The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-23, Page 4fi { PAGE FOUR. THE : LUCKNOW SENTINEL*. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1965 1;14.1.•ra• if 3,!NI r *`'11'M+t1k fyti1�; .�C-rte-.M SI FOR SALE —General..:Electric stove; 24", in excellent condition. Call Lucknow. 52875300, : • ' FOR, : SALE a quantity ' of seed Buckwheat. Reg. Glen, R R, 6. Goderich, phone 524-9814. . WOOD FOR SALE — Hardwood Or softwood slabs, in 10 cord loads. We ,deliver. Borden Litt; sawmill, phone: 392-6895 Teeswater. FOR SALE ,-- TD -6 International, bulldozer , and. : blade, : $1500; 150 acres of pasture for rent. Phone 529-7375. FOR ":SALE' ' 24 . ft. Cardinal bale elevator, ' priced to sell: Len 'Chisholm; Dungannon, phone :529 7205. • AUCTION SALE Allan Maclntyre Licensed ••:,Auctioneer, • Lucknow:. -- 'Phone: 528-3519 • HAY FOR SALE --- about 50 ac- res of , ixed hay Marshall.Gib- son, R.R. 3 ..Lucknow, phone 529 7511: FOR SALE— 3 . Hoistein_Here- ford heifers due to calve, bred Hereford. . Don 'Bell, :"phone " 528- 5180. VACUUM ::CLEANER SALES. and . SERVICE For all Makes Filter. Queen Sales, Varna, phone 262=5350. HAY FOR SALE 12 acres alfalfa, timothy Albert Cook, .RR. 3 Lucknow, 2• miles west of Luck now. ' .FOR SALE Well bred. ,. York hogs of ' serviceable : age. Gordon;, Kirkland, „RJR. 3 'Lucknow,' phone 529-7508.' . FOR SALE -- 4 year old Pinto Alvin Hackett, _ 7 .gelding • R.R Lucknow, ,10th ' Concession of Ash- field„ .phone 529.7517: SEPTIC TANKS:. CLEANED Septic tanks, cess 'pools;, ' etc.,. pumped . and cleaned ;with modern equipment:' All work : guaranteed.. -Louis . Blake,. R. 2 Brussels, phone 422-w-6. • . TIME. FOR 'CAMPING .. . Over 30 : million people camped • last. year. Did .you? Rent or buy. a ' tent -trailer. _APPLY GORDON STEEPE_ Holmesville(R.R. 2 Clinton) Phone .: 482.3364; • P PLANNING 'A PARTY? For serviettes, placemats,, coas- ters, paper tablecovers and paper; plates for all occasions -see , the. selection •'at the. Lucknow' Sentin el,,. phone 528-3134. SHORT OF PASTURE? It's still not too late 'to plant some of the new• sorghum -Auden grass hybrid for grazing, lay,j.or• silage. • : , .• • Sow around 2'5, lbs. per •acr±e, 30c' per 1b. • • D. R. FINLAYSON Phone '528-2903' , Lucknow • HOUSES FOR SALE: New ranch style home, close downtown;" has 4 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath,: • extra large living. room, modern 'kitchen; tiled flodrs; • .at- , tached garage. • 5 room . white frame, house on 21 • Highway at Kintail, • partly furnished;. large; lot, $3500.00 • 6 room house near lake, new oil furnace, bath, kitchen cup-, boards, on 1 acre with large gar- age,, full 'price $5500.00 includes TA?, aerial, refrigerator, etc. STAN' KAY' Phone 528-6493 ' AGENT FOR Wilfred Mclntee :& Company Ltd., Walkerton, Ontario COWS FOR • SALE 5 Hereford;; will calve in about three, weeks.. Bill Haldenby, R.R. 6 Lucknow. FOR SALE -One, half Arabian mare, 3 years, old.. Allan MacTav- ish,:.R.R. 1 Ripley, 2-r-28. • Ripley. STRAWBERRIES FOR. SALE' Contact Mrs. Leonard Ritchie, Lucknow,., phone 528&2174; ' CAR' FOR SALE -- . 1958 Chev, automatic, in good condition. , Al- lan Wyld, phone 20-r-2 Ripley. BEEF and choice fronts, 83c; lb. Meyer's Meat Market, Teeswater, phone 392-6827. FOR PLAYING.