The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 8Y PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, :MAY'. 1 h::'1t S • ... .:1::7%s,.e[�.zS • • - mit -_ ._• b �� �� k4 if feed $rain..- ✓ick Seed Corn = rass Seed eeCorn ric Donate To .Bruce CnfyouTartan „. (Sliver LakeW.I.).• Mrs. Wim: 'Ca'mpbeli ° "was.. host ess .for . the regular ' meeting • of Silver Lake W.I. on Wednesday,. afternoon May 5th:. The 'Meeting was conducted by... the ' president Mrs, Ronald; Thaeker and ,secre- tart' ` Mrs. Clarence Hedley; The. ;meetingopened with the Ode 'and Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs." H. Bannerman read -the -scripture,,. Roll•call was answered .with stain and how to' remove it" . Mrs. Wm.. Campbell the Home Economicsconvenor introduced Mrs. Wm. Cotrill of 'Tiverton. Who' gave . a very interesting demon- tration and display of Liquid Em- broidery. Mrs. O. Bannerman thanked Mrs; Cotrill and she was presented with a , gift. • Mrs. J. McEwan ' Vas chosen delegate ' to ; District Annual in Bervie on May, :20 along with. president . Mrs. R Thacker and district director Mrs.. A. Colwell with Mrs. E. HQd'gins as alternate, A . motion was past to send a :don- ation to help/ finance the Bruce ' County Tartan. Mrs.. Campbell gave the motto, "Do your : best .'and rejoice with those, ` who ;':do better." Mrs. J. McEwan gave .a piano solo. Can- vassers were ' asked to cover the community for the Salvation . Ar- my appeal.for . money; . After the closing ,of the meeting lunch was Mserrs;' ved byHarold Mrs. IsaBannermLam nanont and : HITECHURCH (Intended. For Last Week) Mrs. Wallace Conn; Mrs. Rus- sel us-sel ' Ross, Mrs.. Johnston Conn, Mrs. Earl Caslick and Mrs... Vic for Emerson' : attended the sale on Wednesday afternoon of `: art-. i�c es 'made `by; the folks residing. at . Brucelea Haven They, visited Mrs. Wiliam Taylor. and 'called on Miss . Laura Archer, ' MVliss Maud .Boker,.. Miss . Agnes Ten- . '-ant and ° Mr. Dan McLeod: Any- one who has not attended one of, these sales is missing a treat as. the articles and workmanship are all that is to be desired and reasonably priced;; ; The Women's.. SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley UNTOUCHED BY. PROGRESS. p Institutes from around Southhamp- ton were present in a bus load: Despite . 'the : changes in ' society And the day'• before yesterday, • in the past, .20 years, swift, vast, relentless,. frightening, there' .IS one social unit that ' "has proved irnpervious and oblivious to .the march of ' "progress." ' • While' .'it may have changed its • terms of 'reference slightly, oth- erwiSe.. ' it has altered • almost not: at all since man first crawled out of the ooze.. I' :am.. talking' about the family. Three thousand years ago, • So - 1 became aware of this during, cratestold his ' wife, ' Xanthippe, panel' estudents. discussion by my :high'. that he was .going to a• symposium.. ents. • The. topic .;was "You 'mean you're gonna ' get ac "Early Marriages." •'(You'll 'be 'stoned; with all them bums down ,glad -to know they are ' 100 per at the legion hall," ' she snarked. cent, against them!) (This was right after the Persian One . panelist referred to the Wars, and the .. veterans were rn' glossy, saccharine, ...phoney "ver- pretty high regard, the only Out, - sten of marriage presented on.'TV'' g a he fit in town that, could. get. band movie screens: She said . it ense. } gave . teenagera a fa'l'se idea of The other night ht my wife said gave e., A boy snort- ` "And where' in the hell do ' ou ed, • "Nobody's taken in bthose.. think • you're .going? Pray?". y. Wall come from homes • with ; ' "I, 1 replied• with some digni- married , people ' ' in. them. Mar- 1 ty, "am '• going to a symposium:"" riage isn't 'like that at all.". "You mean you're' going to get Everyone agreed., • 'sloshed with all those alcholics in And how right they were. 