The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-26, Page 3WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th, 1965 .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,,• LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , PAGE • TREE. . Barbecue Time At Hall's Red �7'c. Sale one Steak Sirloin Steak:. Round:Steak Boneless Round Steak Roasf Rump Roast . or Sirloin Tip.. toast 77� per Ib.. ite Super far et Extra Lean Fresh Minced` Ground: Chucks — 57c Ib. • Fo(POiet.-. Doggy or Cut 1.�od PARD, SAVE ,19c, I5 oz. Saran Wrap: SAVE 6c, 50 ft. ROLL, 12" Luncheon i ea' KAM,' SAVE 15c,: 12 oz,` J�iIy:Dessert JELLO, .DBL.. SZ:, SAVE 10c, CrflCil ST: LAWRENCE; SAVE 6'c,• 2S 'oz.. Margarines MONARCH COLSAVE Sc PARCHMENT, 1 Ib PKG.. oz:. PKG. , Toilet Tissue— FACELLE, C.. PLY, "SAYE: llc, .ROLLS Potato of Chips 5 c HOSTESS, TWIN'PACK, SAVE 1Oc, 13 oz. BAG TunaFps SAICO, SAVE, 9c,• 7. oz. • onte Prunes LARGE, SAVE 6c,.`,1 Ib Pepsodent. REG. 69c, MARKED 61c, GT.:.: Pepsodent 1Sc OFF PACK, REG. $109,'aSUPER:> TooIhJrusbes . PEPSOD.ENT, .ADULT,• • REG;,45c, ':EACH BAKERY Cinnamon Buns TURE WESTON, 'REG. 39c, 12 TO PKG,.. Garbage Can. $6.98, VALUE, GIANT SI C' E 12. GALLON with $5.00 ' erchgse • L PHONE 528-3001•. - FREE : .LIVERY. LOCAL and GENERAL' NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fred - Steward • of • London visited on the holiday week -end, with his mother Mrs, Charles . Steward of town; PalmerIrwin of . Lucknow is. a, 'patient • in Wingham ' District. Hos- pital: He • was admitted Oil ,Tues, day of last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross +McDonagh;:'. `Mimico,. and 'Mrs.' Ward :Fritz and Mary Lou of Exeter were, visitors, over the week -end with. Mr., and Mrs, , Jack 'McDonagh of town,. Mrs, Albert Little returned this, week to her', home, on the out- skirts ' of Lucknow, •from .Tavis- tock, where .she spent . the winter with ' her son Lyle Gaynor and Mrs; Gaynor. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Steve Stothers. over the week -end were Mrs. Mary (Bain) Stewart • and son David. of Toronto, Mrs. Isabel Campbell, Peter and Rosemary,'. and friend from Hamiln' called on Saturday, Mr.. & Mrs. J. D. Schulz. & Andrew also called and opened up the cottage 'at Kintail. They are moving next week to their new home in 'Clarkson.. An old friend from Brussels,. Russel eight,, c}atled on Monday. Miss Catherine Rouiylard o f i n i7 Quebec •City is. visiting, is week. t .at the homey .of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd: Ashton;, . Miss Lorna : 'Campbell of Tor onto visited' ed' with her ' sister Mrs. Robert Thompson on the week-. end• Those attending the 'graduation of Fraser Ashton at the Univers - it of on Friday were Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ashton and • M. and,. Mrs. Don Thompson; of Lue- knoW and Catherine Rouillard ..of Quebec, 'City. Mr. and Mrs: Ash ton, and Mr, and Mrs. ThOtripSOri Wert, 'dinner • guests at the borne of • Mr. and Mrs: Fred• Ferguson .of Guelph . ori .Friday evening.. Mrs. R. F. king of, Preston vis- ited for:'a Week recently with her son Rev, ' J.. 1Z King, Mrs— King and fancily.. • u Martin in and Berry Miss Kay Mowbra of Toronto werc, week- end 'visfors at the home of •Mr. and Mrs. Virden Mowbray Ite Gcor.ge Anderson of Sherbrooke, Quebec and Mary .Anderson of Toronto, spent the week -end. with their parents .Mi...and 'Mrs.. Wy 13.. Anderson. , Mr. and . Mrs. Wm.. Hewat and- •Ardonna of . Willowdale visited ;in townon the .weekend. They open-' ed their cottage at the foot of the 'twelfth 'of Ashfield for the summer season. • • Misses Olive and Flora Web- ster; Bea and Margot• Parker were week -end 'visitors in Luck - now. • Mr, and , Mrs., ' Reid Leonard,. Jimmy and Donnie of Ayr were visitorslast week -end with :Mr.. and Mrs,. Elwin 'Hall. Mr. and :Mrs. Angus MacKin- non, John; .Dan and Christine of Aurora; Mrs. 'Bill MacKinnon, Jim and galy of Calgary; Mr. 