The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-12, Page 7Jtikfre cued Q&t LYtA"O: HOME FURNISHINGS '(-:jrlia MOFFAT APPLIANCES' WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th, 1965 Lucknow U.C.W.. Unit 5. Unit 5. held their Maymeeting at the 'home of MrS Jas Mc- Tavish, : awith . Mrs,' Gordon Mor - risen . in charge •of devotions': psalm, 121 was repeated" ';in un- ison,.;' followed by ' a hymn. Mrs Wm. Balt ,read the scripture. Me- ditation and ;prayer .were given b Mrs 'G. Morrison. The book Godand: His Purpose •written • by Dr. Thompson ;in 1964 Was : ,introduced by Mrs. Jas. Ma- thers Mrs.Gordon Montgomery favoured with a piano solo. Two readings . were , given . iby, , Mr+s. Bryce Elliott..' Mrs. -George, Jar. dine introduced' the . study' book 'en Trinidad which is an interesting subject. • to us. this year.' The de- votions part of the . meeting was closed with a- hymn, Mrs: Newbold took charge , for . the business ' with • minutes ' and • roll ,call` being. read. Mrs. J. Mc- Donagh reportedfor the social function: committee. Mrs. New. bold ,announced the Hobby Craft show in Belgrave, May 19th; also the ,packing of . bale at the .church. The bakeless bake . sale collection was . taken. and' Mrs.. Newbold closed the, meeting, with. prayer. Lucknow U.C.W. Unit ;1 • Unit .1' . of U.C.W. met at the home. of Mrs. '.Martin° with 20. meMbers and, 2 visitors. Mrs. Brooks.. opened . the . meeting with a hymn :followed by ; prayer.. The treasurer's report 'was. given. The roll:. call was _ answered by .nam- ing a book of the Bible ,begirt'" ning , with the letter M.' Mrs. W. B. Anderson reported for supply and ,6 crib quilts are to be sent to the Home for retarded children at .:Kitchener. Visits.. were report- ed' and thank ,you: notes read: Plans. were ;made for a group to visit at the Pinecrest Manor .for a devotional ,, period each month.. Mrs: GeorgeStuart reported 'on Stewardship.. Plans were made for, the. Spring Supper to.:''be ''held on May th Mrs. Stothers .took the chair for :the program: Mrs. Drennen read the . Scripture from the. Book , of • Acts. An :open discussion: follow- ed on ':the.Sci<1pture'reading Be.( lieve and you will ,be' saved): Miss Dean . McLeod , gave a' very interesting' and informative talk THE a UCKNOW•S: NTINEL , ,.LU.CKNOW, ONTARIO: s m on the Leprosy., problems;, and :the Work' of • Dr, 'Brand . and.:- his Ino they Mrs A, Alton, presented a reading , entitled. Fragrance Un- paralleled The mizpah. , , 'benedic- tion was, repeated and ,lunch. ser- ved: ' . glakes U'.0 W', The May meeting of Blakes U.C.W..• •was held Thursday even- ing at the. home of Mrs. Mark Berger. ,Mrs.. Cliff :Kilpatrickhad• charge of. the program and open ed; the .meeting with .the call: to Worship ' ,and a hymn • The Study rook on,- "This is Brazil," ;.was taken ' by Mrs. Jack Curran 'and the Scripture lesson .. by Mrs. Wm Andrew and:'. Mrs. • Keith Cranston. Mr. Kaiser, `gave . the next. chap- , ter of "God. and His Purpose. Mrs. Kaiser gave the seere-. tary's' report and the .roll call, was answered by, "a flower ` of Bible days", with . 14 members present. '. The treasurer's report was given.. by, Mrs. 'Cliff Kilpatrick. The next meeting will be, held Tuesday .ev- ening, evening, June lst, .with Mrs. Jack Curran in charge ofthe program. The . meeting closed with a hymn and' . prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. • Jack ,Curran. LOCHALSH and. Mrs: Frank. Hamilton held.: an Auction sale: ,on . Tuesday, when they disposed of their farm implements and cattle. They plan to.. move to. Lucknow in the near .future. The .:electrical storm ' qn. Mon. day ,evening. was • cause :for 'alarm' when 'the''large barn on. Bob. -Mac Intosh's farm caught .fire.. A- quick' response. by : neighbours, : passers- •by and the Lucknow . •fire :depart- ment depart-ment :prevented' the fire •'from. Spreading .and . thus. saving the barn Visiting Mr: and Mrs. • Oliver. M'teCharl ° es and John over. the weekend ere Mr.and. Mrs. Al . Ian +McCharles a n d Susan' Of Clarkson. : •• Mrs., David . Elphick . and Donna s'Pent Sat1P'day. in::Londo01.