The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-31, Page 4•,, • PAG FOUR JTHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESOAY,: MARCH 31st,. 1965 ah 1 "C. 431C41.1WAPI: O.UICA s.AcCTG CA!iMELOf (ER �,....,....y... 28=3134 FOR... .SALE IR SALE NT' ; MIXER for sale, 'rz FOR SALE = " two girl's • red rRmotor, in , 'good condition. ' `coats, both.. size 12, = Mrs:. Angus Maid Forster,Phoney 528-3002:. ,MacDonald, ',St. : Helens, �' phone P - . Lucknow 528-5702, SALE -- Red clover and ' ;alfalfa, Bert Alton, R.R. 7 Luck- CALVES FOR SALE . — Holstein ` : now, 'Phone 529-7356; X. 'Hereford. Brian Doelman, , R. R. ' 3 Holyrood, phone Ripley 127, r 9. • rUP.IS FOR SALE --• 4 Terrier ,pups, :Gordon Mauer . Lucknow, :' phone 528-3206, 'TRUO( FOR SALE 1 ton .;,,,., truck; 3Vfrs. Wellington , Render - son, Lucknow, phone 528-2340.: FOR SALE — Fleetwood., record player, 1speed Stereo dual power bass. Mel Stanley, Luck - mow.• MASTER FEEDS ' NOG CONTRACTS AVAILABLE D. R.' FINLAYSON Lucknow;: phone 528-2903: HOGS FOR SALE ' ` , 5 : York hogs, \serviceable : age, Ernie. Hanna;: Rat. 1 :Ho 0o phone Teeswater 392-6505... --- HAY _HAY FOR SALE -_ 2000 bales of No. 1 quality, first -cut hay. Don- ald Murray, R.R.2 Lucknow, phone ;528-6130. CALVES FOR'. SALE' Hereford' X. ` Holstein. , T.. f Van der;. Velde R. R. 3 Lucknow; phone Dungan►on,, 5294465. • PLAYING -CARDS — double and single . ' decks,: large; assortment to choose from, drop in . and :look them over, The .Lucknow Sentinel,' phone 528-3134. FOR .SALE. 4` Gury cows, two milking 2 Holstein cows milking, all . fresh since February, would prefer to sell all _ at. once. Reuben Wilson, R.R.°3 Goderich, phone !Ripley 1054. SEPTIC TANKS ;`CLEANED.:. Vacuum: cleaning and . pumping ot septictanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-3002; mann facturer of cement septic 'tanks. sand well tile.:. • AUCTION . ' SALE'.. Allan' :Maclntyre • Licensed Auctioneer ' : Lucknow 'Phone 528-3519 VACUUM CLEANER SALES :and SERVICE For all makes , —. Filter' Queen` "Sales, 'Varna, • phone '.262-5350: -SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED —"Septic .'tanks, .cess pools, etc., pumped and' cleaned' with modern .equipment. 'All work guaranteed. Louis Blake, R. 2,.Brussels,. phone 422-w-6. • CUSTOM: BUTCHERING • Beef and pork sold in any quan- ity: • Custom butchering in Govern- ment licensed. abbattoir. Pigs every, • • Tuesday. 'Beef from • M, 'o n d a y through. Thursday.... •BUTTONS MEAT` MARKET. READER'S bIGEST SPECIALS • New subscribers may , purchase 15 :months of Reader's Digest for $2;. Renewal 'subscriptions ' ac- cepted at the rate of . $2.97 ` per year.! ! L eav e your ' orders ers with . The : Lucknow .. Sentinel,. phone 528-31M. 528-3134, FOR SALE- one Lacombe boar, ready for service; one Yorkshire sow, .due in a week;' .six ' York- shire sows,:. bred : from three to ten weeks; Yorkshire boars, near serviceable age; Yorkshire gilts, open;, quantity Of baled hay. Ap- ply Austin Martin,. R.R.: 6 Luck - now, phone' Ripley.• 117-r-19. •;.` GRASS SEED •FOR SALE Home `grown, No. 1 per ib. Alf- alfa 45c,. 'Red Clover 30e, . Timo- thy 30cy Empire Pasture type tre- foil $1,00' :lb. Other . clovers and • grasses priced to save the eus- tomers money. 