'and Mrs, Bruce Johnston; David and Nancy . of Aylmer were :vis- itor'•s last week -end.' with Mr, • and Mrs. Donald MacKinnon. Mrs. Bill MacKinnon, th e former Mary Johnston of Lucknow, and child- ren dim . and Judy have .been visiting in ' Toronto for the' past ten clays with her father Dr. W. V..Johnston, returning • to .Calgary 'on Tuesday. Mrs, William Irvin ,returned to her ,home, . R.R. fi' Lucknow; this week, • after being hospitalized in Wingharn District hospital for five weeks with a heart condition, New Mernbers ` Welcome SPECIAL RATES FOR OUT OF TOWN MEMBERS ` • RENTAL': ,.CLUBS A)0011, ABLE •': ,FOR, . BEGINNERS' Student: Rats ro Shop • JACK LLOYD, ' PRE.SJ:DENT RAY' ,NE'AL, • •TREASURER Local and General Mr. and Mrs: A. J. Sherwood and Mrs. Frances Henry of ,Dun- gannon, Mr. and Mrs:. Alvin Rit- chie and family of Sarnia were holiday visitors ,:w i t h Mr and Mrs.. Les Ritchie: Guests . over the week -end' at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacPhersons and 'Mrs Margaret . MacPherson' were . Mr., and Mrs. Gordon' Mac- Pherson, Betty Mae, Ronnie and Marilyn of Stratford, Mrs. .,:Stella Wilson of 'Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Ca0. Schofffr, Gary and .' Dale' of Londoi, Mr.' and ° Mrs. Kydd of Culross, Mrs. Annie Wall and 1Vrs McQuaig of 4; Teeswater Frank Miller of - Langside is: a patient in ,, Wingham District pital. • Mr. and Mrs. Norm, Siegrist of Lucknow:.visited over the ,week- end—with—Mr:. eekend-with Mr:. and Mrs Al -Griffin f ' Dorset in - Northern Ontario. rs. W. G. Murdoch'. and Karen, and rs. M. Ramsey of ` Toronto were Sunday visitors ..with. Mr. and Cam MacDonald and Mr. Hill. Mr. an and Mrs. • Mrs L. E:. Goyette ' alter Campbell of town visited over the weekend in Ottawa with Mr. ,Goyette's moth- er Mrs. Alice ,Goyette and his brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goyette: • Mr. and Mrs. John 'D, Ross of Cayuga were guests at, the home of Mr. :.and Mrs. Philip Stewart ' • for the holiday week -end. Mr. Ross is . principal of the Public School in Cayuga, but is retiring at the end of :this school term. 'He ' was a former principal of 'I:ucknowi Public School, preceding Stuart Collyer. Mrs. J. C. McNab` . returned home ' :Sunday after being a pa- tient in Wingham Hospital for a few days. • Mr. and Mrs. Mac Graham `.of Toronto visited with ;her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wellington' Hender- son, 'Lucknow.. . Visitors . with Mrs. Margaret Sproul last week ' were her sister And husband, Mr. and Mrs. • R. Rosel of Grand Rapids, Michigan, also sister, Mrs. Martha. Million of: Goderich. Callers . over •fhe week -end at the same home, Mr,. and Mrs. Frank Barkwell of Tor- onto, Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Mc- Intosh and two ''daughters. of Ami herstburg, , Ontario, and Mr. El- liott Taylor of Kincardine; Ont, Mr, E. iHathway of Courtwright, 'will "be the guest speaker'"' at the Annual Temperance, Federation Service, in the Lucknow United Church next Sunday morning., `Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Farrish of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall and Allan .of Kinloss spent the .holiday ._ week -end in Renfrew' and" Ottawa. At Renfrew they visited with .Mr, and Mrs. Clare MacDougall and Mrs. An- nie Bolo. • TOO LATE. TO. CLASSIFY TEACHERS WANTED Ashfield ` Township School Area Board ''requires f o r 'September•, lst, 1965, one teacher ',forsenior grades, . one ' teacher for ; junior grades. Salary schedule in effect. Reply stating', qualifications ti Howard Blake,. secretary -treasur- er, ecretary-treasurer,.R.R. 7 Lucknow. GUELPH PAIR HURT Two , Guelph - men: were :injured. in a car accident near Kintail on Highway 21 Saturday. John Kerr, 20, of .'60: aterloo" Ave., Guelph, sufferedsh and had . 'his right hand injur He was . driving the car' when it left the road. ; A passenger, William. B of 86 Kent : St.; Guelph, was ferred, from Wingham Hospi -Victoria- multiple `injuries:'. His. condition yesterday was reported as fair. Lucknow► Presbyterian Church Rev.: Roderick MacLeod ' Minister SUNDAY; MAY 30th, a. 10:00. a.m. , Sunday School 11;00 a.m. Morning Worship . LU•C.KNOW URCH n. UNIT D CH Rev, Ho and ` W. 8trapp • i Minister • . SUNDAY, MAY 30th i 1Q,00. a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning. Worship ' ' ,Mr. E. Hathway Of The Temperance Federation j • ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Sunday After Asceilslan Day. ` ' • Church, School, 10:15 a,nii. 'Morning Prayer 11,:15 a.M :Thursday' -` Ascension Days Holy Commttnion, • '14i 60 •8.00 The Rev, J: R. King, Rector' '