- ., ._ Sympathy... is ' extended to: ' Mr. and Mrs: Dan Wylds :in the death; 'of • Mr. John Wylds of, ,Ripley.. ley • on Sunday. PAGE SEVEN.: Custom Automatic Range. with- Self. Basting • • Rotisserie Moffat ranges are competitively priced and are recognized for their, high quality in der sigh and manufacture.T_his renowned quality is not.a luxury or an expensive extra. This outstanding model includes: ' a Automatic clock with. Minute �;Minder. TWO . si/c-inch and two;; eight=inch :elements ,a Surface element 'pilot; fights . • Removable , oven sides for easy cleaning • Infinite heat switches *Timed appliance outlet . Fluorescent lighting • Available in white or An- tique Copper • Many. other' features. MOFFAT 30K60W RANGE ;Only MOFFAT ranges includs'W , of those outstand- ing.ttuaUtissa. • Exclus ve•all welded steel uM-- tiled oven and. chassis with per= celain surface inside and out... Every 'MOFFAT • range -regardless. of price, has fully automatic high- speed oven pre- heat • ',Every MO.,FAT range haslhe new • lowered cooking •surface with raised 'edges . to. prevent spiliovire. Evsry.AAOff�1T range hes a'tift•off, , lock -on oven door easily removable. for cleaning. • • Plus Trade Jane ' Finlayson of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr, and . Mrs. Gordon': Finlayson.` Visiting . Mr. and 'Mrs.` Bill Ross. over ', the week -end' were : Mrs. West and , Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Louis of Toronto. Kintail Institute:. _ Disbands At a recent meeting of' .the Kintail Women's Institute it was voted to ,. disb'and.". ... , The 'Young People of Ashfield Presbyterian. Church " and Knox x,Presky,tgrianChurch. .in:: Ripley were in ' 'charge of. the Church. sezviees in 'both .Ashfield and Rip- l E,)® PRODUCTS �j II geared to your .y • CO-OP* LUBCO Multi Purpose Grease Now Includes new "Nyiton'77" for: increased rust protection. Other: • new additives have increased load carrying ability, life, "tackiness," ..`and have improved performance at high• pressures.. Now, q"negrease does all the jobs around the farm .,.'. betted Handy 1Q -pack of 14. oz. cartridges 5 lb. pan +rtetsfgred trademark. • Made with a heavy base oil. Recommended fort' • Loose sleeve type. bearings • High speed anti -friction bearings • As an economical gun grease •tor protectiori against rusting and corrosion • Chassis lubricant CO=OP • . . HEAVY. DUTY OIL. Better protection against high temperature, heavy duty type deposits in diesel. and gasoline engines and low temperature sludge deposits, ,•CO-OP 1OW-30 OIL Combines three SAE . Grades.,in one. Quicker starts, less wear in winter, and bn the hottes#'eunimier days. The man at your Co-operative knows• your farm oiland grease problems because hers been fatm.trained to sell products dev'e%ped especially for farm use. What's more he's backed by an'organization that's got your interest at heart.. your member -controlled Co=operative. LUCKNOW. blSiUC PLAN •SCOUT ; TRIP Contin from page 1•- : SENIOR STAFF: .The Senior Staff .' are meeting: regularly ' every - month. The.. .rest of the... staffwill, be appointed to responsibilities in . 1966 " and 1967. The Senior. Staff.; are: Tour Chief, Archie Gowanlock, Walkerton; Co. ordinator, Lloyd Ackert,Kinloss;' Food Arrangements, George;John stun, Durham; Physical Arrange- ments, George Whitby, Lucknow; Supervision, , Don Lloyd; ' ;Wing - ham; Public Relations, 'Crawford Douglas, lVingham , •Health, Dr.. Jack McKim, . Lucknow. : TRANSPORTATION Buses have been contracted with Charterways ' of London. They will be toilet equipped and the drivers will eat a n d camp ; with 'the, Scouts, A large trailer transport has: been. reserved to carry". tent- age and other equipment.