The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-02, Page 7'WEDNESDAY, J,. UNE. 2nd,1965 THEI;UCKNOW SENTINEL, :LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO.. STRUTHERS - MARTIN r. and Mrs. Robert Ge� r .Mr. George Mrs. Struthers is:the former ,Mar- Struthers ,Mar Struthers . were married: May 8th lene. Grace` Martin. They are .ma in the Whitechurch United Church.- king their home in Lucknow. BERLEY Mr. and ' Mrs Robert Steele of Detroit .spent:' ; a week at their cottage at Point, Clark and visited with : relatives .in this community. Mrs: Anne Emmerton of 'Kin- cardine is currently visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell at Amberley. Attend Graduation Mr. and 'Mrs'. Glenn Beyd; 'Gor- don Boyd, Mr; and Mrs. Bob; Courtney and Mrs.Ross Cumming attended . ' graduation ceremonies . for . Donald Steele of Kitchener. Donald was a former member of. the Boyd orchestra Mr and •Mrs. Elmer Culbert, Andrea and Brenda of Detroit , spent the week -end. ' at their sum-. TOP A ' � LIT • •ESSO HEATING. EQUIPMENT-" (on'easy,.1O-year, budget terms).', Fs O ROME HEAT St -11410' 'AT NO COST. TO YO• ROY HAVENS Plumbing and Heating ESSOc OIL BURNER Sales and Service. HOME HEAT SERVICE •j mer home at .Amberley. ,The Boyd Orchestra played for a'• dance, at Palmerston on ` Satur- evening. Mr and Mrs Donald • Courtney , 'and family and Mr. and Mrs: 'Wil liam Courtney attended anniver-: OMHA Severs Ties With WOAA Group• Ontario ' The. Western: Ontario Athletic Association: .will be on its own for the 1865-66 minor hockey season after an Ontario Hockey Associa- tion' •decision to sever relations be.-, tween the;'two groups. The ,OHA actually refused a re- , quest from the Ontario Minor 1.150- key ojkey Association to renew a'work- ing agreement' between that body. and the ``,WOAA - The OHA, Parent body 'of the 'OMHA, had earlier worked out an agreement with : the WOAA -gov- erning. governing• intermediate .&. junior'. hoc- key. .. The disagreement on minor hockey apparently stems from. a dispute over boundaries. The OHA action was severely criticized . by Alf .' Lockridge of Wingham, secretary -manager of 'the WOAA. "It's ridiculous and I think it's ,wrong," he said. "The OHA feels they are .the; only -ones. who can run : an, . intermediate league. . I can tell .you one thing: I'm . sure we're not going to quit." Lockridge admitted he couldn't speak for 'individual clubs which might, want to 'bypass the WOAA and -affiliate directly with the OMHA. This would be necessary to enter' • Ontario play-offs., " "We• •won't know': until we . get ,our entries late in • October," he said. Stan .Stokes of London, 'a vice- president of the OMHA, said that the lack of ; co=operation. could lead to "raiding" by clubs, Wand. would be confusing.' "It'' will : be, a long time before we : can ever get, things running' Smoothly• again," : he said. sary service at Knox .Presbyterian. Church Ripley on Sunday ' and vis: .ited : with. Mr• . and Mrs. John C. CHALSH Recent •visitors in Detroit were Mrs. Duncan Parrish. and Mrs.' Donald `MacKenzie. Attends Class Reunion, Mrs. 'Gordon Finlayson spent Saturday. in • Stratford, where: she attended a : reunion ofher grad- uating .'class' : at Stratford 'General Hospital. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. • Oliver McCharles and -John for the week- , end were Mr., and Mrs. Allan Mc- Charles and . • Susan of" Clarkson: Guests at the graduating exer- cisesheld at Stratford • General Hospital on Saturday were Mr. 'and ' Mrs. Walter Dexter when Miss' Phyllis Clayton received her. diploma. • Anniversary services will. 'be h e 1 d ' at Ashfield. Presbyterian Church on. Sunday, . June 6th.' Rev: Joe MacDonald will he preaching` and Miss ' Janice Wylds will be guest soloist. Visiting Mr.' and. Mrs. Walter "Dexter on Sunday were Rev, and Mrs. Elmer Kennedy of Bluevale. A 'birthday party for_ Mrs. An- nie MacDonald. of Ripley a n d Mrs; Belle, Campbell of Hamilton, sisters. was • held. recently at the Dan : MacDonald home. Recent visitors at' the Dan Mac- Donald home were Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacDonald of •Chatham;. MacDonald and family. • Miss 'Shirley Steele had charge. of the music for. the Junior Choir on Sunday at Pine. River United Church. Carl Lowry and Lynn Ferguson are employed at Big -Win -Inn,. for the summer 'months... Is : Your Subscription Renewed? Anniversary. Held At Ripley Church, (By.:Amberley . Correspondent) '. Anniversary services were held at Knox Presbyterian Church, Ripley on ` Sunday, May..30.' Bas- kets . of spring • flowers . decorated. the front of the :church.. Organ .preludes by' Mrs. John C. Mac- Donald were accompanied by Cor- inne MacDonald at the piano. • . Guest minister, a former Huron ,Township resident, . was Rev. 