The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-26, Page 8AGM EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th, 196S IRWIN,S CONSTRUCTION ENEBAL CONTRACTING. BULLDOZING -BACK HOE. SAND -GRAVEL HAULAGE 528-3048 LUCKNOW eception Heldft orNewlyweds. (Whitechurch News) On .Friday. °evening a reception and. dance, with Farriers Orches- tra in atttendance, Was held .in Whitechurch , Community Memor- ialHall, inhonour of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Struthers (nee Marlene Martin) newlyweds. At lunch time Mr, and. Mrs. ,Struthers were called to the front and given seats, of .honour,' while. Neil Rintoul read a poetical 'ad- dress •: to them. ' Theywere pre- sented with:` •a e- sentre i? gift of money by. Donald Gaunton behalf of ' the ;,community Bob , •relied thankin all • f p � g or,. their gift, putting , on ., the .,,rece recep- tion p. tion and kindness in thinking of them. ;.Marlene too .replied, 'add ging ' her thanks to those of her husband, A large ` crowd was in attendance: • TO ADDRESS MEETING OF HURON TUBERCULOSIS ASSOC, Dr:. Neville Lefcoe;. of London, willaddress the annual dinner meeting . of the Huron ' .County Tubeculosis Association 'in Sea - forth on Monday. His' subject will. be, ' "Research in Lung Disease Today." Dr. Lefcoe is a medical doc- tor from ' Vanderbilt • -University, Nashville, Tennesee, and received his Fellow Royal College. of Phys- icians in 1956. He has had '.exten- sive post -grad uate study ..:and ex- perience in :;the United.States and Canada At the present time, : Dr. Lefcoe is Associate Professor. of ,Medic- ine, Medic:ine, Universiy . of Western Ontar io. His interests •are largely. con- cerned with teaching of. Pulmon- ary disease at the Medical School,. managing the lung function :lab oratory at Victoria 'Hospital, and various research problems, in- cluding the distribution . of ;bronch bronch- ial disease in different occupa- tion groups in London, with re- gard to dust exposure:in the var- ious occuations, and ' the effect of exercise "and body condition- ing ¢, ing on. • lung functionin normal people,.' and in people with various.. diseases. Lucknow Over H�If- Century.. ..MRS. 'FiO�}VIAS aW.' SMITH Mrs. Thomas Smith,' a resident of .Lucknow' for many' years,.pass. ed :away- in Wingham and District Hospital . on •May 1th., Shehad been a patient since the . day ' be- fore h e r husband's death on March 27th. Mrs. „Smith was. 83. .Born. in • Lucknow, on January, •10, 1; :2, she was the former Mary A. (-Allie):Smith;; the daughter of Alexander Ross,: and Mary Ann nn Shelton. Mr. 'Ross' Was a harness maker in''Lucknow.. ' She married Thomas W Smith of Tara in • 1903: -,Mr. and. Mrs. Smith resided in Tara, Wingham andDetroit for atime before coming to Lucknow ' in 1916. Mr. Smith spent. 25 years in the' gar- age business . in Lucknow, • The funeral > service for • Mrs. Smith was held . from. MacKenzie Memorial Chapel on May 10th. Burial was in Greenhill Cemetery. 'Rev. J. R. King, , rector of St. Peters -Anglican Church of which Mrs. Smith was a member, was theofficiating clergyman. , Pallbearers were' . Ken Camer- on, Joseph: MacMillan, ' Cameron MacDonald, Walter • Alton, James, Mullin, Clarence Greer. si en }.IT:E.CH.URCH Mr. ;and'. Mrs. Chas King wof Detroit spent .the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.• .Russel , Ritchie. Attend W.I. Annual. Attending Bruce South. District Annual at. Bervie'. from, White- church were Mrs. Dave Gibbs, Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs. Tom • Mag- offin, Mrs. Ed '.Walker, Mrs. „Geo- rge Walker,, Mrs : Victor. Emer- son, Mrs. Emma Coffin who was song leader for the . meeting and Mrs. Garnet Farrier who ' was pi- anist for the day:. IPLEY, MEAT 1.VI41JIKET custom Butchering •.Mondays Hogs, •-in—by 00 porn, CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERT DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We do Curing and Smoking . Beef,, Pork and: Lemb... -Whole;. , Haif or Quarter , For Better Service, Lower' .;Prices • Call Ripley • 100.. ,: • ORAS HQOISMA,' S ALUMINUM SALES (Nash). .NoW is the time to have those • Nash :aluminum doors and windows. installed for summer. comfort: Free estimate. LUCKNOW ' DIAL .528-3i23 - art Plunkett of -. Godericli: - Pra " er. ''meeting' was.held Wed yMrs. Angus' ` MacDonald - a n d' nesday evening at the Manse, the home of Mr,', ; and Mrs. Donald: Watt. ' The topic, was the discus- sion : of . Psalm 37 The ' residence: across from Watts Feed :'Mill, recently.., vacat= ed. by Mr: and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and family, .has been rented/ to Mr.. ` and Mrs.. Emerson. Hickey and family of Wingham. Mrs. Walter Arscotr' returned on Thursday evening from attend- ing the C.W.L.." 'Convention' in Chat- ham and visiting with. friends. Little. Rose ,Mary Collyer spent a few days ' last` week: with her, grandparents Mr. and • Mrs. Stew Mrs. H. D. MacDonald 'went to London on Wednesday to .bring Mrs Lizzie . MacDonald •h o m e from Victoria' ospital. Those attend : the 'Presbyter- ial res - 'T e tt b ter y ial " meeting at "Molesworth on Wednesday from Whitechurch were ` Mrs. Wallace Conn, Mrs. Russel. Ross, Mrs. Andrew, Gaunt, Mrs. Donald Watt, ..Mrs.. Dawson C^aig sand Mrs. Frank Coulter. The afternoon devotions were; scripture . reading , Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, meditation . Mrs. Russel Ross . ' and Prayer. Mrs. ; Wallace: Conn based on the theme. " Doing Service as to the Lord • nclar uprise It.. has become almost : standard` .practice today •'for ;people ,to go. to :their bank to finance the purchase . of cars and other family items. You, too, may have found it a goo • _idea to borrow where you save d.t your local bank Itis Often, simpler; because the, bank, already knows ' you. as a savings customer. 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