• A pick-• up truck' will be used fordaily pick-up of supplies en: route and., at, planned wholesale points. Five station wagons will serve as .aux- iliary vehicles or ambulances as `needed. •. Every effort is beingusedto forsee emergencies and prepare for all physical; arrangements. Key staff will be responsible for sanitation, water supplies, : gar- bage, laundry, light, ' postal ''ser- vice, tents, etc . , .• Boys will be divided into Troops of 36 ' with three supervisory lea- ders ineaeh bus. 'All boys' who can play. in a brass, band .will be •grouped together. • • , COST The ' total costs have been de- termined• and '.will be $125.00 per boy or leader: This covers all expenses. The ' only. other cost Will be whatever personal spending money each boy wishes to' take. The• Tour Cotimittee will be dis- couraging ,unnecessary iscouraging,unnecessary spending. ,and • recommends to ,parents that personal spendingallowances be kept to 'a reasonable figure: • - The Tour Committee. is hopeful that through Group Committee and. Troop fund raising .,activities and through donations by private persons and industrial and -Mun- icipal Mun-icipal bodies 'that the .$125,00 fee. may be substantially reduced. It is stressed, . however, that the cost per person is $125,00 and any reduction of .this figure is the responsibility of each Group 'for their own boys. ' ' PRE TOUR "CAMP In May of 1967,' instead of the annual ' District Camporee there will be a Pre Tour Week End Camp at' which all persons going on . the Tour will. be required; to, attend. The. fee for this Camp is included in the total Tour fee. ELIGIBILITY Leaderez. All Saugeen. n a 1 e Scout and Cub Leaders are 'eli- gible. Please. note that there midst be one leader .for ".every four boys ;from each ::Group:,--- 1-- .5' boys, 1 leader; 6 .;i 9 boys, 2 leaders 10 13 boys,' 3 leaders, etc:" Approp riate Group; Committeemen or in- terested .: Fathers,etc.: would' be welcome to qualify as leaders; for the ,purpose of the Tour. Boys; Eligibility gcon is of . be- ing a• reg ered 'Scent .: or One - year n . t S t e year and being 13 abut not 18) by the ist of July, 1967.. Boya.over 18 . on that date must be ' either Rovers or Assistant" "'SScoutmasters. • SPECIAL: STAFF ' Besides., all the regular' admin= istrative a n d supervisory 'staff present 'in any large 'Scout` camp,. the Tour will have' a Medical . Doctor, Protestant' and • Catholic Chaplains, a' 'Band Leader, and as Provincial Policeman.; • Besides the World 'Fair at Mon- treal which should .be 'the high- light of the trip, the party wig visit • Ottawa, • Bangor: Maine, St';' . John, Prince Edward Island,' :Cape: Breton, Nova Scotia, Cabot 'Trail;: Annapolis Royal, 'Halifax, Fundy National Park, . Quebec, to men- tion only : a few of the highlights. CREST COMPETITION $20 is; • being' offered as, •a.• prize • in a Cres: Competition for the boy who .submits the best design' for a , tour Crest.. The Crest will be printed en the T-shirts ' and Neckerchiefs and on. 'crests to be. •sews on jackets,.' Regulations of the 'contest may be secured from any Scout , leader or ' official. • We . easily, believe that which , we wish. . An obstinate man does ni hold opinions, they hold him Twice Losi! Tw.ice• Found!, This is the case of 'the tg`ce- .found Danish -born trapper.' For a little time the Salvation Army's Missing, Persons' Bureau thought it might bea hopeless search, as they sought ' news 'of the. Dane, for his mother.:• He was finally discovered. how- ever, a trapper in the Arctic, corn- ing out only a. few times a year for•, supplies;...But the letter he wrote ,his mother didn't read) Denmark till atter her' death. Later as niece sn Denmark re- quested the Bureau to "'help find. her uncle. The task' was now more difficult, , as .the Dane was ,trap- ping' above the Arctic. .But 'the Army's "detectives" do not give up easily, For the second time the . trapper,' was contacted and this time he did ,get in touch with his people im far off Denmark,. This is a Add Shield 'Service., • •