The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-09, Page 2,1'AWN, TWO • THI LUCKNOWI SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO t. Rw U.C.W., Unit 2 The June meeting ' of Unit 2 of the Lucknow United Church Women washeld at, .Mrs. Wharry's cottage at Point Clark •with twen- ty-five wen-ty five ; present. The meeting opened . by Mrs. K Cameron reading: a poem'. "'rhe Vhurch's 'Hidden Secrets" follow- ,ed ollow- ,ed by prayer.. Mrs L. MacLeod read: the : scripture. An Anvitat'ion was received to attend St. !Helen's June tea on JW :17: Mrs. ' . Greer- gave the treasurer's report, and plans were Madeto visit Pinecrest. . The roll ell' was answered by anitem from "The Observer". Mrs.: W. doynt led in •a sing song, and contest. A social hour 'was enjoyed. LlucknowU.C.W., Unit '3 Unit: 3 of the U.C.W met at Mrs. E. Lewis' . cottage. at Pop- lar Beach for ' the June meeting. Twenty-one ladies present, >:ans veered the roll call to "Hints For Vacation Time."' The leader Miss 'Ada ;Webster, • having > charge of the- Meeting- read a poem I like to think: A hymn was sung, followed by the :Leaders' Pray- er and Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. , : Vernon • Hunter ` read the scripture- Meditation was, : "This Is.My Convenors reports were ; . Mrs. Vernon Hunter, Christian Citizen ship; Mrs, . 'Isabelle. •.;McKenzie, Stewardship; Mrs,. George Saun- ders, Community ,Friendship; Mrs. E. I„eins, ;' Supply; Mrs Eldon Henderson, ,gave: the Treasurer's report. Plans were , made _ for ,Un June the .24th. Two " Baby quilts were shown • that were made for ;the Sunbeam hoMe. ',Mrs. • Les. Ritchie bad charge of the program and read a poem, "What a Smile Can Do," A hymn was sung. •Mrs, : Lois Alton took the chapter "We Human Beings" from 'our study book, '`God. and His ' Purpose." Mrs. Lewis' solo wa's enjoyed. ,Mrs. Murray Hen- derson enderson. had the study ..on the book of Trinidad, Mrs.; ;Cummings ;gave the courtesy remarks; The mizpah benediction closed., the meeting. , A pot 'luck supper. was served, and, social time was, ei1. joYe_ • W. W. Schools H�Id'Fieid Day At .the Field ;Day held on Fri- day by : West Wawaonsh school •a• fair crowd gathered. The teachers at the schools are No. '2 Mrs: El-' phiCk . No ; 3 Mrs. Caesar; No. 4 St. Helens, 'Mrs. Fisher; No.:12 Mrs. Kennedy, No. 17 Mrs. Ir- win, where the :around 130pupils. gathered. Champion' Sr, , girl, Mary, Pan nabecker No. 4 and Diane Dick- son No. 17, ties, :runner up Linda McWhinney,' Nei :4; Intermediate: girl, champion, Verna Aitcheson No. 4, runner . up. Velma ,Paton, No. 12 and Jean. McNee ' No. 17 tiei; Jr. girl champion, Loree Gammie No, 4, runner up . Lynda Lyons No. 4; Sr. boys champion, Floyd Rosebush No. 2, runner up Roger .Pannabecker No.. 4; Inter- mediate boy champion, :: Paul.. Laidlaw No. 12, runner up Teddy Cooper No. 4; .jr. boy champion, David McWhinney No. 4, : runner up, Allan Hildebrand . and ,Murray it 3 to visit Pineci;eest :: Home on Thompson. ties. res••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE• • GODERICH ....' HIGHWAY 8 ' 1%/a MILES EAST OF TOWN BOX' OFFICE -OPENS AT 8 O'CLOCK • .` •• . i• •• • • • • MacHAL•E' S .NAVY., : — color •• .. • • Plus "MAGIC RAIL TO; YESTERDAY" -- "NICE PLACE .TO • • • L IT/ ,and CARTOON NOW PLAYING TH.URS., F RI SAT., JUNE .1011-.12 Elvis Presley and Joan Blackman "BLUE..HAWAII" color. GrangerStewart••and 'Ref Vallone "SECRET • INVASION", colour • MONDAY,': TUESDAY, :WEDNESDAY; ' JUNE 14-15-16 Ernest Bor nine and Jean Willis Borg nine in a riotous' tale of the sea: '..;VS THURSDAY, 'FRIDAY; SATURDAY, JUNE 17-18-19 • • Jerry .Lewis and .Stella: 'Stevens.. "THE NUTTY PROFESSOR'". — color • . ••• YuI:> Brynner and Janice, Rule •` "INVITATION TO A GUNFIGHT -' adult -entertainment 2 • • •. • •. 0101 • : COMING. -- Shirle - Maclaine in "Two Loves" • ;adult entertainment, • • . • • •••a•6••••••••••a••a••isi••••••a•a•i••n••a••a••*- ••01••••••0••01•••••••••• 0100•01•••4••01••.••••' .. ! .. 0101, � • �• •IAT• THE SQUARE c } ••.1 THE' °Goderich _•' NOW. PLAYIN T •' G � THURS., FRL, SAT.; JUNE .10=11.12; • The; Dave . Clark 5 and a host of talent in . • ,• 01,01 J,f Get Yourself A `College .Girt:: , �, Colour — ` : Plus the 'Disney Special •" ARIZONA 'SHEEPDOG •.• • ,•. • • •' • • • •' • • MON.,.,.TUES., WED., JUNE 14.15.16 - adult entertainment • Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck and Judith Meredith :• • See what could happen when , dreams merge frighteningly into • . • daytithe reality. • i.. .• • ' • "The Nighi. Walker ' With Selected Shorts • .• • • • • • • • • :