The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-16, Page 54 WgpplI SDAIf, JUNE 16th,: tl65 r; .Fair Notes.. M ' •(Intended For Last 'Week) A • meeting of., .the ' "Gate .Com 7'rittee on Friday :-afternoon with the Harkness,, Bros; „was :held ,to. . finalize plans to .proceed with ' the building of the Centennial . Gates, Stone for these gates has • `.been ' offeredby Lloyd Henderson ands Andrew . Gaunt, Volunteer labour will be needed to get the . job' done.. it you, havean hour 'to spare •'within: the .next two weeks con- tact one Qf the .gate, ` committee :and you .will be .welcome.. There. are -many jobs to be done„and you ,can be sure all .the. helpavailable will be needed'. The gate com niittee is. as follows: Oliver Mc - Charles, Andrew • Gaunt,. ° ' Fred THE LUCKNOW . SENTINEL,• L..UCKNOW, ONTARIO McQuillan;. Gordon. Kirkland,- A1- Ian Millar, Bill Hunter: : w... If • you 'want. a .prize :list, ,•;per haps it .would be well..for you: to,, writethe secretary 'Mrs. Fred McQuillan for one. They •will ,be, Mailed out alk last year exhib- ;tors and, , to. anyone year one.,. They ,will .be:.available with- in a •few. weeks., If ;any . group is `interested; . in. helping the. Centennial' Commit tee set up. an antique room : at the., fair' ' would. they kindly let' Mrs, Oliver 1VIcCharles or - Mrs... Gordon Kirkland know at once, The : Kintail •:Womens: Institute.: has come . to .,the 'place Where they have decided to disband and there- fore will not be furnishing the promised. room; MONUMENTS For sound .counsel. and a fair . price 'ori a • monument Correctly. 'designed 'from quality , material, rely ,on' SkELTON;'MEMORIALs Walkerton Pat O'i••Iagan Prop.. Established Over Sixty Years Phone 881'-0234 •. Ontario Here's the fast, efficient Way to apply supplemental nitrogen. to your corn. CO-OP Aqua Ammonia 20% Nitrogen injects 3” to 4" below the surface ... gets right to ' the.. roots, to :give the crop an immediate boost. - And there's no waste.. The soil retains all of the 'ammonia applied with negligible loss during application. Another big advantage.:: You have a longer period of • time to apply CO-OP liquid ammonia without danger of disturbing: the roots. Suitable for a types, it can be applied, as wide range of soil a pretplant application.or•a side dressing. • For bigger er corn yields at low cost, have gg GO-OPAq;ua Ammoniaa applied soon. Another fertilizer service of your Co-operative, developed,` in co-operatiof.. With United Co-operatives of Ontario. 'RoBrstered Trade' Mark PAGE FIVE s .. aua en IsMade Honorary e M. robes In WM.S. , . An honorary membership ii n, Maitland Presbyterial, Women's; Missionary Society, _ was. ' present- ed to ,Mrs: Frank Maulden, ' Kin lough, ' at, the' annual Meeting .of the -Presbyterial' ;in St. Andrew's. Presbyterian Church; :Molesworth.: Sessions' ,were heldboth after- noon fternoon and evening. The theme for the" afternoon was "Service;" `De= votions .were 'tak'en by . Mrs; An- drew Gaunt, Mrs. Wallace Conn. and 'Mrs. . Russell Ross of the Whitechurch -Auxiliary: Mrs. Wm. Smith, Molesworth, gave . the words of welcome. Reports were; given by Mrs. • Wm. Ford of Wingham, recording s' e. cretary, Mrs.. Thos. Currie, Wing h a m; corresponding.. .secretary, Mrs.• D. R. MacKenzie, Ashfield; treasurer. Mrs. Norman Dickson;. Molesworth, was the soloist:: 'Rev. W. J. 'Morrison, moderator :of Hur- on -Maitland' Presbytery, spoke briefly... Rev. S. J. Stewart, Moles - Worth; 'conducted: the "In Memor- iam Service Miss Giotto Kelly, National Mis- sions, Toronto, was the special speaker for the day:' She outlined the work ,.being done on, the ' dif- ferent Mission fields, mentioning ' particularly any :new ;projects; as'' the Women's rally in. British Gui- ana,. the five. new missionaries being sent ; to Formosa, Ni'geria.. and :India and the' inner veptures.' in .our large cities, also ' informa tion . about :our graduating deacon- esses. . Mrs., ;Herrig, staff member. of Armagh, spoke briefly of her. � work. at Armagh -; "The Home`' for Girls". The name Armagh means "In High Places". •It is a home for all denominations and is the o n1 y Presbyteriain Home in Canada. The girls • confirm to .reg- ulations; the emphasis is on Love and Understanding., Members of the . W.M.S. are invited to visit this', home at any time. The ,Theme for the .evening,; meeting was "Love'. Mrs: Stu- art 'Stevenson,, Mrs.';Frank Smith and Mrs, Doug Evans , of 'Cran- brook were in charge of the de- votions. Mrs. . Colin , Macintosh,'. Molesworth, gave : the words ' of welcome.. Music : was in charge of. 