The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 13;WEDNESDAY. .MAY19th,, 1965 BRIDES—TO—BE. • ;The 14,1k• • now Sentinel has the most tom-- Harnilton plete ' selection of wedding mvi; THE . LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO OPTOMETRIST NEXT TO.: LYCEUM ; THEATRE .WINIAHAM PHONE 357.1361 , IAR:PER CHARTERED: 'ACCOUNTANT'' 55 -, 57 'South. Street, Goderich . Telephone 524-7562 • 'JOHNSTONE'S • .FU:NERAL HOME • Modernand; Convenient ; Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 ' Day or Night Serving All Faiths. According - to Their . Wishes' Moderate Prices'• ' • •Established ' 1894 R.:DU VAL D C.i- ,Sp. C.. Chiropractor Physio and Electro Therapist • Wingham Phone 357.3580 (Office 'located on • 'John •St.,',West: next -,to . Toronto'. Domir ion Bank) 1 NSU RANCE FIRE, WIND, .'CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE. and LIFE • To: Protect., Your.. ;Jack Insure With .Jack . Today. J..A.. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone. 528-3423 L W. ANDREW Bar_r..ister. and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon • Office '.in ' the Joynt : Block Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 tati▪ ons and accessories, in the dis- trict. ,Three sample: •albums, to choose from 'in"•..the 'privacy ..cit ' 'your home if you wish. With.each• order of invitations ,or announce- ments you receive a Free year's, subscription to the paper' and a Free engagement : announcement.. Give us a call and you'll be wel- come to take • the samples ' over- night. vernight. to your home. • The Luck- now Sentinel, phone; 528-3134:•... Ingham . Memorpls GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY. LETTERING.' REASONABLE PRICES Buy ' Direct and Save Bus. Ph. ' 357-1910 ' Res. Ph. 357=1015 Phair and Acheson: 'CHARTERE9 .ACCOUNTANTS' MUNICIPAL AUDITORS. ox. 663. • 'Phone , 55' Kincardine ' .. adden`s Studio PORTRAITS • 'Weddings :and Children ' GODERICH, ONTARIO, 118 St, David Street Dial 524-8787 MacKenzie. r�:Chc'peJ Memo nal • FUNERAL SERVICE Services -conducted according tq your wishes at /your Home,.. your Church, or at our Mem- orial, Chapel at no additional: charge. . CRAWFORO and HETHERINGTON J. H. CRAWF.ORD, Q.C. Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW MONDAY and WEDNESDAY tt Located. in Kilpatrick Block' Phone 'Wingham •Office• 3574630 " Res. 357-2330 IMPERIAL OI,L PRODUCTS. 'for :prompt service, and quality products, . • Contact: • GRANT CHISHOLMI Phone Collect .Dungannon 529.7524 "Always' Look' To Imperial For. The Best" , • WiIIiams,.O.D. Optometrist 9 Patrick Street W. . WINGHANI Phone . 357-1282 Lucknow, Phone 5283432 Day .or Night #•.4p•Pow.osiVairiNr:AP,04 d 4).4 avow K' J. MacKENZIE, :0.0. ' Optometrist • NOW I;WRIP'LEY ' EVERY : WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a.m.•: to 9:.00 pm. Phone', Roy MacKenzie,' 96 -r-24 for appointment. • R. .BELL OPTOMETRIST'—”,G,ODERICH , F. T.'Armstrong Consulting, Optometrist, The Square (Phone J;Ackson '4.7661) ..'TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL 'CONTRACTOf • Specializing''In' Electric Heating, Electric `Wiring and Repairs and All Electrical Appliances Lucknow •-- Phone 528-5182 • caviller, Mcdntosh and ward • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner,, 1": 1 .. Kennedy,• C.,A:'. ,' Opposite Post Office / Phone MOM.— -• 'Walkerton 1 44 FT • I: wish to thank all who renzem bered . me , with cards and 'visits: while I :was a:: patient in :Victoria' Hospital,: London. , Special thanks. to . Rev. Benson. •Cox ffor his ,visit. James Hodge The. family '`•of the late William Reid wish to 'express; ' their .sin- cere thanks • and.. appreciation for the .messages, ' of • sympathy and the. 'many acts of .kindness. .dur- ing their recent. 