'Those • your..investment club?" she 'a= cute,, comfortable and contrived mended. See? The grammar and families' we see on• the screen are' diction have improved'. But me `* about as much like the real' thing and. ,:old Socrates, , got the . same as a ketchup -splattered Hollywood lunch . when we got .home; hot war is like a real war, with real tongue, andcold shoulder. blood;real.' bodies, real terror.. Two thousand years ago, Ma - Oh, I know. There are broken caronius Chesius, a Roman Sen- Homes and teenage delinquents ator, toppled, into bed at three and all that jazz. But don't you a.m,, after writing a , brilliant think • .there were: any such in speech' for delivery in the senate Rome. 2,000 • years ago,. or Athens on the morrow. At 6.15 a.m. he 3,000 years ago? . It's just that. was vaulted into wakefulness by they get . a better play in the pap- these' ' sounds: . his , son practising ers these days. • Family life al- on the bucina (a' war -horn that wayshas been and still is, a fas- sounds like a lady ; moose in la- ' dilating combinationof fun and ' bor) his, daughter chanting, • . , and chaos. "Eye -eye and eye -eye makes eye-` frustration comfort eye - Sixty -eight ht thousand years ago, vee" (II and `II makes' IV); and this week, some • crazy, hairy his' wife who couldn't sleep, p, ' woman waded through the . guck cracking walnuts on the head of anif bones to the, back of the cave, • a Greek slave kneeling on ;her 'took a look around,• went back to side of the bed. 'the fire, kicked her happy, recum' This morning after marking es - bent, husband .and .,burbled, says till three a.m,, • t waS hurl- "Come on, Buster, we're going to ed into the world at 6:15 by . these clean this place up" sounds; . my. daughter . practising my, wife took me by the hand, led: me . dawn • cellar, ., an buur fled; "Come on, Buster, we're•' going to clean this place up." The only: dif- ference, in 68,000 years; was that the first guy merely had to. .carry somebones . and hides outside. I had'. to • make. eight trips to the dump, . and . then white wash, the cave. , 4-H4ionour4 Go To District Girls (Whitechurch 'News) ('Intended For : Last Week) 411 Homemaking • Cluf Achieve ment Day• was held for ,Bruce, 'South' 'District • in. . Kincardine .High. School : auditorium • . on Sat- urday, .May Sbh for the project, The Club `Girl Stands on 'Guard., _Aftnndding. ` from _Whitechurch were Mrs. Leroy Rintoul leader, Pam- ela and Diane .King, Donna Hand, Irene De Boer, Marlene Weber, Mary . De Bruyn and Valerie``S King. With • Pamela King 'corm e?�tator, and. Marlene. Weber' and i a iarie King 'demonstrating the g ',s showed, • "How. Posture Plays Its Part." Mrs.` Holm, Bruce County Home Economist, • . had ; June Ac- kert a Provincial '`Honour recip- inet, chair the afternoon meeting. - Mrs. ' Don McCosh F.W.LO. Board Director of Purple Grove. presented Provincial Honour certificates and • pins to 'Karen Carruthers, Betty . Convay, June Ackert, Wilma Sutton. and Grace Ann MacDougall:' Mrs, ,Gemmell, Bruce South • District • President, (presented, County Honour certifi- icates to13 Club girls. The Club chosen for this .fall is "The . Club Girl Entertains"', Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson accompanied 'the girls to Kincardine, ftIF:LEY!l,EAT MAR Custom Butchering. 'Mondays -* . Hogs, in by ' 4;00 p. ; CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY 'We do Curing and Smoking . . . Beef, Pork , and Lamb. Sold' 'Whole, Half' or Quarter .- For Better Service, And Lower. Prices ' T Call, Ripley 100. • CHAS. 1-100ISMA' '-- . Prop; SUN.DAY.' SCHOOL AWARDS: • (Continued from page 1): 0., pupils: . Mary Stanley, , Brenda Johnstone, Jeffrey Taylor, • Ron- •.ald MacDonald, Lynda Stanley; Barbara. . Stanley, Joyce ' . John- stone, 'Murray :Johnstone, Jimmie 1VIacDonald, Eric Taylor, • and Judy + Reid.Kor being perfect • in attendance these pupils received a special award. All tolled ,there were 49 awards presented: They were as follows PUT' SENTINEL ADS TO WORK FOR YOU' PHONE, 528-3134 on her li'reich horn, which sounds:. like a Prench: lady moose in lab- or; my Son chanting. Latin con- jugations;, and my ` wife, 'who couldn't sleep, chewing (not suck- ing) ` lifesavers about three inches from .iny left ear, (Don't ask••'me where she :got the lifeaavers,( or Mac's wife got those walnuts, at that hour) Y Mary • Stanley, . 52 Sundays, . 4. yr. .seal, 4 yr. pin; Brenda .John- stone,'. 