W.. :Wawanosli,. ••. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber,' Ann Marlene and Clair were Sunday of Atwood, 26, Whitechurch 6, ; On Saturday, June .1P at '7. p.m. Belgrave Pee. Wee team will play the Whitechurch team at White- 'church. hite- .c h ch. • Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Faleoner of Blyth were un ay, with .Mr, .and Mrs. 'Orville Tiffin. Mr„ and` Mrs.. Dan Tiffin ' and Joyce were 'Saturday, ' evening` visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes at Bluevale and on .Sun- day they visited; with 'Mrs; Rob- ert McInnes and Will. • of Tees- water. . • •After- -spending n•. few days./ in Wingham ,hospital last :week, we arm, happy. to .report Dustan Bee- croft was able toreturn home on Thursday:. ; At Calvin -Brick church service on Sunday, ' Jim Taylor on behalf of the. Hi -C ' Belgrave: 4roup , pre- sented a revised edition • of'.a Bible ,for- the pulpit. -' Rev.. Arthur cksen,.:minister of 'the church, conducted', the dedication service on -.behalf, o. e' congregation," SEE Phone $28-2125' YOUR CO-OP • it • Li e Un erwriters Met At Clifford The Life Underwriters Associa- tion of Saugeen held their regular 'monthly meeting at • the '"Four Aces Restaurant, Clifford, . at noon Friday May. 28th, :with. Jack. Corrie' of • Listowel as guest :spe'ak-. Minutes » of , previous meeting were adopted on motion of Secre- tary -Treasurer Rodney Helwig, and Albert Disch, both of Walk- ' erton. , President Wilford Caslick :of Wingham reviewed correspon- dence announcing ; revision of future ' requirements for . National Quality Award arid the results 'of examinations •for retention ;of 'Life Insurance. License in the Province of :British Columbia: ' ' ' A new project with: . regard to membership publicity . was discus- sed with action authorized . for' ;Chairman Harry Bruegeman of Hanover. to proceed , with plans, . to be finalized in September on mo- tion . of William Conron CLW, of 'Wingham and Nice Pentland rif • Hanover. ; Mr. Corrie of the Perth -Huron ,Association, and Staff' Manager of the Prudential Insurance Company of America , was introduced by Rodney :'Helwig' The subject of his address was "The Opportun. ities for Service ; in »:the Life ; In-. surance ''Business. He carefully outlined , the personal .'satisfaction ,that: the business • offers and 'noted the , .features of ' "the new Canada Pension Plan and how it, can be used- as ;a . starting point, . for a sound program :. , of . security .:.for families ' and individuals ' . Appre- •. dation was expressed . to Mr Cor- rie for .his . address by .:Clarence Thompson of Walkerton. IN, 97th YEAR, :STILL . SUBSCRIBES TO SENTINEL We received a letter • recently' from P. 0. Ripley of Ottawa who was renewing the Sentinel for his father -in -Taw,• Dr. J. K. M, Gor- don. /: In ' speaking ''about , Dr. Gordon, Mr. Ripley 'says: "He will be 97 years old on July 14. He does ;not hear very . well and his eyesight is quite had but •:his „mind is very, clear.; He had a bout with pneum-; onia in •March •: but came » through it very well. He is very feeble. but up every day • for .meals and. is really quite remarkable. He cannot read the Sentinel but I .read ' some of it to him. He will. probably not want me to renew the subscription • 'in, December, but we shall see what. develops." visitors with.' Mr. and Mrs.• Geo- f the rge Weber. of - Kitchener. Mr. and: Mrs: Archie Purdon• d •family were Sunday visitors, with . her, .mother Mrs. Webster Jacklin .•of :Listowel Currie and his ` Sisters MrS.., Miura •McRitchie . moved ` from their, farm, which is• sold, to. their mouse in Wingham.