The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-23, Page 10PAGE TEN; ",+r M,PItii*, TH.E,,LU KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO .i.s Summer eta NTARIO VACATIi Relive . history amid nalural splendour 'in ' Central Ontario! Vacation in Central Ontario and enjoy the rewarding experience of .a family adventure rich in historical in- terest, natural beauty and pure holi 'day pleasure: . Return fo the early days` of.:French;: Canada at The Martyrs' Shrine anal' Ste: Marie Among 'the'.Hurons in Midland. Explore the fascinating Blue ''`Mouiitain'' Caves near .Collingwood:. •Then swim, sun, and relax along Miles and•'miles of silver sand beaches on ' Nottawasaga Bay. Discover .Leacock country. Follow 'the :steps of Samuel de Cshampleiin and see Orillia's statue commemorating the intrepid explorer's visit.,Take.a serene. canoe' trip through.. Muskoka;:lndian' name for "Blue•: Skies": Then'go: on .a picture-taking':spree in the beautify! Hghlands 'of,'Halbur'ton. Cruise the famed Trent Waterway; ancient•Iroquois war canoe route. See Ph`tir.i`$'iughrslran't iaifidl locks, highest hydraulic lift locks in the world. �I Nen • visit beautiful Burleigh. Falls famous for its fishing. • We'.ci like to: help' you plan a -re warding family Adventure. Vacation in Central Ontario. Send this coupon and :vwe:'II maf,f you:our G.reat, .Central Ontario Ad!'»,N , „> venture Vacation . booklet 124 *ages in; full colour). Provinceof Ontario, , l• Dept of •Tourism s Information, I' Parliament Buildings, Room_'1404 1 Toronto 2; •Ontario. :1 Please,,send me complete' information' 1 1 'op' Great Central Ontario Adventure 1 I.Vacdtions . 1 Name Address •1 City: Province l.. fair Notes School ` is q almost over for this • term and very few' entries have been received by , the '.Fair Board. in the school. work. Have . you neglected to turn in these entries? Please do' so before the close of school,. as all work will, : be jud- ged early in July. * * LOCHALSH.. Spending, the week -end in Ridge- town, were, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luther, . Mr. and Mrs.. Donald ; McChar- les and Scott of Brantford spent the: week -end with M. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles and John.. Mrs, Donald R. MacKenzie spent a few days visiting in Lon- desboro and Chntcn ' .during the past week. . ° A, very successful auction sale. of .cows was .held at the Duncan' Farrish ' 'farm, on Friday after- noon ' School ; :is out: for, those vino have . been attending High School during the. past year. The Grade 13 studentsfinished on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon ' Bradley were guests at a wedding in Mich- igan on Saturday. Sporting a new car is Mrs. B Don- ald acKenzie. . M Have .. you offered Your. services. in the 'building of the gates? They are well on their way,:. founda- tions are finished ' and . work . is proceeding at •a good rate; . but`. help is needed to finish the 'pro- ject as soon . as possible. * * e . There are still many -jobs to . be done if the Centennial fair is • to ,be. a big one Those who• have so, kindly offered . antique items for display ' are appreciated, but more are needed.:' If you have something to offer anyone on the fair board will be pleased to hear' from- you. '• *• *: '. less than, three months the fair ' will be held and we hope many are ' planning, to make this a home coming week -end. Sep- tember 17th and lath arethe' dates andan invitation' is etend- ed to all to plan to attend this fair: The W.M.S. meeting of Ashfield Presbyterian Church was held. on Thursday . -afternoon at the , home of Mrs. W. Johnstone. • Recent `visitor with Mrs: Don- ald R. • MacKenzie was Airs. Ber- tha MacKenzie ,of Lucknow. Mr. ' and Mrs. Bruce . Millar. and Kevin ' of Palmerston spent • the week -end: with :Mr. and Mrs. Em- ile MacLennan. Former Resident: Wed At T'orontoI SALO.