The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-31, Page 16• 14 • so •r.• ri .a . ■.- a+ Ou• r summer cottons are in stock ; . now i .ali rice ren es ■ ■ THE LUCKNOW SEN1rINE LUCKNOW ONTARIO . L `rI114�1•f11 • r . . . b RMIM//E/EEE\EE/RR/1//.///////11/B11/fE.AR_ • ■ YOU. ANY! I.ENTY OF 42; TIME. '10,1101410E. THAT: NEW, N. COTTON DRESS FOR THE .. HOME. 'SEWN CLASS, E WE• WOULD. BE: PLEASED i TO SNOW' YOU :OUR SELEC TION OF. NEW ' SUMMA t •MATERIALS. 11/ ■ FIVE .PRIZES ARE 'BEING a' , OFFERED THIS, YEAR BY ■. THE ' KAIRSI4EA ' INSTITUTE 'FOR THIS CLASS. • ■ ■ ■ '■ • ■, PLUS FIVE. PRIZES FOR THE READY MADE COTTON DRESS CLASS :. •. ▪ .YpU ARE INVITED TO. DROP IN. AND LOOK THESE' OVER ■ ■ • w . ■ /I \ ■-. '.I U'a• !V \► i Lied ''• and. Man's Wein PHONE . 528-2126 . �1►GI' mu so FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS isi•Im■ Fir+ee -Up - and Delivery Monday and T ;�aaN. •■ si 7s.aas am a.i.ausia///ua.aa.u/1//is///aa..sa us/ir Bonspiel' Ends � CurIin.g Season Curlingseason came : to a close last week with curl off: March 18th and .' March 25th: Last Thursday evening, the :last. night of a two week round' robin' series, closed with Alvin ' Hamil- ton's ;, rink placing first and/ . Toin' Hackett's . rinik .. second : in the ' 7 to 9 p.m. play-offs, while. Larry Salkeld's rink. came '. first and B ' rink .second in Blake �AYtoi}s ' the .. 9 to . . draws • 'On:; "Sunday evening these win- ning rinks played ,off: In the match. Al Hamilton's rink against. Lard ,Salkeld's .rink,: 'Al's.' rink won. ;:With Blake Alton's .rink ag ansa" Tom rilnkj. Hacketts -rink, Tom 's won.Thee cke—tomaid-, Ham -7- Bton rinks played . off, with: , .the Hackett rink coming out.. victor- ious. It .is impossible to name the. players on : each rink ` as on .the. second night of . the ,, playoffs, sub- stitutes had to be made, ::due to illness. Saturday, April ' - 3rd, , the Curl- ing Club :plan to hold a social ev- ening for members ' and 'theirwiv- es or husbands, in the basement: of the. town:` hall. ENGAGEMENTS �A Mr. ` ' and ' Mrs. Donald 'Thom- son announce the . engagement of their daughter, . Trudy Donnanne to Michael George Foran, .. 'son' of Mr. and Mrs .'Elmer Foran. • The marriage to take, place .the latter. Part of ..April. '• USE . SENTINEL: WANT -ADS t 040000•00►■fa4,404,4,00el4,0i•E4,404,■**00i00i0■■0.66Ai ••i i ^. i NOTICE RE CLCS'ING; SEPOY STORE', LU.CKNO t THE SEPOY . STORE IN . LUCKNOW WILL CLOSE: • • THURSDAY APRIL 1st FOR A FEW• DAYS WHILE 'STOCK • FAKING IS BEING' CARRIED .OUT EFFECTIVE,' THURSDAY APRIL 1st' ", RS. FORD...: E •. M • CUNNINGHAM BECOMES THE NEW PROPRIETOR. : `. • T wa;•■•••••••■■•••■is�■• Bi B■•REA■ •GisB ■E•04• • • *• HAMILTON'S FUELS VS HALL'S RED. & WHITE 8.30 ; SHARP This, is the climax to a successful. season :in the House League. ' You are urged to attend this championship ,game Friday night.: The boys have played fine hockey • throughout • the season' and deserve .a good turnout of fans for this final Z 4.• • game: • r•y• DONATED. IN THE` INTEREST.' SPACE D OF MINOR, HOCKEY BY HOUSE LEAGUE (HAMPION'SHIP Friday Night, April 2nd - ,• i • • .• • • • • A. Hamilton, C ties ,Servie Agent t OFFIdE HOURS 7:30 a.m, to 7:3Q p.m. WHOLESALE ` RETAIL •' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 b'R• THAT . George f'olluason returned to his home .in Ashfield "'last: week . after. being hospitalized eight weeks 'in. Londonand. six weeks . in Goderich, following; an accident suffered, at .the Salt Mines, • Goderich, THAT Hall's Red .and White are, giving two prizes each Satur- day night for. " two weeks. De - tags are :listed in their, regular ad. THAT a very goodcrowd . was in attendance on Friday 'night at ' • a reception held for Mr. and Mrs. Jim West, newlyweds.. Tom ' 'Pritchard and: ; . l{en zie made. the: preKennysentatioMacn. THAT the . open .hours. at the ' L-ucknow Municipal Dump are. " being ' advertised .in, • thin issue Commencing, Monday,: April .5, the durrip will' be open on Mon- day, 'Wednesday . and Friday evenings for • one hour . • from 7 to 8 ' p.m. and : on, Thursday',. afternoon` for. two :.hours from 2to4p.m THAT Lorne Wood's_°of St., Helens' was elected as director ' of the Huron County Fruit. -and :Veget-. able Growers Association at their annual. meeting at Clint • on last week. • . THAT Fred Friendorf of :Luck - now is a- ., new'.. employee 'of.. Baird Motors of Goderich. THAT George Webster,son of Mr. . and; Mrs. Harvey -Webster of town, was. on board the Can adian ' Navy destroyer ;'escort Gatineau:; which .was , sent: to the. scene of the R:C.A F.' Argus: aircraft. crash