The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-26, Page 9•WEDNESDAY,. • Mk:. .20h, 190. 1le ewitt Is' Waterloo Graduate (Khnlough News) The Convocation for • Waterloo Lutheran University was held Mon- day;—May. on-day►May- 24th, at • 10;00 a.m., :at the ` Kitchener Memorial Auditor- ium. Alex Hewitt, son , of 'Mr: and Mrs. Jack Hewitt, was among the granduates. Relatives, ' and friends Attending were 'Mr,and Mrs. Jack Hewitt and family, Mr. and Mrs: George, Graham, Mrs: Ray ' Gra- halt, Mrs. Dean Hewitt, Kinloss; Mrs, R. W. Stump and Mrs. An- drews of Walkerton; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hewitt of 'Waterford and ; Dr; Don Mason of St. •Cath- arines.. We extend congratulations at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin' Dunn ' and son Paddy of Toronto spent ;a- while at their : summer home here. Keith Malden , and Bill Zettler spent last Wednesday inHa mil 1? Y m ton. Mr.and Mrs, Clayton Rickert of Breslau, Mr. and " Mrs,. Roman Halter of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr.. •and. Mrs. • Roy Schneller. Mrs. Douglas Dahmer and son Guy of Kincardine :.visited With Mr: . and Mrs. Walter Breckles and Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans and family of Downsview spent ' fhe week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert 1• THE • LUCKNOW • ;SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. Nicho:aaI and' with Mr. And Mrs. William Evans. Mr. and Mrs. 'Karl . 'Boyle and'. Carol and Mrs. William Lloyd of London visited with Edna and May Boyle . on Saturday evening. Mrs John • 'F. ' Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert of Strat- ford visited on`Sunday. with Mrs. William Cox and Rev. Benson Cox. . Mr,' and Mrs. James Ketcha- baw of. Lucknow visited on ' Sun- day evening, with 'Mr: ;and Mrs. Chris Shelton. `• • Mr. and'. Mrs: Bob; Mclnnes .end family of Kingsville visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes* and• Mr. and Mrs.'' Dan McInnes and family. We extend aympathy to Mr. and•. Mrs. Elgin Hogg (nee Marie Schneller) and family in the pass mg, •of his father the late, Robert Hogg of Wingham.. ' The funeral was held .on Tuesday. Mr. and •Mrs Roy Schneller spent Sunday. at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. ..Elgin ,Hogg ..at r Wing- ham The H:W.I. will ' meet . on June 3rd with Mrs. Toni Hodgins and Mrs. Jim Smith,• as hostesses: Roll call, "If ' .1 were a Shut-in how would I like to be remembered"; demonstration on fancy sandwich= es by Mrs. E. Roberts sof .Luck—. now; directors,' Mrs. Lyman•' Sut- ton and' Mrs. William: Eadie. • Mr. -and :Mrs. John :.Marr ' of Ridgetown,, Mr:, and : Mrs: Allan School Children. Visit Parliament (Whitechurch:' News) On Thursday S.S. No.: 9 East Wawanosh held their bus, trip. to. Toronto under the supervision of their teacher, Mrs. Garniss, . and with. S.S. No. • ,; � East ,..Wawanosh w • • Johnston ' of Glencoe were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Sutton .and"'family. • Donald Barr of Waterloo;. Percy Barr of Don .Mills, Mr. and .Mrs„) George Percy of Listowel visited with Mrs. John Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hodgins visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob.. Brooks at Wingham. : Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bushell and family of Toronto spentthe week -end with ' Mrs. John ' Bush- ell. • Friends of Mrs. P. A. `Murray will be pleased' to know' that she is improving and expects to be home in a few days. Mr. J. R. Lane, who as also ' a patient in the .. Wingham and. District hospi- tal, is much improved. Week -end visitors:. atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray were Barbara Murray of Wind- sor,, Mr. and Mrs. Keith' •McCar- . ter and . family of.Wallaceburg,., Mr. & Mrs. Bob 'Dales and fam- ily of ,'Rodney, : Mrs., Lorne Krae- mer and , son Larry of Rexdale. s mess♦gam,. ig t rovidea-pot.rrive answer. If a major purchase. costs' more than you want to spend, the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan ,might well .be the difference between having it to enjoy and go.in g without. '�4i:::i}%fi:i ..