The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-16, Page 12TWELVE' AAA THE,'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.. ' fl ' WEED KIi,LER HANDBOOK. .you, will ,find this handy, pocket -sized booklet invaluable in its` brief, concise instructions on the Use of CO=OP :Weed Killers. Includes rates of application, hoer, +whenjnd where :to .: apply, and "charts for correct mixing. ti 'YOUR FREE Y OI Co-op ;24D,, `.Ester_ Co-op 24D Amine`;, Co-op 24D Low Volatile Ester Co-op MCP ` Amine' 64 Coop MCP . Amine 48 Coop Brush Killer 64 Atrazine 65W Atro. Oil For' 'Atrazine Application ;U? s<. • Phone 528-2125 SEE YOUR CO.OP Former. Huron. `Twp Fcirmer .Dies FRANCIS E ' MILLS The death of 'Francis . E. Mills occurred in Kincardine' General Hospital: on Mav 6, after a period of -'failing health The late M... Mills was born on concession 10, Huron township, on November; 27, : 1881.. • He was : the youngest and last surviving 'mem ber, of a family of . ; six sons and three daughters born . to .the late• William' Mills and Sarah ; .Hamil- The late Mr Mills was married. on November 6, X1913.. td Lavina Graham ' at Armow. They, farmed on' concession •12,' Huron,. until ,re- tiring to . Kincardine in •1954. Af- ter Mrs. .. Mills' death, two • years' ago, • the late ' Mr. • Mills resided with his nieces' at 'the home. of. Mr.. • and Mrs. Herbert Clayton, Huron township. The deceased was a member of Clarke ' and . later Kincardine Un- ited • Church. '.For fifty-two years he . had . been a • member of the, Canadian Order of Foresters. • The ' funeral service . was . held 'at the MacLennan Funeral Home, , Kincardine, on May 1.0, '.conducted by Rev. George ;Ball of Ripley assisted, by Rev. J. ''Donald Mac- Donald of Kincardine. Burial took Toyed Over lunch. W.M.S. Har • From Mission.ary. n• Mrs. Ted 'Collyer was . hostess: to South Kinloss W.M.S.on Wed- nesday afternoon June 2nd with the vice president, ,Mrs, Gib Ham- ilton, in the .chair. Mrs. ' Lloyd MacDougall read minutes and cor- respondence and a report. of the Presbyterial . at: -Molesworth was given, by Mrs. A Hughes. Bible. Study was Solomon's, Song Chap= ter 2 and . roll call was answered by. a , Bible" verse with "Flowers." Mrs: Evan •Keith read, a couple. of'. Springtime Nature poems and Mrs. Rod MacLeod accompanied thesinging of hymns.. Mrs. 'W. F. MacDonald read a prose selec- tion "Lo, .the Flowers" and.•' Mrs.• Ross 'MacMillan had charge of 'the .prayer circle. ;' Mrs. ' Ira Dickie . gave a resume of chapters from the Study Book discussing , the. , progress of Mis-. sions in various countries .of . the world and. .comparing :present conditions with those faced in ear- ly 'days,` Mrs. Douglas •Graham read : Missionary letters received in . acknowledgement of . Christ mas> cards. and literature sent and concluded • .with' a letter from Miss Dorothy , Douglas' •of •Formosa. In it she reported on 'progress in the school • and .plans '.for.,, the'• Centen- nial. Centen-nial.. coming- this , . month; . Miss; Douglas .plans . to . return to her, home here to retire, after visiting India and•Europe Mrs. Harry Lavis• conducted a Quiz on Bible trees with the host- ess- and Mrs. Dickie serving. an attractive lunch.' Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes:, closed the meeting'` with prayer. The .July, meeting will . be held in the; evening.. . place 'in -Kincardine 'cemetery, '. The • pallbearers ••:were .Henry Farrell, ; Robert W' hi, t e, Kelvin Henderson, John Shier, F r e d Blackwell . and Jack Campbell. Unit 1, Lucknow U.C.W. Unit 1. of U.C.W.. metat the. home of Mrs.. • Ross Sheills : • on Tuesday;'', June 1st - with 20' mein - bets and 20 visitors in attendance. The meeting , opened: by singing of a ' hymn' followed by prayer by Mrs. W, B: • Anderson: ' The 3rd prayer' in the 'Apostles Creed was read in. unison. The roll call' was answered by naming a 'verse from • the . Bible containing ' the word '"Loire" Mrs., C. Webster gave ' the treasurers report. The general meeting of U.C.W. is on June 15th.• ,Miss Lois Hunt- r is guest.: speaker. Mrs. McDiaar- iid reported on Stewardship titled . (messages.' of stewardship). Mrs: T. Hackett gave a report on the Spring Supper., Mrs. McKim reviewed the Study Book ..(God and His Pur- pose)", urpose),• . Chapter 1, ;Religion and Life. Mary; Ellen S'heills favoured with piano' selections. Mrs. Mc Nay gave a . splendid reading on' the Vegetation :in Trinidad. • A hymn followedby a poem, "An,. Irish ,Blessing" by Mrs. An- derson brought the meeting to .a -close, A. social half hourwas en-. RI'PLEY.. MEAT • MARKET' Custom Butchering Y d Mondays - Hogs, in by -00 p.m. • CATTLE, CALVES 'and • LAMBS EVERY DAY, 4 EXCEPT' SATURDAY . We do 'Curing and Smoking . '.. . 'Beef, Pork andLamb. Sold Whole, Half or QuarterFor. Better Service, And Lower Prices Call Ripley 100. CHAS'. ' HOOI+SMA Prop WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th, 1965. • Farmers Ian Lucknow Area • . .. .. . ,i " :GET YOUR, SUPPLY OF PURINA: CHOWS AND e. SANITATION PRODUCTS .,PROM • : . • • • .: ,.. . ordon : Ai, HiohnsiOne ' . . . ., . . AT THE. JOHNST. ♦; ONE` SEED CLEANING PLANX o ♦ ., PHONE • 5283719 : ' table was presided over by Mrs. ident, Mrs. Elgin Young, Tara, C. .L. Crozier, Walkerton. Mrs.F. ,:Bell, Port Elgin. In the Tile -crafts, made by the resi evening tea was poured by Dirs. dents of Brucelea Haven, .'were ' J. Baxter,. Walkerton,: : Mrs. H. D. very well received:; and a . consid-' Thompson, Lucknow, M r s,' E. erable sum was realized from Greer, Glammis, M r s, • Lloyd their,'sale, The; crafts room was. Johnston, Southampton, Mrs, E under the direction : of .Mrs. P. J. Weiler, Mildmay, Mrs.: H. Cuthbertson, • Walkerton; " assisted Palmateer, Kincardine.. by Mrs: H; Palmateer, Kincar- The cocktail table, donated by dine, Recording' Secy. Mr, John Steele • of the Hepworth Tea was poured .in the : after- r Furniture Company, Southamp- noon by Mrs: Byron Greig, Lions ton, was won by . Mr., Jack Gun - Head, Mrs , John Loney; Tiver- son,' R.R 3 .ara, ton, Mrs'. A. Fowler, ;Lions Head, The . Ladies of ,the Auxiliary. ' Mrs.. Week, Kincardine, 'Mrs W. would like to' sincerely thank ev-: L. Thompson, Teeswater, .Mrs :R. eryone who in any way helped • Fullerton, . Paisley, M r s.' Wm. to make ' this event. the ..success Mackie; Mildmay, 2nd Vice -Pres-. it was. L�UCKNOW, • Presbyterian ';