about : 60 miles:, north. of ' Puerto Rico '.: No sur- :vivors were 'found, THAT 'Auction .:Sales: areplanned for Charles Brindley , ,of Col- borne and ' Orland' Bere of Vest Wawanosh in the, very near , future. ..Wayne Million. of . Col- borne has :purchased the Brindd ley .Earn and, Delmar. Sproul .of Dungannon has purchased the Bere. farm. ,Allan.: MacIntyre' is handling both, auctions THAT an • announcement this . week advises, the public that the Sepoy 'Store_ Twill be -closed for - stocktaking stocktaking on April ist for . a ' few days and that. ,the business will re-openas soon as :possible., Effective Thursday .of this' week Mrs Ford .: Cunningham be- comes the new owner, of the, business'which' has 'been open-. ated' ,for ' a number of years by Mel Bennett of Kincardine. - THAT •Lucknow 'Legion have. in- creased their bingo jackpot by, $16 for ..their regular Thursday night • games. The minimum jackpot is ;now $75 with " a $5 • advance for 'each, night' that it 'does not'' go' Numbers . called' are.. also increased each night that the jackpot does not go.. Last week • Mrs. Craig of Valk. Walk . erton '.won the . jackpot of ' '$120. THAT 'Mrs. Duncan 'McConnell has isented..° her home west of the . Supertest 'Gairage to ` Mr, : and Mrs. Mel 'Ferguson. Mr.- Ferg- uson -is :a member. of • the High. School teaching' staff. THAT the Lions -sponsored . House League 'will climax- the season , on. Friday 'night At 8:30 Ham- ilton's Fuels. , ;will play Hall's Red and 'White for the champ- ionship. ,There will be : a girls game preceding the , champion- ship game, and another House League game following' it, A big 'night of windup hockey on Friday night. THAT Gordon" and .lack ,Drennan of the ' Amberley-Kintail area • brought a Lions. Club coin can. to town recently. The reason --, the can was ' full with 465 pen- pies and they couldn't s?iuee e another one in The. Lions w61 come these coin cans,. the ;fuller the better. •WEDNE$.DAY,: MARCH! S1'sf 1965.'. WEEK -END VALUES rui. YOUR %%O EST. PRICES" ,. FOOSAND GREEN GIANT 15 oz.: Fancy Peas REGULAR; 200 Kleenex Super Sale LI,BBY'S , 20 oz. '. Pork & Beans Sale sunR#EMaE Peanut Butter Sale FORT' ° GAR1f. LARGE 6 oz. .Instant : Coffee Sale MIX 'OR` MATCH. TALI, 48 or.: SAVE 1. 4 tins 69c SAVE, 19c s. '980. SAVE 17c • 4 : tins 89c... AVE 9c lars 69c REAL PRICE SLASH jar 79c' SAVE 17c Tomato or Apple Juice 3 tins WITH: $5.00 :C/ SH. PURCHASE lee Cream - Hai#: Gallo� SAVE . 24c inly69c. We: Sell :For Less Phone. Lucknow :528-3420 Values ' Effective APRIL r 1,, 2 •3. THAT •Gerry P'riestap and ,:Eldon Mann are , announcing ' : open house and the official opening their new Massey -Ferguson de ership for next t Monday af- ternoon, April 5th. Films will be - shown and free coffee And doughnuts served: ' THAT a 'main .street ' 'business,., The Log Cabin Restaurant,' is being advertised :for ' sale iii4hiS issue of the .paper.. • ,THAT a note about subscriptions being due in last: 'week's .issue, brought excellent results. If . you missed that reminder, and -your subscription . reads • prior to -March . '65, . t e, perhaps ' th's. repeat mention will catch you. THAT our faithful Culross, 'Corn- ers correspondent,' Mrs.\ Frank Brown, is holidaying in Water- . ford, Michigan. ' Mrs., : Brown rarely misses her weekly .news. report from "The Corners" and her . community service, as:well' as , that . of ail• other . correspon- dents, can more fully be ap- preciated when she "takes week . off; THAT. Lloyd Cline of Paramount ; . recently suffered' a bad, burn. near. his, ankle from ' an electric heating pad:, Skin grafting was;. Y necessary to heal>the burn. ' . THAT several ..areas in the. com- munity report. ' Hepatitis out- breaks, the most recent being, the : Belfast' area;in :Ashfield' Township. '' l{AT Gordon --Brooks -ex ts. to_ I� have his, leg in a cast until ear-, l May..;Gordon recently :broke a, bone• ihis foot in an accident. while loading one of his trucks. THAT Clarke Lewis, " presently teaching, on . the Lucknow 'Dis- trict High -School •staff, has ac- cepted a , position'. in George- town to teach chemistry and. lower school sdience, 'with du- ties to commence m• Septem ber,. A ,note :along :with their renew- al; from, .,f essie and Carman Bea- ton of Detroit, says . they enjoy, gettingY the. paper. They hope ; to be • in Florida. ror - tt}e month, of • April for a vacation: NOTICE RE,. OPEN HOURS AT LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL DU STARTING MONDAY, APRR S Monday Night 7 to Wednesday Night? to Thursday Afternuan2 to Friday•Night 7 to.8 p.m. .m • : . • .,<. ;.