The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 11WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th,: !965 West Wawar.osh.• Council Minutes, The regular, meeting of the 'West Wawanosh, Township .Council. was ' held on. May :4th with all members present,: This Was one' week early in .ordor to allow the Road Sup= erintendent to* attend Road .Sup : erintendents' schoolin Guelph on May :10h, 11th,, and 12th;, The. minutes' of the April' meet- ing were` read and ' adopted on motion' of Councillors, Lyon, and Jefferson., .. • `A letter Sfront 'the � Village.' of.. 'Manchester, .'(Au'bur'n) regarding work to ,be done on village streets `'. under the ,supervision of the Roaa Superintendent, was discussed. The Read Superintendent was. in-. THE 'LUCKNoW SENTINEL, I CKNOW; ONTARIO PAGE ELEM.; account, $90:00, Pinecres Manor, Luckno«;, indigent 'patients acct `t116.26; H.E.P C,,.; township hall ',ower, $6:75; Wingham .Retarded Chi:drens Education . ,Authority? 1'Ion.icipai Offieeis'Ass, .fee;'$20.00, costs, $222,01.; S; H.:' Blake,, H,C,' Municpal Officers Ass: fee, $20.00,' Road ..Accounts: Harwey Cul-. ber t, salary,. $126.50; Angus Mc- Donald, o erasing grader, $221:38; ,Oil Ltd.; .fuel and tax, $16d.91; Grant Chisholm, motor oil, tax, $69,58; D,R.M.C',0. Ltd., filters; gaskets ,parts, .$51;0$; Nor- man. McDonald,. hauling gravel, $284.00; K.' it. Dawson.,': shovel,' paint; wire, $9.34;; ' . Road Sup't school, , tution fee, $30:00. o Council adjourned' to meet on 'T'uesday, June 8th. ' Joan C. Armstrong . struCt3d to • contact the', District Municipal Engineer in this :regard, , , Kintail V'.1 The May' Meeting of the •Kin-, •tail Women's Institute ' Was held` May Othin the evening, at; the dome '• of . Mrs.. `Jack. !Collinson. Mrs Bert . Alton, '.president, 'and WS; . Alvin. Robb, secretary, con- ducted- the meeting. The roll call was `.'The people.: who . lived in your house. years 'ago." • The .: topic was • historical' re= search, - .when different ..members took. some. antiques. Mrs. s Dave NfcMurchy had thea rziotto, "Don't'. be like the rocking ,.. chair,, :.all motion: of on and :no progress.... Jacq- 'ueline: Call'bisonsang a 'solo ' "Roa- m,in' in the . Gloamin'." After the: 'singing of the Queen and 'the , :Institute 'Grace., ' lunch. was. served by the hostess and her: committee in charge. • Council was informed of' the 1 Hur on County Municipal• Officers' Association. meeting to be held in Hensall on May. 26th. _ • Considerable discussion took. 'place concerning the condition' of the .Township .roads •at the present. time. The application of calcium 'chloride and the spraying of the ' " roadsides ' were. also discussed, but because' of .the' still soft con- dition of the roads, no 4efinite ac- tion was taken: • The ..road . accounts were passed for payment on a Motion/by-Coun- cillors Errington : and Lyons., Moved -by Councillor Jefferson and seconded by 'Councillor R. Lyons, to pay the following gen- eral .:accounts: ". Anders.on. Flax Products,'.warbicide; '$184.00; Wat- erloo Mutual Ins. Co., bond prem. ium; $10,00;.-K. K. Dawson,' relief BANK OF N ONTREAL- .,.. BANE' 70.3 M/WON tANAd/ANS: Bring all:, your personal credit needs LOW -'COST L.IFE-INSURED• LOANS.' LUCKNO'W B ANCH -�-- Milton Rayner, Manager' .R UNIT O cC opl. auanare a.•wua 4011•11 "Isamu 4 • 4" 1 hig analysis You get moretotal fertilizer nutrients per dollar whQ, n you, buya` high analysis: You' hive less fertilizer to .ligndle, and you are mpre likely, to give your crop .fv11 nourishnv nt ORDER CO-OP FERTILIZER NOW A11VES Qf, 41Z. Former. Fiuro.nTwp. .. ResideniPasses' ;MRS. .ROBERT 'JOHNSTON ? ` Mrs. Robert` Johnston, the:: for- mer • Rebecca Ellen .'McKenzie passed away "'in •McCaramel 'Hos- pital, Det on•April 28th at' the' age:, of 68,..- M ter ofA alsh *as Ana CeS Joh sign Det Resides Mic and dau Hedges- and risk ally' ane slit the and on Fun, Re'v. 13ou Mrs.: Johi 'ton was'the daugh- ter John '.and:. Mary ,McKenzie, Ashfield. She was born at Loch; 'on June ' 22,. 