'the, Molesworth.: choir. The : re port ' for • the Evening Auxiliaries was given by Mrs. John ,Day of Wir gham.. 0 e .`•minute silence 'was observed in memory of Mrs.: Leslie Fortune, an executive me mber.: .. Miss Kelly spoke of : the New Thunder Bird ;Hostel ..in Kenora, which now, has a membership . of '53 young people ` that meet twice weekly, the. work •being done by Miss Duffield among the Indians. at White Fish Bay near Kenora,: Friendship 'House in Winnipeg, Prince Albert House ,that 'opened up in September. Dedicatory prayers were ,offer- ed ffered by Miss T. Isbister Win ha. :and Mrs. Jack MacLem g MacLean,. Ripley. Courtesies Mrs. Jas.Mair•, Brus- sels. . rus-sels.. The Presbyterial ' is to, be held. in Teeswater in . 1966. , Miss Sadie Johnston,'"Luckriow, &, Mrs: Robert Bregman, Langside, ; gave 'the closing prayers. %fAMORE E' N HEAT /S YOUR DES/RE 'OP ELECTR/C HEAT/NG POLLOCK ELECTRIC PLUMBING -WIRING PH.190 RIPLEY it superb TRIM M -. ores . Decorative.. Trim Colors • For doors, shutters, flower.' boxes, garden furniture • Wonderful color selection • Amazing weather' resistance. Benjamin oore p LUCKNOW ur pie PHONE 528.2906 . Teeswater Man pies In Wingham; VICTOR. LLOYD AVERY - There ' passed away in Wing- ham and District Hospital on Wednesday, : May' ,12th,' 1965, Vic- tor .Lloyd Avery, in his 70th year. Although in failing • health for some time death came suddenly., Lloyd was; born; :at Armow,' Ont.; ori Novexmbeer 1st;.:1895;' the. sib- of the late- Albert Avery and Lavina Collins: 'He married. Helen: Suther- land of Lucknow,: on November. .4th, 1928,..and they farmed near' Ripley and Teeswater until mov- ing. to Teeswater 15 :years ago. He was a. Member of Knox Presby- terian Church,' Teeswater and a 'member of Pentangore Lodge, I.O.O.F ; 'Kincardine, . who, With the'' Teeswater 1.0;0'F. . Lodge: 'held .a memorial' service on Fri- day evening. • The' body rested • at ' the ..Me Glynn Funeral, Home, .Teeswater,. until • Saturday afte'rnoon,. :May 15th; where service was' conducted by his . minister, ., Rev ' 'T •J. Mc= Lunch was served : by Mrs. Jas.' Kinney. Bu ial was .made. in 'Currie, Mrs Russel Gaunt and South • Kinloss 'Cemetery, Luck-' Miss Leah Currie: of . Wingham. now:: ° l Calvin-BrickU. W .are 'invit Surviving : besides . his wife, are ed .to Westfield, June .16th and to . two sisters and three brothers': St Helens .June ' ,17. This will; nee - two Ed (Alberta) ' Farrell, ,KM- essita,'te a. change .of date for, their. cardine; Mrs. Jack. (Mary) Ari- own regular meeting which 'will • Berson, Tiverton; Roy Avery, Tor- be announced later.' onto; Ben. Avery, Hamilton, ands. Harold 'Avery, Timmins. Three ' USE . SENTINEL ' WANT -ADS a•••♦•••••••♦♦•,••••••••••,•••••••••••••••o•••e••• •• • • • �MacDonald• • • • ••ae •. • • •' .. .� . • ♦ w i. ♦. • sisters and one 'brother predceas • ed him. Pallbearers -were.. Brother • Od- dfellows Foster Marshall,. Art Fisk, Ken . Wilkinson, Glenn Far tell, .George Rutledge ,and. Gold Win ::Harris • 'Flower bearers were Bert Wil- kinson . and "Jack ,.MacLeod: WHITECHURCH (Intended. For;. Last Week) 20th Wedding Anniversary: Over 20 relatives gathered ' at :the home of • Mr. . and: Mr"s. Jas. E. Currie . Saturday evening in :honour' of Mr. .and Mrs. Kenneth,. ' Currie's 20th wedding anniver- .sary. on June 6th. Euchre was enjoyed. Russel Gauntexpressed:- the good' wishes of the gathering and .hoped they'. .would' : have many more years .of health arid happiness. They were presented with several pieces. of White . Birch .china Ken and Ver-. na .:made fitting .repliesto their friends for their gifts; .and thought-. fulness. , • • w ATLAS BATTERIES AND. *DUNLOP TIRES: • • •' AT REASONABLE • PRICES • i • • • • See Us For Wheel. ,Balancing And Wheel Alignment • • Repairs To All Makes Cars And Trars 2 2 `LICENSED MECHANICS N•t•••••••••••`•••♦•••••••••••••••••o•••••••••o We Have PuchaS�dN�v:.. Prec�s�on Wheel: Balancing Equipment TCO kALANCiE . ALi ' WHEELS • FR. M • 13" Tb' .l • • •' ♦. • • •, • ,, • •' • • • • • • . s. • fi nj .N