The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-26, Page 131NEDNESDAY, MA1f26th, 7.965 • Ry Hamilton. OPTOMETRIST NgK7".:T0. LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHA M: PHONE` 357=1361. A, 1M/f.. HARPER•" CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. 55 - 57 South .Street, Goderich Telephone •.'524 7.562 . JOH NSTONE`S FUNERAL' HOME ' Modern and Convenient Lucknow, , Phone 528-3013 Day or .Night. Serving, All 'Faiths" According to. Their Wishes Moderate' Prices Established 1894 A.R.° DU VAL D.C., '' Sp, C. Chiropractor Physio;: ,and‘. Electro Therapist .Wingham — Phone :357-3580 (Office. located on John. St. West;: next' to. Toronto Dominion Bank.) INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIFE TO Protect Your Jack, Insure With .Jack Today: J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R...W ANDREW_ Barrister. and ; Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO; IN LtJCKNOW: Every Wednesday, , and Saturday Afternoon • Office in . the Joynt ' Block Telephone: . Lucknow 528-3116 CRAWFORD .aind. HETHERINGTON- J 1H :CRAWFORD; Wingham and `. Lucknow IN, LUCKNOW MONDAY .and WEDNESDAY Located In Kilpatrick Block Phone Wingham 'Office 357 63 .—t" es 357.2330 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and quality : products, THE LUC,KNOW SENTINEL„ LUCKNOW, BRIDES -To -BE 0;,-., The ' Luck- now Sntinel' hast the most, com- p selection of wedding, ' invi- tations and accessories in the dis- trict. Three sample albums to choose from, in the privacy of your home if you 'wish.With each order of invitations or .announce- mentsyou receive a Free year's subscription . to the paper and a Free engagement announcement., Give us• a call and yonl be .yirel- come to take they samples over- night ''to ; your •home: The -Luck now Sentinel, phone 528-3134. W�gharn Memor�als . GUARANTEED' 'GRANITES ',. CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES ,.Buy Direct, and Save. Bus; Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Contact: ;GRANT CHISHOLM • Phone 'Collect Dungannon .62917524• "Always Look . To .Imperial , For The Best" ' G.k0 1•il�Ilam� Optometrist , 9 Patrick Street W. h WNGH M Phone 257,4282' Imo:, grand... A . .. , �� e ._..son CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS : -. ' 'Box 663 Phone -55%, Kincardine Hadden's Studio PORTRAITS. Weddings and 'Children GODERICH, ONTARIO 1:1.8 St. 'David Street Dial 524-8787 Mac1enze Memorial; Chapel FUNERAL SERVICE 'Services conducted according to your wishes at` your Home,, your . Church, or at our : Mem- ' • orial.. Chapel—at—no additional, charge. Lucknow, Phone 528.3432 Day or Night K J. MaCKENZIEi O.D. Optometrist, .NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY, WEDNESDAY Office.' Hour10.00 '.a m ` `to 9300 p,m.. Phone Roy MacKenzie,, Ripley, 96-r-24 for appointment. R....W.,. `ELL OPTOMETRIST -- GODERI'CH • O. , T. Armstrong. , • ., ;Consultng-Opfometx t ''-` The Square' (Phone. JAckson 4.7661) TED C COLLY,ER Registered Master Electrician • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing' In' .I. Heating, ,E�Iectric Wiring EIIectric.• and Repairs • and. All Electr+cal Appliances. . �..n: w —.Phone 528.5183-' Lack o •. Gaviller, Mclntosh. and r� and •'y01 • , CHATTERED' ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, J, E, Kennedy, C.A. Opposite ?ost bffiee . Phone 8813471 — .Walkerton WUITECHI.RCH Mr.. and • Mrs. ' Chapman • and Garry spent the holiday 'week -end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and, family. Mr. and Mrs: Barry Hill of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Boelke of ' Mount Forest were vis- itors ..with Mr. - and Mrs. • Roy Dawson. -Mr. and Mrs Earl Caslick' were visitors on 'Sunday with: Mr: and Mrs.' Ronald ''Coiultes and ,.family of East-: Wawanosh - Visitors with Mr, arid Mrs. Les-, ter Falconer were her sister Mrs:. Morris Bosman, Bluevale, Mr. Evans and son Dennis . of Pres.- ton. res-ton. Bevan Tiffin spending last 'week in ` Waterloo, "returned home with Barry, Tiffin to spend .the holiday week -end 'with their ,parents. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin: • Mr. arid Mrs. Johnston Conn on Thursday attended' the ._ funeral, of her -uncle the late Scott Webb, at the • Stoddart 'Funeral . Home . in, Paisley. Mr. Webb was: in his 80th year, ' Chalmers Children's.. On'• Sunday Chalmers Children of the Church met.. during church service. The .president, Ruth El- l'iott,: openedthe meeting with the: call, 'to worship. "A ` " hymn was sung. Linda ;McWhinney read' . the scripture: prayer was given by Janie' Laidlaw. The worship • song was ' sung The • minutes were read by Mary' Lou; Wall. The •roll call was answered by , 23' attenders. Douglas Ross. received 'the .offer. ing .which was' dedicated by Mur- ray Simpson:: The class answer . questions: on last 'months story. The new story; The Indian Boy' named: Bari who was sent to the Cecelia Jeffrey .School, .was. :told. by, the: leader,: Mrs. Hugh Simp •son: • The meeting closed ' by': re peating,'the Lord's Prayer in un i• son ' Mrs S. C. Wilks,. Gowanstown, visited during .:the week -end with Mrs. Doris Willis. and family. Mr. and Mks: :Cameron. Simmons' and : Rennie:.. of London, visited: on Sunday. • with her .father ' Charles Martin; Mr and Mrs.- Ezra Schol- tz; • Mr. :and . Mrs• Elroy : Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs Harold Cook of Gowanstown were Sunday Visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs Ezra Schol- tz. . Charles Thompson attended Boy -Scout camp with the Wingham - Scouts from Saturday to Monday.. Mr.. and Mrs. Frank, Cassidy,; Daryl, • Barry and Dawn -Marie of London. and Brian King, Kitch- ener were week -end visitors with Mr. ',and Mrs. Walter.-Arseott. Mr. arid. Mrs George Themp- son and Earl visited- at `Fever sham and'with his mother Mrs. Thompson; still a -patient in Mark- dale.'' Hospital. • 'On .Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. T.' , Lapp, ,accompanied by Mr. arid ..Mrs, Douglas Lapp, celebrat- ed Mr. and Mrs, . W. T. Lapp's 25th wedding, anniversary and. visited her mother Mrs. Wm. Orr whe that', day celebrated her 78th birthday. • :Mr. ' and Mrs. •Don. Dirstein of Toronto 'spent.the' holiday' with her .parents Mr. and Mrs:' Russel, Gaunt, and • on 'Sunday.,, his par- ents Mr. arid Mrs. : John L. Dir- stein ' and •Jacqueline Of Hanover. visited •at the Gaunt home: George. Conn and Mrs. Betty ' Flannigan. who had visited . with her mother Mrs. Toni. Inglis,... accompanied' Mr. and Mrs Dirstein back to Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs,. ; Wallace Conn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon `Scott, Ripley. . George • Conn :. of Toronto and 13111 Jeffray of Belmore; had a trip to • Niagara. Falls on . Sunday: to view the flowers and the Falls. Miss Marilyn • Parker , of Kitch- ener spent the week -end, `With , her sister •Mrs,• Carman Whytock and: Mr. Whytock 'and Jackie., Mr, and Mrs. Douglas • Conley. went to:. Durham on ,Sunday and his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Conley .accompanied. them to 'Lon- don' oe Conle a doll to . vigil. with J yr patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. While there they ?visited -min JIM Richardson, also a patient. there. Mr. and Mrs: Fred Fells, Pa- trieIa, Robert and Susan of Tor-. onto Visited on Sunday.with Mr. and Mrs. Russel. Ritchie. , Mrs, H. J. Powell of Stratford ONTARIO • PAGE THIRTEEN visited fast 'week. ,at , the home Of Mr. and Mrs: :Norman Coultes, with Mrs. George .Coultes . at 'Pine- crest Manor, Lucknow, , and oth •er relatives. . .Victor Emerson, .. en Tuesday; took 'Mrs.. Emerson and. Mrs,. Ern ma Coffin, to . Chatsworth, where the ladies, attended Grey Centre Women's Institute District . Annu- ai', • Stanley Ware Party. On Monday v evening' Mrs. ?Geo= rge Scott of , Wingham . held a Stanley Ware ;party at the home of Mrs. Qscar•.'',Sehef ter ,:A guess ing .contest' was 'help with the winners receiving prizes. Bookings for future parties •were made. At- tending the party were Mrs. Al- bert Coultes, Mrs. Russel 'Chap- man, 'Mrs. Tom Magoffin, Mrs: D. MacDonald, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, _Mrs. Eunice 'Gillespie, Mrs. 'Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. Cassie Falconer, Miss: Lois Falconer, Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs. Ira • Wall, Mrs. Clarence Ritchie,' Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm, • ' Mrs. John .Norman, Mrs ' Jim Currie, Mrs:. Ken Currie, Mrs. Bruyn, Mrs. Dan Tiffin, Mrs/ Howard Martin, Mrs. Grubbe, Mrs. Ezra Scholtz: RON TREVERS AT FIRST MEETING. OF 4-H CALF CLUB. The first meeting of the -Luck- now 441 . Calf Club was held 'at Thrill to, the drama: and historic.: pageantry of Ontario'8' Soutb east 1' Southeast in your Ontario,: family vacations are enriched byhistoryl and' man-made wonders, by cosmopolitan • excitement and rustic tranquility. Return:' to pre -Confederation days. at Upper Canada Village. Relive history.' at Kingston's Old Fort Henry. See the "spectacular parade „of' the Fort Henry Guard: Then, watch ships froth the seven seas.pass through the gigantic' Si. Lawrence Seaway. • Discover Ottawa, .where. new. 