52, 3• yr seal, 3 yr. pin; Ruth Henderson, '47; 3 yr. -seal, 3 yr.., pin; Jean Reid, 45, 3 • yr. seal 3 yr.. pin; '.Allan Milne, 48, '5 yr. seal, 4 yr. pin; : Douglas Aitchi- son, ..47, . 5' yr. '. seal, 5 yr. pin,. Kenneth Reid, 51, 4 yr. seal; 4 , yr. pin Jeffry .Taylor, ,'.52; 3. yr. seal, 3 ' yr'. pin; Tammy. 1♦ orster, . 42, .2 yr. seal; .Barbara 'Hawthorne; 45, , `2 yr: seal, 1 , yr. pin; Cathy Jamieson,. 49,. 5 , 'yr.. seal, • 4, yr. pin.;. Ronald .MacDonald„' 52, 7 yr ; seal, 7 ...yr.. guard; . Melvin Maelnnes, 50, 4 yr,: seal, , 3 y pin;,John 'Henderson, 47, 7 yr:. seal, yr.. guard;. Janet Cook, 48, 6 , yr.;, seal, 6 yr.. guard; Dian- ne Hawthorne, 45, certificate,': 1 yr. pin; Sandra' Johnstone, 51 5 yr. seal, 5 yr, pin; Lynda ° Stan- ley,, .52,' 5 yr seal; 5 yr. pin; Bar= bara Stanley, . 52, :5 yr. seal, 5 yr. pin;. 'Verna Aitchison, . 47, 7 Yr. seal, .6 yr.: guard;' Margaret Ches- ter, 44, •2nd certificate; Mary E. Henderson; .49; 9 yr. seal, 9 yr.. guard;'Gail Jamieson,. 49, . 9 yr. seal, '7 yr:. guard; , Joyce John- stone, 5Z 2nd cerificate,, 8 yr, guard; Donnie MacDonald,,,. 47, 2nd certificate, 7 yr. guard; Mur-'• ray Johnstone, 52, ' 9 yr. seal, . 9 yr. guard; Jirnmie; MacDonald, 52, `10 yr. seal, 9 yr. guard; Brian Stanley, 51, 7 yr. seal, 5 yr. Pin; : Neill' Taylor, 43, 6. yr. seal; • 'Jackie ' Haldenby, 40, certificate; Donna Forster, 41',. 6 yr. seal;' 'Be- verly • MacDonald, 47, 9 yr. seal,. 7 yr.' : guard; . • Carol. ,Brown; 51, '2nd; certificate, 8 yr, ,guard Ter- ry Taylor,; 50, 7 yr. seal, 5 yr. • pin; , .Eric Taylor, 52, 4 yr. • seal; 4 yr. pin.; Jimmie Henderson, 50, 10 yr. seal,.' 8yr: guard; Jack. Ai-, tchison, 44, . 7 yr. seal; Ross. Fors= • ter, .50, 10 yr. seal, 7 yr. guard; Wayne Jamieson, 47, 10 yr. .seal, 8 yr.. guard; Brian Johnstone, 49, 15 yr. seal, 9 yr, guard Donald. Johnston, ,' 51, '10 . yr. 'seal, '. 9 yr. guard; Brian Mowbray, :.47, 2nd. certificate; 6 yr: guard; , Janet Carruthers; 45, 7 yr: seal, '' 6 'yr.., guard; Sylvia MacLeod, 44 //2nd certificate;CatherineMac Leod; • •. .44,-. 2nd certif irate, . Sharyn . Mow- braji, 48;.10 yr. seal, . 6' yr.. guard; dy Reid, 52, .12 yr. • seal, . 8 yr. guard;. Tony Johnstone, 51, 16 yr.. .seal, 9 yr. guard; , Dianne :Jamie- son, 41, :10. yr, :seal. • The Session of the.•. Church as in'. previous years has' ' presented a Bible to 'the boy ` and ;girl who at.. tend : the.greatest number of church„ services. These awards' were • presented' by 'Norman . Tay- lor, :. clerk ` of . the session.. This year the' high girl and boy were: Judy Reid, '54 Sundays; Neill. Taylor, 50 •:Sundays M :YFI. FjV'. W.H. Dunlop '041), R.R.,1, Arcona, talks to neighbour, Delos Utter; beside field given split application of Atrazine. Mr. Dunlop has a three-fold'interest in weed control: as a farmer, a custom sprayer and as weed Inspector for Lambton County: . • • Split application of Atrazine makes corn: growing ... rof. itable on land. heavily infested with quack grass "•`Neighbours'of mine had to' give up growing cereal crops because the farm was getting so dirty with quack grass," Mr...W4 H. Dunlop of Arcona, reports. "Last year they planted 48 acres of this dirty land to corn. We applied a split application of Atrazine, the equivalent of 3 'lbs, -of Atrazine 65W en the first of:April, which was ploughed in, and ,another, 3 lbs. early post -emergent: The Lambton County Sail & Crop Improvement Association supervised this test. The result of the Atrazine application was that my neighbours harvested an excellent crop in spite of the dry season and grossed $5,000, from the 48 acres. `Without Atrazine it „would not be possible fog many farmers in this area' to grow ,not Mr. 'Dunlop. says, Shortage of labour .for cultivations combined with.' serious weed put -them out of business. wouldp Atrazine'repays its cost many times over. After seeing the 'results of split applications on heavy quer grass infes- tations, nfes tations, T would say it is almost a Mira e chern cal," Atrazine 65W h availablein 5` Ib, bags and 50 Ib.' cartons from farm supply dealers for good farming FIEON*(CANAbA LIM*T1[r1,.234,,EOLINTON AVENUE LAST, t'arlON1 yE, ONTA tit