The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-09, Page 3WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 9th, 1945 THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, .LUCKNOW ONTARIO • k ' •'.PAGE .THREE Apply-' Your Spray . The Proper Way For Je4 Spraying Of All Cereal Grains And. Corn Contact. NDITIONED OMY AISL RE PARKIN TIER SHOPPING 7. LUCKNO:W' SCOTI::,, �+ v PHONE 529 71871 DRAW,• r 1 -Hind Quarter of Beef 1 free Ticket With Each $2.00 purchase Draw to be Made Saturday, ,June 26 Foil WrUD STUART HOUSE; 12" .z: 25 ft. LONG.. SAVE: '4c ROLLS . Instant Coffee NABOB, 12c ' OFF • PACK, SAVE 2Ocr" 6 oz jar' NISI! Soft .Drinks CASE .OF 24 . CANS Bi(ERYFEA!URE. Rusberry Bulierhorne41. ,4 c WESTON, REG. 45c, 6 TO PKG. Whittich's DOnuts HONEY:DIPPED, PKG. OF 8, .REG 39c Certified Seed ''tht�eS REAL.'• GOOD 'PRICE: MJi,TSFEIIALS BoneIess Veal Roast Ib. 59c Yeal Patties Ib, 59'c Po�ic Hake 416. for. $1.00 Luncheon.'Meat 37c .PREM; SAVE 12c 12: oi. ROUND Margarine: ` 441 GEM; ; PARCHMENT, SAVE 26c, .lib. P.KGS: : Margarine GEM,_ REG., .:SAVE 26c, Cheese_ .:Whiz KRAFT„ SAVE )Oc,. 16oz. Shredd�d:'Whe�i. NABISCO, SAVE 9c, 18oz.: Peanut Butter YORK, .REG. 79e 24 oz: JAR Javex Bleac LIQUID; .SAVE •6c, ,64 oz: PLASTIC.- (PICK ,UP . YOUR FREE WATER :SAFETY '. CALENDAR), dor. Speedy Shopping USE OUR REAR -OF -STORE Parking Lot PHONE 528-3001— FREE DELIVERY` LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS'. formai' Taylor is home again 3r `•being hospitalized for three 's' last week in Wingham and don .Victoria, Hospitals. . Er.. and Mr."s•. Bruce Davidson Hamilton Were. visitork .last 'k -end with their aunt Mrs.: sell: Robertson. • Ir. and Mrs. Roy Cringle of coin Park, Michigan, were re - visitors in 'Lucknow. ` Mrs. rtes 'Cooke accompanied them ie where She visited for a k,, returning to Lucknow • last irday with Mr. and Mrs. Hank ger • of Lincoln • Park, who it the week -end here.: r. and Mrs. Alex Sharpe and ghter Betty of ' Guelph ..sv're lay visitors with Mrs. John land. ' • iee Lucknow , Women's Instit; will meet Friday evening at 8 ick in the. Assembly Rooms.. is . the Grandmothers' ,meet - The roll call bring a tea ,i, o ck 1VIacQuillin of the 6th of oss, returned 'home : on Sun-. from Wingham and District ictal. r. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, and Mrs. George Tiffin spent lay with Mr. and Mrs . Hugh Milian and family in Sarnia. D. Scott of Toronto has been ing Bill Scott for a few days past week, Mr. and Mrs. Virden Mowbray and Sharyn and Janet 'Carruthers of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs, John Mowbray, Kinloss,. and Miss Kay Martin'. of Toronto. were among the:. guests last Saturday when Jerry Mowbray received •a degree in Bachelor.' of Engineering Science *at the University of West= ern Ontario . in ..London. Sunday visitors , with' .Mlr.: •and Mrs. Allan Maclntyre 'were ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Needham, Mr, and Mrs Mervin Anderson and Heather,, Kincardine,, :Mr.. and: 'Mrs.:Howard Thompson, Mr. Ira, Needham, Mrs Walter, Needham, Ripley, Dr. Alex Macintyre, Bos- ton, Mr, and Mrs,' Tecl Collyer, Mrs. Annie MaeIntyre; Mrs. Jes, sie� Alliin,. •Russell ,Alun, . Mr. ' W. L. MacKenzie, Miss Mary Mac- Intyre and 114r,r. and Mrs. Donald. C. MaeIntyre; Margaret, :Norma. and Marilynne. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid 'and 1VIi•s, Ruth Mulholland of • Clinton,- Mrs. Wilbert. Keyes of Seafortl were visitor's a day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Will Ritchie. Mr, and Mrsof . Cecil Webster a_ London were 'visitors on Sund y Bruce. Johnstone, ten year old son of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon John- stone is hom frons hospital And back to school, He was hospi 1 lied in • Wingharn for ten days with pneuirionia. Church Service By Belfast Pupils (by Ronnie Nicholson) • On Sunday, evenings June 6, . a well . attended. service was pre- sented by the Belfast Public School at Hackett's United Church. Rev. Kaiser was in charge of the service ..and he introduced the. guest speaker John . Miller,; a student minister • from the St. 