` CARDS — double and single decks, see the . selec- tion at. the Sentinel' Office, phone 528-3134. FOR SALE Rangette, 2 burn- er, heavy wired, priced reason- able. Oscar Hodgins, Lucllnow, phone '528-2399.. CUSTOM. BUTCHERING Beef and>. pork sold in any quan- ity Custom butchering in •Govern- ment a licensed abbattoir. Figs . every. Tuesday. Beef from 14 o n d a y through Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET SEPTIC ;TANKS CLEANED Vacuum -•cleaning and pumping of septic "'tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, ' phone 528.2346., mann- facturer. of cement' septic tanks` and well ,tile: . A 99c BARGAIN Readers :Digest is ` now avail- able to NEW subscribers at . 8• months for 99c. We'd be glad to handle your : order. 'The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. ANTED • MAN WANTED : Gilchrist . School; ` Furniture of Thornbury requires a wood -work- ing foreman and Superintendent. Must be, capable •of setting up, machines • and: , know the wood= working,; complete to the, Cabinet Assembly, with experience in planning and : organizing product- Permanent positionin an ex= pending ' company.. . F. W. GILCHRIST CO. LTD., THORNBURY, ONTARIO • WANTED .4 -Trade School stu-. dent--requires--summer---employ--, ment. Donald ' Campbell,R.R.. 6 Lucknow, phone 167-17 Ripley: TENDERS WANTED R.0 SS.:Board, No. 2 Ashfield, require transportation for appro- ximately 85 pupils ';from , newly formed separate school' areas ; in Ashfield Township •. commencing: September., 1965. Information available from and, tenders will be , received by .sec- retary -treasurer up • to July 5th, 1965. Donald G. Frayne, secretary-. treasurer, •phone. 529-7395. ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS REQUIRED Employment is . offered to Grade XIII Students obtaining at least 8 papers with an average of 64% in the office ,of A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South Street, Goderich Telephone Goderich 524-7562 for an appointment ' HOIVIF WANTED " couple' wish to• purchase home ; in Lucknow, will pay cash'. J. W. Bannister, 68 Britannia, Ave., London. SALES HELP WANTED' MALE and FEMALE Men, women, pleasant full or part time work. Make $35 a week in your spare tithe selling R WN. leigh Products. Full time atter.' age $80 to $100, Write Rawleigh, Dept, G-271-7,• 4005' Richelieu St, St. Henry, Montreal. " NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lu cknow, every Thursday evening,' 8;45 p,in:, 15 regular games $10.00 • each. 4 Share -The -Wealth games w i t.h jackpot • included 'in each • game. Jackpot this week $75.00• on 55 calls. GODERICH LIONS BINGO The Goderich Lions will ' hold a bingo ..on Wednesday, June 30th, 8:30' p.m. at: the :.• Harbour- lite .Inn; seventeen regular games at • $10, one' share -the -wealth, one '$50 jackpot and. the .new .'acceler- •sting jackpot up to .$250.. and 2 door prizes/ Admission. $1.00., - G • LAN SIDE ANNIVERSARY Anniversary Services. for ,the Langside Presbyterian, Church will 'be held . on ,'Sunday, June 27th At 11:00 a.m.• and '8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker •- Rev.' R. D. 'A. Currie of • Wallaceburg,' a former .minis- ter. minis -ter. .Special, music at both, ser- vices:,• STRAWBERRY; .SUPPER ..The annual Strawberry.' Supper will be held. in ' Knox Presbyterian Church, . Teeswater, on : Saturday,. June.26th 'from ' 5 to' 8 p.m. `'Adults $1.25, children `50c. BACK 'TO• THE BIBLE Listen : ,to "Back to ' the Bible Broadcast" from Monday -'Friday, inclusive, at 7:00 „p.m., Saturday at 9:30 a.m. from St. 'Thomas, 680 on your •• 'radio dial. SLIDES AT,M,ZION The , Zion U.C.W.:; are ..having. Mr. Bissett of .Goderich show . pic- tures . of the. ' Southern Islands ` in. :the: Zion Orange Hall on Tuesday, June:. 