'T:: ;E. Kennedy of theuevale 'and Belmont .pastorate a .gave in-: spiring messages at oth 'services. Mrs. Bill Scott of •Ripley was guest • soloist and the choir --sang an ' anthem ..at the morning :serv- ice. Special number`s given by the .choir at the evening service were, "Bless This House": and "Open My Eyes." . • , Many former members of Knox Church. were, home for the Anni versary services. • • CULROSS.CORNE.RS Congratulations to Ronnie Wil Son who celebrated his sixth birth= day on Friday: •Harvey Parker and Bob 'Green spent a :few days . with Ronald ,Barker, Fort William,. Mrs. Joe.. Wall and Mrs. Harry ,Mc°`Kague, Teeswater, .were recent &liner gnest5 with Mr, and Mrs, William Kydd Seeding oneratioris are for the most part .fairly well •. coninleted and corn planting is'mostly fin-' ished. More and more farmers are trying •a few acres. ,while oth ers are now planting large ac- reages. Among the latter are' Reg Brown, Jim Wilson . and Orval Wilson, ;ttlhss" J3everleY W4.1, ,Exeter, 'spent . a few days ar home here • Mi and Mrs. Gerald Stewart, Kincar`dine.'. visite. Sunday even- ing with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Stew- art and boys., KINLQUEH Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lane of Thamesfotrd visited wih Mr. • and' Mrs. ' . Malcolm Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulden and with Mr. J. R. Lane who is ,a patient in. the Wingham and District Hos- pital.: °.. Receives .Honorary Membership 'An honorary , membership in Maitland Presbyterial, .Women's Missionary Society was presented to Mr& Frank Maulden at the annual presbyterial Meeting . in St. Andrew's Presbyterian` Church at Molesworth. Mrs.Perry Hod gins made the presentation, Misses Edna and May Boyle. visited •'on• Saturday with Misses Nellie ;and. Margaret Malcolm at Lucknow. Other guests at the same .home were Mrs. Gertrude Walsh and Mrs. Orland, Richards. Misses Evelyn, Nicholson and Sandra Percy, and Philip Breck- les, all of Toronto, spent the week- endhere� • • r • respective homes at their r John 1VfcYnnes. Mr, and M s.• and Corey of Blitevale, visited on Sunday with Mr. ancl Mrs. Dan McInnes and family. Beginning next Sunday the ser- • PAGE., SEVEN GLENI (Nash)... is. the O have oge Nash um windows ft installed orsummer comfort Pre in st ate doors and' t DIAL» 528 3723: LUCKNOW •♦ i' i • i • • Farmers : Ln Lucknow Area* • GET YOUR SUPPLY OF PURINA CHOWS AND SANITATION, PRODUCTS' FROM Gordon A. Johnstone IN.;LUCKNOW :'AT THE tJOHNSTONE SEED CLEANING PLANT PHONE, .528.3719: • • • ..................•.................,.........p' Q'mpb�It Listowel Soup Company Ltd. Ontario HAVE •PERMANENT PLANT OPENINGS FOR BOTH -: ale. and Female Employees The Work Is Full -Time And Permanent; 5 Day Week.'. • Good Wages . And A Comprehensive Employee. ' Insurance Pro- gram Are Available. ',APPLICANTS SHOULD VISIT THE PLANT . PERSONNEL OFFICE :FOR • :INTERVIEW, vice in the 'Presbyterian Church will be held at 1 :15 and Sunday School at 11:15. Mr. and Mrs: ,' Lloyd Percy of St: Catharines were recent callers on relatives here: • Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Perry Hodgins were .Mr. and Mrs.:. John _ Emerson of Lucknow and . Mrs: Ethel James and Al mer' of Wingham. OLIVET NEWS Annual Meeting .of..Sunday ►Scaol ..The annual meeting:. of the Un ited ' Church Sunday School, : was held 'on Thursday evening at the home . of the superintendent, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne. Revert end George Bali, , as chairman opened the meeting' with prayer. New teacher& appointed.. were: Mrs. Jack.' McGuire, Misses Jan- et Hamilton , and Ruth White, 'Bill. Black is the new secretary-treas- surer. Gary ..Hoffman :spent-',. Saturday at his. home here. Mrs. Jean Hamilton of. the S.S. Red Wing . spent Sunday with her family here •;• Rev. Elmer • Kennedy and Mrs'.; Kennedy,;. of.Bluevalevisited or Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. ,Wal- ter • Dexter; Phyllis ' Clayton Graduates Miss '.Phyllis Clayton, daughter :of . Mr`. and 'Mrs. . Herb Clayton, graduated from. the Stratford Hos= pital' School. ofNursing o Satur- day. Thirty -friends and r relatives from Thamesville, ' Goderich, Tiff; erton, . Teeswater, . Kitchener and the surrounding community, at- tended the reception, held in her honour •at ; her ..home \here. Phyllis and.her fat':er attended a .father , and daug:.ter banquet held• in Lucky Lots Hotel ' in Se- bringville on 'Wednesday . even- ing, • Phyllis . was . ,awarded the prize for ;proficiency in. medical ' ' . nursing. LOCAL FOLK AND TOURIST TO,p, /(NOW WHERE ✓'TD GO FOR VALUE TRUE Mr.FiMrs. s $WISE AiY SHOPPER'S �,A 7 FRIEND- i LOW. PRICES ON 1IGH QUALITY Furniture and Appliances • -r: t r,.