'Helens' United Church. Mr.' Miller ,used for his theme, "The. Church in.. the Wildwood." ' • , Special unaccompanied music was presented by the senior pu- pils of • ,the Belfast school. This consisted of •The Church in the Wildwood, ° The Lord's . My Shep- herd, For All.' Thy Care, and other choruses, ,A sextet of Lorraine Nicholson, Janice Kilpatrick, Iv- an Cranston, v-an,'Cranston, Jack •Cameron, ,Jer- ry Irvin and -Ronnie Nicholson, sang, The Beautiful Garden of Prayer. A . duet • "My • Prayer" was sung by Janice .Kilpatrick and "Rosales. Hackett. • The money, from the ' collection is, going to ,the Goderieh Summer School Carnp Fund, Many thanks are extended le' Don Cameron l elfast school teacher along with their • music teaches' Miss Campbell for mak- ing the church service .possible. both Kinloss Presbyterian Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11:00 am:, and 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY; JUNE 13th, 1965 Guest Preacher REV. CHESTER M. LEWIS of .St: Andrews Presbyterian Church, Kitchener Soloist Mr. Harry Lear of Lond'esboro County Consultative Committee Propose Four Public Scho�I Areas In Bruce The consolidation ` of all public school areas in Bruce into four county school..areeas was proposed to Bruce county council last week at Lion's Head. But : in making the recommen-. dation, the county .. public school .consultative ..committee, ' suggested county council not, act on its rec- ommendation- .until the : depart- ment of education becomes more definite '.. in its regulations govern- ing county area boundaries The • • consultative:' committee felt that each of the four ' areas in''- the • county would 'be capable of supporting eIementary and. secondary school administrative areas.of the minimum sizes : need ed . to ' provide 'educational • bene- fits, AREAS DEFINED The . proposed new areas would comprise; 1. , Elderslie, Greenock, . Br.ant. and: Carrick :' Townships and Walkerton, Paisley arid Chesley.• • 2. Huron, : Kinloss •and : Culross Townships, Ripley, : Lucknow and Teeswater and a portion of Huron County now in. the Wingham : dis- trict. 3. 'Kincardine, Bruce, Saugeen 'and Arran Townships, ., Port Elgin, Kincardine, . Tiverton, Southamp- ton and Tara and a portion of Am- abel Township:. 4. North of Amabel Township, Hepworth. and all; ' municipali- ties of Bruce north of Amabel plus a' portion• of Keppel Town shi)i in Grey. ` The committee noted a. request from Brants Greenock, Elderslie :and Paisley that . these ' municipal ities be incorporated into an area, but the, committee recommended 'no action o r until Proposed . changes e x P p in departmental legislation • are through. Similarly, no.. decision was giv- en •on :the request from Wiarton. and Amabel Township that they be combined. ' Expense of site purchase .andthe proposed build- ing are being investigated' in the Wiarton case. 'Council referred ;to the educa- tional committee a . resolution, from Dufferin' County asking the department . of education to as sume . complete administration of the teaching profession from certification to placement and re- muneration,-and emuneration; 'and that a schedule of salaries be set to eliminate competition among school boards in respect toi salaries. . pe to the Other ' titions � referred educational committee were from Durham County' opposing any leg- islation which would enlarge pub- lic. school . boundaries of ' local municipalities, and from Fronteri- ac'County asking that school text books be standardized• for the province. Seethe new new selection of ser V-' iettes, place mats and coasters at the Lucknew Sentinel.,. • Staff Honour; DeparfingTeacher The teachers of the Lucknow • Public School gathered ''forchick- en dinner at the Fishercottage at Point Clark on Friday. Stuart Collyer, principal of the 'school, ` presented • Mrs. .Larry, (Peggy) Taylor of Wingham with a rose bowl on behalf of the staff.. Mrs. 'Taylor, ' who has taught, grade • one and part of grade two for the past two years, has .re- signed. • •• Those present were. Mrs. 'Lloyd Hall, Mr.. and . Mrs. Larry Taylor, ' Mrs. Norman Taylor, .' Mrs. Jim MacTavish, Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Fisher, Miss Helen . Thompson,- Miss hompson, Miss Ruby Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Collyer . and Mrs. , , ` Wm., Scott, music supervisor. 411111.01•1101111.11111114111.141,4111,1111,611(0041, 0 •Lucknow Presbyterian' Church Rev. Roderick MacLeod ' " Minister SUNDAY, JUNE .13th, 10:00 a.m. Sunday School • N. service at Lucknow or Dungannon i 7. roi a. LUCKNOW' • ' ITED ,CH URCH >Rev. Howard W Strapp Minister' SUNDAY, .JUNE '13th NO. Sunday • School... 1.1:00 a..m: Sunday, School Anniversary Rev. .St L. Tose,". Qf Paris,, Ontario e • ST. PETER`S ANGLICAN .CHURCH Trinity Sunday Church SChooi 10:15• a.M. Evening, Prayer 8:'00' p.m. (no morning service) w• The Rev. J. `R. Xing, Rector F .. Sa Pest