29th, at ' 9:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Silver/ collection. CONCERT', Ripley District 'High School ' Au- ditorium . by the Double Trio and Guest Artists. .. : Saturday, June 26 at 9 p.m Admission • 50c and'3 5c ' "Proceeds for School for Re- tarded .. at. Kincardine.:, and the Canadian National Institute for the SEE THE SLIDES • "John O'Groats to : Land's •End" and heat of the recent trip of Mr: and; •Mrs.. Ernest: Pritchard, Scotland,. • Wales And ' Eng- land, narrated by ' "THE. COUNTRY MOUSE on :Wednesday, June 30th 'a't '8:30 p.m: in Dungannon United Church Basement..; Sponsored by the Lib=. rary Board. Admission, collection plate .at door.. L. IN MEMORIA McKENDRICK ' In loving mem- ory of ,a dear husband, John .Mc- Kendrick Mc -Kendrick who passed away three years ago., on .June. 22nd, 1962.. The 'joys we shared . together Are the memories I hold dear,. And the love and happiness. you. ..gave me, Keep, you forever near. • . { Ever • remern eyed .,by . his wife Mae, Dees BEAUTY 'SALON`' In . the Johnstone Block. on Main Street,. Luckn ��, � ow .(Deana'Parrish, . proprietor) PHONE" 5284438 or,,, 529.7305' BIRTHS APARTMENT FOR RENT' a ground -floor two bedroom heated apartment, clean, with hot wat- er, available July 1st. Fred Webb, Lucknow, phone 528-2185. HOUSE.. FOR RENT large farm, ' house, all .conveniences,. 2 Miles east of Ripley. Contact' Har- vey Elliott, phone Ripley 133-r-17. . TRAILERS FOR RENT The Tour -a -home sleeps .4 ad- ults' and: has crib • at $30.00 Week- ly; The Shamrock : sleeps 6 ad- ults at $40.80; The new Corsair sleeps .6 and : has propane, _.fridge at '$45:00:: Several weeks, still open after July 17th ./AII beautiful trail- ers supplied with' Reese equalizer hitch, propane, and, -all extras,' T. C.. Anderson, one mile north of Dungannon,, phone 529-7230,, LOST STRAYED from the .farm' of n James: Gibson, ' 2nd co cession of Kinloss,; one.: Holstein steer around' 700 pounds, ;registered brand "K" on right ' hip. Reward. Finder .con- tact K:. L. MacKenzie, ',phone Rip- ley 4r-13 or James .Gibson, Luc- know, 528-6230. NOTICE NOTICE RE: FAIR EXHIBITS Those public school children en- tering •writing classes. and arts and crafts classes in Lucknow Fall,. Fair are . reminded that •. en- tries. should be mailed` 'or left with. the secretary, Mrs. Fred McQuil- lin,:' R.R. 1 Lucknow, by June 30th, Natrce To C'reditor's NOTICE TO .CREDITORS. 'AND OTHERS' IN. TIIE • MATTER . OF 'THE ESTATE, OF .: ..GEOR.GE • ALFRED WEBB late*'. of the, ,Village . of St. Helens in the ' County of 'Huron, . Retired ' Miller, : deceased. NOTICE ' IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to the Trustee Act, that,. all creditors and :others having claims : against ,the Estate of: the late George . AlfredWebb, are 're quir-ed1olsend-particulars--of -their- .claims. , duly.. verified, • to J :T GOODALL, Solicitor for -"the Ex- •ecutrix of the. said EState; ;on ; or before the 10th day of ,July, A.D. 1965, and. that :after such date the Executrix will,, .proceed to distri- • bute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only ' toe the . claims of which .she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th day., . of June, A:D. 1965. Greta , Margaret .Rice, Executrix • of the above estate, By her Solicitor,. ' J. T. GOODALL, . Box '119, :Wingham, Ontario, COLLYER In Wingham and District Hospital, on. Friday, June 11th, 1965 •to• and. Mr, Mrs, Keith Collyer, Whitechurch, a daughter.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate' Of Thomas Wil-. lam Smith: ALL PERSONS Having Clainls• Against s . g t The Estate , Of The A- bove : Mentioned,. Late Of The Vil- lage Of Lucknow In ' The County Of Bruce, Retired 'Garage Own- er, Who Died On The 27th Day Of March. 