'Seed cleaning and grain cleaning, Ail varieties • of Seed grain. Roy Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone ' Cargill 366-2394. INGEVENTS.: NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, : every Thursday, evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games $10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth , games, • with jackpot included in in . each game. Jackpot this week $80,00. on 56 calls; . STOVE FOR SALE :4 , burner • GODERICH LIONS BINGO* 24 inch Moffat stove' with lass, in The Goderieh Lions; wih hold door; McClary Deluxe 9 cug. a bingo on, , Wednesday, April ,Ph'e arbour- refrigerator phone)Teesvv;ft.ater • Inn, 8:30 seventeen regular H.games 392-6505'. at $10, ' one share -the -wealth,.': one FOR SALE '- 2 Red. Cedar . poles`, $50 jackpot and the new acceler 40 feet "long,, one Tamarack , pole ating jackpot upto ,$250. and 2 10 inches. gat 50 feet long, 'several door prates Admission $1.00, 'shorter ones. Clayton Alton, phone , RS Dungannon 529-7295: • ATTENTION CURLERS : social evening• will be. held in the Assembly Room , of the. Lucknow ' Town Hall, , on' : Satur- day; ' April 3rd . at .8 • p m.,• for, Lucknow Curling . ;Club . members, their` wives : or husbands BRIDGE and SHOOT PARTY A Bridge .arid Shoot party .will be held on Thursday,. ' April • lst ss l• at 8.15 pm, in the. A semb y. Room,:of the Lucknow Town: Hall;,' under ;the auspices of the Luck - now Women's : Institute. FARM FOR SALE ,The farm: of the late Angus ' MacIntosh,: EUCHRE PARTY ' East ' ,1' • lot 17 ' and lot 18, :: con- In St, .Augustine Parish Hall• on cession 7 Kinloss . Township, im- mediate :possession. Can be seen anytime. Apply. to Sam' Farmer, Holyrood, phone Lucknow,. 528-6041 or ,Ripley ,24-r-5. • FOR SALE — Feeder steers -and heifers; child's playpen. Gerald Rhody, R.R. 1 Holyrood, phone; Ripley , 8-r-9 FOR SALE Red Clo 'er seed, will . trade for alfalfa; . also Herta barley suitable for seed, will, trade. on oats; Selkirk spring wheat cleaned and treated; also choice first ,cut baled hay. Frank Alton, phone 529-7218 'Dungannon FOR SALE :' - 4' springing hol- stein heifers; 6 .: smallerheifers due 2 . `'moths, 25 heifers well marked, due Octdber 2 , unit. Surge milker complete; ' Letz tr:aotor grana' gehhtder; ' Truck 'stock',: rake,. 14 ft.,:. in good con- dition; . 6 . used '825-20 truck tires and tubes. Glenn . McLelland,. phone Bervie 2391: FOR SALE Log, Cabin Restaurant in Luck - now. • Highest reasonable . offer with partial'. down • payment and bal- ance on monthly payment basis. Owner wishes to move to .. Kitch- ener. There is a good : business at present, but this business needs to be open :gat nights and on 'Sun- day. Good help recommended by owner, Your investment could be returned inthree years plus a good living, . Apply by letter or in person. Frances Cowan, "Lucknow -FOR • SALE .' 50 acres on highway 86 Fast of Lucknow, 6 room brick •. house, large barn. $6,500.00. 100 acre Dairy farm, ..85' work- able, 10 acres • bush, stream, large modernized brick ` house, . ' good barn, ties. 23 cows. • $12,500.00. 175 acres on Highway suitable for dairy or beef, good modernized house, barn . 60 x 84, silo, milk house,. litter ' ca,rrier. $22,500:00. STAN KAY Phone 528-6493 'AGENT FOR Wilfred Mclntee & Company Ltd., Walkerton, , Ontario Friday, April 2nd at ` 9:00 p.m. Lunch. Good; prizes HORTICULTURE MEETING The Lucknow : and District 'Hon., ticulture Society;will meet in 'the Town. Hall '; on Friday,.. April 2nd: at 8' P.m. Discussion on roses. Musical numbers and door: prizes. ATTENTION FARMERS A Sprayer : School :will.' be . held at Don Donaldson's Shop :in Tees - water, on Tuesday, April • .6th, at 8 p.m. Lunch served: Door 'prizes. RATEPAYERS MEETING. A meeting of the ratepayers of West. Wawanosh School 'Area will''. be . held on . ' Tuesday, April 6th at '..8 o'clock, in the St. Helens Hall. Mr: J. H. Kinkead will at- tend. A