- " Mr.'and' Mrs.: ,George .Walker' were ' Sunday visitors 'with'' Mr. and,'Mrs. Wilfred Walker .'of Bel - grave vicinity • :Byron • Watt cif, Thompson, Mani- eba visited' on Tuesday With his rother•.:Donald.. Watt. and Mrs. Watt'and family; at the Manse: On Saturday : Mr. and Mrs. Rob-, ert. Watt:: of , Toronto also visited at the' MVlahse »Robert. Watt is an_ other brother, of ' Donald Watt. Whitechurch ' U.0 W: are invited to »attend St; ..Helen's .C,W.' meet- ing. on 'Thursday, June 17 at •2:30.• Mrs. • Jas. Laidlaw• was' • `•taken. by ambulance on' Monday to Wing-' ham and District :Hospital.' • This community, wishes hera speedy recovery, . • Mr. • and ; Mrs. Albert' Coultes and ' Diane and • Mrs. Olive' Boss; spent, the» week-end'with.-Mr., and Mrs: • Jack Coultes arid family of Dresden, On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Pipe and Mr. , and Mrs. r' John Pipe also visited at the.:Coulter: home and. all` atten&. ed' the baptismal service of . John Kevin, son; of •Mr. and Mrs. -Jack •Coulter who• was ,baptised in Un- ited Church by . Rev: Graydon Cox.. Mrs. Olive Boss . also visited . with her.. sister. Mrs. Graydon » Cox and : Rev., Graydon Cox. ' • Visitors on Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs.` Carl ' McClena'ghan w e re Mr. • and Mrs... Harry Moss of Plattsville, •Mr. and . Mrs.' Irvin° McClenaghan, 'Mary Lou, Roinie' and ,.Nancy . and• Fred Henry of St. Thomas, Mrs. Bill • Parkes and Beverley of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan of . Ford- with. Stewart ;Scott of-Langside visited on . Sunday with • . Mr.. and : Mrs'. Wallace Conn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross,. .Mr. and Mrs, Earl Caslick; Mr, and 'Mrs, •Billie'Caslick, and family; of Culross, attended ' the entertain- /ment rof water, skiing held at Kin- loss Lake on Sunday afternoon: Mr. » and Mrs, Don McEachnie` of Owen"'Sound were Sunday vis- itors .with, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth. • On Sunday, June .20th., Calvin- Brick .Messengers will hold , their meeting , in .the , church.. . Sports - On Jtine i8tb Wingham Midget Soft ball 'team will play White- church Softball team in White- church Park Saturday evening. Atwood Pee Wee team played Whitechurch in. Whitechurch Park with a- score • USE' SENTINEL . WANT -ADS' RIP -LEY' MEAT-• MARKET • • Coslom Bufahering Mondays ' Hags, in by .4:00 P.M., • ' • ' CATTLE, CAEVEEPand T SAT B y VERY DAY, • We do Curing; ar,d 7Smoking ' : Beef, Pork and Lamb. • Sold Whole', Half ,or. Quarter y . For Better Service, ' ' And Lower Prices Call ,Ripley :100. CHAS. HOOISMA. Trop, 'ZIPPY ZiONETTES . The June. meeting of Zippy Zionettes was held at the borne of Wanda Hunter. Brenda ° Ritchie,. president, openedm,tbe ' meeting by all repeating the 411: Pledge' fol- lowed by , the business . period. Roll call was 'answered by telling about the progress of the. gardens. The .members decided : nn the type of Garden • Reference File they are going to make. They chose a . red for tin 'covers. The next .'meeting will e . held at Donna, Ritchie's home ` on ' July 20th.. Discussion &/ notes were taken on weed con- trol, . insect and. disease 'control, for . 'taken vegetables; freezing fruits`' and vegetables; vegetables in the family meals. Mrs. Kirk- land gave instructions on stak- ing . . tomatoes, also demonstrated freezing rhubarb • :and carrots, all members assisted. Mrs. Anderson thinning :• and trans- planting The , meeting. 'closed ,by singing "The'' Queen". • � w s"` is " • !s:. famous.' fijrm $:e*i Seale Firm Golden Sleep ,Deluxe • Edge.Gards® end sagging edges. • Durable, lustrous print cover • Button -free sleeping Surface • Duro Flange construction DURING SEALY'S, 84th» ANNIVERSARY. SALE ONLY lireimilimmerismironnunewimmusseask mattress or box spring . Set Guaranteed 12 1. If; structurally defective, free repair first'year. Proportionate annual use charges thereafter, MacKenzie Furnitur' Li1CKIVOIN' r PHONE 528.3432