'bereavement • To' all who' contributed hi any way toward. my 'Comfort, while in the Wingham ' District Hospital, please accept my y sincere thanks. Such acts of kindness were most sincerely appreciated. Thanks .a gain. .: . • J. M.' Greer /•. • To those. who. expressed • their sympathy in, so many 'beautiful and , practical 'ways during our. recent, . bereavement, we ' extend our •sincere thanks We wish to. extend our heartfelt appreciation to Dr.McKim •Dr; Corrin; the Nursing' Staff at Wingham Hospi- tal, • and Mr. Ed. Stiles, for., their understanding and//guidance .in..the past months. The 'family of . the : late'„Emily: Finnigan, .. • w 'The family of the . late ¥ary: Jane Haigh, express \ .their , thanks for•the many kindnesses of friends during a time :of sorrow.' Special thanks to the IteV.' H.. W. • Strapp, , .the officiating cleryman, ''the . Mac- Kenzie Funeral Home and. the ac- tive : pallbearers. I would like to express my Y thanks to all : who sent cards, gifts, flowers, and visited., .- ine while a . patient . in,. Wingham hos-, •pital. ' Special thanks to. Doctors' Corrin and McKim, and the' staff. at,. the Hospital. • Mrs. Henry MacKenzie PURPLE. GROVE The Purple Grove "Institute met at the home of Mrs. Helen Swann en. Tuesday: Miss Margaret Robertson; Mrs.. Frank Dore and Mrs... Cecil Sut- ton spent Monday evening. .with Mrs., Morford 'MacKay. 'Mrs. Donald : McCosh. and Mrs. Burton .Collins attended the ' 40th anniversar-y of the—Campbells- Corners Institute on Saturday. Vickie Dore 'spent •.a . day .with; Mary Helen MacDonald while Dir. anne visited Cathy Dore.; . • Diane and Julie Stanley spent Tuesday with Mrs. Helen Swann.., • Slides Shown At U.C.W. Ber'vie United Church ' Women Unit •2 met at.. the home of Mrs. Frank Dore • on' Wednesday. 'even- ing. Lois 'Hunter showed •.pictures of Bella Bella, ' B.C. ' • Dr. and Mrs. James Emerson and -Prank of Charing, Cross spent the 'week -end with Alr. and ' Mrs. George Emerson. Mr. • and Mrs. William .Arnold and Bill' Graham visited Mr. "and', Mrs. Donald,. McCosh : and .Dick. Mr. • and . Mrs. ' Francis' Boyle attended the funeral .of the lat- ter's _ • uncle; Lloyd 'Avery, . Tees Water • Mr: and 'Mrs. Gordon' Patter son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fors- ter and family, Mr: and Mrs. Bill Robinson of Oakville; • Mr. and Mrs...Ardill Mason,Mr, and • Mrs. Donald McCosh visited Mr. .and Mrs.; . Currie Colwell and ` family, South Kinloss, on Sunday. Stationery , Values The Lucknow Sentinel has some real bargains.. on ,display in boxed writing paper,, writing • pads, en-• velopes, hastynotes,. etc, '-WE WERE ABLE` ,TO CHASE, A T .CONSIDERABLE SAVINGS, 'A CLEARANCE' OF STATIONERY BY' A MANUFAC- TURER. WE ANUFAC-TURER..:WE •ARE OFFERING MANY BARGAINS, UpTO50%O.Off . on, tiffany .i:tenis OTHER. 'ITEMS AT .ONE-THIRD. ,OFF' ' tucknow Sentinel N ORIAM COLWELL' — In ,.loving , memory of our ,mother Mrs. J.'. W. Colwell, who passed away. May ' 26th, . 1963. Sadly missed along, life+ way, "Quietly remembered every • days, No longer, in our lives to share, But in our ' heart's she's 'always there. . . Always . remembered • by the family . WILSON' In •memory of Mrs. Hugh Wilson, .Who passed away,. May; .20th,. 1964. A wonderful mother,woman and aid; • , One who was better. God never made. • • A wonderful worker, so loyal and true; One in ..a•. million, that, mother, was you, • • Just in .your judgment, . always right, • ' - : • Honest and liberal, ever, upright, Loved by. ' your friends and . all • whom you knew; / ,• A wonderful •mother, that, Mo- ther, was . you.., Lovingly 'remembered by 'dau- ghter Anna, Clare and family. STANLEY : In loving memory of ' a dear. son and 'brother '. Carl Stanley, who passed. away 'very suddenly, one : year •ago,., May 24, 1964. Sometimes it's.:hard •to under- stand • Why some .things have to'' be But in Hiswisdom God hap plan- ned lan-ned' Beyond our : powers Powe s to see.. Gode takes the beat for• reasons div He needeine 'in a new star in 'Heaven. A 'beautiful .light to. shine', Just when your life was brightest Just when your 'years were best But God who; • knoweth best Held >out ' his ' loving arms 'and, said : Come unto me and rest:' There loveis.. -no parting from those No distance can divide;' • For today in memories gardens We ' s,till walk' :side by: side • A da, ,of.: remembrancesad to recall' Without• farewell he left ' us all. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed .by Mom : and Dad and, family. , • APPLICATIONS ' Applications wanted for labour er ..to. work ' :: for ; Bruce County Highways for' Holyrood. Patrol, 50 hour week, rate. $1.15 to. $1.35 'per ` hour,. steady , work,' 2' weeks , hdlf days, • pension a n d sick credit plan. For particulars apply to Max • Bushell; Holyrood,; ''or the undersigned.. < Applications should be in writ- ing to the. .undersigned. by:i May 28th, • 1965. E. G. Mundt,' County Engineer,. Box; 398, Walkerton,' Ontario. hitechurch W.I. Sponsor us'. rip.. (Whitechurch ,News)* Qn Tuesday the ' Whitechurch Women's "Institute sponsored ; a bus' trip to Collingwood:' to view the. Georgian Bay. ;China , Shop, Blue Mountain PotteryPlant., Rainbow :Pottery,' Georgian • Bay Beverages' Plant,, China . Decora- tion Industry, , and on the way home they shopped for ; an hour in Owen' Sound. :Those who enjoyed'this:.bus trip were 5 . grade 8 girls; from Wing- ham, Mrs, Bill Austin, Miss An- nie , Kennedy, Miss Marion Simp- son; Miss Agnes Williamson, • Mrs.' Scotty Forbes, Mrs. Percy Har: ris. Mrs. Margaret Foxton, Mr's, Bill, Lapp, Mrs. /John L. Currie,' 'Mrs. Wesley' Young;. ' Mrs. Lloyd Moffat; Mrs; ,Johnston 'Covin, Mrs, Wallace' Conn, Mrs: Earl Caslick, Mrs. Emrria Coffin, Mrs. Albert' Coultes, .Mrs. Russell Chapman, Mrs. ,Elwood. Groskorth, Mrs, H. D. MacDonald,, Mrs. Dan. Tiffin, Mrs. George Walker; Mrs. Lester Falconer; Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Ed Wade), . Mrs. Darold, Congram, Mrs'. Gordon Congram, The la- dies• had their' . Supper', iri 'Owen Sound and arrived home : at 9:00 pari, PAGE THIRTEEN •••444:4•••••••••••••a r i • • • , ''WE. SELL, RURAL` ONTARIO'•• • ., • • • DISTRICT FARMS •j; �2o0,. acre farm for only $12,500.• full price. Brick:. home, • bank •barn 40'x56'' with ' "L" 36''x+ `- •40' with water bowls, hydro, • ;litter carrier, drive shed 20' xZ •30' 'Gently sloping land, in .a• , ;high • state of fertility. • : *126 acre farm for a low down-• +payment of $2500.and full price :only $9900. with sturdy 9 room. •home with all; ,modern conven-• :fences and recently."completely. •redecorated. `Large "T" shap-• :ed barn equipped with: hydro: land water. Here is a property • :well'worth your investigation. jPAUL S. l• STARR • &• COMPANY LTD. REALTORS: : WINGHAM, PHONE - 357-3840 14 ' .- RETURNED•FROM NEW YORK (Langside • News) Mrs.,' Win. Evans of Langside • has returned to her 'home : after spending is few days iln New York; lCity. While in• New York she :vis- ited with her sister : and : brother- in-law Mr. and; ' Mrs. ' Alfred Shaw.: from England who are • visiting relatives in North America. While there Mrs.; Evans enjoyed .a con- ducted tour. ; of New York "City. She . motored' to St. Thomas and then travelled by train ' to New York. SON PROMOTED Sgt.,„Hugh; A Feagan, RCMP, Ottawa, : and son , of Mr. • and Mrs. Chester Feagan, Goderich, has. recently been promoted .. to Staff `. Sergeant. He is Senior N.C.O. in. the Criminal Investigation branch for the Yukon ' and Northwest 'Ter ritories:. SISgt. Feagan, who 'join- ed the , force . in 1950,' .moved ;from Inuvik, . N.W.T.. to - Ottawa last summer. Mr. and Mrs Feagan. operated the store at Langside a ' number of years ago. .•••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • i` a • • • Experienced i All • Work Guaranteed • Prompt Service ' DON'S TV SERVICE •• f. 0• a,• • • •.' • ' . Reasonable Rats • RblR • PHONE 184, ' RIPLEY •••••i•••6*so•••• •••a D�ad.'Stock Removal Service We are licensed to remove your '.dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal.. GORDON YOUNG, ,Elmira'. Phone Collect to • MRS. GORDON TAYLOR 528-5950. Lucknow' 24 hour •Service . Licence Nos. 215C63 and 22R63 Dead Animal Removal :' For DEAD or. DISABLED " ANIMALS .-- CaII 'COLLECT. r Darting and*. Company of Canada Ltd. Clinton HU -2-7269 . Dead Animal License ' No.' 3S0 -C -6S- •