good' : attendance is re- quested '• at this' important meet ing, • 'ANTED WANTED grass for.. 40 year- ling cattle. Phone 81-r-6 Ripley. GOOD HEAVY- FOWL WANTED cash on' ,the farm. Call:, The • Ronnenburg 'Insurance Office, Brussels, Tuesday, and Friday, l: be- tweenthe hours Of •10:00 a.m, 5':00 • p.n.', • PAPER ' COLLECTION : • Luck-. now Boy Scouts are planning a paper collection for Easter time. Save your waste ..paper. • and 'help - the Scouts. • .. . SALES HELP WANTED,= MALE Steady work, good cash income :Secure yourself for life •against •'strike, or layoff. Good. Rawleigh Dealers always • have steady' work, good. 'cash income, • many with 20 to. 40 years, Good District now open to industrious men to achieve ld permanent ' °success with line Home Necessit- ies., Write today for complete, in- formation 'how to start your own successful business ' backed by World wide industry. , Rawleigh,, Dept. D-271-87, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal: NOTICES NOTICE Re Junior.' B. Hockey Game Unfortunately it has been im- possible for the Lions Club •to secure another Hockey Game. The Junior B. game between 'God= erichan d Kitchener was' origin, ally scheduled for February'. 4th blit was postponed at that ,time,: Anyone having purchased kets for that game, please re- turn' them ' .to the Lions Club; member who: sold them andtheir. money will be 'refunded. ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ON PAGE. THIRTEEN • BEAUTY' SALON, fn the' Johnstone •Block on Main Street (Deana. Farrish, proprietor) p.. PHONE 5284438` LUCKNOW 4 AUCTION . ,S 1�. 'AUCTION. SALE 'CLEARING, • ` AUCTION • SALE of ._. •farm,. stock, • machinery, hay,:` grain and household furniture will be held for the estate of the late John MacCharles, lot 25, conces- sion 2, Huron Township,' 11/4 miles north of Amberley, .21 mile* east, of Bluewater Highway, 6 miles south-west : of Ripley, Thursday, April: 1, at .12:30. sharp: See bills, for ' list. 70 head Hereford steers ,weighing 800-900 lbs. Full line ' of farm : machinery.. Terms cash. REAL ESTATE The farm consists : of 200 acres of clay loam . land, .well drained and with., no waste. land, .with a large steel barn, " silo; 2 drive sheds, hog. barn and hen . house; brick house with: • furnace, bath, hot and cold water in barn and house. This is considered one of. the best. farms • in, Huron : Town- ship. Farm sold subject :to re- serve . bid. Terms on farm -- 10% 10% sdown day :.of sale, • balance in 60 days. ' • Mrs. John MacCharles, pro oriel Emnile MacLennan, auc- tioneer•. AUCTION SALE CLEARING Q AUCTION SALE :of livestock, implements, hay and grain, for: George Haines, lot 1, Con. ' 8 Morris Township, will be held on Monday.,'. April 12th ;at, 1:30 p.m. A complete .list of • ar- ticles to appear in April • 5th is- sue. AUCTION SALE Auction sale of farm imple- ments, livestock, hay will be 'held for:. Charles Brindley, Lots.' 9-10 Concession 6, Colborne Township,, 11miles south ` and: 21 miles west of Carlow on 'Tuesday, April 13th at 1:30. Included in the offer- ing will be :26 fresh and' springing Holstein and Jersey: cows, : young cattle ' and 6 horses: Terms. Cash - ; Farm is 'sold'`: Allan MacIntyrei Auctioneer 'AUCTION SALE Auction sale ',of •farm imple inents, livestock,. hay and :grain will . be ..held ' for Orland . Bere, ` lot 14 Concession 2, West Wawanosh, 11/2 miles south and 1 ` mile east; of Dungannon .on Monday, April 12th at .1:30 p.m. Also at the sametime andplace', livestock, implements, hay and • grain of Ross .Rivett. Terms Cash : Farm, sold Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE MRS. ROBERT .:NELSON ESTATE: SALE On Main Street. In The 'Village Of 'Lucknow • Safurday, April 3rd, 1:30. p.m. Player piano, and rolls; 2 bed- room. suites, 1 iron bed:, 2 mat- tress and springs, mirrors, bed- ding, pillows, 3 piece • chester- field suite, axminster 'rug .9 x 12, lamps, • tables, pictures, . dining room. table .5 :leaves, 6 chairs, 8 kitchen chairs, studio couch,, kit- chen cabinet,: refrigerator, , Wash- ing machine, 2 burner rangette, treadle, . sewing machine, wood range. and pipes. Antiques '2 rockers, ,,buffet, hall rack, octa- gonal table; oil :lamp; bureau, se:: wing machine. Electric` kettle and toaster; hon, numerous small items. Allan Maclntyre; Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of LivestockMa- chinery, . liay and Grain veil be held for Ross MacMillan, . lot 10, concession 6, 'Kinloss Township,; 3 3 /4 miles north of Lucknown � o Thursday, April isth at 1:30 p,m, See bills for list.' Terms cash, Farm is sold. Ross MacMillan, tpioneertor; Allan Maclntyre, auc- Teachers .VlFante TEACHERS WANTED;. , Kinloss T.S.A.: regiures .for.. Sep- tember, .1965, one grades one and. two teacher for four room school; and one grades one ;to eight tea- cher- for one room school. Apply stating qualifications, experience , and`name, of present inspector to Allister Hughes,secretary-treasur- er, R.R. ' 3 Holyrood,': phone Luck - now 528-5200. TEACHERS WANTED The Roman Catholic Separate. School No. 2 '' Ashfield, on 'Blue' Water Highway 21, 12 ~miles north of Goderich, 'invite's applications from male . and female :teachers. fornew three or four room schoo1, : Grades 1'' to . 8, for iSep, tom ber .7th, '1965. Salary: ' schedule. and • sick leave ' plan. in ,effect. Apply .in writing ' stating :age, qualifications, experience ,,, a n,d name of last, inspector to: Donald. . G. Frayne, '.Secretary -Treasurer "R:C .S.S: No.. 2, Goderich R.R.. 3.; TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TENDERS, ';,LOADING AND HAULING PIT -RUN GRAVEL • Marked sealed tenders '. will be received by the• undersigned ;up to ` 6:00 . pm; Friday, ' April : 2nd, 1965,,'; for loading and hauling pit - run • gravel for . Township con- struction •: to be delivered . op town- ship roads under ` supervision' ` of .: the road superintendent.. • State make, year and yardage .,. of .'truck: Contractor must ' have liability insurance coverage. Ten- ders must state ;price for loading and per yard mile for 'hauling. Lowest. or . any tender' not nec- essarily accepted..: ::. . G: I. Wall, . 'Clerk Ei R. 3 :.Holyrood, Ont. LOST LOST' would the person who topic the ,wrong• top coat, last Fri- day night at the reception in the Legion Hall Lucknow,' w please contact Duncan Farrish Lochalsh, phone 4 :r 8: Ripley LbST 2 ten :foot lengths. 1/4 g '/ aluminum, conduit, . between Bob' Helm's on •12th : 'of Ashfield and ,• home.. ; Ted Collyer, ;:phone 528; 5182. FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR, RENT. — rear apartment on corner of Havelock and Willoughby ,Streets, Lucknow, living -room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and. bath. Mrs. Elmer Farrish, • Gorrie, phone. Pordwich 26-r-12. IMPROVED AREA. ' BLENDED EIflr 'Br an. Ifalfa �A NOW WITH ELNAR RHIZOBIA FOR BETTER HAY AND PAST' URE PLUS. SOIL BUILDER . When you ` plant this seed an army of soil -building bacteria goes to work for' yeu•, you get as 'bonus" of Nitrogen worth • about $15.00* per acre. This is what Einar Rhizobia means to you. *based . on scientifie estimates of 100 lbs.. pure Nitrogen D. R. .., Finlayson LUCKNOIN PHONE 5284903. •