The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-31, Page 5WEDNESDAY,, :MARCH 31st, 1963 3..• THE. LUCKNOW SENTINE.L, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO • HERTA. • OR' KEYSTONE •.••.• CARRY., RODNEY OR RUSSELL IXTUR.S : . RUSSELL, HERTA •& SELKIRK GARRY, KEYSTONE & SELKIRK -- RODN.EY, HERTA &.SELKIRK GARRY AND 'KEYSTONE • GARRY AND SELKIRK • We;,are buying Garry, Rodney or Russell Opts suitable for seed. Brim in. asample. RERSON RODUCTS LIMITED LUCKNOW •PHONE .52i-2026 ONTARIO W.M.S; .OP HAMI.L.TON-LONDON •SYNODICAL, TO -MEET • The annual 'meeting of the.11a•-• •mnilton-Londono Synodical. of., the Women's•_ Missionary Society of • the Presbyterian Church in . Can to be held in -Knox Pres- byterian :Church, Walkerton, on Anrxl. 6th, 7th •and 8th,. 1965.. "The. Challenge of the Present" will be the 'theme and the: worship ,,ser - 'vices .will . be conducted by.. the Rev. J. W. 'Bell; Rev ::Fred Mil_ tines, President, will ',:preside" at all sessions Following a ' Board meetmg'. on Tuesday, afterncon,a complimen- tary dinner will, be .served by Bruce and Owen Sound Presby- terial. Greetings • will be brought by Rev.• John 'W. Bell, 'minister of the Church, Rev.' Fred Miller, M oderator, 'Presbytery '• of Bruce and Owen .Sound and Mr.: Jo-• seph • Moran, Mayor of• Walkerton. On 'Tuesday; evening; _Mrs.. W. E.. Krampp, President'. of , Bruce and, ler R.ev. D G. 'Archibald. and Owen Sound •. Presbyterial; ; will Rev. W. Knox: Mrs. ;Donald 'Mac welcome the 'delegates and : Miss • !nr �uak�a I.i%tleti�tte�! • She looks up, at Mummy and Daddy with complete trust, and that trust is well placed. For, not Only is she glue, love and understanding but financial protection' as;'weil. Her family are Sun Life policyholders and her father makes• sure that their life' insurance portfolio is carefully checked, at regular, intervals to take care of changing needs. l'm associated with Sun Life Of ' Canada, the Company ;with the pont*, that's right for you, -anti your family.: Whynot, call me today?. WILUAM J KINAHAN ;...R. R. 2 Lucknow Phone Winghani 35 7- 987: N U • AsSURANC CQMPANY OF CANAD: • A. MUTVAt OOM 4NY' ` 1 • rmy serves In Area 79 Years menton istorians list., the great' °. action produced by Wes -,tern teenth civilization, the during the' of nine; Wil- liam 1- liam . Booth, founder. of • 'The Sal- vation al vation • Army, will surely ,appear.' For English -born Booth was a;. great fighter for souls and a highlycreative thinker in .: the, Victorian .era; which •idolized C911;• f o r m i t y he • humanitarian "Army" ; he .. created celebrates its one-hundredth , anniversary in. 1965; All members and friends of The Salvation; Army are looking back with affectionate ;pride to .. its early .years of . struggle and the, determined efforts • of 'its founder to . make The Salvation' Army "the good' Samaritan" to all . the ' world's abandoned poor. And, now . a . new century of ser- vice to God and ' man is begin - ping. How well • William Booth's dream has been realized .is 'best: shown by a look at the tremen- dous . world-wide scope of the Army's activities ' today, a hund- red ` years . later.. ryIn: 71 countries and geographical areas, through- out the . 'world, 25,000 trained Sal- vation Army , officers, assisted by 30,000 employees and one million 5oldzers .'— staff about . 20,000 Sal- vation., Army centres and facl ities. In Malaya, India, Africa; In- donesia :.;and . Sumatra, modern well-equipped leprosaria, accom modating 1,301 resident patients, care for sufferers from this • anc- ient'disease. Ten;institutes for the blind; cstaffed by. 'trained teach-. ers, are maintained in areas so reinote .. that no other . aid would 'have been . available to", these: af- flicted ,'men ' and .:women 'from: birth till death. In the developini nations_of the World,.. a 'steady :. increase in the;_ literacy rate . can : be 'attributed., .in :some degree; to the patient, de- termination. e termination. of ' Salvation • Army workers through •the' years to, bring 'knowledge Where none . had' existed before:' Today, there 'are: 868 schools, 'financed and. staffed by The Salvation Army, and be cause of the great distances,' which make daily travelto school impossible' for- many students. in the new nations, ' a number.' of. these .schools also 'provide board and' room. • Actually The, Salvation Army.' knows no • national lioundaries.; One Of. its most . interesting and little known services; which, illus-.: a. trates its concept of "one'°"world," exceedingly well is.' the .Army's Missing Persons Bureau. Each year it • reunites hundreds of ,fam ly members and close friends,`. dome of 'whom' have, been tragic- ally separated for as. long as 40 or 53 years: They call these Bur- eaux; a. world-wide "network of hope", and the reunions `.they :ef, feet ' each year are • wonderfully touching; • We congratulate The . Salvation Army on attaining its 100th .Birth- day. Many 'happy return's! The. Salvation Army has, been in operation In Wingham, for the past seventynine years. • Serv- ing . both God Sr Man in & around this community. The 'present Of- ficer in .command is, Captain Al- bert Ferris,, Box' 610 Edward., Street.