1965, Are Required To File Proof Of Same With .The Un- dersigned On Or' Before, The 3rd Day Of July, 1965. ' After That Date The Executors Will Proceed. To Distribute The Estate Having Regard Only To The Clams Of Which He Shall . Then Have .Had Notice. Dated At Wingham This 11th Day .Of June, A.1). 1965, CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD' Wingham, Ontario Solicitors For The Executors.' T.S,A. RIPLEY-HURON Sale of 'School Properties and . Buildings. • Huron Township SATURDAY,. JULY 3 5.5.4 (Purple Grove)'.. (part Lot' 5, Concession ,11 • -- 1 acre): 2:30 p.m..' S.S. 7. (Poplar Beach) • (part. Lot. 53, ,Concession A • ., -- approx. ala . acre) 4:00 p.m.' S.S. 1 iLurgan Beach), (part. of Pine River Mill Reserve • - 1 acre) Equipment and 'furnishings' in- • cluding, pianos, de's k s, ` black- boards, etc. to be sold separately ,Cxcept where reserved by the , Board.: John H. Elliott, Chairman . Mrs. John C. MacDonald, Sec.=• Treas.: . ' Donald B. Blue,. Auctioneer otce To `Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The°Estate Of: Mary Alexan- 'dra Smith / ALL PERSONS Having Claims Against;; The. Estate Of The Above Mentioned, Late Of The Village Of 'Lucknow : In ..The County . Of Bruce, Widow, Who Died On The 7th Day Of MaY, .1965, .Are Re .quited To File Proof Of Same With The ; Undersigned On'.Qr Be- fore , The 3rd Days Of ;,July, 1965.: Alter .That : Date ' The. Adminis- tratrix With Will. Annexed,Will Proceed To Distribute The- Es- tate Having Regard. Only ' To .. The Claims. 'Of Which • She Shall' Then Have Had" 'Notice. , 4 Dated At Wingham This ;11th Day Of : June, A.D.." 1965. CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD'. ' Wingham, : Ontario Solicitors For The Administrat-'' rix with' Will Annexed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Int•InoshTh.e •Es,,tate.'Of'Margaret .Mc - ALL .PERSONS Having Claims. g A' ainst• The Estate 0 f The Above t Mentioned, Late Of The Village ,Of` Lucknow In The •:County. Of Bruce, : • ; Spinster,. Who ' Died On The llth Day 'Of. March,, • 1965, Are Required To File . Proof Of Same With The Undersigned On Or Be- -fore -The 3rd -Day- Of -July,- 1965,,.- After 965After That' Date The Adminis trator Will Proceed To Distribute The Estate Having Regard Only ,To. The' Claims Of Which''He shall Then Have Bad. Notice. Dated At Wingham' 'this 11th Day Of June, A.1)...1965. • CRAWFORD & . SHEPHERD , Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors For The Administrator. TO CREDITORS NOTICE . ..In The .Matter Of The. Estate. 'Of THOMAS JOHN MANSFIELD; Late • Of The Village Of. Holyrood In' The County : Of Bruce, .'Meth. ar+ic, Deceased. - ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant' To The Trustee • Act, That ..All • Creditors And Others Having ,Claim`s Against The Es- tate Of The Late Thomas John Mansfield, are 'Required To, Send Particulars •Of Their Claims, Duly Verified, To' J. T. Goodall, Soho- itor For ' The Executors Of The Said Estate, On •Or' Before The 25th Day Of June, A.D'. 1955, And That, After Such Date" The• Exe, tutors Will Proceed To Distrib- ute The. Assets Of The Said. Es- tate,. Having Regard Only 70 The Claims Of Which They Slisll Then Have Had Notice: . Dated At', :'Wingham, Ontario this- 1st Day (If June; A.D. 1965. • Florence Mansfield and Ron- ald ald Edmonds, Executors of the Estate Of Thomas John Mans, field, By: Their Solicitor,: J. t Goodall, Box 119, Winghanl,> Ont- aria.