•n rfn}::.iy::$(�>: ..n...,... .. 4 JOU CAN BRING: ALL YOUR CRED/T NEEDS IAMB ONE -ROOF. The Bank ••cif.'• Montreal ,,.Family Finance -Plan, . is the modern, economical way to take care of all your credit 'needs without .putting a heavy `strain on your pay cheque.., It puts cash in your hands for a new automo'. bile, washing machine,' TV 'set, wardrobe;'for your family or for meeting .'emergencies and: recurring ,t BANH 763M/LHON (ANAD%AN .. commitments: • ::.v:ne.+;r,.:.r :.in.a•rv:: •,'ri;.?:.:•Y`•:•}: r.w N,j,;.,'.r :,i}.':.': v}.•:M:,+r,Y,..'•;?Y•,::: ff f" ' N�, >t � v4:} •}}�}'•}}:•i}?•}$: .. Fe . .ri: r:. .{. +i>k :.::%{�'�.''r" .}f.a5}y'...�:i;•��'�'•^:''�:+v:>�'�'�'r,'+k $'r:•xr>:•:}•.:. a..r.. i+�l;:�.. •.vrr : r.,y..r. .. J:ri if0'Air?'� • r}:{•}::u$iNu. ui:A•r. .•.. .l..r .. Yr} - ,' 1•. JO YOU CAN. BORROW UP TO 3BOO'AND TAKE UP TO TIIREE 'YEARS TO :REPAY Many people don't know you can walk into any branch. of the Bank of Montreal. 'and ;'arrange a large'- personal: loan. Depending on your income, you can obtain up to$3500. or even, more, .And you can rePay a lout, y 'your. �"within.three• years through• regulapr monthly ,payments geared to your•i•ncome, in'te'rest is low..All FFP loans are automatically lite-insure�tdo, protect your family. • • The .mana'g�,o•r• of. your nearest 13 .of M branch can tell you more aliou't the• Fancily Finance Plan. See him today:. ".and b'e sureto ask for the free 'informative booklets "How to •L ve ori You,r'in.come and Enjoy•'I.t" spy Yr BANK OFMONTREAL t14 .. � 644414 : 4awasaat YYr •rw aanatu-^pm ! 7t1�'h'•.f•;f:".,n.shw,.w:.:xx�r'.rrr:.h:...'n):.,' ��UCI'(NOW BRANCH Milton r(ayner, Manger PAGE•NIN! *BUY FOUR GALLONS OR QUARTS OF MOORGARD GET ONE EXTRA. CAN... wOhdets h One 00494 ORGARD®ARD®, LATEX HOUSE PAINT •. Its "Magic Film" lasts for extra years .: doesn't fade or check. s Dries =``bug -free". in minutes: Clean-up of tools is easy ... just use soap and water. Wonderfulchoice,, of colors. Benjamin • DDre=pa� int IMPERVO High Gloss Enamel The finest 'enamel any'. Where •--- • indoors: or out- doors. Fiows, to a mirror' smooth: finish' every time,. Here's a floor : paint that: �s ready tough inside or, out this higt h gloss finish stays g Resists wear and weather. N..••• GOOD QUALITY BRUSHES 1'/s'Angular Nylon PAINT THINNERS' ►CIAL-' 4 Nylon '. CAULKING: GUNS. A heavy-duty ' . high .pressure tool that is built to last. k 'r•' :jut `aa'deDLo (f'�rry�i40i +,nl.+ ^�•r ;+..�` •�• . 3??I`'+'y�' '` OP CLOTHS S • . to protect your shrubs Heavy Canvas 9' x'12' Plastic This Offer Good For Month Of June OnIy 111111 LUCKNOW y ' :urdie, Spin .PHONE 5282906 their teacher . Mrs. Gordort Bos man, held their trip.' As .`well as the• pupils, the . mothers and oth- er ladies in the 'community Went along. Both ,buses met at Bramp- ton and toured together Fort ' perk, Z o o, Airport, ' Riverdale .Park, and, sat in for half ' an hour on a ,session, of .Parliament which Murray Gaunt, MPLa„ for this part, had arranged • for ..theta. Grades 6, 7 and' 8 were .allowed to visit' the parliament and the • junior grades were entertained at the museum across 'the street. • After the sessipn 'in 'Parliament Mr, Gaunt had them taken to the:. cotinmittee • roam where each was treated to a box lunch. milk and dixie cup.: They . were also shown r a guide. around the grounds by The pupils ,and mothers extend: their thanks to Mr.• Gaunt. for his thoughtfulness in providing the. educational entertainment a n d treats for them.