— MOLE' Marian' Faye. Mole of Mimico and 'Raymond Oscar: Salo of Ken- ora- were united in marriage. in a, double ring ceremony, at , St. Margaret Anglican Church " a t Long Branch on Friday, June 11 at '1' p.m. Rev. Bishop .:officiated The . bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole of Lucknow.' Mr. Mole :gage ;his dau-z ghter in marriage. . •' The bride wore• -a two piece street lenggt.h,,,long sleeved dress of .'blue. ".ciiantenay ..lace oMer, taf- feta with white' accessories and a corsage, of white baby munns 'and carnations. The matrons_ of honour, ,Mrs. Paul yChaylt or -Toronto, wore' a two piece pink ' linenand: white lace ' dress with black accessor- ies "and a corsage ,of pink sweet- heart roses, with lily of the valley. Norman 'Salo ' of ' . Toronto' was best man for: his, brother.. The reception was- held' : at ' the Forum Restaurant at the corner of Highway 27 and Evans : Ave. The, bride's mother. received: the guests in a navy bine arnel' faille dress with white '.accessories :.and eu€ n une (St. Helens News) • The St. Helens U.C.W. enter- , talliedon; Thursday afternoon, the ladies from Lucknow, Ashfield, Donnybrook, Whitechurch a n d Calvin Brick churches at , their' annual June' tea . The .Worship Service, was in charge of Mrs., Lorne Woods as- sisted , by Mrs: Tom Todd and Mrs.''. Charles;, McDonald: Guest soloists -during the -afternoon were Mrs..J.. 'W. Joynt , of Lucknow and Mr, John. Miller, the student min- ister at St. Helens. Mrs. B. F. Green : gave a reading. Mrs: :Harvey. Carrick introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mrs. Van Egmond who is ' the occupational therapist at •' ' Croderich " Hospital. Mrs. Van Egmond had a display of the 'crafts `: made by the pa- tients and also '' gave an . interest- ing address, Miss W. D.' Ruther- ford 'thanked, the -guest speaker,--• While: the ladies were. gathering in :the Sunday School rooms ` for: a corsage of .yellow. sweetheart roses and lily of the •valley ` The table . was centred with •a. threetiered . wedd•ing cake. . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1965, refs. e$bments, . Mrs..:Gordon Mon tgomery •favoured . with Mosicah. numMPSber. and s., or.M'. thers . ano. Tom ' •Todd and Miss Isobel ,MUlepir are enjoying a. holiday through Michigan State and Northern. " Ontario. . • Mr and ,, Jimmie and' • GregorMrs.ylofay WinghamLaidlaw are spending a few days at. the Todd home.. NORMAN . A. SHEPHERD IIS. NEW LAW ASSOCIATE. Norman A. Shepherd, M A.,, 1.4.14:11.1 of Tor onto :has become ; as sociated: with J. H. Crawford Q.C. ofWingham in his 'law practice. Mr. Crawford has. been alone since the : appointment of .. R.. S. Hether- ington Qv'C , as .judge „of . Huroct'... County. Mr. Shepherd, a marriedman. with three children, ;is a graduate 'of Aberdeen 'University in Scot- land. He will•. be in the Lucknow office, located in the Kilpatrick Block,.- .. every. 'Wednesday... • The Zurich Minor Athletic As- sociation has: started a ` campaign to raise $45,000. in order to :install artificial ice in. the Babe 'Siebert Memorial Arena there. 4. Used once, BP fuels;become the standard for quality. . Now you can get the advantages of::a' yy, g . this' great line "of petroleum products .:. known, in over 50::countries around.the world. and backed' by .more than half a century f ex e'rience Each ''BP product has: Y� P been specifically developed for the Canadian :climate and conditions. Each one is tested for performance right here in Canada. You're assuredof the service and -Products youm ,'want when 'you want the'. r P � D HAMILTON: Appoirted Loca'IBP.'Representc'tive "As you know, it has been our aim t6 offer you the most -com- plete and efficient service possible. Now, as your newly ap- pointed representative for the products of BP • Canada Limited, we can back this aim with . a complete litre of quality rated, fuels and lubricants. It's a 'new dimension of .service we are • pleased to offer to new customers and the many .friends we're. already servicing" BP• FILLS ALL. . YOUR. REQUIREMENTS BP 'GASOLINES • b•IESEL FUELS • MOTOR OILS • LUBRICANTS ,•' .BP HEATINGOILSS .'•,' ... ,STOVE OILS • FREE HOME COMFORT SERVICE • INTEREST-FREE' 10 -MONTH BUDGET PLAN • LONG TERM HEATING EQUIPMENT FINANCING GUARANTEED DELIVERIES • ROUND-THE-CLOCK EMERGENCY SERVICE n ", TRACTOR °.OIL UNIVERSAL ' The only, all-purpose, all-weather tractor oil that replaces as many as y 7 . � different oils for top performance and maximum protection in the engines, transmissions and hydraulic systems for all.farm equipment.: business P. h�me W. A.. 'IUD" HAMILTON LUdKNOW - PHONE BUS, 538.3006, ICES. 528.3616