1806. In 1917: she married in • Ripley to Robert Andrew 'Johnston. of the 10th Cori - Cession of 'Huron. Mr. and Mrs. nston lived on,the `10th sones - for 'a .while before moving to' Detroit. • . esides her husband, ' Mrs: Toh nston is survived by `four son s, Gordon. of-. Birmingham, higan, '. John of Lansing,.Michi= gen James of 'Redford Township Douglas' . of Detroit; two. ghters,•-.Mrs. Sheldon.. (Mary) 1 ges..of Kalamazoo, . Michigan. 1VIrs'. Duncan: (Margaret) Far-. of Lc chalsh one. brother:•Don • 1.. MacKenzie- -of--Lochalsh;- . sister:: Mrs.. John (Iso'bel), Moo• re of Federal' , Dam, . Minns= ota U.S.A. and .seventeen grand ldreri. She was predeceased by one daughter; Florence ` . Eileen:. in :rife ncy,and three .sons Donald. at age : of .:14. Edwin • in • ,infancy. one ' at birth:' , The, funeral service was' held one . from Dill. Brothers Funeral Home; Detroit. Rev. Jef- freys was .clergyman. Burial was made in Ripley Cemetery with. N,. McCombie 'Officiating at, the graveside service. The Pallbearers : were her , four sons, Gordon,: " John, 'James ':and ;las. Johnston'' and two sons-; in-law Sheldon .Hedges .and can ;Dun Farrish. One good thing about ;.silence is thatAt can't be repeated. 1-nr*plow U.C.W'+, Unit .2 The May meeting . of the • Luck- now. United Church Women, Unit 2, held at the hbne of Mrs,. Wel` lington Henderson, opened by. singing hymn .388 and prayer. by Mrs. Ken'Cameron; The roll cull was answered by* a ; Bible verse containing the' word "Joy".' Tnvita tions ' were received to'. the Rugs and- Crafts ;display Bel=.. grave and. a tea .at Dungannon on May' 12th.: The .scripture lesson Was read by •Mr,. G. MacDonald: Readings were given by' Mrs.' J. Hall and Mrs. Hunter. Mrs. Greer gave,the treasurer's. ,report and. Mrs. C• u r r. a n t're Community Friendship report. • A chapter from the study book "God and His Purpose" was giv- en by Mrs.'Andrew. 'Mrs. Joyntt favoured with .a ,solo and Mrs. Hunter gave .a chapter en Trini- dad. .The June . meeting Will be held at Mrs. Wharry's cottage,. The nieetingclosed with prayer : by Mrs. G.- MadDonild. A ,aoeiat time was enjoyed. OLIVET NEWS • Mr. ': and Mrs. .• M . elvin'oll'n C � g, •Sharon . and Ernie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coiling and family 'after: the . baptism of ; Dar- lene Marie ar-lene'.Marie on . Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Roulston and : John called. on relatives .tri Stratford, and were dinner guests of Mr.• .:and Mrs.' Howard :Me-' Gnire on Friday: . 'Mr. W. S. McGuire of Luck- now visited :on :. Wednesday with Mr. ; and Mrs. Walter Black and • family. -` Mr. .and: Mrs. James Me11Tairn of. Seaforth visited; :.on . Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar. White and family. Mrs. Stanley _Blackwell and . son Bob,' of Cooksville spent the Week- end at their home ' here. Those fromhereattending'' the C.G.I.T. banquet ',in St.' Andrews Church; Ripley on Thursday were:: Mrs. Alex MacTavish,' 'Miss Beth MacTavish, . Mrs. ' Douglas Lackey and ,Karen and Mrs. Melvin ;Col ling and Sharon. LATS MOflECRS 1964; MERCURY METEOR 6 Stick, Radio 1963 `, DODGE SUBURBAN • 8 Cylinder -;_Automatic --And Radio 1962 CHRYSLER power Steering and Owner • .1962 CONSUL, 4 -Door, Radio; 1962 MERCURY STATIONWAGON Automatic,' 8, With Power Steering and ' ' Brakes, Radio • 1961 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR Brakes, Radio, 'One 8 Cylinder,, Automatic 496.1 VALIANT SUBURBAN 4 -Door 1961 ' FALCON ' STATIONWAGON 1961 , •DODGE p . 2 -Door, With' Radio 1960 METEOR 4 -DOOR 8 Cylinder, Automatic ! 1960.DODGE 6 ;Automatic, One Owner 1959 CHRYSLER '4 -DOOR.' Sedan , 1959 PLYMOUTH FURY • . 2 -Door' Hardtop, 8. Automatic, Radio 1957 FORD . STATIONWAGON $. Cylinder, Stick , 1960 BEDFORD VAN MOTORS Your. Dodge PlymouthChysTer Valiant' .Dealer • • J05EPHtNE .STi2EET . W'l.$GHAN1 •SHONE' 357.3862 • r ,4