'chapters in 'histoyare written every day:Y>sit� the klouses_of�Patlianfanfr and famed National Gallery, the National War Memorial ,and Royal •' Canadian Mint, Theri let scenic High. way 17 take you to giant hydro -electric. generating' stations that harness the Ottawa River. • . ' R'efax; and rough; it if you like, in. scenic Madawaska Talley, Become an ,amateur geologist and hunt' mineral- ' laden rocks amid the fascinating rock formations near'Bancroft. . There's so much waiting for you and your family on -an Adventure Va cation- in Ontario's Southeast. Send us this coupon and •we'llmail you our Great Southeast Ontario Adventure .Vacation booklet. (24 pages in full cohtur). Provinde of Ontario, ' • , 1 Dept. of Tourism & Information; Parliament Buitdings,;'Room 140.3 • Toronto 2 CJ tetra. r n Please send me cotnplefe tnforrrpfton 1 PA Great Southeast Ontario Adventure. 1 Vacafians'. • 1,1'Nettne �: Address tity..w. ...�.Pr6vinCe 1 ♦'WE -SELL, RURAL. ONTARIO': • DISTRICT FARMS . 200 - acre• for only: $12,500. full, ,price, 'Brick home, bank *barn 40' x 56' with ; "IL" 36' g`. e40' with water bowls,. hydro,•' lifter carrier, drive: shed '20"x: e30'.. Gently sloping land .in •a* *high state of fertility. ,• • • • •126 /acre. farm for a ' low down - *payment of • $2500 and full price *only $9900. with' sturdy 9 room *home with , all..Modern conven..` ;fences . and recentlycompletely: ',. *redecorated, Large ' "T" shap-• ed barn . equipped with ' hydro :and water. Here Is a property*,. ;well worth' your, investigation. ,•• . ;PAUL 5. STARRI •. ,`&-COMPANY LTD. REALTORS j' :WINGHAM; : PHONE 357-3840 the home of, Glen ` Walden on._ Thursday; May 20th; with 21 members present. Ron Trevers, the summer assistant for Huron County, was present. The- meting opened on time at 8:30 with : the 4•+H• Pledge. 4' class of three year old cows was dud-` ged Then, reasons; weregiven • by the- members of the . club. ;After a short ..discussion, • all the mem- bers stated they ' wanted to at;: i. tend the +Huron County 4-H. :Live- stock Judging Competition at •Sea- forth on, May 29th. 'Mr. Trevers then ' presented a lesson '. on TDN, ,. after which. they' had to fill out..:. a short. test:. The ' meeting was then adjourned and: lunch was; served:: LOCHALSH Welcome For Farrells Monday evening neighbours of, Mr..'•Nand : Mrs. Tom Farrell at Lochalsh surprised' them • When they . staged a welcome .party for them. ' Cards' and a social' time were enjoyed by all present. The ' 'C.G.i:T, . at Ashfield Pres__ -byterian Church held their `annu al Mother • and Daughter banquet on Monday , evening: Mrs. Ewan MacLean, the leader, and the girls arranged a vefy enjoyable evening. Spending the holiday week -end with Mr. and M9. Toni- . Farrell. were • two of their ..grandchildren,. Mary • Ellen , McGill of . Goderich . and Connie, Farrell of Kincardine. ,' Attending .the Presbyterial meet- ing in ,Molesworth on Wednesday were • Mrs. Donald R. MacKenzie,. , Mrs. Bili; Ross and ' Miss • Sadie Johnstone. • • 'Principal • winners at • the 'flower•`' show in Ripley. on Saturday:were Mrs. Ewan MacLean and ':.Mrs.. David • Elphick. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John .Van der :Veen on the birth .-of—a: sone on..Sunday The. ditching: ' machine' is busy working on' the ,former Donald • Hamilton place, flow owned by Mr. Good of Wingham. Mrs. Gordon Finlayson was in Stratford. on .Wednesday. • Mr.: and 1V1rs. Don . Ainsley. ' and. ehildren of Rexdale . spent ..the week -end• with Mr. and Mrs. Frank• MacLennait, • Visiting' Mr, and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Bill' Barrett and• family and Ray MacKenzie of Toronto: , . Misses Sally .and Louise Mac- Donald. acDonald• of Windsor and Mrs. An- nie MacDonald . of Ripley spent the week -end at—the Dail Mac- Donald home. Mr. and Mrs: Wellington- Web- ster. and family were in Goderich. on • Sunday where they attended the birthday party of Mrs..+ Web ster(s aunt who was .98 years old. Visiting Mr. rand Mrs:. Emile MacLennan for the week -end were Mr.. and Mrs. Bruce Miller 'and' Kevin, and Mr, and .Mrs.. lam Morton of Palmerston,. Mr. and... Mrs. Donald MacLennan and Miss. Marion MacLennan: of Walton and . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacLennan: and John of Stratford,