` Captain Ferris invites you to contact him ,:in year hour 'of need. Mary Whale, Executive Director of `Overseas Missions will address the meeting . on Tuesday an d Wednesday evenings, Mrs. W. E,' •McCutcheon, Past President of Hamilton Presbyterial and" Rev. Rodger Talbot of Japan will speak. h the afternoon. The Senior' and' Junior •Choirs of Knox Church will supply .mus- is with Mrs Gordon Mathies and' Mrs. N, R. Shaw .a the 'organ; 'the' soloist on Wednesday after- noon being Mrs. W. Knox, Pais- ley: ' A skit by Hanover_ C.G I.T. girls entitled "C.G:1,T. Then and Noir" will. be presented on Wed nesday evening. Miss Mary Whale, will install the officers on Thursday morn- ing and the nneetings will close at noon. PAGE FIVE. • d •Plywood Prefinished. Wall Panels,, Flame Resistant Ceiling Tile, WESONT LUMBER LUCKNOW. PHONE 528-2909 MONUMENT For sound counsel and a fair price' on a monument correctly designed from • quality material,rely on • SKELTON'MEMORIALS: Walkerton Pat O'Hagan, ..'Prop. Established Over Sixty Years Phone . 881,=51234 Ontario Letters To :: Edit�r Lucknow. ,Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario..• Dear Mr. 'Thompson: A' short, but nevertheless, sin- cere note' to thank you.:. for,., yourco-operation ; and assistande . o the Ontario Heart Foundation during our '.1965 Heart Fund' Campaign The ;coverage -we received from your paper surpassed all expec- tations, and it is due . to this .fact that •..'our Heart Fund was ` :suc- cessful. ' . You ' enabled us .to inform the public that February' 'was ` Heart. Month in Canada and: also what the.' Ontario: Heart Foundation is doing in the field of ,research. We. „have" always. enjoyed. the association ' with all press r pre= sentatives and pleasure a it. is e t ure' to look forward to this throughout the year. Once again, ' a sincere : "heart" felt thanks ; for .your assistance And . co-operation diking 'Fei ru With. best wishes. Yours very truly, ' • Ontario. Heart 'Foundation, (Miss) Esther . M. Richards, Director of .Public' Relations. • .1RQWNIE NEWS: (By. Joan. Anderson) .The 1st ,Lucknow Brownie' Pack met on Wednesday, March '24th. Mary Jardine •"was ;Fairy Queen. We. ' popped our pennies in the chest. 'Barbara Stanley, ".Christine Scott" and,. .Sandra Johnstone had a test on knots ; while the tween. ies washed dishes for a test; The Golden Hand 'girls did'. semaphore. We , played . "a game. We closed the meetint'. with the 'chimes; Br�her::'Pases• At Hanover MHome The death occurred Friday. at his home in Hanover 'after a. lengthy illness . of''' Simon. August '• Beckberger at the age ;of. 61 Mr. Beckberger 'was a brother of Mrs Wm. Schmid tff Lucknow. Bor i in Greenock. : Township, April . n.9, 1903he was a. son of ;Mrs. John `:Beckberger.:. and the late Mr: Beckberger. He was em- ployed . at : Knechte'1F Kabinet '`$re. . ations for about 40:.years :as a furniture : trimmer and was '.a:. member of the Holy Family, RC: Church and. the Holy Name So- Surviving besides - - hisw Mother' t, 'are his wife, the -former ;Marie Edith Voisin; whom •he married February 15, 1936, at Formosa; one- . son (Clarence at , Hanover; four daughters, Mrs. Charles ` (Do- rothy) Schmalz and Mrs. Nor- man . (Margaret) Weber,both of: Mildmay, . Mrs. Gerald (Sharon) Roden of ..Georgetown • and Audrey at home; four ; brothers, Joseph.,. Frank , and ' Jerome, •'all, .of ' :Han- over, ' and Harold of Georgetown; three' sisters, Mrs." Herbert '(Pan line). Greib of Hanover, Mrs. Ric- hard; ic-hard . (Janetta) Pause of Buffalo a:n d Mrs. William . (Catherine)' Schmid of Lucknow, and 15 grand 'children. • The bodywas at' the. Stahle Fu- neral al Home 'where the Catholic Women's League :recited '' the ros- ary at ' 3 p.m.. Sunday. The parish rosary : was. . recited Sunday': at 9 o'clock. Family prayers. were of-- fered at the . funeral • home: 'at 9:30 a.m... Monday followed by requiem. mass at the. Holy ,•Family Church' at 10• a.m. 'Burial was in Hanover Cemetery. Rev. .."John `. Walsh officiated. • • ESSO SERVICE FOR.!TOP 'QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES ' (Most Sizes ' In Stockj. AT REASONABLE PRICES' ' pairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors 2 .Licensed Mechanics' .. t. heei :AIjgi,fleflj. and - Ba'Iancing' MOTORCADE DEALER